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Week 14 - Task: Assignment - What to eat in a restaurant


Cristina Abigail Miguel Andre

Rodriguez Cardenas Olivera Yauri

TASK 14:

Cristina: Hi, Miguel, how are you? I was thinking of preparing something special for lunch today.
Do you want to come with me to the supermarket to buy some ingredients?

Miguel: Hi, Cristina! Sure, I'd love to help you choose the ingredients. Before you go, what do you
have in your kitchen right now and what do you need to buy?

Cristina: Well, in the kitchen I have some eggs, some rice, and there is a package of pasta. I also
have some milk, but I'm low on it. What do you think we should buy?

Miguel: In my kitchen, I have some fresh vegetables like tomatoes and carrots. In addition, there is
cheese and a couple of cans of tuna. We need to buy more fruit, I have a few apples left, but we
could take some more. We might also need bread and juice. What do you think?

Cristina: Sounds good! We can take some apples, bananas and grapes to have more variety of
fruits. And yes, we definitely need bread. Also, we could buy orange juice for breakfast.

Miguel: Perfect! How much rice do you have? Maybe we should buy a bigger package, just in
case. And we might also need some cans of tomatoes to make a sauce.

Cristina: Good idea. I have just a little rice, so I'll add one more package to the list.And the cans of
tomatoes are essential for the sauce. Do you want anything else?

Miguel: I think we should buy some more cheese, and maybe some potatoes for mashing.Also, do
you have enough milk or should we buy more?Cristina: I'm low on milk, so we'll add a couple of
liters to the list.We might also need extra eggs to make an omelet or something. Any desserts in
Miguel: Good point! We could bring some cakes or cookies for after lunch. Is there anything else
you want to add to the list?

Cristina: I think that's all for now.Let's go to the supermarket and make sure we have everything
we need for our special lunch!Miguel: Yes, let's go!I'm excited about what we're going to cook.

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