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The Way I See The World

By Mazliana Abdul Rahman

I open my eyes, and hold my breath

If I stay still and hold my silence
Will I hear it all deep down beneath
The greatness of nature keeping me in trance

Teachers taught me in lessons

Internet became my doorway
They told me the world in fashions
Blues and greens through night day

Now at the age of today

I step lightly to the flaky dry dusty ground
I wonder why I see the mourning sad cloud in grey
Coughing brown grasses all over the town

I want the world be painted pink and red with bloom of petals
Yellow and green leaves heaping the grounds and heavy on the trees
Purple and orange fluttering creatures big and small
Lively dance of the buzzing busy bees

I sit on my bed, and I pray into the serenity

For the destinations of my eyes this world be colourful
May the air be breezy, and the trees be shady,
Walking this world full of people smiley and beautiful

This world was little, young and innocent

Now she’s living, with wisdom of her experinces
Sometimes I heard whispering, she’s afraid of her reflection
Yes, the world is sad , she wishes for embraces
Dearest my people
Let us care and protect this planet
Pour it love, barrel by barrel
For the future, full of glee and comfort.

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