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MODULE 1: 5) Promoting rural development:

Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur helps to develop the rural areas of

the country by starting business in rural areas
Meaning and definition of entrepreneur 7) Increasing the export trade:
The person who runs a business is called Development of entrepreneurship helps to
entrepreneur. He starts and manages a business increase production. Hence, it leads to increasing
unit; take all risks associated with business for exports in the country
making profit. 8) Help to Economic development:
Entrepreneur is the person creates enterprise. Entrepreneurship helpful for economic
development of the country
The process of creating an enterprise is called Functions of entrepreneur
entrepreneurship. 1) Planning
It is the process of changing idea into commercial Planning is the first step in the direction of
opportunity. setting up of an enterprise.
Entrepreneurship mathematically defined Before starting a business enterprise, the
Entrepreneurship = Entrepreneur + Enterprise entrepreneur create a plan regarding nature and
type of goods to be produced, the form of
Nature and Characteristics of Entrepreneurship business organization, amount of capital needed,
1. Entrepreneurship is a function of innovation. selection of the location etc.
2. Entrepreneurship is a function of leadership 2) Risk-taking
3. Entrepreneurship is a function of achievement. Business involves various types of risks.
4. Entrepreneur brings about changes in the The entrepreneur take all risks associated with
society. business.
5. He takes risk to achieve goals. 4) Decision-making
6. Entrepreneur is thinker and doer. Entrepreneurs make decisions related to business
7. Entrepreneur is planner and worker. finances, marketing and operations.
8. Entrepreneur builds new enterprises. 5) Search for Market
They identify target markets and customer and
Importance of entrepreneur / Entrepreneurship. create strategies to reach them.
1) Providing Employment 6) Innovation
Entrepreneurship generates employment They identify new opportunities and create
opportunity in the society. innovative solutions or products to meet market
2) Introducing innovations and changes: needs.
Entrepreneur introducing new kinds of goods and
services to the society. He is constantly engaged Difference between Entrepreneur and Manager
in introducing newer and newer methods of
3) Increasing productivity:
Entrepreneur co-ordinates the various factors of
production and tries to eliminate waste in production.
4) Increase Standard of Living
Entrepreneurship helps to improve the standard
of living of a person by increasing the income.
Classification of Entrepreneurs 2) Modern entrepreneur
He is an entrepreneur who undertakes those
A) On the basis of type of business ventures which suit the modern marketing needs.
1. Business entrepreneur 3) Classical entrepreneur
He is an individual who discover an idea to start a He does not undertake any innovation. He is
business. traditional entrepreneur. He is also called
2. Trading entrepreneur lifetimer.
He is an entrepreneur who undertakes trading
activities. D) Classification by Clarence Danhof
3. Industrial entrepreneur 1. Innovative entrepreneur
He is an entrepreneur who undertakes He is an entrepreneur who has to introduce new
manufacturing activities. goods, services, methods, production etc.
4. Corporate entrepreneur 2. Adoptive / imitative entrepreneur
He is a person who uses his skill in organizing and They imitate or copy technology introduced by
managing a corporate undertaking. other entrepreneurs
5. Agricultural entrepreneur 3. Fabien entrepreneurs
They are entrepreneurs who undertake This is a traditionally bounded entrepreneur.
agricultural activities. They are shy and lazy. They try to follow
footsteps of their elders.
B) On the basis of motivation
1. Pure entrepreneurs 4. Drone entrepreneurs
They are guided by the motive of profit. They Drone entrepreneurs are those who refuse to
apply their business skills to earn more and more adopt and use opportunities to make changes in
profit. production.
2) Induced entrepreneur They follow traditional methods of production.
He is an entrepreneur who is induced to take up
an entrepreneurial activity with a view to avail Social Entrepreneur
some benefits from the government. Social entrepreneurs are those who start business
3) Motivated entrepreneur not for making profit, but for providing social
These entrepreneurs are motivated by their welfare.
desire to make use of their technical and
professional expertise and skills. Commercial Entrepreneur
4) Spontaneous entrepreneurs They are those entrepreneurs who start business
They start their business out of their natural for making money.
talents. Main purpose generates sales and profit.
They are entrepreneurs with initiative, boldness
and confidence in their ability. Intrapreneur
 Intraprenuer is an employee within an
C) On the basis of stages of development organization who takes on the mind set and
entrepreneurs characteristics of an entrepreneur.
1) First generation entrepreneur  An intraprenuer is someone acts like an
He has no entrepreneurial background in his entrepreneur while working in a company
family.  They come with new and take risk to help the
He is one who starts firstly a business unit in his company grow and improve.

