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Managing IT Project Report

Unit Title: Managing IT Project

Unit Code: INS304402
Name of lecturer: Dr. Le Anh Ngoc
Assessment Title: Restaurant management system project for

Members Details
Team Leader’s Name:
(1) Nguyễn Hồng Sơn - Student ID: 20070784
Team Member’s name:
(2) Vũ Thanh Phương- Student ID: 21070139
(3) Phạm Quốc Cường- Student ID: 21070517
(4) Đặng Thị Huyền Nhi - Student ID: 20070765
(5) Vũ Thu Phương - Student ID: 20070777
(6) Nguyễn Thị Thắm - Student ID: 20070789
(7) Nguyễn Ngọc Thắng - Student ID: 20070790
(8) Nguyễn Thị Trang - Student ID: 19071089

--- HANOI, January 13, 2023 ---

I. Introduction to software development (Agile/Scrum) sales management software helps owners manage all aspects of the
store: from sales calculation, inventory management, money management,
customer care to analyzing business results. business easy. SUPER SIMPLE,
very easy to use even for non-computer savvy. The software is simple, easy
to use and empolyees only need 5 minutes to get used to it. Sales are more
flixible than using tablets and phones. Strict inventory control, reduce loss.
Enter warehouse and make convenient price, sell immediately. Know which
products are selling well and which should be discontinued. Don’t let guests
cmoe once and then leave. Turn visits into loyal customers by understanding
their buying habits, and taking better care of them.
 Basic features of our managemnet software:
- Connecting point of sale equipment
- Intuitive, detailed reports for quick decision making
- Expansion of retail store chain
- Simple online sales
- Online software, offline sales

Before computerized equipment was available, a supervisor would analyze
the sales at the end of each day using handwritten guest cheques. The total
number of customers, the average cheque size, and the amounts of each
entrée sold were tallied and recorded. The supervisor would also compute
total sales, check cash against cash register totals, and complete other
financial records. The information from the sales analysis was used by the
chef or restaurant manager to manage inventory, predict the volume of sales,
and judge the popularity of items. The purpose of this project is to help
KiChiKiCHi-Royal restaurant improve the application of microservice
architecture that helps them handle high volumes of booking every day. To
avoid constraints in the current system, the customer must seek for an
appropriate system to assist them in recording the stock and sales of the
 User Login management:
- The user can log in to the application by creating and registering their
account the manager would have the capability to modify the information of
their account along with the password.
- Can reset their account password by using the multi-authenticated methods
associated with their phone or email which would provide them the OTP
code when attempting to reset.
 Stock Record Management:
- The user can add, edit, or delete stock in the restaurant.
- The application provides the option based on brand, origin, and product
maker to help the user analyze the stock record easily.

- The manager can create a group for each type of item and add them into the
group separately, to manage the stock record based on the group.
 Sales Record Management
- By utilizing some big data algorithms like K-means clustering to quickly
discover which products were sold together on a monthly basis, the
application can estimate the sales of one item and also a group of items.
- Using two-time series prediction models TensorFlow and Seasonal ARIMA,
the application can predict the sales record of each product on a monthly
basis based on the records and data collected in the past trading process…
Deliverables and schedule
- High-level architecture design
- Application structure
- Application ReactJS
- Project documentation
- Application Database
- Training programs
II. Planning for design process
 Applications including 3 Sprints ( 2 weeks/ Sprint):
Sprint1: Creating sale and stock record management application
Sprint2: Creating booking and users management application
Sprint3: Creating order and Payment application

 Initial Release Schedule of the Product backlog item:

No. Item Dependencie Business Release

s Value (1 - Schedule
10 ) (sprint#1,2,3)

1 As a user, i want the application 10 sprint#1

allow me to create a stock record

2 As a user, i want the application 10 sprint#1
allow me to create sale record

3 As a user, i want the application 10 sprint#2

provide the list of users

4 As a user, i want the application 10 sprint#2

allow me to create booking lists

5 As a user, i want the application 10 sprint#3

allow me to create order list

6 As a user, i want to get the booking 1,2,3 8 sprint#2

calendar details so that i can know
and set the non-booked table for
new customers

