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Rock mechanics lessons from dams

1. As a rock mechanics engineer who is on a site investigation visit to a

hydroelectric dam construction project. Discuss in detail the application of
rock mechanics/engineering to surface Dam design
Rock mechanics play a crucial role in surface dam design. Here are some key
applications of rock mechanics in surface dam design
1. Foundation Analysis: Rock mechanics is used to analyze the stability and
load-bearing capacity of the foundation on which the dam will be constructed. This
analysis helps in determining the suitability of the foundation rock and identifying
any potential issues that may affect dam stability
2. Stability Analysis: Rock mechanics is applied to assess the stability of the dam
structure itself. It involves evaluating the strength and deformation characteristics
of the rock materials used in the dam construction, as well as analyzing the
interaction between the dam and the foundation rock
3. Seepage Control: Rock mechanics is utilized to analyze and design measures
for controlling seepage through the dam and its foundation. This includes
evaluating the permeability of the rock materials, assessing potential pathways for
seepage, and designing appropriate measures such as grouting or cutoff walls to
minimize seepage.
4. Design of Rock Support Systems: Rock mechanics is employed to design
rock support systems for surface dams. This includes determining the type and
placement of reinforcement elements such as anchors, rock bolts, and shotcrete
to enhance the stability of the dam and prevent rock mass failure.
5. Construction Techniques: Rock mechanics is used to develop construction
techniques that ensure the safe and efficient construction of surface dams. This
includes analyzing the behavior of rock materials during excavation, evaluating the
stability of temporary slopes, and designing blasting and excavation methods to
minimize rock damage and ensure worker safety

Solving the unsolved Problems in Rock Mechanics and Rock

2. With reference to rock mechanics and rock engineering, write an
explanatory note on how to measure in situ rock stress, required for
computer applications modelling

To measure in situ rock stress for computer modeling, several methods can be
employed. Here are some commonly used techniques:

1. Hydraulic Fracturing Method: This method involves injecting fluid into a

borehole to create fractures in the rock. By monitoring the pressure required to
induce and propagate fractures, the in-situ stress can be determined.

2. Overcoring Method: The overcoring method involves drilling a borehole and

extracting a cylindrical rock sample. The sample is then subjected to laboratory
testing to measure the stress-induced deformation. By analyzing the strain data,
the in-situ stress can be calculated.

3. Borehole Deformation Method: In this method, instruments such as strain

gauges or extensometers are installed inside a borehole. These instruments
measure the deformation of the borehole wall due to the surrounding stress. By
analyzing the deformation data, the in-situ stress can be determined.

4. Numerical Modeling and Back Analysis: Another approach involves using

numerical modeling techniques to back-analyze the in-situ stress from
observed rock deformations or failures. By comparing the measured and
predicted stress states, the in situ stress field can be estimated

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