family by using his innovative ideas and skills.

Women Entrepreneurship
 Women entrepreneurship refers to the
practice of women starting and operating
their own business.
 Women take role of owner, leader, and
founder of business for creating and
managing the business enterprise for making

Reasons for slow growth of women

Entrepreneurship in Kerala.
1. Unfavorable family background.
2. Lack of business education.
3. Dual role of women.
First generation entrepreneurs 4. Family burden
 First generation entrepreneurs have no 5. Shortage of capital and technical knowhow.
entrepreneurial family background. 6. Lack of adequate transport and communication
 He is one who starts firstly a business unit in 7. Shortage of power.
his family by using his innovative ideas and 8. Lack of security.
Role of first generation entrepreneurs Problems (Challenges) of women entrepreneur.
1. Innovation 1. Shortage of finance
2. Risk taking 2. Shortage of raw material
3. Capital formation 3. Shortage of technology
4. Employment generation 4. High competition
5. Export promotion 5. Family responsibility
6. Market creation 6. Lack of education
(Refer Importance of entrepreneurship, page no.1 for 7. Fear of taking risk
explanation) 8. Inadequate marketing facilities

Practice to Entrepreneurship development

Remedial measures to overcome the problems
Entrepreneurship development consists of
of women
following components or phases
1. Provide financial support
2. Provide Promotional help.
1) Stimulating phase
3. Provide Training facilities.
It includes creating awareness, motivating and
4. Give assistance for purchase of machinery
inspiring people, identifying potential
and technology.
entrepreneurs etc.
5. Providing special scheme of finance.
6. Provide Marketing assistance.
2) Supporting phase
Provide support for purchase land, building, raw
materials, power, water etc.

