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Running head: VIEW COMPARISON essay 1

View Comparison

Trinh Trung Kien

Instructor: Carla Weaver

City University of Seattle



From a wild plant, marijuana has entered human life across the nations of the

world. First of all, we cannot deny the benefits of it, but the harm of marijuana is also much

more. With its natural properties, cannabis is both beneficial and harmful. But fair to say, the

good and the bad of marijuana is due to human use. Cannabis (cannabis sativa) contains

tetrahydrocannabinol: THC, which reduces blood pressure, sedation, love and addictive, create a

feeling of relaxation, refreshing, excited with beautiful illusions, fanciful. Marijuana has an

addictive concentration of 8-10 times that of marijuana. Marijuana oil is darker in color and

concentrations of substances are 3-4 times higher than marijuana. Currently, most countries in

the world consider illegal marijuana cultivation, transportation, sale and marketing. In two of his

writings, two authors, Aaron E. Carroll and Ryan Struyk, have given different opinions about this

plant. This essay will point out the mixed opinions of two authors on the very popular issue


Whenever anyone talks about cannabis, everyone is thinking of bad things and

not being interested in its presence. American pediatrician Aaron E. Carroll has listed many of

the dangers that marijuana can bring to humans in his article "It's Time for a New Discussion of

Marijuana's Risks.” Some countries, including the United States, are alarming about the spread

of marijuana among young people. From 1995 to 2001, the number of people experiencing

severe complications from long-term use of cannabis in US health clinics increased from 15,706

to 87,180, two thirds of which were under the age of 20. (Abuse, n.d.) Many Young people

consider marijuana to be sedated, but they are mild and can be dropped at any time. Drug

addiction is not as physically as heroin, when the lack of drugs but also makes the feeling of

pale, itchy, hot, bouncing ..., long time to get used to difficult, not to mention many people

gradually find marijuana too light, not enough nerve stimulation should find other drugs, heavier

than "new" feel satisfied. As mentioned above, the risk of marijuana is due to THC. The THC of

Thai marijuana is 7%; Mexico: 8%; Marijuana is grown in the United States at 24%. (Abuse,

n.d.) Each increase in THC levels increases the level of dependence on marijuana users, not to

mention THC, which causes respiratory complications four times as high as that of cigarettes,

making cancer symptoms progress faster. Two large studies have recently been conducted in

New Zealand and Sweden on the effects of smoking marijuana on mental health. The survey in

New Zealand was conducted on 1,000 people aged 11-26, while in Sweden more than 50,000

people used cannabis, suggesting that smoking habits mutate the disease (Abuse, n.d.). Mental

illness in people susceptible to illness, especially schizophrenia (of course, not everyone who

smokes marijuana is also schizophrenic), not to mention the marijuana causes the person to suck

up, easily Inciting people to fight in the streets due to marijuana use, bloody injuries but the

victims (or perpetrators) are still dreaming without feeling pain. According to a document in the

United States, 16% of all serious road traffic accidents are caused by the use of cannabis when

driving vehicles, which, when combined with alcohol, will increase by 4.7 times the possibility

of causing accidents. (Abuse, n.d.). In his article, he mentioned a lot about the effects of cannabis

and the diseases that people use it can be affected. These include: cancer, Heart disease, Lung

function, Impaired driving, Pregnancy effects, Memory and concentration and mental health.

(Carroll, 2018) These are all very dangerous diseases, especially cancer, which has deprived

many lives. In addition, as mentioned above, marijuana is also a cause of catastrophic traffic

accidents. It makes the driver of the vehicle cannot control his own actions and accidents happen

is understandable. To make his opinion more persuasive, he also used many reliable sources. In

addition, his writing is very authentic, so that the reader can feel his passion for the subject and

this is also what people can absorb his article in the most correct way. It can be said that, through

the material he has collected, Aaron has equipped the reader with the knowledge of cannabis so

that they have different views about them. In general, the use of cannabis can bring to the user

many dangerous dangers that few can predict.

In contrast to Aaron, Ryan Struyk presents the current state of cannabis use

legalized in many parts of the world and demonstrates its acceptance. In the article "Marijuana

Legalization by the Numbers," the author addresses the situation of cannabis legalization in

many parts of the world. In particular, in the United States, the number of people agrees to

account for 65% of the total population and it increases to 50% from 1970 to 2015 (Struyk,

2018). He also mentions that marijuana can be used in medicine and cures many illnesses. Some

studies have demonstrated the effects of marijuana, such as pain relief, vomiting, bronchitis (in

asthma), anti-spasm (in Parkinson's disease and fibrosis), and vasodilatation (in glaucoma). The

study published in the journal Nature Medicine (March 2000) found that THC reduced brain

tumors in mice (up to one-third more effective), paving the way for the ability to regulate

Treatment of gliomas in humans (the most common type of brain tumor). This drug also helps

control cramps and rheumatoid arthritis in rats. Researchers at Harvard University have found

that hemochromatosis in marijuana is not only able to inhibit tumor growth but also prevent

metastases. The researchers found that when injected with a standard dose of THC into lung

cancer cells, after three weeks of treatment, the tumor was reduced by half compared to the

control group. In Spain, in November 1999, the government decided to allow the study of the

therapeutic effect of cannabis. In the United States, the federal government has issued a total of

eight special permits that allow eight patients to use cannabis for treatment. Already 35 states

have passed legislation that supports the use of cannabis for medical purposes. (Abuse, n.d.).

Indeed, the growing marijuana industry is not only profitable for the economy but also for

medical industry.

In conclusion, each problem has different opinions and how it all depends on the way

people think. Through two articles by two authors, people can recognize that along with the bad

effects of cannabis, they can also bring benefits in many other ways. As the result, the

legalization of it today becomes even wider more than ever



Abuse, N. I. (n.d.). Marijuana. Retrieved from

Carroll, A. E. (2018). It’s Time for a New Discussion of Marijuana’s Risks. Retrieved from



Struyk, R. (2018). Marijuana legalization by the numbers. Retrieved from


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