7 As a user, i want to modify the 2 7 sprint#2

booking list so i can change or
delete the booking of whom

8 As a user, i want to get the order 1,2,3 8 sprint#3

details of each table so that i can
calculate the bill for them

9 As a user, i want to see sale details 2 8 sprint#1

of each stock

10 As a user, i want to get sale rate of 1 6 sprint#1

each stock

11 As a user, i want to see the range 2 6 sprint#1

of time that each stock been sold
the most

12 As a user, i want the application 3 5 sprint#1

show me the total sale and profit for
each day, month

13 As a user, i want the application 1 8 sprint#1

show me the stock details in

14 As a user, i want the application 1 7 sprint#2

show me the list of staff

15 As a user, i want the application 2 7 sprint#2

allow me to modify the list of staff

16 As a user, i want the application 2 7 sprint#3
allow me adding order so that i can
add orders for each table when
they have order the food

15 As a user, i want the application 2 9 sprint#3

allow me deleting order so that i
can cancel orders for each table
when they have order the food

16 As a user, i want to have a smooth 1,2,3,4 7 sprint#3

and straightforward process of
making payments so that i can do
my transaction without any hassled

III. Distributions of team members

Members Roles Job Descriptions Judges Marks


Nguyễn Product owner - Suggested for the - Completed work 9.8

Hồng Sơn project, share progress and
challenges and plan
work for the day
- Create a prioritized
wish list - Following the
activities of group members
- Assign work to Scrum
master, remind members to
complete tasks before
- Reviewing
application’s functions to

Vũ Thanh Scrum master - Coordinate project - Sometimes having unclearly in 9.5
Phương related distributing works and ideas to team
meetings members but all were fixed
- Monitor and update immediately
project progress - Complete excellent
- Suggest ways to
improve work efficiency in
the next stages
- Distributing work to
team members
- Testing functions of

Đặng Developer -Implement cashless payment -There are a few banks that do not 80
Huyền Nhi process through QR code scanning, allow linking with payment codes. -
allowing users to link with many Refunds cannot be given to guests
banks and convenient payment immediately, it takes some time to
applications. notify the restaurant system but still
-Add a delete order item so that the
guarantees a full refund for guests
seller can cancel the order for each
after 10 minutes.
table when the customer changes
his mind when ordering the dish.

Vũ Thu Developer -Create a function that displays a list -Sometimes do not understand the 80
Phương of employees. duties and parts you need to do.
-Create a function that shows me However, it was absorbed and
inventory details in stock modified when the group members
-Complete tasks assigned by the explained.
team leader. -Completed the work assigned.
- Modify and absorb the opinions of
the members.
-Looking to develop their own ideas.

Nguyen Thi Developer -Create an app that shows me stock Sometimes being delayed due to fully 9.0
Tham details in stock understanding the task, but with the
- Create an app that allows me to help of the team leader and members,
add orders so I can add orders to I have completed the assigned work
each table as they order -Complete well
the mission be given -Accept the
opinions of the member, especially
the team leader
-Contribute ideas to build the project

Nguyen Thi Stakeholders - Testing functions of application -Lessons and tasks for the group 80
Trang - Production support staff project can occasionally be unclear,
- Business executives but they become clearer after hearing
the thoughts of the other members. -
Complete the group project's allocated

Nguyen Developer -Create a smooth and simple -Some times not kept up with the work 8.5
Ngoc payment software to be able to make progress, but with the help of my team
Thang payment transactions without any members, I have successfully
hassle completed the assigned task.
-Create an application that allows
modifying the employee list -
Complete basic tasks assigned by
the team leader
-Enthusiastically contribute ideas
and build ideas in projects
-Listen and contribute with the ideas
of other team members

Pham Developer - Analysis data, - Even though still not used to 80

Quoc creating rating table of sale teamwork, he always finishes the
Cuong - Create automatically work on deadline
taking data function
- Create function allows
showing total and profit of
each day

IV. Approaching result

Although it was a bit of a surprise because it’s the first time everyone worked in a
large group, they all adapted quickly. After this project, the solid skills and
experiments of members all improved. Half of the members get used to using
GitGithub when pulling or putting code in general when working in an IT team. This
project also facilitates the way of working of each individual, they are more
sympathetic, hearing, and absorbing others’ advice.

V. Application Demonstration( Can following the recorded link )

Some of picture about application demonstration

IV. Customer Feedback and Evaluation
- Mr.Tran Viet Trung is chairman of the board: I see a clear effect on the loss
before it was messed up when moving goods between 3 restaurants.
- Mr.Dao The Vinh is the General manager: The feature of the closed link
between the software and the website with the Facebook Fanpage is great.
My staff can save a lot of time.
- Mr.Nguyen Xuan Tuong is Deputy general manager: Now, I no longer have a
headache in arranging time between working at the company and managing
my restaurant.

----------------------------------------- THE END ------------------------------------------

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