Essay Practice - RJ Yr.9

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1 is done for you. Go to ‘Exam Preparation Workbook’ on Scotty (News)
and use the essay PEEEL Scaffold to set out your paragraphs. Mind Map
ideas first if you haven’t done this already. If you finish, please work
through short answer questions in Exam Preparation Booklet.

Thanks! Be Good : )
Miss Dowling

 Key Idea: FATE

QUESTION: Romeo and Juliet were foolish and young, and this led to their demise. To what
extent is this true?

THESIS STATEMENT: Romeo and Juliet’s romance was never going to end well; their lack of
experience in romantic relationships, youthful impulsiveness, and poorly executed plans,
were destined to result in misery.


STATEMENT: What I’m going to prove.

TOPIC SENTENCE: How I know this.
EVIDENCE: Provide supportive quote and literary technique to back up what you are saying.
EXPLAIN: Explain what is happening in the quote and how it relates to the question.
LINK: What you think about it, what lesson can we learn from this (NO Personal Pronouns, I,
we, us etc.) Use key words from the question to link what you’ve discussed to the question.


S) Romeo’s need for love and validation after being rejected by Rosaline leads him to believe
he’s madly in love with Juliet, however, he is simply desperate to heal a broken heart.
T) After wondering aimlessly around, solemn and detached, Romeo, a Montague, attends a
Capulet (sworn enemy) party and suddenly finds the woman of his dreams and Rosaline is
never mentioned again.
E) Act 1, scene 5 illustrates a lovesick Romeo’s first glance at Juliet, “As a rich jewel in an
Ethiop’s ear- Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear: So shows a snowy dove…”
Shakespeare’s use of metaphor, ‘rich jewel, a snowy dove,’ to describe Juliet’s beauty from
Romeo’s perspective suggests Juliet’s looks peak his interest, and that he associates ‘beauty
with being love.’
E) To fall in love with looks is typical for someone in their youth as little thought is given to
what’s required to build a long-lasting relationship, hence why ‘young love’ rarely stands the
tests of time.
L) The foundation on which Romeo’s so called ‘undying’ love stems from is a healthy
curiosity about love, with an immature, undeveloped knowledge about what love really is.
The foolishness of Romeo rushing in, with little to no experience in romantic relationships
determines the fate of the pairs demise.

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