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Walkthrough rev 1.3.1

Written by: MrBubu

By digi.B

This walkthrough intends to show all the paths through the game in an objective way.
Colors and styles are only meant to highlights elements, not influence your decision.
There isn't a right or wrong way through the game, only you should decide.

Only decisions that have an impact on the story or your character are shown.
There are obviously many scenes that can play differently based on your choices, but "cosmetic" differences
or small alterations in the dialogues are not part of this walkthrough.

The PDF is best viewed on a touch screen where it is easy to drag, zoom in and out with the fingers.

On a PC with Acrobat Reader, make sure to use the "hand" icon to easily drag with the mouse.
Use Control + Mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Character and game related attributes that can be increased/decreased (i.e.: a number value)
will be represented with an icon followed by the character/description name: Bubu or Bubu

More complex values will be written as text instead:

girls kissed +20

Reference to these values will reuse the same icon or text:

Bubu is at least 5
girls kissed is at least 25

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿Granny ¿
¿grandmas kissed +20¿

+1 Affinity point -1 Affinity point
+1 Professional relationship point -1 Professional relationship point
+1 Firm point +1 Empathy point
Good move, +1 Task point Bad move, -1 Task point

Flow Symbols

Skip until the next section

Decision labels
When something you do can have an impact later on in the game, a label will be visible where it happens like this
decide something #123
In some rare cases decisions can be reversed, to distinguish it more easily the label will look like this
did not decide something #123

References to this label will also include the same number

so it is easy to track it down to where it happened (could be multiple places).
decided something #123

Some decision labels can denote a progression and sometimes we must check if the current value is above or below a
certain threshold. To keep it succinct, all accepted values will be listed in brackets.

For example let's define some karate belts and assign each one to a numerical value:
0 white belt #78, 1 yellow belt #78, 2 orange belt #78
If in the code the condition checks that the value must be at least 1 (karate_belt >= 1)
It will be listed like this: karate belt: [yellow, orange] #78

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ agree ¿ #55
Reversed decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ did not agree ¿ #55

Check the last page of the walkthrough to learn how you can use the developer console to cheat
alter their value for your benefit: (link).

Enjoy the game!

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1 - Part 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 - Part 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 - Date with Katy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2 - Date with Zelda .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 - Part 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 - Part 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 3 - Part 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 4 - Paige .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4 - Part 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 4 - Part 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 5 - Artemis/Kindra .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Chapter 5 - Naomi .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 5 - Part 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Game Secret Locations ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Artemis DataLeaks Locations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Kindra DataLeaks Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
June DataLeaks Locations ................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Dr. Karahadian DataLeaks Locations ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Cassandra DataLeaks Locations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Reina DataLeaks Locations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Paige DataLeaks Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Katy DataLeaks Locations ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Naomi DataLeaks Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Zelda DataLeaks Locations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Zoe DataLeaks Locations .................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Vladimirovna DataLeaks Locations ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
Cheat without a MOD ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Walkthrough rev 1.3.1

The walkthrough tries to be linear and

some sections should be skipped depending
on the listed condition(s).

However sometimes it is necessary to jump Chapter 1 (link)

ahead to a new section completely and
this can make it harder to see the flow.

Refer to this overview page to see the big picture.

Chapter 1 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 2 (link)

Chapter 2 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 2 - Date with Katy (link) Chapter 2 - Date with Zelda (link)

Chapter 2 - Part 3 (link)

Chapter 3 (link)

Chapter 3 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 3 - Part 3 (link)

Chapter 4 (link)

Chapter 4 - Paige (link)

Chapter 4 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 4 - Part 3 (link)

Chapter 5 (link)

Chapter 5 - Artemis/Kindra (link) Chapter 5 - Naomi (link)

Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 1

Yes, honey?

Emotional: ¿Cassandra¿
¿ tell her you love her ¿

(Do I really want to recall every detail...)

...I guess

Not really...

Memory #1


Dr. Karahadian Professional relationship points start at 50


Let it out: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

¿ let it out ¿

Be calm: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Oh, but of course.

¿ be calm ¿

Apologize for tone: ¿x1¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Sit back down

Are you finished?

Tease: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Let her finish

Welp! I've got a full day ahead of me!

Ask to hug: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Don't push your luck


Put your cock away and get the hell out! I've got actual paying tenants waiting to move in.

Fuck this guy

¿ defile the apartment ¿ #4

Who should I think of?

Leave peacefully

Dr. Karahadian Cassandra


Except for when the 5 o'clock rush hour hits. All those sleezy suits pour in, thinking they're hot shit. That's the worst.

Compliment: June Joke: June

(I have $... on me right now...)

Leave a $5 tip: June, - $5

Actually, I should save it
leave a tip #5


(The bill comes to $16 in total. I've got $... left.)

Only available if has $16

Pay the whole bill: Kindra, -$16 Offer to split: -$8

pay for all

(I've got $... left right now)

Only available if has $5

Leave a $5 tip: Kindra, -$5 Maybe not

leave a tip

Kindra's flat

How can you maximize profits, thinking that way?!

Play along: Kindra Uhm...

Free roam

DataLeak Kindra #2 (hint)
She's bluffing
peek # 8 Vanity Vanity
I'd better not Window End free roam
DJ equipment Vanity
Desk Desk DataLeak Kindra #1 (hint)

Who should I think of?


Yes No
left June a tip #5?

Memory #3
Memory #2 Memory #2 x:/ch1/Kindra_Dream.m4v
x:/ch1/june_dream.m4v [[FRAGMENTED DATA]

(What should I focus more on?)

Research company
Work on LiDAR
research the company #9


Round Go defense Go offense Anticipate

Scored at least 3?

TechnoWarrior Perk #10

Reina call

Do you have any questions?

Only available if did not research the company
Do you have any questions?: Reina Nope!
Prototype?: Reina


You can have a sip of mine.

Sure: Kindra I'm good



That sucks... Dream spot?: Kindra

Which one should I go with?

Safe choice Flashy choice Kindra's choice: Kindra

(Fuck... what should I do?)

Let Kindra handle it: Kindra Just walk away...: ¿x1¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿
# 11 #12
¿ fight ¿ ¿ walk away ¿
Chapter 1 - Part 2


Be cordial

Flirt: ¿Katy¿
¿ flirt ¿ #13

Let's do it!


Decline Katy's offer

¿ decline ¿ #14
Get fluffed
Help out?

(How should I do this...)

Yes No
left June a tip #5?

doggy style #16 sumata #15

Invade her space.: ¿Zoë¿ Memory #4 Memory #4

Yes No
left June a tip #5?

Thanks... Hehe.
handjob #17
Memory #5 blowjob # 18

Cum inside: ¿Katy¿ Pull out

Saw both?
Saw both?
Memory #5

Memory #4

Free roam sorority

Floor 4

Paige's Room
talked to Paige #27
Katy's Room
Dresser Paige's Dresser First time in
June's Room DataLeak Katy #1 (hint)
DataLeak June #1 (hint) Window
Desk Paige's Dresser Photos
Coffee Katy's twin sister #19
Throw it away to expose data card
DataLeak Paige #1 (hint)

Floor 3

Naomi's Room
First time in
Zelda's Room Spar with Naomi

Zelda is back in her room #23 Naomi Talk to Naomi

Zelda Talk to Zelda
Desk Zelda's Desk Naomi's target #22
Desk Naomi's Desk Zelda goes back to her room #23

Zelda's Desk
DataLeak Zelda #1 (hint) Naomi's Desk
DataLeak Naomi #1 (hint)

Talk to Zelda

I apologize if I came off as impertinent earlier.

All good Apologize: Zelda


Your hair

Yes No
talked to Zelda about her skin #24?

You have quite the personality. My eyelashes used to be a mix of brown and white. They got darker with age, though.

Joke: Zelda Joke: Zelda Compliment: Zelda
Compliment: Zelda
¿ like a tiger ¿ #25

talk about her skin #24

You have quite the personality.

My eyelashes used to be a mix of brown and white. They got darker with age, though.

Compliment: Zelda Joke: Zelda

Spar with Naomi

(Here she comes...)

Go defense: Naomi Go offense

(This attack doesn't feel right...)

Go defense Go offense: Naomi

(Here goes nothing...)

Only available if got TechnoWarrior Perk

Feint Attack/Defense: Naomi Secret move

Surprise attack
¿ Naomi looses ¿ #20 ¿ Naomi looses ¿ #20
spank Naomi #21

Talk to Naomi

Just know the world is full of fucked up people...

Joke Reassure: Naomi

Floor 2


Floor 1

Indoor Pool

End free roam
Need to meet all the girls and talk to Paige first


talk to Paige #27

I mean, except it's pussy! I don't have a dick, I swear! Haha!

Go down on her
go down on her #26 You're drunk...: Paige

(Should I help her change into something else?)

Help her: Paige

Maybe not
help her change #28

Go to Paige's Room



Check her out

I'd better not...
¿ check her out ¿ #29

DataLeak Reina #1 (hint)

Only if researched the company


Dr. Karahadian

DataLeak Dr. Karahadian #1 (hint)


(I don't think she knows I'm home yet...)

Scare her
I'd better not
¿ scare her ¿ #30


...And deal with whatever torture I put you through...

Joke: Paige It's fine...

...I'm not sure if that's your thing.

Joke: Paige Maybe...


Ask about her

Do you promise not to laugh?

Yes (lie): Paige Yes

DataLeak Artemis #1
Chapter 2

DataLeak Kindra #3 (hint)


DataLeak Cassandra #1 (hint)

DataLeak Extras #1
Unlocks extra as well

Initium Vitas

DataLeak Reina #2 (hint)




You mean...
...That's when they had their accident.

