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Initial Final
Category 1 3 5 1 3 5 Justification


This category is concerned with the
ability to move about, to get out of bed, During the initial visit, the student nurse
to take care of daily grooming, walking, observed the lack of proper hygiene as
etc. Note that it is the family evidenced by dirty hands, untrimmed
competence that is measured even fingernails with accumulation of dirt, not
though an individual is independent, if wearing of slippers inside their home,
the family is able to compensate for this. and so on. They have a way to manage it
The family is important, hence, if the which is to wash hands or just wipe with
focus of care is poor, for instance, if the a towel. This is considered as an
mother is giving care to a handicapped inconsistent coping.
child that she shared with other
members of the family, the ❺ Final Visit:
independence might be considered
incomplete. The causes of The family was able to adapt the health
independence may vary however. Lack teachings of the student nurse by
of independence in the family may be practicing the hand washing technique
due to actual physical incapacity, the frequently. The children was also taught
inability of “know-how”, the willingness how to trim their own nails with the
or fear of doing necessary tasks. guidance of their grandmother.


This category includes all the procedures
or treatment prescribed for the illness, The student nurse gave the family a score
such as giving medications and using of 3 because the family is knowledgeable
appliances, dressings, exercises, and about the procedures when someone is
relaxation, and special diets. sick being the reason why they just visit
the health center when it is badly needed
because they can handle it in their home.
The family participates in exercises to
maintain health condition, however,
practices unhealthy habits such as

❸ Final Visit:

The same therapeutic competence was

observed by the student nurse after the
final visit. When it comes to smoking
habit, it just became less and the family
did not completely stopped it.
3. KNOWLEDGE ON HEALTH ❶ Initial Visit:
This category is concerned with the The family have limited awareness on the
particular health condition that is the health condition of its members. They do
occasion for care, knowledge of the know one was sick but do not understand
disease or disability, understanding of what causes it and the things that affects
communicability of diseases and modes the family to have further complications.
of transmission, understanding of
general patterns of development of a ❸ Final Visit:
newborn baby and the basic needs of
infants for physical care and tender The family gained their knowledge about
loving care. the health condition of the members and
adopted the health teachings of the
student nurse. Although, some habits are
still present that shows that their coping
is inadequate in portraying importance to
a disease.


This is concerned with family action in The family, despite having limited hours
relation to maintaining family nutrition, of rest, lack of resources for adequate
securing adequate rest and relaxation nutrition, they still provide themselves
for family members, and carrying out and makes effort to achieve a good
accepted preventive measures such as hygiene according to their understanding.
immunizations, medical appraisal and
safe homemaking habits in relation to ❺ Final Visit:
storing and preparing foods.
The family coped with the use of the
student nurse’s health teaching about the
Use of alternative foods to fulfill the 6
nutrients. They also implemented the
hand washing technique frequently as a
preventive measure and as a
maintenance of health.

5. HEALTH ATTITUDES ❶ Initial Visit:

This category is concerned with the way
the family feels about health care in The family avail for a health care service
general, including preventive services, when only it is an emergency or they
care of illness and public health badly need it. They expressed that they
measures. fear the possible result from the
consultation. They also have limited time
because of work and lack of resources.

❺ Final Visit:

The family realizes the benefits of

attaining medical services may it be from
community health service or hospitals.
They seek medical advises and services
as recommended.


This category has to do with the
maturity and integrity with which the The family practices their emotional
members of the family are able to meet support with each other especially at
the usual stresses and problems of life, tough times such as hospitalization of a
and to plan for happy and fruitful living. member. They are there to support each
This involves the degree to which other especially towards the three
individuals accept the necessary children. However, when it comes to
disciplines imposed by one’s family and financial situations, they are limited to
culture; the development and support the need of the family.
maintenance of individual responsibility
and decision; and willingness to meet ❸ Final Visit:
reasonable obligations, to accept
adversity with fortitude, and to consider The family’s coping remains the same
the needs of others as well as one’s due to their economic status since most
own. of their challenges in life revolves in the
need of monetary support.

7. FAMILY LIVING ❸ Initial Visit:

This category is concerned largely with The family at times do have arguments
the interpersonal of group aspects of and different opinions from each other.
family life, how well the members of the However, most of the time, they
family get along with one another, the communicate with each other to solve
ways in which they make decisions problems and make decisions together.
affecting the family as a whole, the They are helping each other especially
degree to which they support one with how they distribute their income to
another and do things as a family, the supply the needs of the family.
degree of respect and affection the
show for one another, the ways in which ❸ Final Visit:
they manage the family budget, the kind
of discipline that prevails. The family living remains the same as
they still practice the said coping
behaviors above.


This category is concerned with the The family is suffering from the
home and community or work environmental impacts of their house.
environment as it affects family health. Their coping is affected since members of
This includes the housing conditions, the family have been affected. Their
presence of accident hazards, screening, environment includes poor ventilation,
plumbing, facilities of cooking and for lighting, presence of accident hazards,
privacy; level of community cluttered living space, and presence of
(deteriorated or modern, presence of pests and others. This is a threat to their
social hazards such as bars, street gangs, health.
delinquency, pest such as rats, etc.),
availability and conditions of schools ❸ Final Visit:
and transportation.
The family was able to perform and cope
with some of the student nurse’s
observation stated above. They adopted
the health teachings by cleaning and
clearing their house to lessen or
eliminate the possible breeding areas of
the pests inside and outside their house.
However, some environmental problems
were not given action due to lack of


This category has to do with the degree The family seeks guidance and service of
to which family members know about the community facilities only when they
and the wisdom with which they use needed it desperately. They rarely
available community resources for participate with community activities
health, education, and welfare. The and still lacks the knowledge of what they
coping ability does not indicate the level can avail from the community facilities.
of the need for services, but rather the
degree to which they can cope when ❺ Final Visit:
they must seek such aid.
The family now realizes the benefits of
availing the service of the community
facilities as needed. They are also
expressing the readiness for some of the
health care facility programs such as
family planning.

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