Heart Failure in Children

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Review Article

Heart Failure in Children

N. Jayaprasad
Department of Cardiology, Government Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Heart failure (HF) in children differs from that in adults in many respects. The causes and clinical presentations may differ
considerably among children of different age groups and between children and adults. The time of onset of HF holds the key
to the etiological diagnosis. Clinical presentation of HF in younger children can be nonspecific requiring heightened degree of
suspicion. The overall outcome with HF is better in children than in adults as HF in children is commonly due to structural heart
disease and reversible conditions which are amenable to therapy. The principles of management include treatment of the cause,
correction of any precipitating event, and treatment of systemic or pulmonary congestion. Though HF in adults has been the
subject of extensive research and generation of evidence‑based guidelines, there is a scarcity of evidence base in pediatric HF.

Key words: Cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, heart failure, heart transplantation

INTRODUCTION including edema, respiratory distress, growth failure, and

exercise intolerance, and accompanied by circulatory,

eart failure (HF) has been defined as an neurohormonal, and molecular derangements.[2]
abnormality of cardiac structure or function There is a large amount of research published on the
leading to failure of the heart to deliver oxygen management of HF in adults, whereas there is minimal
at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the research on pediatric HF and those which do exist are often
metabolizing tissues, despite normal filling pressures (or small, retrospective studies. As a result, the management
only at the expense of increased filling pressures).[1] of cardiac failure in children has largely evolved based
HF in adults has been the subject of extensive on clinical experience and the extrapolation of adult data,
research and generation of evidence‑based guidelines; supported by the more limited pediatric literature. Given
it has received much less attention in children because the significant differences in etiology of HF between the
of several difficulties. The causes of HF in children are adult and pediatric populations, this may not be ideal. This
significantly different from those usually responsible for review aims at providing a concise picture of pediatric HF
the condition in adults, which include coronary artery with special emphasis on diagnosis and management.
disease and hypertension. In children, cardiac failure is
most often caused by congenital heart disease (CHD) EPIDEMIOLOGY
and cardiomyopathy. Hsu and Pearson have given a
good working definition of HF in children as a progressive In children, the causes of HF are significantly different
clinical and pathophysiological syndrome caused by from adults and many cases are due to congenital
cardiovascular and noncardiovascular abnormalities malformations which usually result in high output cardiac
that result in characteristic signs and symptoms failure. Some children suffer from low output cardiac
failure such as cardiomyopathy. CHD occurs in around
Address for correspondence: Dr. N. Jayaprasad, 8/1000 live births. HF associated with CHD occurs in
Department of Cardiology, Government Medical College, Kottayam ‑ 686 008,
Kerala, India.
approximately 20% of all patients.
E‑mail: jayaprasadn@gmail.com

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DOI: How to cite this article: Jayaprasad N. Heart failure in children. Heart
Views 2016;17:92-9.
10.4103/1995-705X.192556 © Gulf Heart Association 2016.