This 10?: Kindra

Apologize: Kindra Say nothing This one? This 3/8?: Kindra This 3/4? This 19?
¿ metric system ¿ #31


Hold her: Kindra

Console her
¿ hold her ¿


Flirty response: Kindra

Funny response: Kindra
moment #33

(Check her out?)

¿ check her out ¿ #34


DataLeak Kindra #4 (hint)


Does it mean you're in talks with TWRR?

Dodge question
dodge the question #35



Sincere apology: June Explain yourself: June

June bug just wants to be your fwend...

Lean closer: June I shouldn't...

Dr. Karahadian

Please, come in.

Check her out: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

¿ check her out ¿

Very few people come by this early, so it sometimes feels like my own private garden. *Chuckle*

Cordial: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Flirt: ¿x1¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿


Compliment: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ I really don't know...



(Hm... How detailed should I be...)

The whole nine inches: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

¿ tell everything ¿

Basically, my job was to try my best and be the last to...

Leave out some stuff...

Cum: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ 'Finish'

I do. It's linked to my number, the one you have.

Send $100: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

¿ pay $100 ¿ #38

(Leave a note?)
Pay the $10: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

Something funny: ¿x2¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Something sincere: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

I'll try, DK.

Be flirty: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Be cordial: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿


(Should I browse around, or just grab a vibrator and jam?)

Browse a bit: Veronica


Who would look best wearing this...

Kindra June Katy Zoe Paige

#40 #41 #42 #43
¿ Kindra ¿ ¿ June ¿ ¿ Katy ¿ ¿ Zoë ¿ ¿ Paige ¿ #44 Just find a dildo

Not bad... check her out?

Look closer
¿ check her out ¿ #45

Hm... How do you feel about cam girls?

Good times: Veronica No opinion

(Just in case?)

Pick one more

get another dildo #46

Which one?
Maybe not

Small Medium Large

#47 #48
¿ small¿ medium ¿ large ¿ #49


(What should I do...)

Attack Defend
#10 #10 ...
Automatic choice after timer if got TechnoWarrior Perk Automatic choice after timer if haven't got TechnoWarrior Perk

INK House

DataLeak Zoë #1 (hint)

DataLeak Extras #2
Unlocks extra as well
Chapter 2 - Part 2


Flirt: June Compliment: June

It's some sort of unspoken rule, that the guys we bring over for fun... are expected to spend the night.

Flirty response: June Funny response: June

(Should I prank her?)

Prank June


You're sexy: June I'm sorry...


Dirty joke Bad memory: June

did sumata with Katy #15 or No

fucked Katy doggy style #16?

You should be proud of it.

Bump fists: June ...


Rub her arms: June Hold from behind: June

Wallpaper #1

You always know how to get my good side...

Make a move on her.

June is at least 10 and No

left June a tip #5?

fuck June #51

Memory #6

Mmmm... You can fire away...

Cum in her mouth

cum in her mouth #50

I missed it...

Enjoy the rest of the evening.

Joke Apologize: June

I'm glad too!

Kiss her

came in June's mouth #50?

I thought that grossed you out?


Kiss her anyway: June Oh right



Touch pussy
touch her pussy #52


got Kindra the medium dildo #48?

Memory #7

Wallpaper #2

touched Artemis' pussy #52?

DataLeak Artemis #2 (hint)


It's okay. I got it.

Check her out

¿ check her out ¿ #53

(Damn, she got Cassie'd...)

Say something flirty: Reina

Say something funny: Reina
flirt #54

No rush, guys.

Offer to pay: Reina

¿ offer to pay ¿ #55

You too.

Offer to split: Reina Let her pay

Use restroom: Reina

¿ trick Reina ¿ #56

Head home

Wallpaper #3

INK calls

Alright. I'm turning in.

Goodnight: Naomi Cya

Hit them up, or just chill on the roof tonight?

Call Katy
date with Katy #57

Call Zelda: Zelda

date with Zelda #58
Do you like painting?
Chill at home

DataLeak Zelda #2 (hint)

Jump to Chapter 2 - Part 3 (link)
Flirty response: ¿Katy¿ Normal response

Jump to Chapter 2 - Date with Zelda (link)

Jump to Chapter 2 - Date with Katy (link)

Chapter 2 - Date with Katy

pluck a rose #59

Ah, INK. We meet again... (hint)

plucked a rose #59?


C'mon, give ya girl Zo' some love!

Hug Zoe: ¿Zoë¿ You're wet

They're usually volunteers from the Performing Arts course at the university.

Be flirty: ¿Katy¿ Be friendly

Artists, you may begin.

Look at Katy: Look at Meghan

Look at Katy: ¿Katy¿, Look at Meghan

Look at Katy: Look at Meghan

Glance at Meghan:
look at Meghan #60

Look at Katy:

Only if Got at least 5


Got at least 4 ?

Wallpaper #4
Glance at Meghan

I can help you finish in private, maybe?

Katy's sex offer #61

Decline offer: ¿Katy¿

Go somewhere private #62

I did!

Kiss her cheek: ¿Katy¿ Hug her

fuck Katy #63

DataLeak Katy #2 (hint)

Memory #8

plucked a rose #59?

Katy did not offer to have sex #61 or

Katy accepts to have anal sex
declined Katy's sex offer #62

Watcha thinkin' about?

Sweet: ¿Katy¿ Sexy

Jump to Chapter 2 - Part 3 (link)

Chapter 2 - Date with Zelda

What brings you here?

Be funny: Paige Cordial: Paige

Come in, I'll get Zelda for you.

Check her out

¿ check her out ¿ #64


Automatic choice after timer if haven't got TechnoWarrior Perk #10
Automatic choice after timer if got TechnoWarrior Perk
Punch him
Don't engage
punch him #65
Only if actually clicked on the choice


Jump to Chapter 2 - Part 3 (link) Only if got TechnoWarrior Perk

¿ counter ¿

It's a lovely spot around this hour, try not to steal it from me too much.

Flirt: Zelda Joke: Zelda

I believe your GPA must've been quite high, in high school.

Boast: Zelda Modest: Zelda

You would've been a fine sister.

Play along


Grab her waist: Zelda Grab her shoulders: Zelda

I enjoyed your company and wouldn't mind doing this again.

Be flirty: Zelda Be cordial: Zelda

Wallpaper #5

Jump to Chapter 2 - Part 3 (link)

Chapter 2 - Part 3

Get some fresh air!

Check her out?

¿ get caught ¿ #67
Chapter 3

And I worked hard for that...

Believe her Doubt her Tease her: Kindra

Nope. Not even Lexi knows who's behind the mask.

Sex appeal: Kindra You look great


Automatic timer choice Shift down Let her win

#68 Floor it
Shift up win the race ¿ let her win ¿ #69

Initium Vitas

DataLeak Vladimirovna #2 (hint)

Gallery password: 'vladimirovna'


won the race #68

Fair point.

Check her out: Kindra

did not win the race #68

Take a picture, why don'tcha?

I wanna show everyone that not only do we work hard. But we play hard!


Snap picture

Nah Strike pose: Kindra Joke: Kindra

Wallpaper #6

DataLeak Kindra #5 (hint)

Stare at her?

Ogle Kindra
¿ ogle Kindra ¿ #70

(Of all those I've met recently, I wonder who'd be great to wake up to?)

Reina Paige Katy Kindra Zoe Naomi June Claire Zelda Nevermind...
¿ Reina ¿ # 71 ¿ Paige ¿ #72 ¿ Katy ¿ #73 Kindra #74
¿ Zoë ¿ #75 ¿ Naomi¿ #76 ¿ June ¿ #77 ¿ Dr. Karahadian ¿ #78 Zelda #79
¿ no one ¿ #80

punched the guy while on a date with Zelda #65?

(Call her?)

Check on Zelda: Zelda

# 81
I'm sure she's fine
check on Zelda

DataLeak Artemis #3 (hint)

catch Kindra #82

Oh, sorry... (hint)

Only if caught Kindra


Naomi call

DataLeak Naomi #2 (hint)

INK House

I'm Dominique! I was part of the blowjob competition!

Hug her Shake her hand
¿ high-five ¿ #83

went on a date with Katy #57? went on a date with Zelda #58?
Yes Yes

(Maybe I should say a quick hello to Katy too?) (Maybe now is a good time to check on Zelda in person?)
(Maybe I should doublechek on Zelda. I'm sure she'd appreciate that.)
(I wonder if Zelda is home too?)

Say hi to Katy: ¿Katy¿

Maybe next time
¿ DJ Kink ¿ #84 Go to June

Say hi to Zelda: Zelda Maybe next time

Go to June
Go to Katy

Go to Zelda Go to June


fucked Katy after your date #63

Katy offered to have sex #61 and
did not decline Katy's sex offer #62?


Quickie with Katy: ¿Katy¿

Katy ¿ quickie ¿ #85
Decline offer: ¿Katy¿
¿ decline ¿ #86

Memory #9

Go to June



Say nothing


Say nothing

Trick or Treat: Zelda


Trick or Treat: Zelda

Say nothing: Zelda

Trick or Treat: Zelda #87


...I've already had 5 this evening...

Plop it in her mouth: Zelda Eat it

Only if punched the guy while on a date with Zelda
and did not check on Zelda


Would you be interested in coming along sometime next week?

Join Zelda: Zelda

I'm unsure

Go to June


fucked June #51?

Wallpaper #7
Chapter 3 - Part 2
Shooting range

You're not crazy are you...

Crazy about you...: Naomi

You're crazy #89
Bat-shit crazy
¿ flirt ¿

Another time. I just want to fire this thing off.

