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Name : Baraa

Surname : Jarrah

MCH3995 Summer Training I MCH4995 Summer Training II

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report


This form must be filled by the Training Evaluation Committee at the university.

Training Evaluation:

1) Is the company that the student has chosen to do his/her training at, appropriate?

Yes No

2) Is the score in the Training Register Form greater or equal to 2.5/4.00?

Yes No

3) Has the company executive officer approved the training?

Yes No

Student is: Successful Unsuccessful in the training.

Report Evaluation:

1) Is the format and the content of the report appropriate?

Appropriate Not Appropriate

2) Is the content of the report original and satisfactory?

Yes No

Correction Offerings:

Student is: Successful Unsuccessful in the training and report.

Training Evaluation Committee:

Member1 Member2
Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Weekly Schedules: 1st Week

Date Tasks Accomplished

My internship at the robotics company commenced with an immersive

01/09/2022 introduction to various electrical and classic control I/O components, guided by the
company's engineering staff.

02/09/2022 I gained practical experience in applying various control circuit components,

including circuit breakers, contactors, timers, counters, and an assortment of

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

I acquired the ability to control both 3-phase and 1-phase motors using a diverse
set of classic control systems.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

My skills in electrical and control engineering saw noticeable improvement as I

learned to seamlessly integrate these disciplines.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

I honed the ability to read, comprehend, and craft various electrical and control
schemes in compliance with ICE/CSA standards.


Executive Officer

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Weekly Schedules: 2nd Week

Date Tasks Accomplished

Transitioning into the Automation Engineer role, I delved into different

automation systems, such as PLCs and HMIs.


I learned to program PLCs and configure HMIs for controlling and

09/09/2022 monitoring diverse processes.

10/09/2022 I took on real automation projects, mastering the design and implementation
of automated solutions.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

My proficiency in automation engineering continued to flourish as I became

11/09/2022 adept at troubleshooting and optimizing automation systems.

I learned to program VFDS and integrate them with HMIs for controlling
12/09/2022 different processes.

Executive Officer

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Weekly Schedules: 3rd Week

Date Tasks Accomplished

Shifting into the Design Engineer role, I focused on designing robotic systems and gained
15/09/2022 professional experience using SolidWorks.

I became skilled in creating detailed drawings for manufacturing products and calculating
materials and costs for product development.


Collaboration with engineering and manufacturing teams was central as I actively participate
17/09/2022 developing products that met industry standards.

18/09/2022 My design engineering skills further developed, allowing me to design complex assemblies f
Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

machines and produce animated videos using CAD software.

In collaboration with the engineering team, I tackled complex challenges that required a blen
control engineering and automation expertise. This period offered hands-on experience in
19/09/2022 troubleshooting and optimizing automation systems.

Executive Officer

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Weekly Schedules: 4th Week

Date Tasks Accomplished

My training journey continued, and I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge and
skills as a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine operator. I gained hands-on
experience operating CNC machines, including setting up and programming them to
precisely manufacture components and parts for various projects.


23/09/2022 As a CNC machine operator, I honed my expertise in controlling and monitoring CNC
machines, ensuring precise manufacturing processes. This experience allowed me to
contribute significantly to the company's manufacturing operations by producing high-
quality components.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

My role as a CNC machine operator was marked by the application of precision and
24/09/2022 attention to detail. I became proficient in creating complex machine toolpaths, enabling
the production of intricate parts and components with exceptional accuracy.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

My time as an intern enabled me to observe the seamless integration of engineering

disciplines within the company. This integration was vital in ensuring that projects were
25/09/2022 not only functional but also efficient and cost-effective.

As I completed the last day of my 20-day internship, I felt a sense of accomplishment and
growth. The experience has been invaluable, as I've not only learned technical skills but
26/09/2022 also how to effectively collaborate with engineering and manufacturing teams.

Executive Officer

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

SUMMER TRAINING EVALUATION FORM.............................................................................ii

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Weekly Schedules: 1st Week....................................................................................................iii

Weekly Schedules: 2nd Week..................................................................................................vii

Weekly Schedules: 3rd Week....................................................................................................ix

Weekly Schedules: 4th Week....................................................................................................xi


1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................2

2. ABOUT THE COMPANY...........................................................................................................4

3. PRACTICAL TRAINING............................................................................................................5

4. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................7


Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report


During my 20-day internship at the robotics company, I embarked on a comprehensive journey of

professional growth and skill development across a spectrum of engineering domains. This
immersive experience encompassed control engineering, automation, design engineering, and
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine operation, marking a holistic and comprehensive
learning odyssey.

In the control engineering phase, I gained an in-depth understanding of electrical and classic
control components, applying them practically to control motors and create electrical schemes
adhering to industry standards.