3) Sustaining phase
Helps in expansion, modernization, growth,
diversification of the business.
Institutions which provide assistance to women Module 2
entrepreneurs Growth of entrepreneurship
1. Small industrial development organization
(SIDO) Motives Influencing Entrepreneurs
2. National small industries corporation Why do people go in for business and become
(NSIC) entrepreneurs? There are some motives which
3. Industrial development bank of India influence entrepreneurs. They are follows:
4. Small industrial development bank of 1. To make money
India (SIDBI) 2. Passion : Exciting to do business
5. Kudumbasree units. 3. Independence : Do not like to work under a
6. Mahila Udayan Nidhi (MUN) boss
7. Commercial bank 4. Desire to control others
5. Greater freedom in the entrepreneurial
Student entrepreneurship career
Student entrepreneurship refers to the practice 6. Desire to make a difference in the world
of students starting and running their own 7. Influence of family members, friends and
businesses while still in school. relatives
Student entrepreneurs typically balance their 8. Availability of resources
business activities with their academic pursuits. 9. Stories of successful entrepreneurs
It's a way for students to develop entrepreneurial
skills, gain practical experience, and potentially Factors affecting entrepreneurial growth
turn their ideas into profitable businesses. Large number of factors which contributed to the
growth of entrepreneurship. They are follows
Importance of student entrepreneurship
1. Prepares students for uncertain future 1. Psychological factors
2. Create and innovate The important psychological factors influencing
3. Teaches problem recognition entrepreneurial growth as below:
4. Make a world better place
5. Important for girls a) Need for achievement: Need for achievement
6. Find hidden talents means the drive to achieve a goal.
7. Critical thinking b) Recognition: Many people become successful
8. Benefits to society entrepreneurs just for getting recognition
from others.
Methods of imparting entrepreneurship c) Need of authority : When they become
education entrepreneurs, they can exercise authority
1. Learning a business over managers, employees etc.
2. Thinking skill d) Personal expectations :Expectations for
3. Class room instruction achieve something
4. Online courses
5. Work shop and seminars 2. Cultural factors
6. guest speakers The important cultural factors influencing
7. internship entrepreneurial growth as below:
8. case study a) Culture: Culture refers to the shared values,
customs, and traditions of a group of people.
b) Religious Belief: Religious beliefs can impact 3.Compulsion: In some cases, people might
entrepreneurship because they shape become entrepreneurs out of necessity,
people's values and priorities. especially if they don't have other job
c) Minority Groups: Minority groups, such as opportunities. Economic or personal
ethnic or racial minorities, can face unique circumstances can compel individuals to start
challenges and opportunities in businesses to support themselves and their
entrepreneurship. families
d) Spirit of Capitalism: The "spirit of capitalism"
refers to an attitude that values hard work, 5. Economic factors
investment, and profit-making. This mind-set 1. Infrastructural Facilities: This means having
can be a driving force behind entrepreneurial good roads, buildings, and utilities like electricity
growth. and water. If these things are in place, it's easier
for businesses to operate and grow.
3. Social factors 2. Availability of Capital: Businesses need money
a) Legitimacy of Entrepreneurship: This means to start and grow. If it's easy to get loans or find
if people in a society see entrepreneurship as investors, more people can start businesses
a "real" and respectable job. 3. Availability of Raw Materials: If you need
b) Family Role Models: Sometimes, if someone specific materials to make your product, it's
in your family is an entrepreneur, you might important they are easy to find and not too
want to be one too. expensive.
c) Caste System: This can affect who can start a 4. Labour Conditions: This is about how workers
business because of traditions and rules. are treated and paid. If workers are treated well
d) Occupation: if you work in a field related to and paid fairly, it can attract more people to work
