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SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL Abstract Public relations are expanding to social media.

Today, corporations hire social media experts to run a plethora of social media accounts. These emergent communication forums are gaining popularity and utility within the practice of public relations. However, the carefully developed art of public relations will not be overrun by social media. The challenge for todays practitioners is discovering ways to explore new communication frontiers while still being true to traditional PR practices. The Sunset Strip Music Festival (SSMF) serves as en exemplary model of utilizing best practices in public relations as well as incorporating more innovative social media tactics. This case study examines the Sunset Strip Music Festival as a public relations campaign. Specifically, it traces traditional public relations practices, and the influence of the social media site Twitter.

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL The Sunset Strip Music Festival: PR and New Social Media The Sunset Strip Music Festival is a three day music festival held on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood, California. SSMF tickets grant access to six prestigious music venues along the Sunset Strip: the Cat Club, the House of Blues, the Key Club, the Roxy, the Viper Room, and the Whiskey a Go Go. In 2008, the year examined in this study, the ticket also granted access to additional outdoor stages along a one mile portion of the Sunset Strip. Tickets sold for $39.50 presale and $50 at the gate. Nic Adler, founder of SSMF describes the event, The street fest is part music festival, part club experience, and part celebration of The Sunset Strip. (Behrens, 2009) The public relations activities enacted to promote SSMF can be categorized into traditional and non traditional PR practices. SSMF executed a traditional public relations campaign utilizing branding, an event cycle, sponsorship, and celebrity appeal. Simultaneously, SSMF developed an innovative social media campaign that forged new utility for public relations in social media, specifically Twitter. This campaign couples traditional public relations discipline with innovative use of social media creating a professional, effective, and contemporary public relations effort. Situational Analysis The Sunset Strip was once a rock and roll Mecca. In recent years, however, its reputation has been dwindling. Zach Behrens (2009), a Los Angeles blogger for the the site LAist notes that The Sunset Strip built its reputation in the 70s and 80s. Vannessa Franko, a Southern California journalist recalls the Doors, Bob Marley, Motley Creu, Guns N Roses, and the Police performing on the Sunset Strip as far back as 1966. (Franko 2008) She states, The Strip was the setting for some of the most important music to come around in the last 50 years. (Franko, 2008 ppg. 2)

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL Recently this hot bed of music has cooled significantly. Blogger Zach Behrens laments, These days it can feel like a ghost town.(2009) Nic Alder, through personal communication, states that the Sunset Strip is suffering from increased local music venue competition and the affects of the weaker economy. A Los Angeles County reporter cites Universal City, the Hollywood Corridor, and the Third Street Promenade as specific venues that are detracting from the draw of The Strip. (Franko, 2009) These threats, manifested in weak foot traffic and decreased venue attendance, are the driving force behind the founding of the Sunset Strip Music Festival. The Sunset Strip Music Festival is, at its very core, a public relations mechanism to revitalize the popularity and reputation of this historic music district.

Goals and Objectives An overarching goal of the Sunset Strip Music Festival is to revitalize The Sunset Strip as a prominent attraction for music lovers. Promotions for the Sunset strip music festival are intended to highlight the rich history of the location as well as promote The Strip as an exciting destination for locals and tourists alike. One discernable objective of the campaign is to preemptively create awareness in music consuming publics of The Sunset Strips rich history. This objective is apparent in materials leading up to the weekend of the festival, September 10th through 12th. A press release issued July 23, 2009 emphasizes the term World Famous Sunset Strip. (Sunset Strip, 2009 d para. 6) This same press release uses the term Iconic Boulevard in a quote by SSMF Executive Director Todd Steadman. This same press release, issued by SSMFs official PR firm, the Mitch Schneider Organization, expresses that a goal of SSMF is to Promote, preserve, and perpetuate the legendary Sunset Strip Music Experience. (Sunset Strip, 2009 d para.10) In using terms

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL like world famous iconic and legendary, the SSMF campaign seeks to educate potential patrons of its historic reputation. A second objective of the campaign, under the overarching goal of revitalizing the Sunset Strip, is to highlight the diversity of entertainment available to todays patrons. In personal communication with Nic Adler (Oct 2009), he expresses that few people actually come to the strip as a destination. Instead people go directly to specific venues for a specific event and directly home after. Adler expresses a desire to present the entire strip as a blanket location for spontaneity and living in the moment. The tools and tactics of SSMF repeatedly promote the entertainment diversity of the sunset strip as well as the aforementioned history.

