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Lester Daryl E.

Discipleship 1

“Anxiety is the Dizziness of freedom”

By Soren Kierkegaard

According to Soren Kierkegaard “ Anxiety is the Dizziness of freedom”the attraction to

and the repulsion from the nothingness of future possibilities. Thus, anxiety is not
simply a psychological state, mood or feeling, but is an ontological structure essential to
human beings and is the mark of human freedom.And anxiety is a normal even
essential,part of human being.”anxiety is the dizziness of freedom" is a powerful
metaphor that captures the essence of this complex emotion. Anxiety can be a
debilitating condition, but it is also a reminder of our freedom to choose and create our
own lives.
Anxiety is a common theme in existentialist thought. Soren Kierkegaard believes that
anxiety is an inevitable part of the human condition, because we are constantly faced
with choices and decisions. We may be anxious about our careers, our relationships, our
health, or our mortality.

However, existentialists also believe that anxiety can be a positive force in our lives. It
can motivate us to take action and to live our lives to the fullest. It can also help us to
appreciate the value of each moment.

The philosophy of "anxiety is the dizziness of freedom" can be applied to many different
areas of our lives. For example, it can help us to understand the anxiety that we may feel
when we are facing a major life decision, such as choosing a career or starting a family.
It can also help us to understand the anxiety that we may feel in our relationships, as we
navigate the challenges of intimacy and commitment.

Ultimately, the philosophy of "anxiety is the dizziness of freedom" is a reminder that we

are all free to create our own lives. It is a reminder that we are responsible for our own
choices and for the consequences of those choices. It is also a reminder that anxiety is a
normal and even inevitable part of the human condition.

If we can learn to manage our anxiety effectively, we can embrace the dizziness of
freedom and live our lives to the fullest.

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