your business idea, you might be more likely in your business.
to start that business. 5. Market: This is all about customers. If there are
e) Education and Technical Qualifications: lots of people who want to buy your product,
Education and training can make it easier to that's great for your business. A big market can
start a business, especially in technical or help your business grow.
skilled jobs. 6. Support System: This means having
f) Social Status: How much people respect and organizations or services that help businesses,
look up to you in society can affect your like mentoring, training, or business associations.
chances of being a successful entrepreneur. They can provide guidance and resources to
g) Social Responsibility: Some entrepreneurs entrepreneurs
want to help their communities. 7. Government Policies: The government can
4. Personality factors. make rules that either help or hurt businesses.
1. Personality: Your personality traits can Good policies can make it easier to start and run
influence your success as an entrepreneur. For a business, while bad policies can make it harder.
example, being proactive and adaptable can help
you overcome challenges and make your business Rural entrepreneurship
grow.  Rural entrepreneurship means
2. Independence: Some people are motivated by entrepreneurship emerging in rural areas. In
the desire to be their own boss and make their other words, establishing industrial units in
own decisions. This sense of independence can the rural areas is known as rural
drive them to start and grow their businesses. entrepreneurship.
 Entrepreneurs consist of small producers, Types of Social Entrepreneurship
small traders, small farmers, artisans who 1. The Community Social Entrepreneur:
carry on entrepreneurial activities in rural This social entrepreneur starts a business to serve
areas. the social needs of a community within a
relatively narrow geographical area.
Need and importance 2. The Non-Profit Social Entrepreneur:
1. Create employment opportunities in rural They are reinvested in profit into the business to
areas facilitate the further expansion of services
2. Helps in rural development offered.
3. Help to eradicate poverty 3. The Transformational Social Entrepreneur:
4. Helps economic growth of the country Enterprise able to meet those social needs not
5. It is environmental friendly adequately being met by governments and other
6. It helps to improve standard of living business
7. Provide products at low cost 4. The Global Social Entrepreneur:
The global social entrepreneur works toward
Problems and challenges complete transformation of a social system to
1. Lack of finance change world.
2. Lack of skilled employees
3. Lack of proper machineries Role of Entrepreneur in Economic Development
4. Lack of technology Economic
5. Lack of transportation and communication
facility 1. Creating job: creating a lot of MSME create a
6. Shortage of raw materials large scale of job opportunity
7. Poor quality products 2. Promoting capital formation :
8. Inadequate infrastructure entrepreneurship helps to mobilize idle
savings from public
Social Entrepreneur 3. Increasing per capital income and GDP : they
 They are interested in starting a business for convert ideal income to national income leads
greater social good and not just for profits. the growth of GDP and per capita income
 A social entrepreneur is a person who does 4. Improving physical quality of life: due to
business for solve social problems increase employment opportunity the
 These individuals are willing to take risk and poverty is erased to improve standard of
effort to create positive changes in society living.
through their initiatives. 5. Improving standers of living: start a new
business, hire new employee. Workers earn
Difference between business entrepreneur and more income leads to better living.
social entrepreneur 6. Helping the growth of infrastructural
facilities: such as roads, bridge, buildings,
factories etc.
7. Export handicraft items : they generally use
traditional skill, traditional technology,
experience to create demand
8. Balanced regional development: to promote
entrepreneurship in backward area is helps in
balanced regional development in India.
Module 3 3. Information Seeking: Actively seeking out relevant
and valuable information to make informed business
Entrepreneurial motivation decisions.

