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NL 4005 1 Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 CRIMINAL LAW -1: INDIAN PENAL CODE (2018 and 2019 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. . Figures to the right indicate marks. |. Answers shall be written either in English or Kannada completely. ao UNIT -1 Q.No. 1. a) Explain the territorial jurisdiction of Indian Penal Code with exceptions. Marks : 10 wedge doe Ackdow gphot emeed agora, eamdnvmoni 2x0x0. OR/ exe Discuss the role of ‘mens rea’ in the context of Indian Penal Code. eeuiee Hos Foto am, gobd, ‘Sask, exces eget, RSFAD. Q.No. 1. b) Write a short note on common intention. Marks : 6 ndaciess wrt oxo egmed exdon9. OR/exs Write a short note on abnormal persons. extmaind, sari’ xowored tries ewdotod. UNIT — II Q. No. 2. a) Examine the provisions relating to abetment of offence. Marks : 10 eatonged chafpcrs owes Dodabrive LoDedR0. OR ero Explain the provisions relating to private defence of property. Age Ratko aed¥, HowoGs Aaxbabrida, sor. 4005 Q.No.2. b) Q.No.3. a) Q.No. 3. b) Q.No.4. a) = MAE Write a short note on criminal conspiracy. Marks : 6 extooge wwtoudsl earl emo tiled eiot00. ORega> ‘R’ pulls down the house-wall of ‘H’ to prevent spreading of fire. ‘H’ now intends to file criminal case of mischief against ‘R’. Advise. 'd’ a tho adobajits edobon ‘d's adda reedoay, weeaieps, ‘18's sea Smoegs Bedes ‘d* Aco madsed ROB NBO. UNIT — II Explain the essentials of criminal force. Distinguish criminal force from assault. Marks : 10 exmgs womodeetd eeaaise vosrivay 2020. exmgs romodeeriatsy, weonod AR OR/edas What is hurt ? When does hurt becomes grievous hurt ? mo aoddesd 7? ainaent mobs 2edmobmregs 7 Write short note on wrongful confinement. Marks : 6 aa om taps edo. OR/eqee Briefly explain the concept of culpable homicide. exkngs anasing, dodeNobah, Aosgan DBOAO. UNIT — Define criminal breach of trust. Distinguish criminal breach of trust from criminal misappropriation Marks : 10 exmoe sows aacith aysyAso. eimge sons Higensith onoge chor Sotnertclocdrt say280 OR/ed=> Explain the rules regarding kidnapping, Distinguish kidnapping 4rom abduction. emeidre Xowohs Habadrivay axoxo. execrodaD, ajaaidrerinotrh aeyAne. (NE a 4005 Q.No. 4. b) Write a short note on rape. Marks : 6 womydd wit oF wap wdc. OR/eae Briefly explain dacoity. Becscbay Aoy_eDN AOA. UNIT=V Q.No. 5. a) Discuss the offences relating to marriage. Marks : 10 Denalg, Notoriety, emboogiriday, w2:3F 0. OR/eRae Explain the essentials of forgery with relevant illustrations. aeggiais waynes eceriésy, amperivecdrt Dalono. Q.No. 5. b) Write a short note on criminal trespass. Marks :6 emoogd wagaies bos om Lats adn. OR/exa Briefly explain criminal intimidation. eas eclodobay, soggison axOa0. 1 Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2018 CRIMINAL LAW -| (Indian Penal Code) (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five units. 2. One essay type question and a short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. 3, Figures to the right indicate marks. 4, Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT —I Q. No. 1. a) Explain various types of punishments to which offenders are Q. No. Q. No. liable under the Indian Penal Code. Marks : 10 wdsecds Dow Aoksab eGobd, vaoooren Heausdoac OG sspiday Sxox. oR 1. a) Who are the possible parties to a crime ? Explain. Marks : 10 word estoadg Aodisiacot s¥medcd asnd) ? ae0x0. . 1. b) Write short notes on “Mens-Rea’. Marks : 6 “emooge aban” acid uf emo emis adon00. OR 1. b) Write short notes on “common intention”. Marks : 6 “pRnetks” Bad wrt omo Uard wdotDe. UNIT -11 . 