© 2016 Heart Views | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

Many of the children with CHD receive early Table 1: Causes of over circulation heart failure
surgical intervention and it has been estimated that the Conditions associated with increased pulmonary blood flow
yearly incidence of HF as a result of congenital defects Left to right shunts like ventricular septal defects, patent ductus
arteriosus, aortopulmonary window, and atrioventricular defect
is between 1 and 2 per 1000 live births.[3] The outcome of
Admixture lesions like total anomalous pulmonary venous
HF related to CHD has changed dramatically following connection, truncus arteriosus, single ventricle, etc.,
the introduction of early surgical interventions. The Parallel circulation as in transposition of great arteries
incidence of symptomatic HF has also declined in the Conditions causing increased cardiac output
“early surgical era.” Massin et al. reported that only 10% Anemia, systemic arteriovenous fistula, beriberi, etc.,
of their patients in a tertiary care pediatric cardiology Regurgitant valvular lesions
care setting developed symptomatic HF.[4] Mitral and aortic regurgitation‑ congenital , rheumatic, and
Cardiomyopathy also contributes significantly to infective endocarditis
the number of pediatric patients who present with the
symptoms of cardiac failure. Rossano et al. from the Table 2: Causes of pump failure
United States report that 10,000–14,000 children are Congenital causes: Obstructive lesions like LV outflow tract
hospitalized every year with HF as one of their diagnoses obstructive lesions ‑ aortic stenosis, coarctation of aorta, right
and of those approximately 27% (approximately 3000) ventricular outflow tract obstruction in pulmonary stenosis,
anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery,
have abnormalities of the heart muscle as an underlying postoperative congenital heart disease with ventricular dysfunction
cause.[5] The incidence of cardiomyopathies in developed Inflammatory: Viral myocarditis, HIV‑related, and Chaga’s disease
countries is about 0.8–1.3 cases per 100,000 children Dilated cardiomyopathies: Idiopathic, familial, neuromuscular
in the 0–18 years age group but is ten times higher in disease, and metabolic
the 0‑ to 1‑year old age group.[6,7] Ninety percent of all Rhythm disturbances: Tachycardiomyopathy and complete heart
cardiomyopathies in children are of the dilated variety.
Others: LV noncompaction, anthracycline toxicity, etc.,
In contrast to HF secondary to CHD, the outcome
LV: Left ventricular
of children with cardiomyopathy remains poor, with a
5‑year risk for death or cardiac transplantation of around
50% for patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).[8] supraventricular tachycardia, severe bradycardia due
Another major group of diseases causing HF in to complete heart block, severe tricuspid regurgitation
children in developing countries is rheumatic fever due to Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve,
and rheumatic heart disease. While the incidence and mitral regurgitation from atrioventricular canal defect,
prevalence of rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic systemic arteriovenous fistula, myocarditis, etc., HF
heart disease are well documented, there are scanty presenting on the 1 st day of life are commonly due
data on presentation with HF in this group. A significant to metabolic abnormalities such as hypoglycemia,
number of acute rheumatic carditis and established hypocalcemia, asphyxia, or sepsis.
juvenile mitral stenosis present with features of HF.[9] Structural diseases that produce fetal cardiac
failure can present on the 1st day. Conditions which
CAUSES OF HEART FAILURE IN INFANTS present in the 1st week of life include critical obstructive
lesions such as severe aortic stenosis, coarctation of
AND CHILDREN the aorta (COA), obstructed total anomalous pulmonary
venous connection (TAPVC), the great arteries (TGA)
HF in children can be divided into two groups.
with intact ventricular septum (IVS), and hypoplastic
Over‑circulation failure [Table 1] and pump failure [Table 2].
Over‑circulation includes conditions that result in volume left heart syndrome.
overload of cardiac chambers. The left ventricular (LV) Development of HF due to left‑ to right‑shunts
function is either normal or LV is hypercontractile in usually occurs with the fall in pulmonary vascular
them. Pulmonary venous or arterial hypertension may resistance at 4–6 weeks, though large ventricular
be present to a variable degree. Causes of pump failure septal defect (VSD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA),
include both congenital and acquired conditions. LV or atrio‑VSD and aortopulmonary window can cause
systemic ventricle function is abnormal and most patients HF in the 2nd week of life. Other conditions such as
have pulmonary venous hypertension in that group. truncus arteriosus, unobstructed TAPVC also present
in the 2 nd week of life. As premature infants have a
DIAGNOSIS OF HEART FAILURE IN poor myocardial reserve and their pulmonary vascular
resistance falls faster PDA may result in HF in the
CHILDREN 1st week in them.
DCM is also a common cause of HF in infants.
History and examination Causes of DCM in infancy include idiopathic, inborn
The time of onset of CHF holds the key to the errors of metabolism, and malformation syndromes.
etiological diagnosis. Causes of HF in the fetus include Older children (usually beyond 2 years) are likely to

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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