Look at Naomi: Naomi Get started

Shooting game
Can score 15-10-9-8-7 points per target
There are 14 targets for a maximum score of 210

DataLeak Naomi #3

not playing minigames? Score is 120 or more? Score is 110 or more?
Yes Yes Yes

Naomi ¿ win ¿ #90 Naomi


Food truck

The chili has a serious kick. So keep that in mind.

Light chili: Naomi Extra chili: Naomi

No chili
light chili #91 extra chili #92

Wallpaper #8

got the tacos with light chili #91 or No

got the tacos with extra chili #92?

I'm not gonna judge you if take a swig of water.

I'm good.: Naomi

Take a drink #93
¿ no drink ¿


I'm calling in response to the email I received last night regarding DJ Rhek?

Play along Wrong ...: Paige

DataLeak Paige #2 (hint)

(Grab coffee for Paige?)

Yes: Paige
¿ buy Paige a coffee ¿ #94

Nonfat milk
and %2 milk or Nonfat milk
No whip and
and No whip or Light whip
Vanilla and
and Double shot or Triple shot? Nah
Triple shot? Yes

¿ kind of vanilla latte ¿ #96

¿ vanilla latte ¿ #95

Basketball Game

Round 1

Block Reach for the ball Nudge her Wait for her move

Round 2

Paige did not score ever

Paige did score at some point

Cross her left Cross her right Try outmaneuver Take shot
got TechnoWarrior Perk #10 Random 10% chance
Block Reach for the ball Wait for her move
Random 50% chance
haven't got TechnoWarrior Perk #10 Random 90% chance
Random 25% chance
Random 50% chance
Random 75% chance

Round 3

Paige did not score ever Paige did score at some point

Cross her left Cross her right Try outmaneuver Take shot Block Reach for the ball Wait for her move
Random 25% chance Random 10% chance Random 50% chance
Paige Paige
Random 75% chance Random 90% chance Random 50% chance


DataLeak Paige #3


Hug Paige: Paige

You're a great person
¿ hug Paige ¿ #97

Now give me your hand.


I promise. I won't hurt you.

Give her your hand Don't give her your hand.

Alright... Don't give her your hand

¿ hold hands ¿ #98


Oh, right...

I deleted it already: Paige I deleted it (lie) I still have it...: Paige

deleted it #99 ¿ lie about deleting it ¿ tell the truth #101

Wallpaper #9
Chapter 3 - Part 3


Spank her: Kindra Here's your smoothie


got Kindra the medium dildo #48 and

tried to peek at Kindra in the shower # 8 and No
Kindra is at least 15 and
fucked June #51?

¿ June & Kindra selfie ¿ #102

Wallpaper #10


Haha, just do me a favor and use your coding powers to better our world.

Thanks for the help: Veronica I thought you were going to scam me...

Veronica had fun looking at you browsing the dildos #39?

This one is on the house.

Sure, why not?: Veronica

No pressure if you don't want to. You can still just watch me.

Thanks, but I'll pass.

Share cam: Veronica
Watch Veronica
¿ share cam ¿ #103

Memory #10



Felicity? Amanda? Amelia! We met before?
¿ remember her name ¿ #104

What do you say?

Intervene: Reina
#105 Let her handle it: Reina
¿ intervene ¿

Only to delete this fucking app and go to bed.

Is that a two player game?

Good night, Reina.
dinner date #106


admire Reina #107

I'm going wash my face and get out of this outfit... (hint)

admired Reina #107?


Wallpaper #11

DataLeak Reina #3 (hint)

I have not worn this since I graduated.

Compliment her body Compliment her looks: Reina What about me?

Haha, well that warrants two swigs...

Let her take a drink: Reina

Try not to over do it. #108
let her drink

Heh, I mean hell. Not like my choices are any better, as you so witnessed earlier...

Positive outlook (flirty): Reina

2 #109 Positive outlook: Reina Tease her

not having a dinner date with Reina #106

That DEFINITELY warrants a drink...

Let her have her moment.

Take the bottle from her.
let her drink2 #110


Reply with dick pic.

let Reina drink #108 and

let Reina drink2 #110
flirted with Reina #54 or Send them June's number.
Delete the app
flirted with Reina2 #109? ¿ June's number ¿ #112

¿ send a dick pic ¿ # 111

flirted with Reina #54 or

flirted with Reina2 #109 and
Reina is at least 10?

If there's a next time, maybe we can plan something better than hanging out here.

This wasn't bad at all.: Reina For sure!

Hug Reina: Reina Leave



Halloween Party


Affirm Kindra: Reina

Make a scene: Kindra

Reina? Bug?

I can't do this! You take it!!

Help from behind: Kindra

¿ big fish ¿ #113


You're not selfish...: Kindra Your life is yours to live as you choose. Your heart has been in the right place.: Kindra

had a moment with Kindra #33?

kiss buddy proposal #114

(What should I do...)

Be Kindra's kiss buddy

kiss buddy #115

(What the hell do I do??)

Yell at it
Throw something at it
Choose again


Run to the bear: Kindra Try park rangers

Talk to Kindra...
attempt to save Kindra #116 ¿ park rangers ¿ #117
Chapter 4


Turn your phone off...
¿ answer ¿ # 118

Dr. Karahadian

She was never in control to begin with.

Oh DK...(flirt): ¿x2¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ *sigh*...I know...: ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

DataLeak Dr. Karahadian #2 (hint)


Be comforting...: ¿x1¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿ Give her space


DataLeak June #2 (hint)



Hug Zoe: ¿Zoë¿ Wave to Zoe

And this spa has GREAT masseuses.

What are the odds for a Happy Ending?

Well, I'm looking forward to it.
happy ending #119

Spend time here with my INK sisters. Seeing how it's our last year for most of us.

I hope you do...: ¿Zoë¿ Thanksgiving is just around the corner...

But it's all just fun and games.

Let it all hang out.: ¿Zoë¿ Keep your undies on.

asked Zoë the odds for a happy ending #119

and No
# 18
got a blowjob from Zoë or
got a handjob from Zoë #17?

Were you serious about wanting a Happy Ending?

Is it allowed?

If you're up for it?

Happy Ending

¿ happy ending with Zoë ¿ #120

Memory #11
x:/ch4/ahappyending.m4v Decline

helped Paige change #28 or Decline Decline

told the truth about Paige's video #101 or No
deleted Paige's video #99 and
did not accept to go down on Paige #26?

¿ just the tip ¿ #121

Zoë will let you put the tip in
Can cum on her pussy

(I still have to meet with her and that's going to be a whole other situation...)

Leave a tip?: ¿Zoë¿ Leave


First thing I'm gonna do...

Take you to the dog park!: Kindra Take you to the beach and train!: Kindra
#122 #123
¿ to the park ¿ ¿ train at the beach ¿

(She seemed to had made a big deal about it last we spoke...)

Call Paige Maybe not...

Jump to Chapter 4 - Paige (link) Jump to Chapter 4 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 4 - Paige
hang out with Paige #124

DataLeak Paige #4 (hint)

Just another one of my weird ideas again...

That's not a bad idea, actually... Sure, although... (flirty): Paige


I'm here!

Fist bump Hug: Paige

But whatever, we're here to talk about you!

I can tell you're still bummed...: Paige

There's still a few days...
¿ hug her ¿

Beach parties are a blast though. Hopefully we see you at that one too.

Not to come off perverted or anything...: Paige Hell yeah...

You're pretty great company, you know?

Enjoy the ambiance (flirty)

Paige is at least 15?


Give her the moment

Carry her back to the sorority: Paige

Pinch her nose
¿ carry her ¿

Jump to Chapter 4 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 4 - Part 2

attempted to save Kindra #116 and No

June is at least 13?

...I know we-

(Kiss her back)

¿ fuck June ¿ #127

It's fine...

Memory #12

date with Zelda #128

did not accept to watch a movie with Zelda #88 DataLeak Zoë #2 (hint)
DataLeak Extras #3 DataLeak Zelda #3 (hint)
Unlocks extra as well


DataLeak Artemis #4 (hint)


Kindra's kiss buddy #115?

Kissing Kindra

thought it'd be great to wake up to Kindra #74?

¿ Kindra watches you masturbate ¿ #129

Kindra watches you masturbate


DataLeak June #3 (hint)


One hour!

Fine. One hour.: ¿Cassandra¿

We meet now.
¿ one hour ¿ #130

A clean slate between us??

(Scorched Earth)
¿ scorched earth ¿ #131

Please just help me...

Alright, fine...

(Leave peacefully)
Whatever. There's an NDA contract overthere. We do this and you help me with the code...

Fuck off...
¿ hate fuck ¿ #132

I wasn't serious...

Memory #13



(Speechless): Zelda Thought we were seeing a movie?: Zelda You look great!: Zelda

It is. Dominique did my hair for my Halloween costume.

Looks great, I like it!: Zelda Awesome.

Well, I hope you enjoy this outing then.

not going on a date with Zelda #128

I am...(flirty): Zelda I am...

Great! Be sure to stop by my booth!

(Tease her)

Yes Zelda is at least 15 and No

got Zelda's tricks #87?

(Walk her to the door): Zelda I am willing to educate you more on that if you'd just...invite me in... will Walk her to the door instead
Only if Zelda is at least 15

¿ give her a kiss ¿ #133

(Let her in.)

(Don't let her in)
¿ invite her in ¿ #134

Halloween party

(There's Katy!)

(Pick her up from behind)

(Wow, she looks like Katy but DEFINITELY isn't as sweet as her...)
(Tap her shoulder)
Only if saw Katy's twin sister photo


Hey, I'm sorry...: ¿Scarlett¿

(This one sucked up all the bitchy genes...)
Only if saw Katy's twin sister photo


Fucking Destiny was supposed to grab me some but it's already been thirty fucking minutes...

Here, take it.: Naomi

Please don't hate me...
¿ give it to her ¿ #135

Thanks! I like yours too!