4. Commitment to Work: Demonstrating a strong

Entrepreneurial motivation
dedication to working hard and putting in the effort
The entrepreneurial motive refers to the driving force required for entrepreneurial success.
or factor that inspires individuals to start and run their
own businesses. 5. Systematic Learning: The willingness and ability to
continually learn and adapt, systematically improving
Motivating Factors one's skills and knowledge.
1. Financial Gain: Making money and achieving
6. Problem-Solving Ability: Effectively addressing
financial security is a fundamental motivation for
challenges and finding solutions to issues encountered
many entrepreneurs. during the entrepreneurial journey.
2. Passion: A genuine enthusiasm for their business
idea or the industry they are entering can be a 7. Innovation: The ability to identify and create new
powerful motivator. and unique business ideas, products, or services.
3. Ambition: The desire to set and achieve ambitious
8. Risk Management: Effectively assessing and
goals is a driving force for many entrepreneurs.
managing risks associated with entrepreneurship..
4. Compulsion: In some cases, entrepreneurs may be
compelled to start a business due to circumstances or 9. Leadership: The ability to lead and motivate teams,
a perceived lack of alternative employment make decisions, and manage operations.
5. Support from Family: Having the support and 10. Communication: Effectively conveying ideas,
encouragement of family members can be a strong strategies, and information to others.
motivator for individuals to start their own
Institutional Effort and Role of Government in
businesses. Developing Entrepreneurship
6. Success: The prospect of achieving personal and Three types of role are played by government and
professional success through entrepreneurship is a other agencies, they are follows:
significant motivator.
7. Inspiration from Other Entrepreneurs: Learning 1. Promotion Role:
- Involves actively encouraging and promoting
from the stories and experiences of successful
entrepreneurship within the country or region.
entrepreneurs can inspire individuals to follow a
- This can include marketing campaigns, creating a
similar path. favourable environment for start-ups, and fostering a
8. Independence: The desire for autonomy and being culture of entrepreneurship.
one’s own boss is a common motivating factor. Promotional set institutions set up by govt. such as
Entrepreneurial competencies
2. Supportive Role:
Entrepreneurial competencies are the skills,
- Focuses on providing various forms of assistance
knowledge, and attributes that individuals need to and support to aspiring entrepreneurs.
successfully plan, start, manage, and grow a business. - This may include access to funding, mentoring,
These competencies include: incubators, and business development services.