have other causes for HF like acute rheumatic fever Table 3: Modified ross heart failure classification for
with carditis, decompensated chronic rheumatic children
heart disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathies, rhythm Class I: Asymptomatic
disturbances, and palliated CHD. Class II: Mild tachypnea or diaphoresis with feeding in infants,
dyspnea on exertion in older children
Clinical features suggestive of HF in infants include Class III: Marked tachypnea or diaphoresis with feeding in infants,
tachypnea, feeding difficulty, diaphoresis, etc., Feeding marked dyspnea on exertion, prolonged feeding times with growth
difficulty ranges from prolonged feeding time (>20 min) failure
with decreased volume intake to frank intolerance and Class IV: Symptoms such as tachypnea, retractions, grunting, or
vomiting after feeds. Irritability with feeding, sweating, diaphoresis at rest
and even refusal of feeds are also common.
Established HF presents with poor weight gain Chest radiography
and in the longer term, failure in linear growth can also
Cardiomegaly on pediatric CXR is suggested by a
result. Edema of face and limbs is very uncommon in
cardiothoracic ratio of >60% in neonates and >55%
infants and young children. The clinical features of HF in
in older children. Cardiomegaly is highly predictive
a newborn can be fairly nonspecific and a high index of
of ventricular dilation on echocardiography, with high
suspicion is required. Tachycardia > 150/min, respiratory
specificity and negative predictive value, but low
rate >50/min, gallop rhythm, and hepatomegaly are
sensitivity and positive predictive value.[11] Cardiomegaly
features of HF in infants. Primary cardiac arrhythmia
on CXR indicates poor prognosis in children with
should be considered if heart rate is more than 220/
DCM.[12] A large thymus can mimic cardiomegaly in CXR
min. Duct dependent pulmonary circulation present with
of infants and neonates. Left to right shunts usually
severe cyanosis and acidosis, whereas duct dependent
present with cardiomegaly, enlarged main and branch
systemic circulation present with HF and shock.
pulmonary arteries, and pulmonary plethora. CXR is
Features of HF in older children and adolescents
useful in certain cyanotic CHD that presents with typical
include fatigue, effort intolerance, dyspnea, orthopnea,
radiographic features such as egg‑on‑side appearance
abdominal pain, dependent edema, ascites, etc.
in transposition of great arteries, snowstorm appearance
Unequal upper and lower limb pulses, peripheral
in obstructed TAPVC, and figure of eight appearances
bruits, or raised/asymmetric blood pressure indicating
in unobstructed TAPVC.
aortic obstruction should always be looked for in a child
with unexplained HF at any age. COA in neonates can
have normal femoral pulsations in the presence of PDA.
COA usually does not cause HF after 1 year of age, Most common ECG findings in pediatric HF patients
when sufficient collaterals have developed. Central are sinus tachycardia, LV hypertrophy, ST‑T changes,
cyanosis, even if mild, associated with HF and soft or myocardial infarction patterns, and conduction blocks.
no murmurs in a newborn suggests TGA with intact IVS, In idiopathic DCM, ECG findings of the left bundle
obstructed TAPVC, etc. branch block and left atrial enlargement correlated
An atrial septal defect or VSD does not lead to CHF with mortality. [13] Myocardial infarction pattern with
in the first 2 weeks of life and therefore an additional inferolateral Q waves indicates anomalous left coronary
cause like TAPVC or COA should be ruled out. Older artery from the pulmonary artery. ECG is particularly
children with tetralogy of Fallot physiology can develop useful in the diagnosis of tachycardiomyopathy and
HF due to complications such as anemia, infective other arrhythmic causes of HF like an atrioventricular
endocarditis, aortic regurgitation, or overshunting from block. Ambulatory ECG monitoring is useful in the
aortopulmonary shunts. diagnosis of tachycardiomyopathy as well as risk
The well‑established New York Heart stratification of sudden death in HF resulting from
Association (NYHA) HF classification is not applicable primary cardiomyopathy.[13]
to most of the pediatric population. The Ross HF
classification was developed to assess severity in Echocardiography
infants and has subsequently been modified to apply to
Transthoracic echocardiography is indicated in all
all pediatric ages. The modified Ross classification for
cases of pediatric HF to exclude possible structural
children [Table 3] provides a numeric score comparable
disease. Baseline echocardiography will be required
with the NYHA classification for adults.[10]
for future comparison. LV systolic dysfunction in
children is currently defined by an ejection fraction (EF)
<55%. Echocardiography is also useful for the
Basic investigations such as chest radiography (CXR), screening of cancer patients undergoing treatment
electrocardiography (ECG), and echocardiography are with anthracycline chemotherapy, patients with storage
indicated in all patients with suspected HF. disorders, neuromuscular diseases, etc., Periodic