A little revealing...(Flirty): Paige I dig it!

Tonight I'll just unwind a bit.

Well, I'm glad you did!: Reina

That bad?
Only if had a dinner date with Reina

Chapter 4 - Part 3
Free roam halloween party

Naomi's booth
Zelda's booth Hat
Zelda Talk to Zelda Kindra's hat #138
Naomi Talk to Naomi

Dance floor
Reina Talk to Reina
Zoë Talk to Zoe End Free roam
Katy Talk to Katy

June got Dominique's drink #151 or looking for Ana #153
Scarlett Talk to Scarlett
Dominique Talk to Dominique
June Talk to June Paige Talk to Paige
looking for Ana #153 or got Dominique the pink potion #152
Meghan Talk to Meghan
Mansion Enter the mansion

Talk to Zelda


Only available if went on a date with Zelda

Ask for photo
Guess Zelda's costume
talk about the movie #136

Zelda is at least 17?
Yes Give me your best guess

Yes, actually! My mother's assistant will be out so I will be filling in for a couple of weeks!
Wallpaper #16

Yours is from a movie! Can I get a hint?

Yours is from a video game! Yours is from an anime!
guess right #137 Choose again
I'm gonna miss ya! (Flirty): Zelda Lawyer stuff?
Wallpaper #17

Talk to Naomi


Ask for photo.

Guess costume

The hell for??

Admire her costume (Flirt): Naomi (Just guess)

You look good in it.: Naomi I like your costume.

Wallpaper #18

Yours is from an anime! Can I get a hint? Naomi is at least 10?
Yours is from a video game! Yours is from a movie! Yes
guess right #139 Choose again

Wallpaper #19

Talk to Katy

Talk to Reina
Talk to Zoe
First time

What are the odds I could get one of them to hire me to facilitate their brand?

Ask for photo

Guess Katy's costume

guess right #141
Hmmm Guess costume
Hmmm (Flirty): Reina
Wallpaper #20

Ask for photo

Alright, best guess? Talk to Katy again and No
Topics found Kindra's hat #138?

Wallpaper #22

Yours is from a movie! Can I get a hint?

Yours is from a video game! Yours is from an anime! ¿Katy¿
Ask for photo: Reina guess right #140 Choose again

Wallpaper #21
Wallpaper #15

Talk to June

First time

Your last name.


Your last name.

Loop back to the same choice

Loop 10 times? June!!

Haha, alright. That's enough...


DataLeak June #4

getting Meghan a drink #145?

(Which one did she ask for??)

The pink potion.

The green potion. The blue potion.
Meghan's drink #146
Meghan's drink #146 Meghan's drink #146
pink potion #147


Have a drink

Guess costume

getting Dominique a drink #150? getting Ana a drink #154?
Yes Yes

Ask for photo

No. Give her um... Ana's drink #155 This one should be easy for you...

Wallpaper #14

The pink one. Yours is from a video game!

The green one. The blue one. Can I get a hint?
Dominique's drink #151 Yours is from an anime! Yours is from a movie!
Dominique's drink #151
Dominique's drink #151 guess right #142 Choose again
pink potion #152

Talk to Meghan

Yes left a tip at the pizzeria #7 or No

looked at Meghan #60?
Talk to Paige
So, were those girls just casual dates or...something more? Meghan ignores you
So, The girl you were with. Just friends or...

Ask about results It's...complicated...

I'd drink to that, but I just finished this and everyone is still crowding the bar...

Where is my costume from?? Not interested in dating right now...

Talk to Scarlett Ask for photo

My friend is the bartender...

I'm not like these girls and I'm most certainly NOT like my sister... I don't drink anyways...
get Meghan a drink #145
Yours is from a video game! Can I get a hint??
Yours is from an anime! Yours is from a movie!
guess right #143 Choose again
Wallpaper #13

What's your deal??: ¿Scarlett¿ Everything alright?

Paige is at least 10? Guessed everyone's costume and got Meghan's drink #146 and No
Yes guessed right Paige's costume #143 and got Meghan the pink potion #147?
guessed right June's costume #142 and Yes
Wallpaper #12 guessed right Katy's costume #141 and
guessed right Zelda's costume #137 and Feel like hanging out somewhere private?
guessed right Naomi's costume #139 and
guessed right Zoë's costume #140?

¿ costume contest winner ¿ #144 Lead the way...

¿ fuck Meghan ¿ #149
Thanks but...(Decline)
¿ decline ¿ #148

Memory #14

Enter the mansion

got Dominique the pink potion #152?
Talk to Dominique

First time in

Whatever though, it's not your problem haha.


(Offer help) got Ana's drink #155?
(It's not my business...) Yes
get Dominique a drink #150 But hey, you're here now! How about you get your ass
out of that suit, lay back and let us reward you?
First time in
get Ana a drink #154 ¿ helped Ana ¿ #156
Ana replaces Dominique

No (Get out of costume)
got Dominique's drink #151?
Yes ¿ have fun with Dominique and Destiny ¿ #157
look for Ana #153 ¿ decline ¿ #158

Memory #15

Party end

Mic's right here, buddy! Speak up!

(DJ Kink shoutout): Kindra

¿ DJ Kink shoutout ¿ #159


(INK ladies shoutout): June, Reina, Paige, ¿Katy¿, Zelda, ¿Zoë¿, Naomi
¿ INK ladies shoutout ¿

Only available if Kindra's kiss buddy
or Kindra did not propose to be her kiss buddy
(Steal kiss): Kindra
steal a kiss #160
Chapter 5

¿People's opinion of Artemis 50¿


Oh my god! Desmond!

Pursue intruder
¿ pursue the intruder ¿ #162 Check on Desmond: Kindra


(First contact with Artemis. What should I do?)

(Say "Hi") (Extend out your hand): ¿Artemis¿


Come, like before.

Move her.: ¿Artemis¿ Hold out your hand.: ¿Artemis¿

Yes No
Kindra's kiss buddy #115?

¿Artemis¿ ¿Artemis¿

Safe house

All done!

(Be firm...): ¿Artemis¿ (Go easy.): ¿Artemis¿

(Call DK?)

Call her.: ¿x2¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

(Join DK this weekend?)

That's crossing the line...

Go on hike.: ¿x1¿ ¿Dr. Karahadian¿

¿ go on a hike ¿

Here comes another!

She's not going to learn that way...: ¿Artemis¿ Praise Artemis: ¿Artemis¿

Car dealer

went on a date with Zelda #128?

DataLeak Zelda #4 (hint)

drive Zelda to the airport #164

(I wonder how much Kindra put on my card...)

(Offer to buy the loan for his car.)

¿ offer to buy the loan ¿ #165

Only if paid for everything with Kindra
(It's not my business...)
Veronica, Reina, June

Veronica, Reina, June

buy the loan

Safe house

DataLeak Kindra #6 (hint)


Only if talked to Zelda about the movie


Are you sure? We have an inflatable mattress...

Take the mattress

#79 This chair is too comfy...
Only if thought it'd be great to wake up to Zelda #79
#160 Only if thought it'd be great to wake up to Zelda
and stole a kiss from DJ Kink #160
and stole a kiss from DJ Kink
#79 Zelda
Otherwise if thought it'd be great to wake up to Zelda #79
Otherwise if thought it'd be great to wake up to Zelda
¿ share the bed ¿ #168
¿ share the bed ¿ #168
¿ take the mattress ¿ #167

not driving Zelda to the airport #164

Only if bought Robert's car loan


Yes No
stole a kiss from DJ Kink #160?

Wallpaper #23

hot water #169

It's too nice a feeling, only to realize nothing will come of it.

I'm so sorry...: Zelda (Nod in understanding...)

Shopping mall

(She's gonna need a bit of help...)

(Carry her up): ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿ (Guide her on): ¿Artemis¿

Just an observation. But I'd take a good guess they're in the early stages of their relationship...

(Good love memory): ¿Artemis¿ (Bad love memory): ¿Artemis¿

*Sigh*...Seriously, Veronica. You're a life-saver...again, haha.

(Insist she get something for herself.): Veronica, ¿Artemis¿

(Don't offer.)
¿ insist she gets something ¿

DataLeak Vladimirovna #3 (hint)


Scold Artemis: ¿Artemis¿

# 171 Be lenient: ¿Artemis¿
¿ scold Artemis ¿

Safe house


(Get back at her): ¿Artemis¿ Atta girl!: ¿Artemis¿

DataLeak Artemis #5 (hint)



Admire her rack (Server rack): Veronica

Marry me...: Veronica What does she do with all that power?
¿Veronica nerd points +1¿

I'm curious what your thoughts are on that...

It's kinda of complex...: Veronica

The machine is the tool... Difficult to say...: Veronica
¿Veronica nerd points +2¿

I'm curious on your view on the cybersecurity side of it.

Could go either way...: Veronica Couldn't say for sure...

Survival of the fittest...: Veronica ¿Veronica nerd points -1¿
¿Veronica nerd points +2¿

Wanna give our brains a break and do something else? Kick your ass in a game or two?

You're on!

Something I wrote when I was a wee one. Simple but still pretty fun I think.

Hacking game: Veronica

Word scramble
There should be 9 levels but somehow
it skips every second word (so odd numbers only)

1. lime
2. grape
3. tomato
4. pineapple
5. blueberry
6. strawberry
7. watermelon
8. blackberry
9. pomegranate

Won the game and No

Veronica is at least 20?
Street Kombat

(After hearing what Zelda had to say to me. I should really consider what I do. If patching things is my goal...) I had a great time, but...

QTE game
Win: Veronica

Perform the brutality finisher: Veronica Sure....?

