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snout opened ever so slightly and allowed then gently rub its abdomen until it falls

a reptilian hiss to escape. In a desperate asleep. Of course this was a crocodile…and a

panic, the native guide charged the croc, big one at that. Still, there was little choice.
causing it open its ever-gaping maw. The
guide moved swiftly to jam his walking stick As a mother would to a child with a tummy
between the upper and lower jaw of the great ache, Washington Stuttz brushed, rubbed,
lizard, rendering the beast unable to bite. smoothed, and even caressed the stomach of
Infuriated by this, the crocodile mustered the croc. He fought the urge to twitch and
all the strength in its jaw and snapped the retch as his hand moved over the outline of
obfuscating walking stick as if it were a dry the native guide, being slowly digested within
twig. The native guide then proceeded to be the animal’s stomach. Eventually, the reptile
swallowed whole, down into the gullet of the massage paid its benefits and the crocodile
animal. collapsed, fast asleep.

Stuttz did not believe the croc to be sated, Wash followed suit. He fell backward into
despite the human outline now in the belly the grass as a spent shell casing on the
of the beast. It eyed him with eyes cold and battlefield of the wild.

devoid of emotion. They appeared as two
black pools, darkened voids which stared Through the tropical foliage and across the
back at Wash. The giant reptile was rattled flimsiest of rope and plank board bridges,
and it knew that he was there, making Stuttz Re-Zal Evad led Danner and Pentecost on a
a potential threat. Steeling himself, Wash most precarious trail that they could only
drew his mace and prepared for the worst. hope would end in finding their colleague, Dr.
First came its tail with a broad slash just
slightly over his head. Stuttz jumped back a “Hurry! Hurry!” Evad encouraged them,
good six feet, narrowly avoiding connection
with the spiny appendage. The second time
around he was not so lucky. The tail swung
back and slapped into Wash’s hand with
even as the rope bridge began to give and
buckle under their weight. “This way!”

“And how exactly did you find out that he

was here?” Veronica asked as she fought to
surprising force. He watched helplessly as
keep her footing.
the mace rolled away and into the green,
bushy, undergrowth of Zanzibar. The lizard “I bribed one of the local officials!” Re-
moved swiftly towards him, mouth agape Zal said as if he simply wanted the line of
just as it had done with its previous victim. questioning to end. “Now we must hurry!”
Empty-handed combat between a Harvard

professor and a giant crocodile; sounded fair End of bridge reached, the shores of Indian
to Wash. Ocean could be seen ahead with the sun
setting in the distance. As fast as his stubby
With fight-or-flight instincts fully in place, legs could carry his rotund body, Re-Zal
Washington Stuttz leaped onto the crocodile’s ran to what appeared to be a log in the
head. The head was essentially flat and brush upon which a figure was splayed in
made for a perfect springboard. Wash was exhaustion.

able to propel himself to the animal’s rear

flank in order to grab hold of its tail. A “Wash!” Chase exclaimed as soon as he
wrestling match of evolutionary proportions recognized the figure and then joined Re-Zal
commenced. Reptile versus mammal. Cold, in the beach foot race.
indifferent blood versus hot, American blood.
Much to everyone’s surprise, it was not a log
As expected, the crocodile put up a fierce that Wash was upon, but rather a sleeping
fight. It flipped. It snapped. But Wash African crocodile. Stuttz was barely conscious,
eventually was able to twist its tail enough his mumbled and barely audible babble were
to render it completely upon its back. Now made all the more incoherent by the proximity
came the most harrowing and treacherous of the jungle noises. Chase urged him to keep
part. Could he remember how to do it? He still and quiet while he administered a canteen
had seen it done once before at the World’s of water to him and cautiously dragged him
Fair in New York. You pin a gator down and away from the deadly reptile.

“What the hell happened to him?” Veronica “Come!” Leermeister barked. “We depart for
asked as she arrived on the scene, observing New Berlin!”
Wash’s torn clothes and bloody scrapes. “Is
he going to live?” Despite Veronica’s obvious repulsion to their
hands, the soldiers took hold of her and
“He will live as long as the rest of you, Chase and Wash, just before demonstrating
fraulein, which I’m afraid is not very long,” that the contraptions on their backs were in
came a sneering voice on the beach behind reality rocket packs that would hoist them
them. into the air and into the gondola of the Nazi
Zeppelin. Where they would go to from
Veronica spun on her feet, her handgun there…none could say.
drawn and at the ready, only to find that
they were surrounded by soldiers holding ***

