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Va cave IVED) as oFtice dr ~~ ke CG Set ah Republic of the Bbilinpines ‘euzeay canon Recofps Bepartment of Education Time Released -MIMAROPA REGION feud SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO = —_———_——_| Office of the Schools Division Superintendent September 5, 2023 SPECIAL ORDER No, 056.8. 2023 It is made a matter of record that the personnel stated below are hereby officially designated as members of the District Research Committee, effective August 29, 2023 in the exigency of the service: DESIGNATION NAME Fosimion Scxoot Taser ‘Mr, Glemente 5. Polen | BPS 1/Parent Supeivisor | Dit fice Chairperson Bugenia C.Magpit_——| Principal ‘Water Elementary School Corchaisperson te [Jecyn Ganon Principat ‘Manganean TE. TASTSHS| Anabel ©. Balzon Head Teacher Rufino Asi National HS Members ‘Reseath Foauaior | Rowalinda R dela Graz | Waser Teacher Baco NHS Reseach Evaluator | Mari R. Barca Principal ladia C. Macalalad BS ‘Research Bvauaior | Gemma A. Antenot [Principal Pulantubig Blem. Sch ‘Stastcian | Jonathan M, Politico | Teacher NIA ‘Lumangbeyan NHS Teac : Tangs r= 7% 3 a naoe Bato] ute B.Accveda Principal it Julio. Hernandex MS Tanga Baar a a Bor Queenedane Abaca | Teacher NHS a el rincipal 1 Felix V. s zs Shicta A. Tagala Principal Aoevea MS ‘DESIGNATION NAME POSTION SCHOOL Taviser De: GenalinW. Ani | PSDS Dinas Orie Chairperson (Grego A. Amparo | Principal Baneud NHS RAS Covehsicperson “lem Osalio F- Paz Principal Fagus BS SY SHS | Ales W. Magbaria Principal Alcodesrin NES [ieee Research Foor | Victor R Mand Principal Banead CS Research Bvaludtor | Remaick M. Ureia Master Teacher Bansud NHS-RSHS Reseach Bwaluior | Hershey M. Déos Reyes | Principal Tiguinen ES ‘Statistinan | Danio 8. Perez Principal Villapag- ase NES Secreariat nn ae ita C. Mar feacher II] “asa Ti Elna C. ‘Teacher tt Pageasa NHS coe er Rennel 8. Ogbac ‘Teacher II Bansud NHS-RSHS: Language Editor | Condetina C. Lacsamana | Head Teacher Poa meee wae Baier Yanda ts ead Teacher it bes DESIGNATION Naw POSTON ScHooL ‘ner | Be Pasicio anthony —[ PSS Disuiet Otic Chairperson Jake F Montoya Principal Pankian ES Cochairperson Biem | Mamerta E. Caunceran | Principal | | Tawas ES TR) SHS | Edwin RDe Guzman | Principal Formon NHS Sta, Isabel, Calapan Clty, Orental Mindoro, $200, Telephone Numer: (043) 2887810/ Email Address: oriental Republic ofthe Bbitippines Department of Education ‘MIMAROPA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Members ‘Research Fuatuaior | Bupa. Gagan Principal playa BS ‘Research Evaluator | Argent L, Pesrok Master Teacher Bull ES ‘Research Bualuator | Clemen A. Coz Master Tescher Il Moises Abante MES | Sutistcian | Melomar A. Retanal | Principal Labasan NHS Secretar Tenacos Ear] Reynaldo R Montasia | Principal lt Filemon M. Salcedo MES een” | Wwyjy C. Famisaran | Teacher t/TIC Batangan Buhid HS Taneage Bdior 4, vecue'y sunren | Panos elisa Guevara Filipino ——— wl Salvacion MES Dasewaron Naw Position ‘Senoo “Haviser Dr Catia F. Reyes Paw. Disiet Ofce ‘Chairperson Fe D. Ylagsn Principal Iplecerio Lopee MES (Co-chairpereon Blom | Dr. Bernadette B. Manale_| Principal [ Camajan BS FHS/SHS | Mercedita D. Gabay Principal [hasaguisi NAS Members ‘Research Evaluator | Melanie A, Tbabao Principal Castor F Solabo MES “Research Evaluaior | Cynthia 8. Trviso Principal Maggaiena U. Suyon NS ‘Stuistcian | Rachel M. Baraquel [Teacher ‘Vicente Vingas NHS Seca language Fdltor— | praneie 8, Linga Ml ‘Teacher Bongabong Tech Voc HS Tarowaoe BAR lsencya 8 Canton | Teacher Vere Vlagan NHS a vadya D. de Leon. Master Teacher I MES Rady D. her alecerio Lopes ‘DesiGnarion ‘Naw PORTION ‘ScHOoL Haviser John Mi: Fajlagutan | SDS Distt Ofice ‘Chairperson Ellen A. Mangoya Principal ‘Campaasan ES ‘Go-chairperson - Bien [Tay Peranco Principal Cambunang 8S TIS/SHS| Pedro P. Acosta, Jk | Head Teacher IT Benli HS Members ‘Research Evauator | Noel 5, Tumbagahon | Teacher Bulainono NS ‘Research Ronluator | Reynante M, Beriquez | Master Teachor San Rogue NES ‘Research Boaluator | Allan Jay F. Madea Head Teacher ll] Bulalacno NHS ‘Statistician | Emma C. Balbwatro | Master Teacher Bulalncao NHS Secrsariat Tana Glior~ | Honey Grace M. Osorio _| Teacher I Bulalacao NHS Tanguage Siar] Katrina Angplique | yoscnoe Thomo Wi a me “Teacher Bulalacao NHS Tanage Biot | nyea = ad sa Myra Paola Principal t San Rogue ES a : Nae POSITION SCHOOL “adviser Lscena V. Manalo PSDs Distiet Office Pres. Diosdado Chairperson ‘Joann G. Carandang | Head Teacher i Eee Sta Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone Number: (043) 2887810) Email Address: oriental Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division ‘Superintendent Go chairperson lem | Wy Rose V. Mabangs | Waster Teacher T Langan ES THIS/SHS | Ish Joy M. Montemayor | Teacher I Marsuel Adriano MNS Members Research Evahuaior | Jermelyn A Lao Principal i Tangaang ES earch Bratuair | Medinda M.Ituralde ead Teacher ele? ‘Research Bualaior | Merlinda M,Ituralde | Head Teacher I ae ‘Research Evaluator | Rio D. Dimaala Principal i Bonus 68 ‘Statistician | Rafal S. Magdarulang | Teacher M1716 Maragpoe ES Secretariat. Tenguage Bar| pon 5 Roma aio Pres Diosdado English = ‘seer Macapagal MNHS Tanguage ilior= aie : oe Joshua J Teacher Banus #8 Teouage BAO | katan TCandaca | Tush Bulbugan ES DESIGNATION NAME POSTION ScHOoL ‘Aiviser Dr Oscar C. Ling Parent Supervisor Disuiet Office Chairperson Emerson S,Baluniong | Teacher I TIC vilarose ES. ‘Co-chairperson lem [ Dr. Abely P-Mecea Master Teacher Si Mara BS THIS/SHS | Germelin M. Caso Principal Fe Del Mundo RAS [Members Researdh Bvaluaior | Peier M. Sali Head Teacher Fe Del Mundo NAS Me, Acad Research Bvaluaor| Me. teh Mt Master Teacher! Baluge NHS “Research Baluaior | Gone Habana Master Teacher i Salay 38 ‘Statistician | Daama T. More [Teacher i Don Pedro HS Secriariat Tanaris Pater] Quarmat 8. Obrique acher m Pedro me Quarmat 8. Obi “Teacher i Don Pedro HS: Tanguage Bator = 8M. Solano reacher noma a Julius M. Sol ‘Teacher it Quinomay 28 Tange itor | Babyiyn D. Eguillon Principal 1 Cagulong &S DESIGNATION Nae Postion ‘ScHOOL ‘aviser Alas G. Encisa PROS Distt Oce Chairperson zyne C. Vigil Principal Nagibe 1 65 Co-chaieperson ion [Nitabel 6. Dela ana Master Teacher it ose L Basa WS f TS SH | Ryan P.Babio Master Teacher 1 Melgar NHS Members - ‘Research Bwaluator | Gesile M. Gevoleo Masier Teacher 1 Franco Melaar MS Research Bualuator | Myra Hernandez Master Teacher I Joe L, Basa MS esearch Bualuator| Joy T. Vega Masie: Teacher Mt Nag iba 16S ‘Statistician | Carian N. De Ramos | Master Teacher Il Kalinisan ES Secreariat sanaruoge Baar] Djkonder Noa a aime noe a Eo Master Teacher It Naujan Municipal HS Taniooe Edior- | aureen 6, Beigan | Teacher Taboo BS Tanquage Bator” | Jay-r M. Comia ‘Teacher Ml Francisco Tria MS ‘Sta Isabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone Number: (043) 2287810/ Email Adress: oriental we’ Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office ofthe Schools Division ‘Superintendent: DESIGNATION awe: POSTION ‘ScHOoL atin James 7 Zamora PDs Disuict Office Chairperson ‘Arlyn D. Magsino | Prneipal ‘Advialuna ES (Co-chairperson ‘Bien | Febelya D-Balbuena | Pncipal Fovlsio G, Conia MES THs/ S28 Mares M. Aca Jr. | Principal tm