¿Veronica nerd points +1¿ ¿ spicy hacking game ¿ #173
¿ brutality finisher ¿ #172

Word scramble
There should be 9 levels but somehow
it skips every second word (so odd numbers only)

1. modem
2. laptop
3. tablet ¿ decline ¿ #174
4. earbuds
5. keyboard
6. smartphone
7. controller
8. headphones
9. supercomputer

Win: Veronica
¿Veronica nerd points +2¿
Wallpaper #24

DataLeak Vladimirovna #4


Hey, KAI. Call...

Artemis/Kindra Naomi: Naomi

Paige: Paige Zelda
Only if spanked Naomi

¿Artemis¿ June Reina Katy Only if stole a kiss from DJ Kink

#124 Only if did not get into hot water with Zelda
June Reina ¿Katy¿ and hung out with Paige
Choose again Choose again Choose again Zelda
Paige Choose again
Choose again
Jump to Chapter 5 - Artemis/Kindra (link) Jump to Chapter 5 - Naomi (link)
Chapter 5 - Artemis/Kindra
¿ hang out with Kindra & Artemis ¿ #181


Which should we do first?

Only available after Machine learning training

if you picked it first

Ask Artemis: ¿Artemis¿

Experience Sharing Ethics Discussions

did not train Experience Sharing yet? did not train Ethics Discussions yet?
Machine Learning Training
Yes Yes

Go to Experience Sharing Go to Ethics Discussions

Go to Experience Sharing Go to Ethics Discussions

Experience Sharing


(Flirty greet): Kindra

(Normal greet)
¿ flirt ¿ #183

Sure, I don't mind.

(Hold Kindra more intimately.): Kindra, ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿ (Hold Kindra purely for demonstration.): ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿

Wow, look at you. Is teaching people how to be more romantic a side-gig for you? Wow, look at you. Is teaching people how to be more romantic a side-gig for you?
Experience Sharing Because you're not missing a beat at this at all, haha. Because you're not missing a beat at this at all, haha.

I'm beginning to miss it... I just want her to learn. I'm beginning to miss it... I just want her to learn.
Kindra, ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿ ¿Artemis¿ Kindra, ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿ ¿x1¿ ¿Artemis¿

No No
not Kindra's kiss buddy #115? not Kindra's kiss buddy #115?
Yes Yes

I'm gonna kiss you. Like a light peck. Are you okay with that? I'm gonna kiss you. Just a quick one. Are you okay with that?

Sure.: Kindra Nah. Sure.: Kindra Nah.

Ethics Discussions

Maybe a bit advanced at this stage. But...

Ethics Discussions

It's important to understand this...: ¿Artemis¿ We want to help nuture your mind...: ¿Artemis¿

not Kindra's kiss buddy #115 and No

Kindra is 19 or less?

Jump to Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)

Kindra's kiss buddy #115 and

drove Zelda to the airport #164 and not Kindra's kiss buddy #115?
stole a kiss from DJ Kink #160? Yes

(She's right. Never really had a friendship like what we have...)

(I should consider what Zelda said to me...)

(Keep things platonic)

(End kiss buddies for Zelda) ¿ keep things platonic ¿ #186
¿ end kiss buddies ¿ #184

(Be more intimate)

(Help Kindra) ¿ be more intimate ¿ #185

Jump to Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)
Jump to Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)

Only if thought it'd be great to wake up to Kindra


What do you want to do to me...

(Kiss her neck): Kindra (Expose her breasts): Kindra

¿ fun with Kindra ¿ #187

Memory #16

Jump to Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 5 - Naomi
¿ hang out with Naomi¿ #175

The cup fit you?

(I don't need it.)

Only if Naomi is at least 17 (Put it on.)

Only if stole a kiss from DJ Kink


What do you got in mind?

A kiss.

Yes stole a kiss from DJ Kink #160 or No Flash me. Call me by my first name.: Naomi
Naomi is 18 or less? flash her boobs #178 ¿ first name ¿ #179

¿ Naomi rejects the kiss wager ¿ #176 kiss #177

Choose again

QTE game
Win round 1: Naomi
Win round 2: Naomi
Win round 3: Naomi

DataLeak Naomi #4 DataLeak Naomi #5 (hint)

did not wage with Naomi to flash her boobs #178 and No
did not wage a kiss with Naomi #177?


(Flirt with her.): Naomi (Keep it friendly)

Only if talked about Naomi's target


waged a kiss with Naomi #177?

Deal is a deal. Guess it's time for that kiss now...

Actually...I want to earn it...: Naomi

(Say nothing.)
Only if Naomi is at least 22
#180 Only if Naomi is at least 21
¿ make out ¿
Otherwise ¿ make out ¿ #180
¿ earn the kiss ¿ #182

Jump to Chapter 5 - Part 2 (link)

Chapter 5 - Part 2
Safe house

There you go...

You look great, Artemis!: ¿Artemis¿ I expected something to be backwards.

Press conference

Only if did not dodge the reporter's question

Reina, Kindra
¿People's opinion of Artemis -2¿
Game Secret Locations

Chapter 2 - rose Chapter 3 - catchkindra

Chapter 3 - reinadress
Artemis DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #2 DataLeak #3

DataLeak #4 DataLeak #5
Kindra DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #3 DataLeak #4

DataLeak #5 DataLeak #6
June DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #3
Dr. Karahadian DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2
Cassandra DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1
Reina DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #3
Paige DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #4
Katy DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2
Naomi DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #5
Zelda DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2

DataLeak #3 DataLeak #4
Zoe DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #1 DataLeak #2
Vladimirovna DataLeaks Locations

DataLeak #2 DataLeak #3
Walkthrough rev 1.3.1

Cheat without a MOD

So you want to try out a new branch but do not feel like completely starting over a new game?

Don't worry, with the developer console you can easily modify in-game variables.
You only need some basic understanding of scripting.

The easiest way to enable it is to use the Universal Ren'Py Mod from 0x52.
Download it from the webpage:, then unzip it and drop the rpa file in the game folder.

(Re)Start the game and load a savegame, type ALT+O (Hold the ALT key and type the letter O) to open the console and use the ESC key to exit

Character variables
variable: The variable
definition: what it represents
set variable / new value: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on or set a new value
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

variable definition set variable / new value unset variable check current value
LPartemis Artemis affinity points LPartemis = value LPartemis

LPcassie Cassandra affinity points LPcassie = value LPcassie

LPdrk Dr. Karahadian affinity points LPdrk = value LPdrk

PPdrk Dr. Karahadian professional relationship points PPdrk = value PPdrk

LPjune June affinity points LPjune = value LPjune

LPkaty Katy affinity points LPkaty = value LPkaty

LPkindra Kindra affinity points LPkindra = value LPkindra

LPnaomi Naomi affinity points LPnaomi = value LPnaomi

LPpaige Page affinity points LPpaige = value LPpaige

APscar Scarlett affinity points APscar = value APscar

LPreina Reina affinity points LPreina = value LPreina

LPvlad Veronica affinity points LPvlad = value LPvlad

LPzelda Zelda affinity points LPzelda = value LPzelda

LPzoe Zoë affinity points LPzoe = value LPzoe

artd Artemis firm points artd = value artd

arte Artemis empathy points arte = value arte

POartemis People's opinion of Artemis POartemis = value POartemis

vssp Veronica nerd points vssp = value vssp

Game Decisions Variables

label: The label as found in the walkthrough

set variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

label set variable unset variable check current value

¿ tell her you love her ¿ #1 ch1_cassielove = True ch1_cassielove = False ch1_cassielove

¿ be calm ¿ #2 ch1_therapycalm = True ch1_therapycalm = False ch1_therapycalm

¿ let it out ¿ #3 ch1_therapylashed = True ch1_therapylashed = False ch1_therapylashed

¿ defile the apartment ¿ #4 ch1_defiledoldapt = True ch1_defiledoldapt = False ch1_defiledoldapt

leave a tip #5 ch1_leftjunetip = True ch1_leftjunetip = False ch1_leftjunetip

pay for all #6 ch1_pizzawholetab = True ch1_pizzawholetab = False ch1_pizzawholetab

leave a tip #7 ch1_tippedex = True ch1_tippedex = False ch1_tippedex

peek #8 ch1_kindra_shower = True ch1_kindra_shower = False ch1_kindra_shower

research the company #9 ch1_studyiv = True ch1_studyiv = False ch1_studyiv

TechnoWarrior Perk #10 perk_technowarrior = True perk_technowarrior = False perk_technowarrior

¿ fight ¿ #11 ch1_kincasfight = True ch1_kincasfight = False ch1_kincasfight

¿ walk away ¿ #12 ch1_casswalkaway = True ch1_casswalkaway = False ch1_casswalkaway

¿ flirt ¿ #13 ch1_katy_flirt = True ch1_katy_flirt = False ch1_katy_flirt

¿ decline ¿ #14 ch1_declinedfluffing = True ch1_declinedfluffing = False ch1_declinedfluffing

sumata #15 ch1INK_kftg = True ch1INK_kftg = False ch1INK_kftg

doggy style #16 ch1INK_kdgy = True ch1INK_kdgy = False ch1INK_kdgy

handjob #17 ch1INK_zhjb = True ch1INK_zhjb = False ch1INK_zhjb

blowjob #18 ch1INK_zbjb = True ch1INK_zbjb = False ch1INK_zbjb

Katy's twin sister #19 ch1_wmp_katrm_photos = True ch1_wmp_katrm_photos = False ch1_wmp_katrm_photos

¿ Naomi looses ¿ #20 ch1_naomilost = True ch1_naomilost = False ch1_naomilost

spank Naomi #21 ch1_spankednaomi = True ch1_spankednaomi = False ch1_spankednaomi

Naomi's target #22 ch1_wmp_naorm_target = True ch1_wmp_naorm_target = False ch1_wmp_naorm_target

