Task 2

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The cities are getting more and more crowded.

Some people believe that the city

should remove the parks in order to build more apartmentsTo what extent do you
agree or disagree?Write at least 250 words

In modern days, overpopulation in cities has become more popular than ever and that
lead to the lack of housing.It is thought by some people that replacing parks with
apartments would be a solution. In my personal viewpoint, I totally disagree with this
While i agree with the idea that the more spacious it is , the less crowded it become, I
would agrue that lands that come from the removal of park are sand in a desert. Shortage
of space happen to a large range of resident, removing parks not only not fixing the
problen but alse lead to lots of other problem for example more serious air poluntion
which caused as tree has been removed. Moreover, parks are as essential as aparments.
Many social activities take place in parks from daily hang out to large concert or even
cities’s big ceremony. Benefit that come from this idea may not outweight the harm that
it cause
In additional, there are alternative actions that can be taken to solve the overcrowding
question. Upgrade existing infrastructure for instance, it is either cause no side effect or
take the advantage of what aldready there. Expand the city for more constructive land is a
highly appreciate answer, in fact this way has been done successfully in many cities in
the world New dehli and new york for example.
In conclusion, I think parks and apparments play an important role in the morden society,
they are inneed in different way. I do not accept the thought that parks should be remove
for space to build more appartments

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