Transitioning to an Automation Engineer, I mastered PLCs and HMIs, programming and

configuring them for real-world applications. I delved into hands-on automation projects,
troubleshooting and optimizing systems.

As a Design Engineer, I honed my creativity using SolidWorks, designing manufacturing parts,

and assemblies, calculating materials and costs, and ensuring industry-standard compliance. I
checked dimensions and created animated videos to vividly communicate design concepts.

Continuing my training, I applied my expertise in real projects, emphasizing problem-solving and

efficient project integration. Finally, as a CNC machine operator, I programmed, set up, and
operated these machines, ensuring precision and efficiency in manufacturing.

This comprehensive training journey fortified my skills and knowledge in diverse engineering
disciplines, preparing me for a promising future in the field of robotics and automation.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

In the captivating world of robotics and automation, where innovation is the heartbeat, I
embarked on a transformative journey during my 20-day internship at a dynamic and forward-
thinking robotics company. This immersive experience was nothing short of a symphony of
engineering disciplines, where the crescendo of knowledge and skill development resounded
across control engineering, automation, design engineering, and the artistry of CNC (Computer
Numerical Control) machine operation.

My initial steps into this technological wonderland saw me embrace the realm of control
engineering, where I was introduced to a myriad of electrical and classic control I/O components.
Guided by the seasoned hands of the company's engineering team, I began to decode the secrets
hidden within circuit breakers, contactors, timers, and sensors. These components, like musical
notes in an orchestra, came together harmoniously to form control schemes, orchestrating the
performance of 3-phase and 1-phase motors with the precision of a maestro. It was during these
foundational days that I first glimpsed the remarkable synergy between electrical and control
engineering, culminating in the creation of schemes that adhered to the most stringent of industry
standards, echoing with the sweet sounds of compliance.

Transitioning into the role of an Automation Engineer, my journey continued, revealing the
multifaceted nature of automation systems. Here, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) assumed the role of instruments, and I, their conductor. The
theory was brought to life as I programmed PLCs and configured HMIs, enabling them to sing
with control and monitor the machinery's dance. These days were not simply chapters in a
textbook; they were real-life projects, each a unique composition, from the simple notes of basic
controls to the symphonies of intricate robotic applications. The harmony of efficiency was
achieved through the mastery of troubleshooting and optimization, ensuring that these automated
symphonies played flawlessly.

The narrative took another exciting turn as I transitioned into the role of a Design Engineer, a
creative composer in the world of robotics. SolidWorks became my canvas, and I painted
intricate designs for manufacturing parts and assemblies. The precision in each stroke was
mirrored in the detailed drawings that brought designs to life, a testament to the meticulous
calculation of materials and costs. Every note was in tune as I upheld the highest standards of
quality, consistently checking drawings for dimensions and spelling correctness. This was a
collaboration, a musical ensemble, where I worked in harmony with engineering and
manufacturing teams, creating compositions that met industry standards and producing animated
videos that added a touch of artistic flair to the narrative.

Continuing my training, I found myself in the midst of projects that were akin to orchestration,
each requiring the harmonious integration of control, automation, and design engineering. It was
a period of practical application, a crescendo of problem-solving and project optimization, where
the ensemble of engineering disciplines came together in a harmonious symphony.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

Finally, the climax of this melodic journey saw me assume the role of a CNC machine operator,
where I became a virtuoso in the art of precision manufacturing. The CNC machines were my
instruments, and I meticulously set up, programmed, and operated them, crafting intricate
machine toolpaths that produced components and parts with an unparalleled precision that
resonated like a perfect note in a symphony.

My 20-day internship at the robotics company was, in essence, a symphony of engineering

disciplines. It was a journey marked by the harmony of control engineering, the melody of
automation, the creative composition of design engineering, and the precision of CNC machine
operation. This comprehensive training not only expanded my knowledge but also deepened my
passion for the world of robotics and automation, leaving an indelible mark on my journey
towards becoming a proficient and adept engineer in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report


Founded in 2019 as a division of B3 Group, B3G Engineering harnesses the extensive expertise
of its founders in the global construction sector, commencing with the GCC region. With
leadership boasting over three decades of industry experience, B3G Engineering Services
assembles a team of versatile, young engineers proficient in architectural, structural, mechanical,
and project management fields. This dynamic team is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge
construction innovations to you today.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

During my 20-day internship at the robotics company, I embarked on an immersive and
transformative journey, delving into the multifaceted world of engineering disciplines. This
comprehensive training experience traversed the realms of control engineering, automation,
design engineering, and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine operation, fostering both
theoretical knowledge and practical application.

