UNIT - I - IRLW 2 Mark Question With Answer

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Industrial Relation and Labour Welfare

1. Define Industrial Relations?
According to Kapoor defined as the “Industrial Relations is a developing and
dynamic concept and such no more limits itself merely to the complex relatio ns
between the unions and management but also refers to the general web of relationships
normally obtaining between employees – a web much more complex than the single
concept of labour capital conflict”.
2. What do you mean by Industrial Relations?
 The Term “Industrial Relations” commonly denotes “employee – employee
relations”, in both organized and unorganized sectors of the economy.
 Industrial Relations (also known as labour – management relations or labour
relations) will be treated here as the study of employee – employer
relationship and the outcome of such relationship.
3. Write down some important objectives of Industrial Relation?
 To enhance the economic status of the worker by improving wages, benefits
and by helping the workers in evolving sound budget.
 To establish a proper channel of communication between workers and
 To provide an opportunity to the workers to have a say in the management and
decision making.
 To avoid industrial conflicts and to maintain harmonious relations.
 To increase the morale and discipline of workers.

4. What is the scope of Industrial Relation?

The scope of IR includes all aspects of relationships such as bringing cordial
and healthy labour management relations.
 By safeguarding the interest of the workers.
 By fixing reasonable wages.
 By providing good working atmosphere.
 By collective bargaining. The industrial peace could be attained.
 By setting industrial disputes through mutual understanding and agreement.

5. Write down the causes of poor industrial relations?

 Unhealthy Working Conditions.
 Indiscipline.
 Inadequate fixation of wage.
 Lack of human relations skill on the part of supervisors and other managers.
 Inadequate welfare facilities.
 Dispute on sharing the gains of productivity.
6. Define Trade Union?
According to Dale Yoder defined as “A trade union is a continuous association of wage –
earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their working lives”.
7. What do you mean by Trade Union?
In the words of Indian Trade Union Act, 1926, “A trade union is any
combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the
relations between workmen and employers, or between workmen and workmen, between employers
and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business, and
includes any federation of two or more trade unions”.
9. Write a short note on the follo wing.
 Reformist Union:
 These unions are those which aim at the preservation of the capitalist society
and the maintenance of the usual employer – employee relationship,
elimination of competitive system of production.
 They neither seek comprehensive change nor wish to destroy the existing
social, economic or political structure of the State.
 Craft Union:
It is an organization of workers employed in a particular craft or trade or in a
single or two or three related trades / crafts / occupations. Such organizations link
together those workers who have similar skills, craft training and specialization. This
Union is also called as Horizontal Union.
10. Define Trade Dispute?
A trade dispute was defined by TULRA as “A dispute between workers and
employers which is "connected with" one or more of the following: terms and conditions of
employment, engagement or non -engagement or termination or suspension of employment of
workers, allocation of work, discipline, membership or non-membership of a union, union
facilities, and management -union procedures”.
11. What is Employee Discipline?
 Discipline is management action to encourage compliance with organization
 According to Decenzo and Robbins, discipline refers to a condition in the
organization where employees conduct themselves in accordance with the
organization‟s rules and standards of acceptable behavior.
12. Write down the following.
 Disciplinary Actions:
There is a sequence of penalties / disciplinary actions are administrated each one
slightly more severe than the previous one. The general disciplinary actions are:
 Written verbal warning
 Written warning
 Suspension
 Demotion
 Dismissal
 Approaches to Discipline Enforcement:
There are three famous approaches to discipline are:
 Hot – stove rule,
 Progressive discipline, and
 Counseling approach
13. Write down the Causes/Sources of Grievances handling and its types?
 Causes/Sources of Grievances:
 Grievances arising out of working con ditions
 Grievances arising from management policy
 Grievances arising from alleged violation of
 Grievances arising out of personal maladjustment
 Types of Grievances:
Grievances can be classified into three types:
 Legitimate Grievances
 Imagined Grievances
 Political Grievances

14. What are the Objectives of Code of Conduct?

 To ensures that the employers and employees recognize each other‟s rights and
 To avoid work stoppage.
 To facilitate the free growth of trade unions.
 To maintain discipline in industry.
15. Write down some important basic principles for Code of Conduct?
 Every employee in industry or unit shall have the freedom and right to join a
union of his choice. No coercion shall be exercised in this matter.
 There shall be no dual membership of un ions.
 There shall be regular and democratic elections of executive bodies.
 Casteism, communalism and provincialism shall be eschewed by all unions.
 There shall be no violence, cocercion, intimidation, or personal vilification in
inter – union dealings.
 All Central unions shall combat the formation or continuance of company
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