rifles who were dressed in entirely gray
uniforms and bearing the red and black NEW YORK CITY
emblem of the swastika upon their lapels.
On their backs were metal gizmos the likes of “Dr. Fleming!” Westinghouse said sharply
which neither Veronica nor Chase had ever as he entered the wood-paneled room that

seen before. Standing amidst these troops had once been another study of his but
was a triumphant Col. Leermeister, smiling was now an impromptu laboratory for Dr.
like a fisherman who had just caught a prize Campbell Fleming, who was waving his hands
trout. Bitterly resigned, both Chase and
defensively in response to his name being
Veronica raised their hands in surrender
as the barrels of each rifle pointed towards called.
“Not now, Westy!” Fleming pleaded in a
“My name is Leermeister and I am Colonel manner resembling an epileptic seizure.
“I’m up to my ass in alligators!” With that,
in the Fourth Reich. I have pursued you
halfway across the globe, mein freunde. At
last, I may stop chasing,” Leermeister said
calmly. “You have done well, Evad.”
Jonathan returned his full attention to the
tuning knob of one of his devices.

“As is the rest of the world, Doctor. I’ve

With that Re-Zal Evad took his place at just received word that Bombay, India has
Leermeister’s side, stunning the ones who just been toppled by a severe earthquake.
were once in his charge. What is the status of our adventurers?”
Westinghouse asked.
“Money is in my account now, yes?” Evad
asked. Col. Leermeister nodded affirmatively. “That’s just it!” Fleming explained. “I don’t
know! Maybe they’re alive…maybe they’ve

“There’s two things in the world I hate, met an ill-fate. I don’t know…because I can
Daddy-O,” Chase said to Re-Zal. “Nazis and no longer get into contact with their wrist
traitors…and you gone and done did both of communicators!”
Sterling Westinghouse paused briefly and
“Enough!” the Colonel hushed. “It is time for allowed his gaze to drift while he mentally

us to depart.” measured what his chief scientist had just

told him. If the expedition of the three was
Having said that, Col. Leermeister removed indeed lost, then whoever was responsible
a flashlight from his belt and pointed it into for these insidious earthquakes had already
the darkening sky. After flashing as series won.
of timed pulses from the hand-held light
into the sky, a response of similar flashing “You may have just written the world’s
occurred. Then came a low, rumbling sound, epitaph, Dr. Fleming,” Westinghouse said
as if the sky were about to become filled with somberly.
large airplanes. But no such thing occurred.
Instead, a large blimp came into view
overhead…a blimp that bore the swastika
emblazoned upon its canvas side.

HOW LONG CAN THE WORLD HOLD OUT aircraft hangar. And what aircraft it housed!
AGAINST THE EARTHQUAKE DEVICE? WHAT Chase’s jaw dropped as his eyes fell upon
WILL BE THE FATE OF OUR CAPTURED them for never before had he seen their level
HEROES? HAVE THE NAZIS RISEN FROM of sophistication. Some were jets shaped
THE ASHES TO AGAIN TORMENT THE as batwings, others as saucers (explaining
WORLD? to him the source of what people had been
calling UFO’s. Little did the world know
*** they weren’t from little green men, but from
ANTARCTICA men more evil even than the Commies), and
others were…yes they were! They had to be!
Silently and effortlessly, the Nazi blimp glided They were rocketships, on launch pads placed
above the frozen wastes. Securely fastened beneath silo doors in the rocky ceiling and
pointing towards outer space!

to a chair in the gondola, Washington Stuttz
looked down at the mountains of ice and
swirling snows. Below him was the coldest “Damn,” Chase said with a long whistle. “I’d
continent on earth. Temperatures were give my right nut to fly one of those babies.”
regularly well into the hundreds below zero,

“When exactly did your people invade
any exposed human skin would freeze on
Antarctica, Colonel?” asked Veronica
contact with the frigid air, and with nothing
Pentecost as they were ushered into warmer
but white in all directions, it would be so
parts of the hangar. Technicians and
simple to become lost. There would be no
mechanics still moved about, shouting at each
means of escape for Stuttz and his crew this
other in German.
“We’ve been here for a very long time,
“Don’t be so glum, Jack. I hear it’s nice
fraulein,” laughed Leermeister.
down there, this time of year,” came the voice
of Chase Danner, the man who was chained
next to him and reading the creased copy of
On The Road that he carried with him.
SS troopers on guard snapped to attention
and raised a flat palm upward as Leermeister
approached victoriously with the prisoners.
the guards stood aside and allowed heavy
“Sure…if you call over a hundred degrees
doors to move away, revealing an entryway
below zero ‘nice,’” Wash said with a sullen
over which hung a swastika-bearing flag.
“Quite an igloo you got here, Colonel,” Wash
“Sounds cold,” remarked Veronica Pentecost
remarked as his eyes wandered about. “Like
who was likewise chained to a nearby chair.
something out of Buck Rogers.”