Porato 8. Mend Members. = ‘Research Bvaluair | aM. Cristobal Teaser DS. Mendosa Sr, MNS ‘Researc Buatuntr | Meta C- Maranan | Master Teacher San Agustin NHS. ‘Research Evaluator | Donalyn N. Herrera | Principal Manuel R Marcos Sf BS ‘Statistician | Jobn tester M, Rigo | Teacher it ‘Barco 8: Mendoen Sr ‘Secretariat lor - Tanguage Julius Genar A. Quinio Master Teacher I Porfiria G. Comin MNHS Tanriage Edior- | eaeriyn D. Malabay Master Teacher 1 Buhangin ES Taruage iio wi. pamizee = Doroeo 5: Mendes 5 ee oa 1. R ‘Head Teacher Mt ae DESIGNATION Name ScHoo. Taner Dr Chee Z. Padrones Diswiet ofice | Chairperson Zaidy 8. Argent ‘Cornelio Lintawagin MES [Co-chairperson “Hem [ Ma. Mizel A. Cabo Taturnine E, Gomes MES JHS/SHS | Rowena M. Carandang | Teacher ttf TIC ‘Aurora NHS - Malvar Extension Members ‘Research Bvauato | Jesseron B. amar | Maier Teacher EM. Casha BS Fesewel Evaluator | Jonah 1. Hernandez | Principal Malvar ES ‘Research Evaluator | Lorna H. Berguers, PaD.| Principal i Aurora Coniral School Statistician | Roderick A Pascual | Master Teacher T Tnarawan NHS 4 Secretariat ~ Genie ls ie = angel ae Buckie! D. Sevilla “Teacher vangelsta NHS ees ier i 8. Zamora sachee wan NH sa Kerwin 6. Za SHS Teacher i Inaruwan NHS ee ee eo leecher ‘arora NHS DESGNATION NAME Posmon Schoo einer ‘De Arinafe D_ Jarabe [PSDS Distiet Oe Chairperson Pamela. Andulan | Head Teacher i71IG| Cacawan HS Co-chainperson Blom | Leta J. ison Prinepal Doda Arwnckon Keres R/S | abet I. Cale Prieipal Bui HS Members = | ‘Researdh Evafuator | Richie PLimaeeo Paincpal Quinabigan NHS Research Evaluator | Jocelyn M. Magoo Paineipal | Del Razor ES Resear Evaluator | een M. Magibay Principal I PLANS ‘Statistician | Mark Dew Master Teacher Pui NHS ‘ta Isabel, Calapan city, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone Number: (043) 2887810 Emall Address: oriental mindoro@deped we Republic of the Philippines: Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office ofthe Schools Division ‘Superintendent Seca Tange E> ay aie Julie Ann B. Solas: ‘SHS Teacher Il Quinabigan NHS language Biller: Alphashalom L, Rodil ‘Teacher I Cacawan HS ge Baar ore Jean Rose A. Manlises ‘Teacher I Pili NHS, a NAME PosTion Scioo. Ties Ciara G-vilaruel EPS [Parent Super | Dini Omee Chairperson ‘Ana Florence M. David —| Principal Pambisan NHS Govchaltpersan “Bion | Mameria M,Banasias | Wead Teacher V0 Wattangaog BS TS SHS | Nonato R Magiibay | Pineipal Nabuslot NHS Members ‘Research Evaluator | Ronilo M, Sapangan Principal Panggulayen ES esearch Boauaor | Amold 0. Capa Principal Aanoing ES | ese vanator | Merrchicl 0. Marasaan | Teacher Ti Nabuslor NHS ‘Statistician [May V. Falgant Master Teacher Nabuslot NS Seareariat | Fanos Balto | angel M. Mausig Anoling HS ‘Language Editor- fa los Reyes faster Teact vat t Et | ttt. Delos Rey Master Teacher Nabuslot 08 Language Editor- | Maribel M, Marayan Master Teacher II Nabuslot CS bine DESIGNATION NANE Posmion Scn0o. Tibiees Timer P. Concepcion | BPS Parent Supervianr —| Dialer Ofce aller Raymond Chair MaricaF. Jamil Assistant Principat | Sulla Corhairperson “Bion Ferman V_Ricaranca | rnp Poa OS TR/SHS | Lerebe A. Gonzales | Prineipal Matalaala HS Members Resear Evaluator | Sara Grntcia DeLeon | Mater Teacher Tigaan BS Master Teacher Domingo Yu Chu NHS “Teacher Domingo Yu Chu NHS ‘Staistian | Rochelle M, Dimaano | Teacher Mi ——Teormings Ya chu NHS Sea ee Tie Doris V. Manahan Head Teacher tt Domingo Yu Chu NHS Tarouare £6 | pgp 0, agen Teacher I Pola oS Tange Elio Vcermaiyn D. Majado | Maater Teacher Domingo a Cha NHS Ete ies Naw FosmOn Senor ‘aise Nala M.Gasill SBE Dinnici mes — es Margie P. Gaya, PD | Principal t ONES - Dulangan Co-chalrperson Bie [Aneaia © Lopez Fecal Balntero BS “I5/ SH | Loita. Vil Principal W Puerto Galera NHS ‘Sta sabe, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone Number: (043) 2887840/ Emall Address: oriental mi SS Republic ofthe Dhitippines Bepartment of Education MIMAROPA REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Members ‘Researsh Boaluaior| Menchie G Raicha Teacher i Perio Galera NHS |Research Evaluator [Retchelle Sata “Teacher i Puerto Galera NHS ‘Research Evaluator | Cesiah T-Caspe Teacher II7O Ambang Mangyan School Statistician | Ren! M. Sanda | Master Tenchert BGNTIS San no ‘Secretariat a ator lene SteTaerenD.Caginan (Teacher tn FONHS-Dataniaa Tanaage Eder | eaiyn ©. Ceniza end Teacher Puerto Galera NHS ee Mildred L. Cabuhal Principal 1V Isidoro Suzara MS — Sees SS as Adiser Dr, Melanie R.Raveses | PSDS iret Offs Dr. Fortuna W. Chuisperson arenes Principal at Dengay BS ‘Co-chairperson | ‘Hem | Dr Cecilia LTafala | Principal San Rafael ES THIS/SHS | Ricky 8. Apostol Principal V San Mariano NES Members ‘Research Boauator | Bt. Minerva F. Casto | Principal Roxas Central School Research Evaluator | Dr. Winona E. Sanque | Principal W Mareeo I Cabrera VHS ‘Resour Evaluator | Dr. Miriam F Magracia | Principal V Dangay NHS ‘Statistician | Renante F. Fetzanan | Teacher Ud ‘San Mariano ROS Secretariat aroweoe PAO oy, els D, Gata | Prnapal BF. Lazaro MS Zavaro Ealor aigza M, Dela Cra sus Tt Danaay NHS aa incl isan ees De. Brame €. yo Prinipal it Paclasan BS DESIGNATION NAME POSTON ScHOOE : ‘Principal II/ Coordinating | Lamangaven ees pase eee Prise E/Distret Otice | Chaiperson ‘Mari Anthony €.Leido | Head Teacher San Teodoro NHS Co-chairperson “lem | Jay Bae Prinepal ‘Calsapa ES FAS/SHS | veoningay D-Pastua | Teacher I San Teodoro NHS Members ‘Research Foaluator | Novene May A-Ponce | Teacher San Teodoro NAS] Research Bualuator | Modgeline M.Co Master Teacher 1 ‘San Teodoro CS Research Evaluator | Kenn Reymond N. ‘Teacher I ‘San Teodoro NHS ‘Evangeline E Mereado | Master Teacher i “Bignan ES. Secretariat Tanguags Falter] petcila J. Cinense Teacher It San Teodoro WHS ee Sacag Sateen Fa Tanwar Eater | cynthia, Onedo Teacher it Ss Tanaage Eator | teynard RGuteres | Teacher Mt ‘San Teodoro NHS Sta. Isabel, Calapan city, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone Number: (043) 2887810) Email Address: erlental Republic o be Dblipoines Department of Education -MIMAROPA REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office ofthe Schools Division ‘Superintendent DESIGNATION NAME. osimon ‘ScHOoL ‘Adviser ‘Dz: Rock Amiel D_Avzobl | SEPS/Parent Supervisor —| Disict Office a ee Co-shairperson Bien | Crista R Lambo Principal IV Tewtebore NE Tsui | Masiou P. Atenaa Master Teacher Monteverde ES enters ‘Research Bvaiuator | Jomar B, Lasae ‘Teacher Teuteboro NHS Research Evaluator | Cherlyn 8. Mina "Tescher Ii Bayuin NHS Research Bvaluntor | Evangeline V. Cay Principal Catiningan ES ‘Statistician | Jaymar G. Gaciles “Teacher Il Leuteboro NHS Dr. RosewellO, Tolentino | Master Teacher FCM:-Subaan ES “ovel M, Eumba “Teacher Il Catuemoy ES Maxima D. Capuyan | Principal ‘Batong Dalig ES Desicnarion Nae POSTION Senoot Tekner ‘Br Josspn A. Ds Gasiro | PSDS Distt Office (Chairperson Hide L. Hermandes | Principal Pagan ES Co-chairperton “lem | a, Theresa T. Dimayga_] Principal “Aialy Rodan MES THiS/SHS | Ma. Ciaralyn . Valencia [Principal 1 Bethel iS Members [__ Research Buaiuatr | Usalie R Metante Teacher i716 Bagong Silang WES Research Bvaiuator| Lovely Ann H. Asana | Teacher Il Pakyes ES “Research Evaluator | Myre B, Gardooe Teacher i