1. Initiative: The ability to proactively take action and 3. Regulatory Role:

start new projects or ventures. - Involves establishing and enforcing regulations and
policies that govern business activities.
2. Ability to See and Act on Opportunities: Identifying - The aim is to ensure fairness, safety, and
market gaps or unmet needs and having the initiative compliance with legal standards in the
to capitalize on these opportunities. entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) Course content and curriculum of EDP
Entrepreneurship Development Program, or EDP, is a An Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP)
training program designed to help individuals to typically includes a wide range of topics to help
develop skills and knowledge to start and run their individuals develop the skills and knowledge needed
own business successfully. These programs cover to start and manage successful business. Following
various aspects of the Entrepreneurship Skill topics are included:
Development course. It includes business planning,
marketing, finance, and management. 1. Business Idea Generation: Methods for generating
business ideas, identifying opportunities, and
Need for EDP (Importance or Relevance) evaluating the feasibility of these ideas.
1. Helpful for Entrepreneurial Career Development
2. Help to Reduce Unemployment in Society 2. Business Planning: Creating a comprehensive
3. Ensure Economic Growth business plan that covers aspects like market
4. Help to Develop the Skill and Knowledge of research, financial projections, and operations.
5. Provide Training and Other Supporting Programs 3. Technical Knowledge and Skills: This likely includes
6. Help to Utilize the Limited Resources Effectively instruction in specific technical areas or fields,
providing students with the necessary knowledge and
Objectives of EDP skills related to their chosen profession.
a. Short-term objective: Short-term objectives imply
objectives which are to be achieved immediately after 4. Achievement Motivation Training: This might
the completion. It includes: involve teaching individuals how to set and achieve
1. It helps in selecting products. personal and professional goals, as well as strategies
2. It helps in formulating plans. for motivation and self-improvement.
3. It improves skills of the entrepreneurs.
5. Managerial Skills: This could encompass learning
b. Long-term objectives how to effectively manage people, projects, and
1. To improve the performance of the entrepreneurs. resources, including leadership, decision-making, and
2. Reduce unemployment in society. organizational skills.
3. Provide education to the entrepreneurs.
4. Industries in rural areas. 6. Marketing Survey: This likely involves
understanding market research, consumer behaviour,
Phases of EDP and how to gather and analyse data to make informed
marketing decisions.
1. Initial or Pre-Training Phase:
This phase involves the preparatory work before the 7. Support System: This may refer to the development
actual training begins. It includes: of systems or structures to provide support, both
A. Creation for Infrastructure for Training within an organization and externally, to enhance
B. Preparation of Training for labour productivity and well-being.
C. Arrangement of Inauguration Program
D. Designing Tools and Techniques 8. Project Preparation: This probably involves
teaching students how to plan, initiate, and execute
2. Training and Development Phase: projects, including project management
In this phase, participants undergo the actual training, methodologies and tools.
where they acquire the skills, knowledge, and
competencies required for entrepreneurship. The Role of EDP
content of this phase typically covers various aspects 1. Stimulatory role:
of business development. a. Provide education
b. help for preparing planning
3. Post-Training or Follow-Up Phase: c. identification of potential entrepreneurs
After the training is completed, the post-training d. provide information
phase involves activities to support participants as e. Provide guidance.
they transition to applying what they’ve learned. This
phase often includes mentoring, access to resources, 2. Supportive role:
and monitoring their progress in implementing their a. Helping in registration
entrepreneurial plans. b. arranging finance
c. Providing land power, water, etc.
Module 4 Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
It means a business which is characterized by low
Launching of New Enterprise initial investment, small number of employees, and
low sale volume as compared to regular sales
Business Idea Generation business.
The first and foremost problem of an entrepreneur is
Features / characteristics of MSME or Small scale
to find out a suitable business which can give him a industry (SSI)
reasonable profit. Therefore, he has to find, search for 1. They provide variety of product to the society.
a business idea and give a practical shape to his idea. 2. They provide more employment opportunity.
This should be sound and workable. 3. They invest should be low.
4. They use labour intensive technology.
Sources of project idea 5. They use unskilled labours.
1. Our own need - The need and want of people lead 6. It ensures balanced regional development.
to generation of the business idea.
2. Marketing characteristics- Careful observation of Objectives / Advantages of MSME or SSI
market can reveal a business idea. 1. To provide employment opportunity
3. Success stories of friends and relatives - The 2. Production of large variety of goods
successful stories of friends and relatives inspire 3. To ensure balanced regional development
others. 4. Not required huge capital
4. Trade fair and exhibition -Government and other 5. MSME enjoy government support
organizations conduct many trade fair and exhibitions. 6. They are relatively more environmentally friendly
This will lead to generation of business idea.
5. Prospective consumer- The opinion and suggestion Problems / Limitations of MSME or SSI
of the consumer will lead to generation of business 1. Low capital or inefficient finance
idea. 2. Lack of proper machinery
6. Hobbies - Some people are interested in doing 3. Lack of skilled labours
something. It provides possible use of such a skill to 4. Lack of quality raw materials
set up an enterprise. 5. Out-dated technology
7. Utilization of wasteful materials - People starts 6. Low quality products
business by using waste materials. 7. Global competition
8. Research organization - Study of new product or
process will lead to generation of business idea. Business incubators (Entrepreneurship Incubator)
Business incubators are organizations or programs
Setting up of a new business designed to support the development and growth of
Setting up of a new business is a complicated process. early-stage start-ups and small businesses. Their main
It involves a number of steps to be taken carefully. objectives are to provide entrepreneurs with the
Starting a new business venture involves the following resources, infrastructure, and guidance they need to
steps. succeed.