“We’ll just have to keep each other warm,

won’t we Chase?” “This is all from technology invented by the
Reich years ago,” boasted Leermeister as he
The Nazis dispersed parkas to the prisoners
led them through metallic hallways, dotted
and soon the blimp descended and attached
occasionally with electronic access panels
itself to a gantry tower born skyward
and glorious portraits of Hitler. “Once you
out of the snow and anchored in a metal
had invaded France in 1944, we knew that

platform. The entire area around the tower

we were kaput in Europe. So into U-boats
was bustling with activity as the Germans
went our most secret technologies, our most
had apparently carved an airbase out of the
brilliant scientists, and our most elite troops.
ice of the Antarctic shelf. Snow crawlers
All of them brought here to the South Pole to
and tanks scurried about with mechanics as
build this Neuschwabenland that you see here
Leermeister brought his captives down to the
metal platform via elevator.
“And while you stupid Americans occupied
At the edge of the apron platform was a
yourselves with your ridiculous victory
gaping black mouth that formed the entrance
parades, we were building rockets,”
to a cave. As the troops plodded them along
Leermeister said with a sly sneer. “And jet-
in a hurry to get out of the cold air, Chase
powered aircraft that far surpass any of the
could see that the cave stretched deeply
‘kites’ in your arsenal.”
into the recess of the ground. But what’s
more, the cave served as an improvisational

“This guy’s startin’ to bug me, Wash,” Chase “Namely, world domination,” Leermeister
said in anger as he attempted to wriggle said as he raised his recently filled flute of
loose of his captors. Stuttz cautioned him champagne.
to remain as he was and allow for time to
formulate a proper escape plan. As if on cue, the sound of thunder rocked
the dining room and rattled all glasses and
“I think you’ll find that the wings of liberty dinner plates on the table. For Veronica, the
haven’t lost a feather, Herr Jack,” Stuttz telltale shockwaves were far too akin to those
bragged with all confidence. “America and she had felt in New York.
her allies stopped you once before and we
can do it again.” “Earthquake!” she cried as she attempted to
crawl under the table, but was denied by Nazi
“Ja? How interesting…” the Colonel smiled guards.

menacingly as he brought the prisoners
to a halt by a closed door. “This time, “No, no, silly frau,” Leermeister cackled.
Deutschland has allies of her own…and we’ve “That is a squadron of our X-Jets, returning
recently made an arrangement that will have from patrol, no doubt.”

most dire consequences indeed for America.”
“Man, I ain’t never heard engines like those
With that, the Nazi opened the door. On the on a plane before,” Chase marveled in awe to
other side was a chamber that resembled the sound of the Nazi jets.
a dining room, complete with a long and
grandiose table with chairs and place settings “I would wager that there are a great many
all around. At the head of the table was things here that you have never seen before,”
a man in purple robes, a bald man with a Xan mused.
sharp goatee and pointed ears. Slowly, the
sinister being began to clap his hands…a
considerable feat given his sickeningly long
“Yeah, like an earthquake device,” interjected
Wash, attempting to bring the matter
to a head. “What exactly do you hope
to accomplish by bringing that kind of
“Welcome, Americans,” he said with an accent destruction to the world’s cities?”
that was vaguely Oriental. “I am Xan, an
“Oh certainly I have now made our goals
emissary from the kingdom of Hyperborea.”
most clear, Dr. Stuttz,” the sinister man from
This announcement was met with only an beneath the earth pompously stated. “Unless
exchange of dumb looks and disaffected the nations of the world turn total control
silence from our heroes. over to Hyperborea…and of course the

Fourth Reich…we will level every major city

“Of course, I should not expect you to on the surface world in less than two days.”
know of where I’m from,” Xan said smugly.
“Please sit. Our mid-day meal will be served “You fiend!” cursed Stuttz as he stood to
shortly.” vault over the table and wring Xan’s olive-
toned neck. He was impeded however by
The Nazi troopers shoved the prisoners to Chase’s outstretched arm. This prompted