Zelda goes back to her room #23 ch1_wmp_ink_f3_zelback = True ch1_wmp_ink_f3_zelback = False ch1_wmp_ink_f3_zelback

talk about her skin #24 ch1_wmp_zelrm_chat_skin = True ch1_wmp_zelrm_chat_skin = False ch1_wmp_zelrm_chat_skin

¿ like a tiger ¿ #25 zel_strbrytgr = True zel_strbrytgr = False zel_strbrytgr

go down on her #26 ch1_paigeoralyes = True ch1_paigeoralyes = False ch1_paigeoralyes

talk to Paige #27 ch1_wmp_paigetalk = True ch1_wmp_paigetalk = False ch1_wmp_paigetalk

help her change #28 ch1_wmp_paigechange = True ch1_wmp_paigechange = False ch1_wmp_paigechange

¿ check her out ¿ #29 ch1_checkedoutlilly = True ch1_checkedoutlilly = False ch1_checkedoutlilly

¿ scare her ¿ #30 ch1_scaredkin = True ch1_scaredkin = False ch1_scaredkin

¿ metric system ¿ #31 ch2_metricsys = True ch2_metricsys = False ch2_metricsys

¿ hold her ¿ #32 ch2_huggedkind = True ch2_huggedkind = False ch2_huggedkind

moment #33 ch2_kinmoment = True ch2_kinmoment = False ch2_kinmoment

¿ check her out ¿ #34 ch2_kincheckout = True ch2_kincheckout = False ch2_kincheckout

dodge the question #35 ch2_dodgedquestion = True ch2_dodgedquestion = False ch2_dodgedquestion

¿ check her out ¿ #36 ch2_checkedoutdk = True ch2_checkedoutdk = False ch2_checkedoutdk

¿ tell everything ¿ #37 ch2_dkhazing = True ch2_dkhazing = False ch2_dkhazing

¿ pay $100 ¿ #38 ch2_paiddk100 = True ch2_paiddk100 = False ch2_paiddk100

browse #39 ch2_amusedvlad = True ch2_amusedvlad = False ch2_amusedvlad

¿ Kindra ¿ #40 ch2_outfitkindra = True ch2_outfitkindra = False ch2_outfitkindra

¿ June ¿ #41 ch2_outfitjune = True ch2_outfitjune = False ch2_outfitjune

¿ Katy ¿ #42 ch2_outfitkaty = True ch2_outfitkaty = False ch2_outfitkaty

¿ Zoë ¿ #43 ch2_outfitzoe = True ch2_outfitzoe = False ch2_outfitzoe

¿ Paige ¿ #44 ch2_outfitpaige = True ch2_outfitpaige = False ch2_outfitpaige

¿ check her out ¿ #45 ch2_checkedout_v = True ch2_checkedout_v = False ch2_checkedout_v

get another dildo #46 ch2_kindradildo = True ch2_kindradildo = False ch2_kindradildo

¿ small ¿ #47 ch2_kindradildo_s = True ch2_kindradildo_s = False ch2_kindradildo_s

medium #48 ch2_kindradildo_m = True ch2_kindradildo_m = False ch2_kindradildo_m

¿ large ¿ #49 ch2_kindradildo_l = True ch2_kindradildo_l = False ch2_kindradildo_l

cum in her mouth #50 ch2_junecim = True ch2_junecim = False ch2_junecim

fuck June #51 ch2_junehadsex = True ch2_junehadsex = False ch2_junehadsex

touch her pussy #52 ch2_artpussy = True ch2_artpussy = False ch2_artpussy

¿ check her out ¿ #53 ch2_checkedoutreina = True ch2_checkedoutreina = False ch2_checkedoutreina

flirt #54 ch2_reinaflirted = True ch2_reinaflirted = False ch2_reinaflirted

¿ offer to pay ¿ #55 ch2_reinapaydinner = True ch2_reinapaydinner = False ch2_reinapaydinner

¿ trick Reina ¿ #56 ch2_trickedreina = True ch2_trickedreina = False ch2_trickedreina

date with Katy #57 ch2_katydate = True ch2_katydate = False ch2_katydate

date with Zelda #58 ch2_zeldadate = True ch2_zeldadate = False ch2_zeldadate

pluck a rose #59 ch2_rose = True ch2_rose = False ch2_rose

look at Meghan #60 ch2_lookatmeg = True ch2_lookatmeg = False ch2_lookatmeg

Katy's sex offer #61 ch2_katysexoffer = True ch2_katysexoffer = False ch2_katysexoffer

decline #62 ch2_katysexdeclined = True ch2_katysexdeclined = False ch2_katysexdeclined

fuck Katy #63 ch2_katysex = True ch2_katysex = False ch2_katysex

¿ check her out ¿ #64 ch2_checkedoutpaige = True ch2_checkedoutpaige = False ch2_checkedoutpaige

punch him #65 ch2_zeldacrossfire = True ch2_zeldacrossfire = False ch2_zeldacrossfire

¿ counter ¿ #66 ch2_counteredthug = True ch2_counteredthug = False ch2_counteredthug

¿ get caught ¿ #67 ch2_kincaughtadmiring = True ch2_kincaughtadmiring = False ch2_kincaughtadmiring

win the race #68 ch3_racewon = True ch3_racewon = False ch3_racewon

¿ let her win ¿ #69 ch3_letkinwin = True ch3_letkinwin = False ch3_letkinwin

¿ ogle Kindra ¿ #70 ch3_ogledkindra = True ch3_ogledkindra = False ch3_ogledkindra

¿ Reina ¿ #71 ch3_scn6_reina = True ch3_scn6_reina = False ch3_scn6_reina

¿ Paige ¿ #72 ch3_scn6_paige = True ch3_scn6_paige = False ch3_scn6_paige

¿ Katy ¿ #73 ch3_scn6_katy = True ch3_scn6_katy = False ch3_scn6_katy

Kindra #74 ch3_scn6_kindra = True ch3_scn6_kindra = False ch3_scn6_kindra

¿ Zoë ¿ #75 ch3_scn6_zoe = True ch3_scn6_zoe = False ch3_scn6_zoe

¿ Naomi ¿ #76 ch3_scn6_naomi = True ch3_scn6_naomi = False ch3_scn6_naomi

¿ June ¿ #77 ch3_scn6_june = True ch3_scn6_june = False ch3_scn6_june

¿ Dr. Karahadian ¿ #78 ch3_scn6_claire = True ch3_scn6_claire = False ch3_scn6_claire

Zelda #79 ch3_scn6_zelda = True ch3_scn6_zelda = False ch3_scn6_zelda

¿ no one ¿ #80 ch3_scn6_none = True ch3_scn6_none = False ch3_scn6_none

check on Zelda #81 ch3_checkedonzelda = True ch3_checkedonzelda = False ch3_checkedonzelda

catch Kindra #82 ch3_caughtkindra = True ch3_caughtkindra = False ch3_caughtkindra

¿ high-five ¿ #83 ch3_domhi5 = True ch3_domhi5 = False ch3_domhi5

¿ DJ Kink ¿ #84 ch3_katydjkink = True ch3_katydjkink = False ch3_katydjkink

¿ quickie ¿ #85 ch3_katysex = True ch3_katysex = False ch3_katysex

¿ decline ¿ #86 ch3_katysexdeclined = True ch3_katysexdeclined = False ch3_katysexdeclined

tricks #87 ch3_zeltricks = True ch3_zeltricks = False ch3_zeltricks

accept #88 ch3_zeldamovie = True ch3_zeldamovie = False ch3_zeldamovie

¿ flirt ¿ #89 ch3_naomiflirted = True ch3_naomiflirted = False ch3_naomiflirted

¿ win ¿ #90 ch3_rangewon = True ch3_rangewon = False ch3_rangewon

light chili #91 ch3_lightchili = True ch3_lightchili = False ch3_lightchili

extra chili #92 ch3_extrachili = True ch3_extrachili = False ch3_extrachili

¿ no drink ¿ #93 ch3_chilinodrink = True ch3_chilinodrink = False ch3_chilinodrink

¿ buy Paige a coffee ¿ #94 ch3_boughtlatte = True ch3_boughtlatte = False ch3_boughtlatte

¿ vanilla latte ¿ #95 ch3_paigelatte = True ch3_paigelatte = False ch3_paigelatte

¿ kind of vanilla latte ¿ #96 ch3_paigelattealt = True ch3_paigelattealt = False ch3_paigelattealt

¿ hug Paige ¿ #97 ch3_huggedpaige = True ch3_huggedpaige = False ch3_huggedpaige

¿ hold hands ¿ #98 ch3_paigehandhold = True ch3_paigehandhold = False ch3_paigehandhold

deleted it #99 ch2_paigeviddel = True ch2_paigeviddel = False ch2_paigeviddel

¿ lie about deleting it ¿ #100 ch2_paigeviddellie = True ch2_paigeviddellie = False ch2_paigeviddellie

tell the truth #101 ch2_paigevidtruth = True ch2_paigevidtruth = False ch2_paigevidtruth

¿ June & Kindra selfie ¿ #102 ch3_junkinselfie = True ch3_junkinselfie = False ch3_junkinselfie

¿ share cam ¿ #103 ch3_v_c2c = True ch3_v_c2c = False ch3_v_c2c

¿ remember her name ¿ #104 ch3_recalledfelicia = True ch3_recalledfelicia = False ch3_recalledfelicia