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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

echocardiographic evaluation is required in the to EMB in myocarditis to identify inflammation by showing

first‑degree relatives of patients with various genetic myocardial edema on T2‑weighted images.[21] CMRI
forms of cardiomyopathy. Periodic echocardiography might provide additional information in cardiomyopathy
follow‑up is useful in HF patients for the surveillance by tissue and scar characterization though the prognostic
of disease progression and to assess the response to value is uncertain in children.
The principles of management include treatment
The natriuretic peptides (brain natriuretic peptide [BNP] of the cause, correction of any precipitating event,
or amino terminal [NT]‑proBNP) are useful in the and treatment of systemic or pulmonary congestion.
acute settings for differentiation of HF from pulmonary Wherever possible, the cause of CHF should be
causes of respiratory distress.[15] Elevated natriuretic identified and treated.
peptide levels might be associated with worse outcome In large left to right shunts, prompt surgical therapy
in HF.[16] Plasma BNP elevation is a reliable test for should be considered after initiating medical therapy.
recognizing ventricular dysfunction in children with a Other conditions requiring prompt surgery or catheter
variety of CHD.[17] In chemotherapy patients, higher intervention include severe AS or COA, TGA with IVS,
NT‑proBNP levels are associated with higher treatment obstructed TAPVC, etc.
doses of doxorubicin and abnormal echocardiographic A precipitating event such as intercurrent infections,
parameters including ventricular dysfunction.[18,19] The anemia, electrolyte imbalances, arrhythmia, rheumatic
use of serial BNP or NT‑proBNP measurements in reactivation, infective endocarditis, drug interactions,
children with HF to guide therapeutic intervention or to drug toxicity, or drug noncompliance should be identified
monitor HF status shows some promise. and corrected if present. Acute HF patients can have
Blood glucose and serum electrolytes like calcium, symptoms related to fluid overload, underperfusion, or
phosphorous should be measured in all children with HF both. The early management of children with HF should
as their abnormalities can cause reversible ventricular address these problems.
dysfunction. Screening for hypoxia and sepsis should In neonates, several causes of HF can present
be done in newborn with HF. with acute circulatory collapse or progress to shock if
Antistreptolysin O and C‑reactive protein not recognized early. Many of these conditions require
measurement should be done in cases of HF with maintenance of duct patency with prostaglandin infusion
suspected acute rheumatic fever or reactivation of or emergency procedures such as ductal stenting and
chronic rheumatic heart disease. Metabolic and genetic balloon atrial septostomy. Indiscriminate administration
testing may be considered in primary cardiomyopathy of intravenous fluid resuscitation is contra‑indicated and
as recent reports suggest a genetic cause for more than will worsen the condition of children with HF. In acute
50% of patients with DCM.[20] decompensation general measures such as bed rest,
propped up position, humidified oxygen sodium, and
Special investigations if required, volume restriction are followed routinely.
Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) may be considered Infants with CHF require 120–150 Kcal/kg/day of caloric
for the diagnosis of myocarditis in selected patients intake and 2–3 mEq/kg/day of sodium.
presenting with HF when a specific diagnosis is
suspected that would influence therapy. A diagnosis of PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY
acute myocarditis should be suspected in all children
with new‑onset HF without a history of decreased Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the pulmonary
functional capacity, especially if ventricular dilation or systemic congestion by the use of diuretics,
is less than expected for the degree of systolic increasing contractility by inotropes, and reducing the
dysfunction. The prognosis in pediatric myocarditis is disproportionately elevated afterload by vasodilators
significantly better than DCM with a higher probability of and other measures. Routinely used drugs in the
recovery in children. However, the diagnostic accuracy management of cardiac failure in children include
of RV EMB for suspected myocarditis tends to be low, diuretics, digoxin, angiotensin‑converting enzyme
and there is limited evidence to support the use of inhibitors (ACEIs), spironolactone, beta-blockers, and
immunosuppressive or immune‑modulating therapy inotropes. The drugs which are still investigational
in children. include natriuretic peptides, vasopressin antagonists,
In patients with a clinical diagnosis of myocarditis renin inhibitors, endothelin antagonists, oral
typical viral pathogen screening using polymerase phosphodiesterase inhibitors, anti‑inflammatory
chain reaction may be considered. Cardiac magnetic molecules, nitric oxide agonists, and neuropeptidase
resonance imaging (CMRI) is a less invasive alternative antagonists, etc.