their places at the table. Resigned, Wash, only laughter from Xan and Leermeister.
Chase, and Veronica each sat down and
unfolded their napkins. “A pity, this aggression of yours, Dr. Stuttz.
You all could become part of the genesis of
“Hyperborea is a civilization which exists the new world order,” offered Xan with a
many miles beneath the Earth’s crust,” Xan fingernail thoughtfully poised at his lips.
explained. “Unbeknownst to your pitiful
scholars, an entrance to this kingdom lies “Hey I might not be a church-going, cookie-
below the ice of this continent. We recently baking, Donna Reed kinda gal,” Veronica
encountered Nazi scouting parties and began, incensed. “But this girl stands for
though our rapport was tenuous at first, we only the good ol’ red, white, and blue!”
eventually came to find that we have…mutual
“No dice, square,” Chase concurred.
“Very well then,” a contemplative Xan replied

before pressing a button on his ornate direction that he came.
belt. “I shall have you now meet a few of
our other creations who escort you to your “Oh yeah?” Chase called after him, barely
cells…where you will await whatever form of able to stick his head through the bars. “I
execution we deem most amusing.” hope your jazz show gets cancelled…and they
announce a puppet show instead!”
At that, the door to the dining hall slid
open…and six killer penguins entered the “I like puppet shows,” Veronica spoke for the
room. first time since they had been forced from
the dining room and into the brig.
Yes! Killer penguins! Ordinary Emperor
penguins of the Antarctic now had rows of “Yeah? Well I like not being locked up in a
razor-sharp, piranha-like teeth in their beaks cell by Nazis!” Washington complained. “Now

and heavy weapons held in their modified you want to actually contribute something
flippers. Around their waists were belts to our planning here, or are you going to
laden with ammunition clips and grenades. continue to just sit and stare like you have
The penguin in the lead of the formation been?”

leveled his heavy rifle at the three captives
and opened his beak for the first time and Without saying anything else, Veronica placed
spoke: her hand down her cleavage and removed
a lock pick in the same manner that a
“Eep!” magician might extricate a rabbit from a hat.
She brandished it about in the air pompously
After being herded and corralled by the for the men to see.
killer penguins into a frigid jail cell, Stuttz,
Pentecost, and Danner had no course of “Where’d you get that?” Chase asked,

action but to sit and wait…and wait…and

“This is driving me crazy!” Wash exclaimed

surprised yet delighted.

“I’m a private investigator,” she replied

plainly. “How else do you think I get into
as he stood up to pace, frustration finally buildings and rooms that I’m not supposed to
getting the better of him. “I can’t just sit be in?”
here! We’ve got to do something!”
Leaving that question to hang in the air,
“You’re flippin’ out, man!” Chase hollered Veronica reached her hands through the bars
back. “There’s nothing we can do right now, and around to the lock mechanism that she
so let’s use our marbles to come up with began to pick with all deftness and skillful

a plan!” And all the while, Veronica sat tenacity. After what seemed like endless
silently, seemingly oblivious to their rant. seconds of rattling and clanking of metal,
the lock popped and the door swung free.
“Oh yoo-hoo!” a girly voice called from down Before they were trapped and desperate, now
the hallway. Re-Zal Evad entered the brig to thanks to Veronica’s crafty handling of the
stand before their cell and taunt sadistically. situation, the fight was again theirs to be
His corpulent form had been squeezed into had. Overwhelmed by enthusiasm for this

the accoutrements of an American teenager. prospect, Wash took Veronica in his arms and
kissed her…before promptly dropping her.
“Re-Zal! You’re lucky I don’t tear through
these bars and stomp on your head while “Sorry,” he said wiping his mouth. “Got a
cryin’ cocka-li-doodle-lee-doo!” Chase said little excited.”
with his hands firmly planted on the steel
bars of their cell. “S-seems I underestimated you, Stuttz,”
stammered an uncharacteristically doe-eyed
“Oh but sir! I was wanting to tell you that Veronica.
soon I leave for America! I am going to hear
live jazz for first time! And I could not have “Chase, you get to a radio transmitter…or
done it without money gained from your whatever kind of Flash Gordon gizmo they
imprisonment! Shukran! Shukran!” With have around here…and get word to the boys
that, he cackled and departed in the same back in New York. Veronica and I will find

the earthquake device and see how we can Listen, you must detonate the reserves of
blow it up. Now let’s move like we’ve never jet and rocket fuel that they have in storage.
moved before!” Once you do, the heat from the blast will
ignite the geothermic gases…and that entire
With those final instructions from hall of nightmares you’re in will go up like a
Washington Stuttz, the three moved out. second sun. If we’re lucky, the blast might
even be severe enough to shut off the tunnel
Back in New York City, the experiments of entrance to Hyperborea. At any rate, we
one Dr. Campbell Fleming were suddenly must make certain that the Nazis not reach
interrupted by the sound of an incoming into space! Just make sure that you’re all
transmission on the radio receiver. plenty far away from there when it happens,
okay, Chase? Chase?”
“Uhh, hello?” Fleming spoke into the

microphone quizzically. His reply was a “Dammit! Doc! I gotta go!”
voice garbled through static. “Hello? Who is
this? What do you want?” And with that final, pleading statement from
Chase, the airwaves fell silent.