2. a) When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death ? Marks : 10 sprin actesy aiky ceed deinen abdeeakype Sinebaitsr agin congress ? OR 4005 ee ‘TRA Q. No. 2. a) Explain the law relating to abatement under Indian Penal code Marks : 10 tos clo Aokdabo, ude cheledrtrt xomobad matods, QBOAO, Q. No. 2. b) ‘A’ an officer of the court of justice being ordered by the court to arrest “Y’ and after due inquiry, believing ‘Z’ to be ‘Y’ arrests 'Z’. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? Marks : 6 mGRechd ebevoind ‘A’ a) & moinecbdd, Y’ xe) BRAS anaes ecieeseonond. rag snsiowsy wt Soba: Z se Y' aoc sects cao sinabees. ‘A'S ocnaiceede exing anacgoie? oR Q. No. 2. b) ‘A’ doctor in good faith communicates to a patient that he cannot live, the patient dies in consequences of shock. What is the liability of ‘A’ ? Decide. Marks : 6 "AY ots Sein wey, deehri Sead wabdend ace Rotesba, Benpictowed senbagS © abQeds eERsbod Geenowy Scro Boras. 30, ‘A’ 3 eprsabay, AIF CORO. UNIT — Ii Q. No. 3. a) Explain the circumstances under which culpable homicide amounts to murder. Marks : 10 exeags SUR, ins Aone Tee, Redetnrdgai DOLLA, ABOARD. OR Q. No. 3. a) Explain the offence of criminal force and assault. Marks : 10 eaegs wododeen moe) Sead eating TOA. Q. No. 3. b) ‘A’ builds a wall across a path along which ‘B’ has a right of way. ‘B’ is there by prevented from passing. What is the offence committed by ‘A’ ? Give reasons. Marks : 6 ‘A'chdo ‘B! t.zatbss ceori eed Tiaeciosoay, 2 'B Lema aarl stfosbosgs. ‘A’ cine exogstay snag? ecco 300. OR (ELA Q. No. 3. b) Q. No. 4. a) Q.No. 4. a) Q. No. 4. b) Q. No. 4. b) 3 4005 ‘," with the intention of causing the death of a child of tender years exposes it in a desert place. But the death of the child does not ensue. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? Marks : 6 ato aadbap womb aortas avadageu sneriedow eodesnor ‘A’ enay, amr Baedad, wes, wcdsge. eos & abood 8 aorbds acre emotmrbhae, ‘A’ a ON Bde exe amemedoie? UNIT —IV What is criminal misappropriation of property ? How does it differ from criminal breach of trust ? Marks : 10 : accdeds? orb cima Oe20b!, scmee Sone Gaccgcs egmNS ? OR Explain cheating. When does it became cheating by personation ? Marks : 10 souideas, asond. ecb cinand sbiguyled si stovinsaparoge 2 ‘NW’ cuts down a tree on ‘B's land dishonestly without ‘B's consent. Decide the offence of ‘A's: Marks : 6 ‘Boob emabtongs emmsincdiamn ‘A aio ‘Blot semobgghs aotaieh, dooce ‘A’ macs exerts Snr an0. OR “n’ took away an unmarried girl who was under — 16 years out of custody and against the will of her father. Decide what type of offence ‘A’ committed ? Give reasons. Marks : 6 {hobs 16 dei-ciadnd edentes eoadnorday etd sociotd au acca eds added gactacinme ‘A’o0 otns geodd excodaah, Sranys ? eves $28. 4005 + te UNIT -V Q. No. 5. a) What is defamation ? Explain its ingredients. Marks : 10 Brdewd socides? exid ened cosrivats SatoRo. OR Q. No. 5. a) Explain the essentials of “criminal trespass and house trespass’. Marks : 10 waloogs eddabee sey yemmagates bom ways vous, Rox. Q. No. 5. b) ‘A’ breaks open a box to steal some jewels. After opening the box he finds that there are no jewels in it. Whatis ‘A’ s liability? Marks : 6 ‘A ad tom exfdboriday de) aiacbsl euckdood e.onb Seiocbaly ainoad sdabwyS. aiplobay SIs dosd waldo, oxide ‘A’ a moeMRQS, ‘A'S GarémosodAay APrOs0, OR Q. No. 5. b) Write a short notes on ‘Bigamy’. Marks : 6 O83) Ogee,d wrt esto uals wdotDd. ~ eo