In the initial phase, I received a profound introduction to control engineering, gaining insights
into a multitude of electrical and classic control components. These foundational concepts
provided me with a robust understanding of circuit elements, from circuit breakers to contactors
and sensors. The subsequent harmonious integration of these components culminated in the
orchestration of 3-phase and 1-phase motors through diverse control systems, exemplifying the
synergy of electrical and control engineering. My ability to craft electrical schemes in compliance
with industry standards was solidified during this phase.

Transitioning into the role of an Automation Engineer, I embarked on a journey where I became
the conductor of automation systems. I dived into the world of Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs) and Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), seamlessly bridging the theoretical and practical
realms. Programming PLCs and configuring HMIs allowed me to bring automation to life,
enabling the precise control and monitoring of various processes. Real-life automation projects
became my compositions, from elementary controls to intricate robotic applications. My
expertise further flourished as I mastered troubleshooting and optimization, ensuring the
symphonic efficiency of automated systems.

The subsequent phase, in the guise of a Design Engineer, was a testament to the creative aspect of
engineering. The SolidWorks environment transformed into my canvas, where I designed
intricate manufacturing parts and assemblies. My proficiency extended to creating detailed
drawings, along with meticulous material calculations and cost considerations, ensuring the
efficient development of products. Every design bore the hallmark of quality, with dimensions
and spellings scrutinized to perfection. Collaboration with engineering and manufacturing teams
Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

ensured compliance with industry standards, and the addition of animated videos brought a
creative flair to project communication.

My training continued, emphasizing practical application and problem-solving, as I tackled

ongoing projects that necessitated the harmonious integration of control, automation, and design
engineering. These experiences reinforced the notion that projects should not only be functional
but also efficient and cost-effective.

The climax of my training was marked by the role of a CNC machine operator, where I
orchestrated precision manufacturing. The CNC machines became my instruments, as I set up,
programmed, and operated them with precision. Crafting intricate machine toolpaths, I ensured
the production of components and parts with unparalleled accuracy.

In essence, this 20-day internship was a symphony of engineering disciplines, where the harmony
of control engineering, the melody of automation, the creative composition of design engineering,
and the precision of CNC machine operation played harmoniously together. This comprehensive
training not only expanded my knowledge but also deepened my passion for the world of robotics
and automation. It left an indelible mark on my journey towards becoming a proficient and adept
engineer in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report

In conclusion, my 20-day internship at the robotics company has been an enriching and
transformative experience. Throughout this immersive journey, I had the privilege of exploring
and gaining proficiency in a range of engineering disciplines, including control engineering,
automation, design engineering, and CNC machine operation. The knowledge and practical skills
I acquired during this period have not only broadened my horizons but have also deepened my
passion for the dynamic field of robotics and automation. The exposure to control engineering
provided me with a strong foundation in electrical and classic control systems, equipping me with
the ability to read, design, and implement electrical schemes adhering to industry standards. As
an Automation Engineer, I delved into the world of PLCs and HMIs, mastering the art of
programming and configuring these devices for real-world applications. I gained the expertise to
troubleshoot and optimize automation systems, ensuring their seamless operation. In the role of a
Design Engineer, I explored the creative side of engineering, using SolidWorks to design
manufacturing parts and assemblies. The experience allowed me to develop intricate technical
drawings and animations, enhancing my ability to communicate design concepts effectively. The
addition of CNC machine operation to my repertoire marked the final crescendo of my internship,
as I became proficient in precision manufacturing, setting up and programming CNC machines
for intricate tasks. This diverse training experience has not only expanded my skill set but also
left me with a profound understanding of the interplay between engineering disciplines. It has
solidified my commitment to becoming a proficient and adept engineer in the ever-evolving
world of robotics and automation. As I look back on these transformative 20 days, I am filled
with gratitude for the knowledge gained and the exciting journey that lies ahead in this dynamic

Bahçeşehir University | Mechatronics Engineering | Summer Training Report


"Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications" by John W. Webb - This book
provides a comprehensive overview of PLCs and their applications, which can be relevant to your
experiences as an Automation Engineer.

"SolidWorks for Designers" by Prof. Sham Tickoo - A valuable resource for anyone working
with SolidWorks, offering insights into 3D design and technical drawings.

"Control Systems Engineering" by Norman S. Nise - This textbook is an excellent reference for
control engineering principles and can supplement your understanding of control systems.

"Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing" by Mikell P.

Groover - This book covers automation and manufacturing systems, which are closely related to
the field of automation engineering.

"CNC Programming Handbook" by Peter Smid - A valuable resource for learning CNC machine
programming and operation.

"National Electrical Code (NEC)" - This code, published by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA), outlines standards for electrical safety and is pertinent to control
engineering and electrical work.

"International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards" - A valuable resource for

understanding global standards in electrical engineering and control systems.

"Automation World" - An industry publication that covers the latest trends and developments in
automation and control engineering.

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