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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

Diuretics Children treated with ACEIs should be

watched for deterioration in renal function and
Diuretics are the first line agents to reduce systemic
hypotension. Other adverse effects include cough
and pulmonary congestion. Loop diuretics have been
and angioedema. Angiotensin receptor blockers are
the most widely used in HF although in some situations
generally reserved for those children with systemic
other types of diuretics have a role. Frusemide is given
ventricular systolic dysfunction who would benefit from
intravenously at a dose of 1–2 mg/kg or 1–2 mg/h
renin‑angiotensin‑aldosterone system blockade but are
infusion. For chronic use 1–4 mg/kg of frusemide or
intolerant of ACEIs.
20–40 mg/kg of chlorothiazide in divided doses are
used. Patients who are unresponsive to loop diuretic
Aldosterone antagonists
agents alone might benefit from the addition of a thiazide
agent like metolazone. Continuous infusion of diuretics Aldosterone blockade is a well‑established therapy
is recommended in cases of acute decompensated HF. in adults with systolic HF with reduction of mortality
Diuretic‑induced hypokalemia and hypontremia are in selected patients with HF. The literature supporting
rare in children. Secondary hyperaldosteronism does the role of spironolactone in pediatric HF is however
occur in children with HF and addition of spironolactone limited. Aldosterone antagonist therapy is reasonable in
1 mg/kg single dose to other diuretics conserves children with chronic systolic HF. It is contra‑indicated
potassium. in patients with renal dysfunction and hyperkalemia.
Spironolactone is used most often in children because
Digoxin experience with eplerenone in children is limited.
Usual starting dose of spironolactone is 1 mg/kg/day
In the setting of chronic HF, digoxin use decreased the and the target maximum dose is 2 mg/kg/day. Male
rate of hospitalization and improved the quality of life gynecomastia can occur with spironolactone requiring
but not survival in adults.[22] Digoxin is widely used in replacement with eplerenone. Monitoring of renal
pediatric cardiac failure despite the lack of trial evidence. function and serum potassium is required when
Digoxin has a very narrow safety window and it should coadministered with ACEIs.
be avoided in premature babies, those with renal failure
and those with acute myocarditis. Electrolyte imbalance Beta‑blockers
like hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia should be
promptly corrected to avoid potentiation of toxicity and The benefits of beta‑blocking agents in HF are well
development of arrhythmias. Rapid digitalization is established in adults whereas published experience
generally not required. In most circumstances, starting of their use in children with HF is much less robust
with an oral maintenance dose (8–10 µg/kg/day) with no and has not yet proven conclusive. According to the
loading dose is adequate. Dose reduction is required in guidelines, it is reasonable to consider β‑blockers in
HF patients on carvedilol and amiodarone targeting lower children with moderate to severe systolic dysfunction
serum digoxin concentrations (e.g., 0.5–0.9 ng/ml).[23] of the systemic ventricle, particularly if the systemic
ventricle has an LV morphology.[28,29]
Angiotensin‑converting enzyme inhibitors and In children with HF and related conditions, carvedilol
angiotensin II receptor blockers has been the most widely studied beta-blocker.
Carvedilol is started at 0.05 mg/kg/dose (twice daily)
In adult HF patients, ACEI therapy reduces symptoms and and increased to 0.4–0.5 mg/kg/dose (twice daily) by
improves survival. In children, survival benefit remains doubling the dose every 2 weeks. In many small scale
unvalidated by any randomized controlled trial. For the and retrospective studies, carvedilol was found to be
treatment of symptomatic LV dysfunction in children, effective in improving clinical and echocardiographic
ACEIs are routinely used unless contra‑indicated. In parameters and preventing transplantation. [30,31]
children with cardiac failure, the ACEIs which have been However, a multicenter, randomized, double‑blind,
most studied are captopril and enalapril.[24,25] Clinical placebo‑controlled study of 161 children and
improvement is demonstrated with these agents in left to adolescents with symptomatic systolic HF did not
right shunts with HF as well.[26,27] They should be started show an improvement in their composite clinical status
at low doses and should be up‑titrated to a maximum after 8 months of treatment with carvedilol compared
tolerated, safe dose. ACEIs should be avoided in HF to placebo.[32] These findings may have been due to an
caused by pressure overload lesions as they might unexpected level of improvement in the placebo arm,
interfere with compensatory hypertrophy. Captopril is inclusion of children with the systemic right ventricle and
preferred in neonates (0.4–1.6 mg/kg/day in 3 divided single ventricle physiology, the low dose of carvedilol
doses) and infants (0.5–4 mg/kg/day in three divided used, and the study being underpowered.[33]
doses). Enalapril is the first choice for those older than Metoprolol (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/dose twice daily and
2 years of age (0.1–0.5 mg/kg/day in two divided doses). increased to 1 mg/kg/dose twice daily) or bisoprolol may
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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