Tools and Tactics: The tools and tactics of the SSMF campaign can be divided into traditional PR practices and non-traditional practices. Both categories work to achieve campaign objectives and the overarching goal of revitalizing The Sunset Strip. Traditional tactics include branding, sponsorship, celebrity appeal, and the utilization of a strategic event cycle. Non traditional tactics were comprised of social media tactics, and can be best illustrated through the use of twitter. Branding The Sunset Strip Music Festival and its acronym SSMF are an encompassing brand for all of the venues that collaborated on the festival. According to Nic Adler, through personal communication, a stylized SSMF logo was created for the festival by the design company Signature Creative. Branding themselves as one entity, the venues and businesses of The Sunset Strip can speak to the history of the location, promote The Sunset Strip as a destination for spontaneity, and also promote the diversity within the encompassing brand. Working towards

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL the goal of revitalizing The Sunset Strip as a whole, the first logical tactic in that process is to brand the entire Sunset Strip for one robust public relations campaign. Sponsors Sponsorships for the Sunset Strip Music Festival brought both resources for the event as well as prestige. This then contributed to the objective of reestablishing the reputation of the festival and the strip as the hot spot for music in Los Angeles. Sponsors of SSMF included; the Andaz Hotel, Virgin America, V Australia, 98.7 fm, Jack Daniels, Ticket Master, Signature Creative, City Of West Hollywood, West Hollywood Marketing and Visitors Bureau, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Metal Jeans, Miller Light, LA Weekly, Whole Foods West Hollywood, and Art Guitar. (PRwire, May 14) Celebrity Appeal The use of celebrity appeal can be traced to the goal of revitalizing the reputation the Sunset Strip and the objective of connecting the location to its history. Multiple press releases from the SSMF campaign lead with the mention of either Korn or Ozzy Osborne. (Ozzy,2009 a; Ozzy,2009 b; Korn, 2009 a; Korn, 2009 b) This use of celebrity not only increases the newsworthiness of the event, but also creates the connection to the rock and roll foundations of The Sunset Strip. A press release, for example, leads a story with Ozzys name, mentions his roots at The Sunset Strip, and goes on to mention the details of the SSMF event. (Ozzy, 2009 b) The campaign was able to propagate its messages behind the headline of a celebrity name.

Event Cycle The Sunset Strip Music Festival displays a tremendous grasp on the traditional practice of creating an event cycle. A timeline of events created sustained and measured newsworthy moments where SSMF could promote its objectives of historical reputation and modern diversity

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL of entertainment. On May 6th a press release announced Ozzy Osbourne would join the festival. It also highlighted his five day stint at the Whiskey a Go Go with Slayer decades ago.(Ozzy Set, 2009 a) The city of West Hollywood issues a press release May 13, 2009 that announces the next days Faces of Sunset Boulevard event. (Faces, 2009) This press release also highlighted the history of The Strip as well as listing the diverse venues that participate in the festival. A press release issued September 9th highlights the declaration of Ozzy Osbourne day by the city of West Hollywood, and also highlights Ozzys historic connection to The Sunset Strip. (City, 2009). On September 10th a detailed press release announces the official party of the Sunset Strip Music Festival along with detailed information about the history of The Sunset Strip and the participating venues. (Virgin, 2009) Additional press worthy events included a call for volunteers on August 6th (News, 2009), multiple announcements of featured artists(Behrens, 2009 a; Behrens, 2009 c; Korn, 2009 a), and even a Twitter event on the 9th of September. (The Sunset, 2009 c) Twitter The SSMF campaign did two revolutionary things with its use of twitter. First it used geography oriented twitter strategies to activate public through the creation of tweet-crawl. Second it was an early pioneer incorporating the use of twitter hashtags and usernames in press releases. Though many corporations and organizations are becoming privy to the advantageous of twitter, SSMF has a documented press release on September 3, 2009 that utilizes the Twitter username @thesunsetstrip in the opening line of the release (The Sunset, 2009 c). Additionally the press release mentions the Twitter user names of all six major venues of the sunset strip along with the hashtag #stripcrawl. This infusion of twitter lingo allows journalists to find the corresponding twitter conversations that give the press release the added emphasis of a robust social media conversation associated with the campaign.