Victoria CS ‘Satatician | Jeffey 0. Olympia Teacher I Wiewria €8 Sear Language Editor | Jenne al reacher tacaroe nag Siennelyn 8. Baral | Teacher Mt Macatee NHS Tanguate Baior= ee = mae Bl ‘Alona A. Agbul Teacher Il Teaguage BaF | pray ae os ae eA hristabel L. Dec Principal i Duties and responsibilities of District Research Committees are attached. As such, they have to perform functions, duties and responsibilities attached to their additional assignment. Sta, label, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, $200, Telephone Number: (043) 2887810/ Email Address: orlental SS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA Region ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO ‘School Governance and Operations Division Planning and Research Section District Research Committees for SY 2023-2024 Designation I Duties and Responsibilities District Research Managers + Provide directions on research initiatives through the |e adviser national and local Basie Edueation Research Agenda > Chairperson [BERA) and other identified priority research areas in > Co-Chairperaona the region and division. ‘+ Initiate the conduct of research activities that will ‘encourage teaching and non-teaching personnel to ‘engage themselves in conducting researches ‘+ Endorse research proposals to the Schools Division Office through the School Governance and Operations Division ~ Planning and Research Section for further evaluation and application for the grant of the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) and other possible fund sources. + Propare and submit accomplishment reports to the 'SGOD-PRS on all research initiatives conducted in the district from all fund sources ‘© Resolve emerging issues on the management and conduct of research together with the other members of the DRC ‘© Conduct periodic monitoring on research initiatives in ‘schools and CLCs within the district, and ‘+ Provide progress report on dissemination and utilization of conducted researches Members ~ Assist the members of the Schools Division Research > Research Evaluators ‘Management Team (SDRMT) in the conduct of initial ‘content evaluation of the submitted research proposals in their respective district based on DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017 also known as the Research Management Guidelines and the submission requirements set by the Schools Division Office, and + Ensure that cost estimates fall under the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulation > Siatistician = Provide technical assistance and services in the ‘statistics of the researchers of their respective district free of charge ‘Assist the researchers in the following: ‘) identifying and using appropriate statistical tools for | a particular research; | b) processing the data gathered in their respective researches; and ¢| interpreting, analyzing and recommending using the findings generated by statistics on their research. Secretariat * Organize, coordinate, and document meetings of the DRC + Conduct the initial screening and ensure the completeness of the requirements of the submitted proposals for compliance with the submission guidelines + perform an extensive review of all aspects of grammar (Girueturat use of words, clauses, and phrases, subject- verb agreement) paralielisms, tenses, conjugations, spelling and punctuation © Endorse research manuscripts to the Division Language Editor upon completion of the conduct of the study sta. tsabel, Calapan Clty, Orental Mindoro, $200, ‘Telephone Number: (043) 2887810/ Email Adress: oriental mindoro@deped

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