“Doc! It’s Chase!”
“Hold steady, boy! I’ll send help!” but
“Chase?” a startled Fleming hooted. “Chase Fleming had absolutely no idea how he would
Danner?” make good on that promise.
“The one and only, Daddy-O.” “You’ve found them?” asked Westinghouse
as he re-did his cufflinks and walked into the
“Where in blazes have you people been? I’ve
room behind Dr. Fleming.
been trying to reach you for…”
e Rapidly, Campbell Fleming recounted
“Cut out the hubbub, bub. We’ve been
everything that the secret agent man had
Shanghaied to Antarctica by a bunch of
reported to him over the radio and watched,
Nazis. They’re in cahoots with this other
as the face of Sterling Westinghouse grew
strange guy who claims to be from a kingdom
grimmer by the moment. Though he
inside the Earth and together they’re causin’
momentarily raised his eyebrows in optimism
the quakes with an earthquake device.”
as Dr. Fleming explained the physics behind
“Great Scott!” Campbell exclaimed after the explosion that he had just ordered them
slapping his forehead and jerking about. to create, Westinghouse was still greatly
troubled as to how to get his three operatives
“That ain’t all, Doc,” Chase cautioned. “These quickly out of harm’s way.

Nazis we got here in the South Pole? They’re

building up for an attack. I’ve seen a lot of “I will call President Truman,” a determined
military installations in my time and I should Westinghouse finally announced, and then
know. I got a look at the hangars on base promptly turned for the telephone that sat on
and I saw they’ve been building super attack the edge of Fleming’s cluttered desk. “And
jets, rocket ships, and they’ve been breeding tell him that a rapid strike force is needed in

an army of killer penguins.”

“All right! All right!” Dr. Fleming “But Boss! Won’t he think we’ve failed in
interrupted. “Listen, Chase? How warm is it our mission? Won’t he think…”
in that base?”
“Truman will think what I tell him to think!”
“You mean other than the brig? It’s actually snapped the multi-millionaire as he picked up
very warm.” the phone and dialed.

“A steamy sort of warm?” Well, that’s a radio that’ll never work again,
Chase thought to himself as he looked over
“Yeah. How’d you know?” the shattered and smoldering radio console
with the legs of a Nazi trooper sticking
“If they’re working with the Hyperboreans, out of it. Far more serious than the state
then I assume that the Nazis must now have of communications though, this trooper
the ability to tap geothermic energy sources.

would eventually be missed and it would be from the inferno that was the Earth’s core.
discovered that Chase and his compatriots Veronica Pentecost shrugged off the matter,
had effected escape and were on the loose. claiming that dodging death was what they
did best and that the steaming gases had
With those facts squarely in his mind, actually been a benefit to her by curling her
Chase Danner drew upon all of his learned hair. Less concerned with lady’s fashion and
instincts as a special agent in order to skulk more with escaping the Nazi’s Antarctic lair,
stealthily through the corridors of the Nazi the men of the three rushed for the surface
base. Deeper and deeper into what he was to where the aircraft…and their escape…
sure was the recesses of the Earth beneath awaited.
the Antarctic ice and snow, Chase’s heart
leaped when he came across Veronica and “Fools!” Xan cursed after the S.S. lieutenant
Wash as they were crammed into a confined informed him that the cells containing Wash,

space that overlooked an open expanse of the Chase, and Veronica were empty. “Find
building that held storage tanks of fuel and them! You have 30 minutes to do so…before
housed generators to power the hidden Nazi I begin to find new ways of motivating you
fortress. and your men!”

“Here,” Veronica winked before tossing
a handgun to him. “I got our guns and
communicators out of hoc. Got Wash’s mace,

“Cool, man, cool. But I got to the radio and

chewed the fat with the Doc. Here’s what we
gotta do,” Chase began as re-told the plan to
the others.
“Theoretically sound,” Stuttz ruminated to
himself. “All we have to do is find a way to
blow this dump without getting ourselves
killed in the process.”

“Plenty of planes up top in the hangar,”

Chase remarked. “Just get me to any of ‘em
and I can fly us out of here.”

“Great, pretty boy. But outside of that we’re

stumped,” confessed Veronica. With no better
ideas coming, the three gave in and contacted
Dr. Fleming on their wrist communicators.

“Great day in the morning!” came Dr.