en 4005 First Semester 3 Years LL.B, Examination, June/July 2019 CRIMINAL LAW —| : (IPC) Indian Penal Code (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. @ . Figures to the right indicate marks. e Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT —1 Q.No. 1. a) Explain types of punishments to which offenders are liable under IPC with special reference to death sentence. Marks : 10 sboesclonited adeal suciesdmodit yodseod clontdobdodd wach? exmoner aedwabrad ong Serieay Oxo’ OR a) What is mens rea ? State its significance in statutory offences. Marks : 10 wate? sbsik, accident? Bota edmanv®, ed soos) Zobay, Deo’. b) Write short note on : como Weed wdoIO: Public servant. Marks : 6 Gad sed. OR b) Concept of crime. Marks : 6 emgs dup. P.T.O. 4005 3 MIN UNIT — II Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the right of private defence. When does it extends to causing death while defending the body ? Marks : 10 aman Dade, wy sur A. om dead depicbd, creer matayoinnineia dee Sxorogcd? OR a) Explain giving false evidence and fabrication of false evidence. Marks : 10. rhe, mee, facbahad sbsy aoe, ma, Aa, carved, Oston b) Write short note on: om ees wow: Unlawful assembly. Marks : 6 OO ddd Bets. OR b) A instigated B to murder C. B is pursuance of the instigation stabs C. C recovers from the wound. What is the liability of ‘A’? Marks : 6 ‘W cho 'C’ coe dagen Bh wens Snabagd. usoadssotood Sedeadmd ‘Bain ‘Cr eked modsys. Hoss ‘C’ sosaod diedoadesyeen. ‘A’ d ssmmnoobey, sea. UNIT =IIl Q.No.3. a) Define culpable homicide. Distinguish it with murder. Marks : 10 exogs ada, mmpA eda) dedoleoart AAA. OR What is force ? When does it becomes criminal force ? Marks : 10 we aodded 2 exh armen esiede womerbys ? a) b) Write short note on : op exes wdowO: Attempt to commit suicide. Marks : 6 egg song, OR ‘QO b) ‘A’ with the intention of permanently disfiguring ‘Z's face, gives Z a blow which does not permanently distigure ‘Z's face, but causes Z to suffer a severe bodily pain for 20 days. Decide the liability of ‘A’. Marks : 6 ‘Wb 'Z dawns msgmn Idesineds wveielood Zan wood x aodonens edood ‘Za sods) atinmirindygwoo, ead ‘Z 20 oak mo acs gee Sleeday, eabelasciemarbgs. ‘A’ Bi darémotoay Beane aR 4005 UNIT — Q. No. 4. a) What is robbery ? When does it become dacoity ? Marks : 10 MON aodderd? cdraort ex ddeedoinrogs 2 OR a) Explain the provisions relating to the offence of criminal misappropriation of property and criminal breach of trust. Marks : 10 Ags exmgd hardoledl sey ecnge Seams estonia os euxwogriday ava. b) Write short note on : © bseS wow: Cheating, Marks : 6 shouts. OR b) ‘A’ had sexual intercourse with ‘B’ a minor girl below 416 years of age with her consent. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? Give reasons. Marks : 6 ‘A 16 Bar weAs sown ‘B’ Feoar eae Asygonod ovine anibegs. ‘A’ x) ctnajcacdde ea snamppode ? madre 208. 4005 A UNIT-V Q. No. 5. a) Explain the ingredients of the offence of mischief. ‘geady eatongs qesacerday (weeorreay) Oworo. OR a) Discuss the offence of adultery with recent developments. agund exnakh aged ivsedriodeoan airs. b) Write short note on : OB ees wdOwO: House trespass. Amar. OR b) ‘A’ points towards ‘Zand asked who stole ‘B's watch, intending to cause it to be believed that ‘Z’ stole ‘B’s watch. Is 'A’ committed any offence ? ‘WN obe'Z’ dba does ‘B'S amd sdslndord sedans, was voces Bd weedeh, “Z' SQmagon emir Seabest 'N ody cineca wing Sracasode? mn Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6

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