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL The #stripcrawl tweet-crawl event was an ingenious innovation by the SSMF campaign. Where most social media experts utilize twitter as a listening device and a tool for two way communication, the SSMF campaign expanded the boundaries of twitter, incorporated geography, instantly mobilized target publics and converged social media with traditional media practices. Among the six venues of the SSMF and the Sunset Strip Twitter account there are tens of thousand of followers online. SSMF created a tweet-crawl under the title #stripcrawl to activate these publics. The tweet crawl starts with one venue announcing an amazing deal for a specific amount of time. This action, through Twitter, was able to get people out to that venue. Then another venue would announce, through Twitter, that their amazing deal would be next and would end at a certain time. The crowd at the first venue then walks to the next venue. This happened throughout the night of the tweet-crawl among the six major venues on the Sunset Strip. The implications of the tweet-crawl expanded the functionality of twitter into the realm of activating publics to real time geographic locations. Conversely the integration of twitter usernames and hash tags in formal press releases expanded the realm of public relations to the point where using twitter lingo (such as hashtags and at mentions) in a press release may, and arguably will, become as common practice as including a phone number and website. Evaluation The SSMF did a successful job through a qualitative analysis of their press clippings. However, on a quantitative level the campaign did not have the type of local media saturation that is possible with such a large event. Though the goals and objectives were eloquently addressed in the tactics of the campaign, message exposure and thus the reputation and

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL reintroduction to the Sunset Strip Music Festival could be expanded. In the end the qualitative goals were met, but they could be expanded to larger quantities of publics. Future Recommendations Future Recommendations include seeking more televised coverage of the festival. Also Nic Adler, through personal communication, admits that promotions slumped in the final weeks leading to the campaign due to focus on the logistics of the event. In the future it would be recommended to pursuit more press coverage in the final weeks of the campaign. This could include paid advertisement, but ideally feature stories could be pitched. In the short term one could focus on local media saturation. In the long term one could focus on national diffusion of SSMFs growing reputation.

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL References Behrens, Zach. Ozzy at the Top! Set Times announced for Sunset Strip Music Festival. (3 Sept. 2009) Behrens, Zach. Sunset Strip Music Fest Free for L.A. City, County Firefighters 2009 Behrens, Zach. Sunset Strip Music Fest Announces Line-Up & Street Closures. (23, July 2009). Behrens, Zach. Photos: Sunset Strip Music Festival Brings Life Back to the Streets 2009 City of West Hollywood Declares Thursday, September 10, 2009 Ozzy Osbourne Day ; Rock Legend Ozzy Osbourne to Be Honored at the Sunset Strip Music Festival. (2009).[Press Release] West Hollywood: Business Wire. City to Host Sunset Strip Music Festival Sept. 10 -13. (11 September 2009). [Press Release]. West Hollywood: US Fed News, . Cornell Pulls out of Sunset Strip Festival Surprise. (2009). [Press Release] Los Angeles: World Entertainment News Network. 'Faces of Sunset Boulevard' Event, Pre-Launch Party of Sunset Strip Music Festival on may 14, 2009. (2009) [Press Release]. West Hollywood: City of West Hollywood. Fascinating fact. (2009). [Press Release]. West Hollywood: World Entertainment News Network, . Document WENN000020090910e59a0008o FRANKO VANESSA. (2008, June 20). UP FRONT // ROCK `N' ROLL'S GROUND ZERO // Sunset Strip Music Festival includes the Roxy, the Viper Room, the Whisky a Go Go and other venues. The Press - Enterprise,AA.3. Retrieved October 18, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1500500901). HALL, D. (2009). Ozzy, Korn Thrill at Sunset Strip ; the Daylong Festival Invaded Clubs and Shut Down Sunset Boulevard. The Orange County Register, . Hollywood Tribute for Ozzy Osbourne. (2009). Press Association - Premier Showbiz, . Korn added to Sunset Strip Music Festival lineup. (3, August 2009) New Musical Express.