Fleming’s exclamatory expression,

transmitted from thousands of miles away.

“None of you ever studied science? Oh
for the love of… Break the piping of the
geothermal gases near one of the large fuel
tanks. The metal of the storage tank will
slowly rise in temperature and then ignite
the liquid fuel, causing a domino effect
throughout the area!”

And with the help of Wash’s mace, that Not wanting to waste a precious minute
is exactly what the three accomplished, of that 30, the lieutenant gave a Nazi
despite the fact that all three of them were salute and bolted out of the door. Xan
very nearly sent to a scalding death by the then turned to the table next to him and
ensuing rush of gases that came straight ran his frighteningly long fingernails over

the scale model of the lunar base that was his opponent.
planned. On the wall behind him were
biological diagrams showing the level of With a shove on the shoulders, the giant Nazi
genetic intricacy that went into breeding a flung Stuttz from on top of him, sending him
killer penguin. Too much was on the line. flying into yet another series of steel drums.
Too much stood to be accomplished and After quickly picking himself back up, Wash
conquered to have it all in ruins because drew his mace and closed to engage the
these insignificant three. Leermeister stood wrench-wielding menace.
in the corner smoking a cigarette, seemingly
without sharing these concerns of Xan’s. Their metal weapons clashed and clanked,
connecting with each swing like swords in
“They must not be permitted to disable the a duel. Wash could feel the Nazi’s superior
earthquake device,” Xan told Leermeister, his strength battering away at him and did not

Hyperborean confidence breaking. know just how much longer he could hold
out against him. Suddenly, the bald Nazi had
POW! POW! Gunfire filled the entire hangar found an opening and gave Wash a haymaker
as Nazi troopers took cover behind aircraft of a right hook to the jaw. Wash immediately

and equipment from the pistols of Veronica crumpled to the floor, seeing stars and very
and Chase. Rapidly they returned fire, their nearly blacking out, an action that would
stray bullets hitting a drum that contained surely have doomed them all. The Nazi stood
some form of flammable material and causing over him, giving him insidious prodding kicks
a raucous explosion in the main hangar. to the stomach and jeering at him in German.

“Keep ‘em pinned down!” Stuttz shouted. “I’m That was all it took for Wash to fight back
going to secure a plane!” Chase nodded in the falling curtain of unconsciousness. No
understanding to Wash and then went back way was this man going to take a fall for a
to drawing a bead on the enemy soldiers.

Scurrying about and stopping to take cover

behind whatever equipment had been left
Nazi! Thinking his prey had been sufficiently
disabled, the guard leaned his face downward
to inspect and ridicule his fallen foe. It was
a perfect opportunity for Wash to give a
strewn about the aircraft hangar, Wash made massive swing of his mace and cave in the
his way over to his plane of choice: a bat- side of the Nazi’s head entirely.
winged Nazi super jet. Not only did it appear
large enough to him to accommodate all Elsewhere in the hangar, Veronica and Chase
three of them and not only did it look speedy had commandeered a tug cart. Veering and
enough to carry them safely away form the careening between the parked jets, Veronica
blast, but it just looked cool as all get out. drove the tug while Chase’s handgun spat

Crouching low, Wash made his play for the hot, leaded death at their enemies. A few
plane. Nazis fled, fearing that if a bullet didn’t kill
them, Veronica’s wild driving would run them
It was then that his head bumped into the over. Others still met one of the previously
firmest set of abdominal muscles he had ever mentioned fates.
seen. A large, bald Nazi guard had emerged

from behind the plane, carrying a workmen’s “Hold on!” Veronica ordered as she found
wrench and batting it menacingly into his herself unable to brake in time to avoid
left hand. Every muscle in the giant’s torso hitting a wheeled tool chest.
rippled in a show of pure testosterone and
his face sneered in challenge to Washington Chase ducked and wrapped his arms around
Stuttz. his head just before there was a prodigious
crash and metal went flying. The tug went
That’s the biggest damned German I’ve ever into a skid. The world began to spin. And
seen! Stuttz thought to himself. Oh well, no though Wash stood by the flying wing,
sense dragging this out any further. With frantically attempting to wave Veronica off,
that, Stuttz thrust himself forward and the heavy vehicle clipped straight through
slammed into the man’s mid-section. Though the nose gear of the jet, snapping it clean
tiny by comparison, Wash was a brawler by from the fuselage. The front end of the
nature and was not going to go down without aircraft dropped to the floor with a heavy
swinging a few. But then again, neither was crash, shattering the canopy and fragmenting

the nose into cracks with a small electric fire reflected by the snow and ice. That is when
beginning to burn. The tug came to a stop Veronica took the first shot. The rapport of
after it veered out of control into the side of the gun made a sharp crack in the cold air.
the hangar, jolting its occupants free. A killer penguin suddenly fell over dead…but
another soon waddled into its place. Chase
“It’s ruined,” Stuttz said sadly. “We fought Danner joined in on the action, blazing his
our way here for nothing.” handgun towards the deadly beasts.