be used as an alternative to carvedilol. Beta‑blockers dysfunction or inducible ventricular arrhythmia at

should not be administered in acute decompensated electrophysiological study. CRT can be useful for
HF. Therapy should be started at a small dose and pediatric patients with a systemic LV with an EF < 35%,
slowly up‑titrated. complete left bundle branch block pattern, QRS duration
more than the upper limit of normal for age, NYHA
Inotropes Class II‑IV on guideline‑directed medical therapy.[28]
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
A number of inotropes have been used in acute HF; the
has been widely used in the setting of cardiopulmonary
most common among these are the catecholaminergic arrest. For a child with isolated cardiac failure that is
drugs such as dopamine and dobutamine, and the believed to be reversible, ECMO or a ventricular assist
phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as milrinone and device (VAD) may be considered as a temporizing
amrinone. measure as a bridge to recovery of function. ECMO
There are no controlled clinical trial data to guide is also used in emergency perioperative salvage.
the use of inotropic agents in the setting of acute HF Children with fulminant myocarditis with a high chance
in children. Even in adults a long‑term survival benefit of recovery, do well when put on ECMO and VADs.[38,39]
was not demonstrated by trials. However, many cases For those patients requiring a long‑term mechanical
of acute cardiovascular collapse in childhood result support to bridge to cardiac transplantation, VADs are
from reversible disease states, including acute severe being used with increasing frequency. These devices
myocarditis and inotropes are a lifesaving temporary can offer univentricular or biventricular circuit support.
On the basis of a lack of any pediatric data and Cardiac transplantation
lack of data supporting improved outcomes in adults,
the use of intermittent or chronic inotropic therapy for Heart transplantation remains the therapy of choice
chronic HF, other than as a bridge to transplant, is not for end‑stage HF in children refractory to surgical and
recommended.[28] Catecholaminergic drugs commonly medical therapy. There were 9,566 pediatric heart
used are dopamine 5–20 mcg/kg/min and dobutamine transplants reported to the international society for
5–20 mcg/kg/min. Epinephrine and norepinephrine heart and lung transplantation from 1982 to 2009.[40]
are more commonly associated with arrhythmias and The most common indication is the end‑stage heart
increased myocardial oxygen demand. disease due to cardiomyopathies.
Milrinone, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor is an Other causes include CHDs such as hypoplastic
inotrope and vasodilator that has been shown to heart syndrome and other complex CHD, single
prevent low cardiac output syndrome after cardiac ventricle, and palliated heart disease. The data show
surgery in infants and children.[34] The loading dose of an improved early (1 year) survival for all age groups
milrinone is 25–50 mcg/kg/min and maintenance dose in the more recent era of transplantation, averaging
is 0.25–1 mcg/kg/min. Milrinone might cause peripheral 80% in children and 90% in infants. Systemic viral
vasodilation and should be used with caution in infections such as cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr
hypotensive patients. Levosimendan is another inotrope virus, and adenovirus, acute cellular rejection, allograft
with vasodilatory property by a calcium‑sensitizing vasculopathy with graft failure, renal dysfunction,
effect and opening up of vascular ATP‑dependent hypertension, and malignancy like lymphoproliferative
disorders are the major complications in children.
K+ channels. Initial reports of the use of levosimendan
Ringewald et al. reported a high rate of rejection
in children are promising.[35,36]
in nonadherent adolescent pediatric heart transplant
recipients, which led to a high rate of death in this
Device therapy
population.[41] The advances in immunosuppression
Device therapy in HF predominantly includes coupled with a better understanding of rejection have
pacemaker therapy, cardiac resynchronization resulted in improved survival, quality of life, and fewer
therapy (CRT), and mechanical circulatory support. adverse effects after transplantation. However, heart
Permanent pacemaker implantation is recommended transplantation can be a solution for only a minority of
for advanced second‑ or third‑degree atrioventricular end‑stage HF patients owing to the scarcity of donor
block associated with ventricular dysfunction. hearts and expert centers.
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation
is indicated for patients with a history of cardiac arrest CONCLUSION
or symptomatic sustained ventricular tachycardia in
association with CHD.[37] The causes and clinical presentation of HF are different
ICD is reasonable for patients with CHD with from adults. The overall outcome with HF is better in
recurrent syncope in the presence of ventricular children than that in adults. There has been a significant

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Jayaprasad: Pediatric heart failure

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