1. Identification of business opportunity Benefits provided by business incubator

2. Selection of form of ownership 1. Workspace Facility
3. Selection of location for designing capital structure 2. Mentorship and Guidance
4. Procurement of land and building 3. Network Opportunity
5. Preparation of project report 4. Provide Financial Assistance
6. Apply for registration 5. Training and Workshop
7. Obtaining license 6. Legal and Administrative Support
8. Applying for power and connection 7. Provide Technical Support
9. Apply for Loan 8. Identifying Potential Opportunities
10. Order for Machinery
11. Recruitment of Manpower Seed accelerator
12. Purchase of Raw Material  A seed accelerator is a program or organization
13. Development of Product that provides early-stage start-ups with funding,
14. Establish Product Distribution Network mentorship, and resources to help them grow and
15. Registration under GST Act succeed.
 Start-ups accepted into these programs typically
receive a small amount of initial investment in
exchange for equity, along with guidance and 5. Investment Allowance: Provides incentives to
support in areas like product development, offset capital expenditures for small businesses.
marketing, and business strategy.
 Some well-known seed accelerators include Y 6. Depreciation Allowance: Allows businesses to claim
Combinator, Techstars, and 500 Startups. depreciation on assets, reducing taxable income.

MSMEs as a breeding ground for entrepreneurship Institutional finance

MSMEs serve as a breeding ground for Institutional finance for entrepreneurs refers to
entrepreneurship because they make it easy for financial support and resources provided by
people to start small businesses, learn key skills, try established institutions to help entrepreneurs start or
out new ideas, and eventually contribute to the expand their businesses.
economy and local business communities. They Institutional finance for entrepreneurs can be
provide following facilities: classified into two categories:
1. All India Financial Institutions and 2.State Level
1. Low entry barriers Financial Institutions. All India Financial Institutions
2. Skill development include SIDBI, IDBI, IFCI, LIC, GIC,k hadhi and villege
3. Innovation Commission, UTI, Commercial Bank ect.
4. Job creation
5. Economic growth All India Financial Institutions
6. Local and regional development 1. IFCI (Industrial Finance Corporation of India)
7. Market testing Meaning: IFCI stands for the Industrial Finance
8. Supplier ecosystem Corporation of India. It is a financial institution that
primarily focuses on providing long-term financial
Incentives assistance to industrial and infrastructure projects in
 Incentives refer to the financial and promotional India.
support given by the government to industries,
aimed at spurring industrial growth, especially in Functions: IFCI offers term loans, underwriting
underdeveloped regions. services, and financial advice to promote industrial
 The objective of incentives is to motivate and economic development in the country.
entrepreneurs to start new business. Incentives Year of Establishment: IFCI was established in 1948.
include concessions & subsidies
2. ICICI (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
Need and Importance of Incentives and subsidies of India)
1. Financial support - Meaning: ICICI, which was previously known as the
2. Enhancing social welfare. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India,
3. Business growth is a major financial institution in India.
4. Infrastructure development. - Functions: ICICI offers a wide range of financial
5. Job creation services, including retail banking, corporate banking,
6. Regional development investment banking, and insurance. Its functions are
7. Innovation diverse and cater to various financial needs.
8. Market expansion - Year of Establishment: ICICI was established in
9. Rural development. 1955.
10. Strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem
3. IDBI (Industrial Development Bank of India):
Tax benefits to MSMEs - Meaning: IDBI stands for the Industrial
Development Bank of India. It is a government-owned
1. Tax Holiday: Newly established businesses can be financial institution.
exempt from taxes for a defined period. - Functions: IDBI provides financial and
developmental support to industries and projects. It
2. Rehabilitation Allowance: Supports financially offers loans, project finance, and investment services
troubled businesses through tax incentives. to promote industrial growth in India.
- Year of Establishment: IDBI was established in
3. Income Tax Exemption: Grants income tax relief or 1964.
reduced rates to encourage small business growth.
4. SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of
4. Development Rebate: Offers tax benefits for R&D, India):
modernization, or investment in specific sectors.
- Meaning: SIDBI, or the Small Industries growth of industries in the state, including project
Development Bank of India, is a financial institution financing, infrastructure development, and advisory
that primarily focuses on the development and services.
promotion of small-scale industries, micro, small, and - Established Year: KSIDC was established on 22nd
medium enterprises (MSMEs). February 1961.
- Functions: SIDBI extends financial support to
MSMEs through loans, credit schemes, refinancing, 2. Kerala Financial Corporation (KFC):
equity support, and developmental activities. It plays - Meaning: KFC represents the Kerala Financial
a crucial role in the growth of the MSME sector in Corporation. It is a government-owned financial
India. institution in the state of Kerala, India.
- Year of Establishment: SIDBI was established in - Functions: KFC focuses on providing financial
1990. assistance and support to small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) and industrial ventures in Kerala. It
5. Khadi and Village Industries Commission: offers various financial products, including term loans,
- Meaning: The Khadi and Village Industries working capital financing, equipment financing, and
Commission (KVIC) is a statutory body in India that advisory services to promote economic development
promotes and develops khadi (hand-spun and in the state.
handwoven cloth) and village industries. - Established Year: KFC was established in 1953.
- Year of Establishment: KVIC was established in
1957. Project
 A project simply refers to any investment
6. Life Insurance Corporation of India: opportunity which is to be exploited for profit. It is
- Meaning: The Life Insurance Corporation of India an idea or plan which is intended to be carried
(LIC) is the largest state-owned insurance company in out.
India.  A project is a plan created to develop a product,
- Year of Establishment: LIC was established in 1956. service, or result. Thus, a project may be defined
as a venture that brings together man, machine,
7. General Insurance Corporation of India: and all other resources to accomplish the
- Meaning: The General Insurance Corporation of organizational goal.
India (GIC) is a reinsurance company in India.  Some examples of projects are construction of a
- Year of Establishment: GIC was established in facility, expanding existing business, building a
1972. ship, constructing a bridge, etc.