“We don’t have much time left,” Veronica said “Uh-oh,” Danner said as his pistol began
somberly. making a tattletale clicking sound. “I’m out…
completely out.”
“Come on!” Stuttz said, shaking loose any
self-pity for their situation. “There’s a snow “Probably should have saved a few bullets for

crawler outside. Grab a parka from the ourselves,” Stuttz remarked, grimly assessing
mechanic’s rack and let’s go!” the tide of oncoming killer penguins.

“This is a drag, Daddy-O!” Chase called out as It was not in the nature of Chase Danner to

he held on to the side of the snow crawler. “I give up quite so easily. With all the foolish
think I just saw a turtle race pass us!” recklessness of youth, he dove from the
edge of the snow crawler and into the mass
Even Stuttz had to quietly agree with him. of penguins. He punched. He kicked. He
The vehicle was already at top speed in the wrestled. He had a decent-sized chunk bitten
snow and they had made only a modest out of the flesh of his back.
amount of distance from the base. The
ground shook from the shockwaves of the “Crazy kid,” Dr. Stuttz muttered while
initial detonation in the lower levels of the shaking his head in disbelief.
base. Soon, the entire area would go up in
a gigantic paroxysm of fire. They weren’t
going to make it.
Mace at the ready, Wash followed Chase and
jumped swinging into the fray. Through
fisticuffs and a mace, as well as the last
Fissures began to develop in the ice as the remaining shots from Veronica Pentecost,
tremors from the blast flowed outward from many a killer penguin fell that day in the
the center. As these cracks in the ice gaped Antarctic snow. But the situation grew
open wide, a moving mass of black and white bleaker by the moment. For every avian
began to spill forth from them…the Killer adversary that was killed, two more seemed
Penguins. Their incubation chambers had to follow in its place. The three fought as
broken apart and the penguins had been Sisyphus against the stone.

set free…massing their way straight for the

snow crawler. It did indeed look like the end for our heroes.

“Man, those things are going to devour That is until the blast of a laser beam
every scrap of flesh on our bodies,” Chase incinerated the penguin nearest Chase. Ray
said in soft awe, catatonic in the face of the after ray of red lasers shot down from the
oncoming tidal wave of penguins that emitted sky, reducing the mass of penguins to a wide

and endless chorus of “Eep! Eep! Eep!” pile of smoldering ash and cutting an arc of
safety around the snow crawler.
“Devouring my flesh has been tried on me
before. But I somehow doubt it’s going to be And as the three looked to the sky to
as fun this time,” said Veronica as she lit a determine the source of their salvation, they
cigarette in preparation for an ugly fight. found it in the form of a group of men flying
through the clear Antarctic sky by way of
The region around the snow crawler had rocket packs strapped to their backs. Their
turned from an endless field of white to copper helmets gleamed in the sunlight and
a sea teeming of black and white. Stuttz shone as justice before the spawn of the Nazi
turned the beam of the snow crawler’s rotary menace. It was the United States Rocket
searchlight directly upon the encroaching Corps…The Fightin’ Rocketmen.
killer birds. Their beaks squawked out at the
light as they became blinded from the glare Three of the Rocketmen landed on the snow

crawler, causing Veronica, Chase, and Wash “It’ll do, Boss,” Chase said with false
to avert their faces from the brief burst of indifference.
heat that radiated from the rocket pack.
“And the entrance?” interrupted a frantic
“We’re The Rocketmen. We’re here to get Doc Fleming. “Did the explosion seal the
you out,” the lead Rocketman said plainly entrance to Hyperborea?”
to Veronica. “Let me get a hold on you,
Ma’am.” Chase and Wash exchanged dumb looks while
Veronica continued to make out with her
“Oh you betcha!” Veronica turned around Rocketman.
with a grin and allowed her to be enveloped
in the arms of the Rocketman. “Doc, there’s no way we can know that. We
had to high-tail it out of there before we went