KORN ADDED TO SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL LINEUP FOR THEIR FIRST LOS ANGELES PERFORMANCE IN TWO YEARS. (2009). The Sunset Strip Music Festival. Lecaro, Lina. Down on the Strip. (16 Sept 2009) Nightranger.

SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL May 14 SSMF Event Sponsor Information. (2009) [Press Release]. Mitch Schneider Organization News: Sunset Strip Music Festival is seeking volunteers for upcoming Sunset Strip Music Festivals Street Fest on Satarday, September 12, 2009. (6 August, 2009) [Press Release]. West Hollywood: States News Service. Ozzy Osbourne to perform at the sunset strip music festival on Saturday, september 12 2009. (1, Sept 2009) [Press Relaese]. Mitch Schneider Organization. Ozzy Set for Sunset Strip Tribute 2009. (6, May 2009) [Press Release]. WENN Entertainment News Wire Service. Pierce, Tony. Ozzy, Korn and more: The scene from the 2009 Sunset Strip Music Festival. (2009) MusicBlog, LA Times. Roberts, Randall. Festivals Then and Now: Lou Adler and Nic Adler Talk Monterey Pop and the Sunset Strip 2009 Roberts, Randall. Promote This: The Adler Effect 2009 Roberts, Randall. Sunset Strip Music Festival: The Freaks Come Out During the Day, Too 2009 Street Closures (2009) [Press release] West Hollywood: Tageted News Service. SUNSET STRIP MUSIC FESTIVAL 2009 SEPTEMBER 10TH - 12TH OZZY OSBOURNE TO BE HONORED AT SSMF TRIBUTE 2009. (2009) [Press Release] Mitch Schneider Organization. Sunset Strip Music Festival is seeking volunteers for upcoming Street Fest on Sept 12. (7, August 2009) [Press Release]. West Hollywood: US State News. Sunset Strip Music Festival's Street Fair Street Closures. (2009). US Fed News, . The Sunset Strip Business Owners Offer Special Incentives at Upcoming Music Festival The Sunset Strip to be shut down for the first time. (2 Sept 2009). [Press Release]. West Hollywood: PR Newswire. The Sunset Strip Expands Consumer Relief Offers :After Recent Survey Results, The Sunset Strip Will Continue to Offer Economic Stimulus Deals Into September. (20 August). PR Newswire, [online]. Retrieved October 18, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1837792541). The Sunset Strip Gears Up for 'Tweet Crawl 2.0' Set for September 8 :Top TwitterAccounts Along The Strip Schedule Tweet Crawl To Kick Off Music Festival. (3 September). PR Newswire, Online. Retrieved November 24, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1852346151).


The Sunset Strip Music Festival Honors Ozzy Osbourne, 12-story art wall to hang above the world famous Sunset Strip starting Thursday, august 20 2009. (2009) [Press Release]. Mitch Schneider Organization. Virgin America and V Australia Host Official Party of the Sunset Strip Music Festival at Andaz West Hollywood. (2009). PR Newswire (U.S.), . Wappler Margaret. (2009, September 10). Madman on the Strip; Ozzy Osbourne leads a roster of rockers in the Sunset Strip Music Festival, which will spill onto the street. Los Angeles Times,p. D.11. Retrieved October 18, 2009, from LosAngeles Times. (Document ID: 1856176791). Wener, Ben. Korn Joins line up for second Sunset Strip Music Festival. (30, July 2009) Soundcheck, The Orange County Register. Wener, Ben. Ozzy Osbourne, Korn thrill fans at Sunset Strip Music Fest 2009 Wener, Ben. Second Sunset Strip Music Festival will take to the streets 2009 Sunset strip music festival sept. 10 - 12; chris cornell, pepper, kottonmouth kings, lmfao, shiny toy guns among artists performing at first-ever sunset strip street closure; tickets for festival on sale this friday, july 24. (2009). PR Newswire (U.S.), .Document PRN0000020090723e57n0037e Virgin America; Virgin America and V Australia Host Official Party of the Sunset Strip Music Festival at Andaz West Hollywood. (2009). Proteomics Weekly, . West Hollywood, City o. City to Host the Sunset Strip Music Festival Thursday, September 10, 2009 through Sunday September 13, 2009.

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