¿ intervene ¿ #105 ch3_intervenedreina = True ch3_intervenedreina = False ch3_intervenedreina

dinner date #106 ch3_reinadate = True ch3_reinadate = False ch3_reinadate

admire Reina #107 ch3_admiredreina = True ch3_admiredreina = False ch3_admiredreina

let her drink #108 ch3_reinadrink1 = True ch3_reinadrink1 = False ch3_reinadrink1

flirt2 #109 ch3_reinaflirted = True ch3_reinaflirted = False ch3_reinaflirted

let her drink2 #110 ch3_reinadrink2 = True ch3_reinadrink2 = False ch3_reinadrink2

¿ send a dick pic ¿ #111 ch3_reinadickpic = True ch3_reinadickpic = False ch3_reinadickpic

¿ June's number ¿ #112 ch3_junedickpic = True ch3_junedickpic = False ch3_junedickpic

¿ big fish ¿ #113 ch3_kinbigfish = True ch3_kinbigfish = False ch3_kinbigfish

kiss buddy proposal #114 ch3_kissbudprop = True ch3_kissbudprop = False ch3_kissbudprop

kiss buddy #115 ch3_kinkissbud = True ch3_kinkissbud = False ch3_kinkissbud

attempt to save Kindra #116 ch3_kinsaveattempt = True ch3_kinsaveattempt = False ch3_kinsaveattempt

¿ park rangers ¿ #117 ch3_callrangers = True ch3_callrangers = False ch3_callrangers

¿ answer ¿ #118 ch4_answeredcass = True ch4_answeredcass = False ch4_answeredcass

happy ending #119 ch4_askedhappyend = True ch4_askedhappyend = False ch4_askedhappyend

¿ happy ending with Zoë ¿ #120 ch4_zoe_happyending = True ch4_zoe_happyending = False ch4_zoe_happyending

¿ just the tip ¿ #121 ch4_zoe_thetip = True ch4_zoe_thetip = False ch4_zoe_thetip

¿ to the park ¿ #122 ch4_kokopark = True ch4_kokopark = False ch4_kokopark

¿ train at the beach ¿ #123 ch4_kokotrain = True ch4_kokotrain = False ch4_kokotrain

hang out with Paige #124 ch4_paigedate = True ch4_paigedate = False ch4_paigedate

¿ hug her ¿ #125 ch4_paigehugger = True ch4_paigehugger = False ch4_paigehugger

¿ carry her ¿ #126 ch4_paigecarry = True ch4_paigecarry = False ch4_paigecarry

¿ fuck June ¿ #127 ch4_junehadsex = True ch4_junehadsex = False ch4_junehadsex

date with Zelda #128 ch4_zeldadate = True ch4_zeldadate = False ch4_zeldadate

¿ Kindra watches you masturbate ¿ #129 ch4_kinwatched = True ch4_kinwatched = False ch4_kinwatched

¿ one hour ¿ #130 ch4_cassie_1hr = True ch4_cassie_1hr = False ch4_cassie_1hr

¿ scorched earth ¿ #131 ch4_scorchedearth = True ch4_scorchedearth = False ch4_scorchedearth

¿ hate fuck ¿ #132 ch4_hatefuckedcass = True ch4_hatefuckedcass = False ch4_hatefuckedcass

¿ give her a kiss ¿ #133 ch4_zeldadoor = True ch4_zeldadoor = False ch4_zeldadoor

¿ invite her in ¿ #134 ch4_invitedzeldain = True ch4_invitedzeldain = False ch4_invitedzeldain

¿ give it to her ¿ #135 ch4_wmp_gavetaco = True ch4_wmp_gavetaco = False ch4_wmp_gavetaco

talk about the movie #136 ch4_wmp_moviedate = True ch4_wmp_moviedate = False ch4_wmp_moviedate

guess right #137 ch4_zelcostume = True ch4_zelcostume = False ch4_zelcostume

Kindra's hat #138 ch4_wmp_kinhat = True ch4_wmp_kinhat = False ch4_wmp_kinhat

guess right #139 ch4_naocostume = True ch4_naocostume = False ch4_naocostume

guess right #140 ch4_zoecostume = True ch4_zoecostume = False ch4_zoecostume

guess right #141 ch4_katcostume = True ch4_katcostume = False ch4_katcostume

guess right #142 ch4_junecostume = True ch4_junecostume = False ch4_junecostume

guess right #143 ch4_paicostume = True ch4_paicostume = False ch4_paicostume

¿ costume contest winner ¿ #144 ch4_contest_won = True ch4_contest_won = False ch4_contest_won

get Meghan a drink #145 ch4_wmp_megpinkmoscow = True ch4_wmp_megpinkmoscow = False ch4_wmp_megpinkmoscow

Meghan's drink #146 ch4_wmp_pinkmoscow = True ch4_wmp_pinkmoscow = False ch4_wmp_pinkmoscow

pink potion #147 ch4_megpinkpot = True ch4_megpinkpot = False ch4_megpinkpot

¿ decline ¿ #148 ch4_megdeclined = True ch4_megdeclined = False ch4_megdeclined

¿ fuck Meghan ¿ #149 ch4_meghookedup = True ch4_meghookedup = False ch4_meghookedup

get Dominique a drink #150 ch4_wmp_getdomdrink = True ch4_wmp_getdomdrink = False ch4_wmp_getdomdrink

Dominique's drink #151 ch4_wmphasdomdrink = True ch4_wmphasdomdrink = False ch4_wmphasdomdrink

pink potion #152 ch4_dompinkpot = True ch4_dompinkpot = False ch4_dompinkpot

look for Ana #153 ch4_wmp_look4ana = True ch4_wmp_look4ana = False ch4_wmp_look4ana

get Ana a drink #154 ch4_wmp_helpana = True ch4_wmp_helpana = False ch4_wmp_helpana

Ana's drink #155 ch4_wmp_anasdrink = True ch4_wmp_anasdrink = False ch4_wmp_anasdrink

¿ helped Ana ¿ #156 ch4_wmp_helpedana = True ch4_wmp_helpedana = False ch4_wmp_helpedana

¿ have fun with Dominique and Destiny ¿ #157 ch4_freshmenfun = True ch4_freshmenfun = False ch4_freshmenfun

¿ decline ¿ #158 ch4_declined_freshmen = True ch4_declined_freshmen = False ch4_declined_freshmen

¿ DJ Kink shoutout ¿ #159 ch4_djkinkshoutout = True ch4_djkinkshoutout = False ch4_djkinkshoutout

steal a kiss #160 ch4_djkiss = True ch4_djkiss = False ch4_djkiss

¿ INK ladies shoutout ¿ #161 ch4_hoishoutout = True ch4_hoishoutout = False ch4_hoishoutout

¿ pursue the intruder ¿ #162 ch5_mcpursued = True ch5_mcpursued = False ch5_mcpursued

¿ go on a hike ¿ #163 ch5_dkhiking = True ch5_dkhiking = False ch5_dkhiking

drive Zelda to the airport #164 ch5_zeldaairport = True ch5_zeldaairport = False ch5_zeldaairport

¿ offer to buy the loan ¿ #165 ch5_robbuypropose = True ch5_robbuypropose = False ch5_robbuypropose

buy the loan #166 ch5_boughtrobcar = True ch5_boughtrobcar = False ch5_boughtrobcar

¿ take the mattress ¿ #167 ch5_usedmattress = True ch5_usedmattress = False ch5_usedmattress

¿ share the bed ¿ #168 ch5_zelsharedbed = True ch5_zelsharedbed = False ch5_zelsharedbed

hot water #169 ch5_zelhotwater = True ch5_zelhotwater = False ch5_zelhotwater

¿ insist she gets something ¿ #170 ch5_vofferedgift = True ch5_vofferedgift = False ch5_vofferedgift

¿ scold Artemis ¿ #171 ch5_mallscold = True ch5_mallscold = False ch5_mallscold

¿ brutality finisher ¿ #172 ch5_brutality = True ch5_brutality = False ch5_brutality

¿ spicy hacking game ¿ #173 ch5_vspicy = True ch5_vspicy = False ch5_vspicy

¿ decline ¿ #174 ch5_vspicedeclined = True ch5_vspicedeclined = False ch5_vspicedeclined

¿ hang out with Naomi ¿ #175 ch5_datenaomi = True ch5_datenaomi = False ch5_datenaomi

¿ Naomi rejects the kiss wager ¿ #176 ch5_kissrejected = True ch5_kissrejected = False ch5_kissrejected

kiss #177 ch5_wagerkiss = True ch5_wagerkiss = False ch5_wagerkiss

flash her boobs #178 ch5_wagerflash = True ch5_wagerflash = False ch5_wagerflash

¿ first name ¿ #179 ch5_wagername = True ch5_wagername = False ch5_wagername

¿ make out ¿ #180 ch5_naomimakeout = True ch5_naomimakeout = False ch5_naomimakeout

¿ hang out with Kindra & Artemis ¿ #181 ch5_kinartemis = True ch5_kinartemis = False ch5_kinartemis

¿ earn the kiss ¿ #182 ch5_nkissearn = True ch5_nkissearn = False ch5_nkissearn

¿ flirt ¿ #183 ch5_artemisesflirted = True ch5_artemisesflirted = False ch5_artemisesflirted

¿ end kiss buddies ¿ #184 ch5_kissbudend = True ch5_kissbudend = False ch5_kissbudend

¿ be more intimate ¿ #185 ch5_kindraintimate = True ch5_kindraintimate = False ch5_kindraintimate

¿ keep things platonic ¿ #186 ch5_kinplatonic = True ch5_kinplatonic = False ch5_kinplatonic

¿ fun with Kindra ¿ #187 ch5_kinforeplay = True ch5_kinforeplay = False ch5_kinforeplay

Unlock memories

number: The memory number

title: The memory title
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

number title unlock lock check current value

1 x:/ch1/CassieFlashback.m4v persistent.ch1_cassie_fbsex = True persistent.ch1_cassie_fbsex = False persistent.ch1_cassie_fbsex