Wash and Chase also allowed themselves to up with the place, too,” Wash replied.
be held by the other two rescuers (by the
underarms only) and soon they were soaring “Yes, I understand,” Fleming sagged with
up into the sky…just as a fireball of immense dejection. “But I fear we may get our answer

proportions erupted forth into the air from to that question someday soon.”
beneath the polar ice.
Xan continuously lost his footing on the loose
Soaring away from the blast like an insect rock of the tunnel, mainly due to the fact
spat forth from an inferno was one of that he was only wearing slippers on his feet.
the Nazi super jets. It desperately made He fell yet one more time onto his posterior
its attempt at escape, desperately for it and uttered a curse in Hyperborean.
contained Re-Zal Evad.
e “Have you no decent footwear?” chided
“Hurry my friends!” Re-Zal whimpered to the Colonel Leermeister who was ahead of him in
Nazi pilot and co-pilot. “If you can get us to the tunnel.
Argentina in an hour, I will pay you double!”
“Royalty seldom travel this way,” Xan
growled. “Besides, what time had I to change
Before the pilots could answer the sniveling
coward, three Rocketmen appeared in front shoes before our work went up into flames?”
of the plane, causing the pilots to point out
of the cockpit window and shout nervously in Leermeister could feel the heat from the
German. The Rocketmen aimed their laser intense fire that burned above them and
guns at the plane, motioning for the pilot to would probably continue to burn for another
ditch the jet in the icy waters below so that week.

he and his passengers might be apprehended.

“They shall all pay dearly for this,” Xan
“I would have liked to have met Betty swore aloud as he once more started
Grable,” Evad sniffled pathetically in defeat. down the path that led into the Earth.
“Hyperborea shall again rise to the surface
The other remaining Rocketmen delivered and when it does…I shall first go looking
their rescuees to the deck of a U.S. submarine for Veronica Pentecost, Chase Danner…and

that awaited them in the waters off of Washington Stuttz.”

Antarctica. Veronica promptly commanded
her Rocketman to remove his helmet so that
she might give him a deep kiss of gratitude.
Chase and Wash told their rescuers that a
hearty handshake was all they were getting
from them.

“How is that for a rescue with style?” came

the voice of Sterling Westinghouse on their
wrist communicators.

to unrest among the natives, civil unrest and even
open rebellion. Visiting heroes may find themselves

having to choose between supporting the rebels or
defending the interests of the colonial empire in
order to achieve whatever their current goals are.
Globetrotting adventurers in the pulp era

Rebellions tend to be scrappy, ill-equipped affairs
led by hotheads, fighting guerilla wars with little
are living in the end days of the great colonial
thought for collateral damage, often using the
empires. Many European nations still had
opportunity to settle old racial or religious scores
significant empires, with colonies spread all over
along the way, and are easily put down by the
the world. Great Britain, for example, could still
military might and technology of their oppressors.
boast an empire upon which the sun never set.
Communist infiltrators can often be found behind
The coming war will soon change this, rewriting
rebellions, providing weapons and advice in their
the world map for decades to come, but all that
lies in the future. During the pulp era, heroes will
often have to deal with colonial authorities rather
than local governments, and the differences in
attempts to destabilize the empires of the West.

Many pulp heroes gained their military experience

from putting down local rebellions, experiences that
the relationships between the colonizers and the may come back to haunt them in later years (and
colonized can lead to some tricky situations. make good adventure seeds!).
A list of 1930s colonies can be found in the book
on p. 26-27. Colonies are normally run by a

representative of the colonizing nation, who ensures
that their country’s best interests are protected. This ravelers in Africa and Asia could often do

can mean anything from ensuring that business so without encountering anyone but Europeans,
interests from the homeland are giving preferential such was the spread of European control. Those
treatment, to organizing outright slave labor. The locals who were encountered very often occupied
representative is usually back by the power of subservient roles, such as waiters, valets, clerks and
a military garrison, and can make and unmake other functionary positions. This often leads some
laws as he sees fit, though the more enlightened American travelers to think of the world in the same

nations do at least pretend to be mindful of the way they think of a distant state, somewhere distant,
colony’s laws and the freedom of its people. Some but basically the same as home. Nothing could be
colonies are allowed a limited form of home rule, farther from the truth, and it is this blindness to
in which the colonial representative takes on the cultural differences that has created many of the
role of a counsellor or ambassador rather than a problems Americans face when travelling the world
ruler, allowing the colony more political and social of the 1920’s and 30’s.
Travelers in the colonies are expected to check in
Regardless of the nature of the colonial relationship, with the colonial authority on arrival, who will
the representative normally retains the power to advise them on the current political climate and any
overrule the decisions of the local government. local difficulties they might encounter. If the heroes
In well-ordered colonies this power is only rarely are of high enough social prominence, the colonial
used, as experienced empires soon learn this leads authority may choose to provide them with support


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