2 [[FRAGMENTED DATA] persistent.ch1_jdream = True persistent.ch1_jdream = False persistent.ch1_jdream

2 x:/ch1/june_dream.m4v persistent.ch1_june_dd_complete = True persistent.ch1_june_dd_complete = False persistent.ch1_june_dd_complete

3 x:/ch1/Kindra_Dream.m4v persistent.ch1_kdream = True persistent.ch1_kdream = False persistent.ch1_kdream

4 [[FRAGMENTED DATA] persistent.ch1_katypg = True persistent.ch1_katypg = False persistent.ch1_katypg

4 X:/CH1/KATY_PREGAME.m4v persistent.ch1_katypg_complete = True persistent.ch1_katypg_complete = False persistent.ch1_katypg_complete

5 [[FRAGMENTED DATA] persistent.ch1_zoepg = True persistent.ch1_zoepg = False persistent.ch1_zoepg

5 X:/CH1/ZOE_PREGAME.m4v persistent.ch1_zoepg_complete = True persistent.ch1_zoepg_complete = False persistent.ch1_zoepg_complete

6 x:/ch2/MoonandMe.m4v persistent.ch2_junesex = True persistent.ch2_junesex = False persistent.ch2_junesex

7 x:/ch2/djkinkvsdragon.m4v persistent.ch2_djkinkdildo = True persistent.ch2_djkinkdildo = False persistent.ch2_djkinkdildo

8 x:/ch2/thesweetestgirl.m4v persistent.ch2_katy_sex = True persistent.ch2_katy_sex = False persistent.ch2_katy_sex

9 x:/ch3/katysquickie.m4v persistent.ch3_katyquickie = True persistent.ch3_katyquickie = False persistent.ch3_katyquickie

10 x:/ch3/invwethrust.m4v persistent.ch3_ver_sex = True persistent.ch3_ver_sex = False persistent.ch3_ver_sex

11 x:/ch4/ahappyending.m4v persistent.ch4_zoehappyend = True persistent.ch4_zoehappyend = False persistent.ch4_zoehappyend

12 x:/ch4/sexonthebeach.m4v persistent.ch4_junesex = True persistent.ch4_junesex = False persistent.ch4_junesex

13 x:/ch4/hatefucked.m4v persistent.ch4_casssex = True persistent.ch4_casssex = False persistent.ch4_casssex

14 x:/ch4/halloweenhookup.m4v persistent.ch4_meghookedup = True persistent.ch4_meghookedup = False persistent.ch4_meghookedup

15 x:/ch4/freshmenfun.m4v persistent.ch4_freshsex = True persistent.ch4_freshsex = False persistent.ch4_freshsex

16 x:/ch5/hideawaylust.m4v persistent.ch5_kin4play = True persistent.ch5_kin4play = False persistent.ch5_kin4play

Unlock data leaks

character: The data leak character

number: The data leak number
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

character number unlock lock check current value

Artemis 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_artemis_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_artemis_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_artemis_1

Artemis 2 persistent.ch2_sdcard_artemis_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_artemis_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_artemis_1

Artemis 3 persistent.ch3_sdcard_artemis_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_artemis_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_artemis_1

Artemis 4 persistent.ch4_sdcard_artemis_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_artemis_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_artemis_1

Artemis 5 persistent.ch5_sdcard_artemis_1 = True persistent.ch5_sdcard_artemis_1 = False persistent.ch5_sdcard_artemis_1

Kindra 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_1

Kindra 2 persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_2 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_2 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_kindra_2

Kindra 3 persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_1

Kindra 4 persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_2 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_2 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_kindra_2

Kindra 5 persistent.ch3_sdcard_kindra_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_kindra_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_kindra_1

Kindra 6 persistent.ch5_sdcard_kindra_1 = True persistent.ch5_sdcard_kindra_1 = False persistent.ch5_sdcard_kindra_1

June 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_june_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_june_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_june_1

June 2 persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_1

June 3 persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_2 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_2 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_june_2

June 4 persistent.ch4_party_june_3 = True persistent.ch4_party_june_3 = False persistent.ch4_party_june_3

Dr. Karahadian 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_dk_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_dk_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_dk_1

Dr. Karahadian 2 persistent.ch4_sdcard_dk_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_dk_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_dk_1

Cassandra 1 persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1

Reina 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_reina_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_reina_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_reina_1

Reina 2 persistent.ch2_sdcard_reina_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_reina_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_reina_1

Reina 3 persistent.ch3_sdcard_reina_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_reina_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_reina_1

Paige 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_paige_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_paige_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_paige_1

Paige 2 persistent.ch3_sdcard_paige_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_paige_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_paige_1

Paige 3 persistent.ch3_minig_paige_1 = True persistent.ch3_minig_paige_1 = False persistent.ch3_minig_paige_1

Paige 4 persistent.ch4_sdcard_paige_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_paige_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_paige_1

Katy 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_katy_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_katy_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_katy_1

Katy 2 persistent.ch2_sdcard_katy_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_katy_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_katy_1

Naomi 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_naomi_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_naomi_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_naomi_1

Naomi 2 persistent.ch3_sdcard_naomi_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_naomi_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_naomi_1

Naomi 3 persistent.ch3_minig_naomi_1 = True persistent.ch3_minig_naomi_1 = False persistent.ch3_minig_naomi_1

Naomi 4 persistent.ch5_minig_naomi_1 = True persistent.ch5_minig_naomi_1 = False persistent.ch5_minig_naomi_1

Naomi 5 persistent.ch5_sdcard_naomi_1 = True persistent.ch5_sdcard_naomi_1 = False persistent.ch5_sdcard_naomi_1

Zelda 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_zelda_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_zelda_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_zelda_1

Zelda 2 persistent.ch2_sdcard_zelda_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_zelda_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_zelda_1

Zelda 3 persistent.ch4_sdcard_zelda_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_zelda_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_zelda_1

Zelda 4 persistent.ch5_sdcard_zelda_1 = True persistent.ch5_sdcard_zelda_1 = False persistent.ch5_sdcard_zelda_1

Zoë 1 persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1

Zoë 2 persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1

Vladimirovna 1 persistent.ch1_sdcard_v_1 = True persistent.ch1_sdcard_v_1 = False persistent.ch1_sdcard_v_1

Vladimirovna 2 persistent.ch3_sdcard_v_1 = True persistent.ch3_sdcard_v_1 = False persistent.ch3_sdcard_v_1

Vladimirovna 3 persistent.ch5_sdcard_v_1 = True persistent.ch5_sdcard_v_1 = False persistent.ch5_sdcard_v_1

Vladimirovna 4 persistent.ch5_minig_v_1 = True persistent.ch5_minig_v_1 = False persistent.ch5_minig_v_1

Extras 1 persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_cassie_1

Extras 2 persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1 = True persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1 = False persistent.ch2_sdcard_zoe_1

Extras 3 persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1 = True persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1 = False persistent.ch4_sdcard_zoe_1

Unlock wallpapers

number: The wallpaper number

unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

number unlock lock check current value

1 persistent.ch2_wp_0 = True persistent.ch2_wp_0 = False persistent.ch2_wp_0

2 persistent.ch2_wp_1 = True persistent.ch2_wp_1 = False persistent.ch2_wp_1

3 persistent.ch2_wp_2 = True persistent.ch2_wp_2 = False persistent.ch2_wp_2

4 persistent.ch2_wp_3 = True persistent.ch2_wp_3 = False persistent.ch2_wp_3

5 persistent.ch2_wp_4 = True persistent.ch2_wp_4 = False persistent.ch2_wp_4

6 persistent.ch3_wp_5 = True persistent.ch3_wp_5 = False persistent.ch3_wp_5

7 persistent.ch3_wp_6 = True persistent.ch3_wp_6 = False persistent.ch3_wp_6

8 persistent.ch3_wp_7 = True persistent.ch3_wp_7 = False persistent.ch3_wp_7

9 persistent.ch3_wp_8 = True persistent.ch3_wp_8 = False persistent.ch3_wp_8

10 persistent.ch3_wp_9 = True persistent.ch3_wp_9 = False persistent.ch3_wp_9

11 persistent.ch3_wp_10 = True persistent.ch3_wp_10 = False persistent.ch3_wp_10

12 persistent.ch4_wp_11 = True persistent.ch4_wp_11 = False persistent.ch4_wp_11

13 persistent.ch4_wp_12 = True persistent.ch4_wp_12 = False persistent.ch4_wp_12

14 persistent.ch4_wp_13 = True persistent.ch4_wp_13 = False persistent.ch4_wp_13

15 persistent.ch4_wp_14 = True persistent.ch4_wp_14 = False persistent.ch4_wp_14

16 persistent.ch4_wp_15 = True persistent.ch4_wp_15 = False persistent.ch4_wp_15

17 persistent.ch4_wp_16 = True persistent.ch4_wp_16 = False persistent.ch4_wp_16

18 persistent.ch4_wp_17 = True persistent.ch4_wp_17 = False persistent.ch4_wp_17

19 persistent.ch4_wp_18 = True persistent.ch4_wp_18 = False persistent.ch4_wp_18

20 persistent.ch4_wp_19 = True persistent.ch4_wp_19 = False persistent.ch4_wp_19

21 persistent.ch4_wp_20 = True persistent.ch4_wp_20 = False persistent.ch4_wp_20

22 persistent.ch4_wp_21 = True persistent.ch4_wp_21 = False persistent.ch4_wp_21

23 persistent.ch5_wp_22 = True persistent.ch5_wp_22 = False persistent.ch5_wp_22

24 persistent.ch5_wp_23 = True persistent.ch5_wp_23 = False persistent.ch5_wp_23

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