8. Unit Trust of India: Features or Characteristics of a Project

- Meaning: The Unit Trust of India (UTI) was a 1. Project involves investment of money.
financial institution that managed various investment 2. It is a risky activity.
schemes and funds. 3. It has a fixed setup objective.
- Year of Establishment: UTI was established in 4. It has a definite beginning and end.
1963. 5. A project requires teamwork.
6. It has a life cycle reflected by growth, maturity, and
9. Commercial Bank: decline.
- Meaning: A commercial bank is a financial
institution that provides a wide range of banking and Project analysis
financial services to the public and businesses.
 Project analysis simply refers to the process of
examining or studying the various aspects of a
2. State Level Financial Institutions
project in detail.
 It is concerned with analysing the different
1. Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation
aspects of a project with a view to see that the
project runs as expected and it is also within the
- Meaning: KSIDC stands for the Kerala State
predetermined budget.
Industrial Development Corporation. It is a
 In short, project analysis means examining all
government-owned organization in the state of
costs and problems of a project before work is
Kerala, India.
started or after the work is started.
- Functions: KSIDC is primarily responsible for
promoting and facilitating industrial development in
Kerala. It provides a range of financial and non-
financial services to support the establishment and
Benefit of a project analysis finished product, highlighting key processes and
1. Determines feasibility of a project technologies.
2. Help in budgeting
3. Improve project planning and scheduling 7. Raw Materials: List and describe the raw materials
4. Detecting and minimizing risk required for production, including their sources,
5. Expand the monitoring and evaluating the project quality, and availability.

Feasibility study 8. Transportation and Communication: Discuss the

 Feasibility study is a study to ensure whether the transportation methods used for procuring raw
proposed project is legally and technically feasible materials and distributing the product. Also, describe
as well as economically justifiable. the communication infrastructure for the project.
 It tells whether the project is worth to invest fund.
In short, feasibility study evaluates the project's 9. Manpower Requirement: Detail the human
potential for success or chance for success resource needs of the project, including the number
and types of employees required, their roles, and
Types of Feasibility Study skillsets.
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility 10. Land and Building: Provide information about the
3. Legal Feasibility land and building requirements for the project, such
4. Operational Feasibility as size, location, and construction specifications.
5. Scheduled Feasibility
11. Plant and Machinery: List and describe the
machinery and equipment needed for the project,
Project report
including their specifications and costs.
A project report is a comprehensive document that
provides detailed information about a specific project.
12. Cost of the Project: Present a detailed breakdown
It typically serves as a formal record of the project's
of the project's cost, covering all aspects, including
planning, execution, and outcomes.
capital expenditures, operational costs, and any
Content of Project report

1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of

the project, its objectives, and the purpose of the
report. It often includes a brief description of the
project's significance.

2. Background: Here, you provide context for the

project, including the reasons for undertaking it and
any historical or market background that is relevant.

3. Product: Describe the product or service that the

project aims to deliver. This section should include
details about the product's features, specifications,
and potential benefits.

4. Marketing and Marketing: Discuss the marketing

strategy for the product, including target market,
pricing, promotion, and distribution plans. This section
outlines how the product will be marketed and sold.

5. Location: Specify the location where the project will

be implemented. This can include details about the
geographical area, local infrastructure, and

6. Production Process: Explain the steps involved in

the production process, from raw materials to
Module 5 job enrichment training in the field of
Support system for entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship and Skill Development.

Meaning of Support System The functions of MSME Institute

The term 'support system' generally refers to the
economic environment of industry and business 1. Facilitation and credit flow to MSMEs.
comprising authorities and institutions to support 2. Improving competitiveness of MSMEs.
the entrepreneurs or MSMEs. 3. Improve manufacturing through upgradation of
The Small Scale Industries Board (SSIB) 4. Marketing support to MSMEs
 It was a government body in India responsible 5. Skill development and entrepreneurship
for promoting and developing small-scale development training.
industries in the country.
Industrial Estates
 It played a significant role in formulating
policies and programs to support the growth 7. It is a place where necessary infrastructure
of these industries.
facilities are made available to entrepreneurs.
Functions of SSIB 8. In short, industrial estate is place where the
1. To advise on the programs and policies for the required facilities and factory accommodation
development of MSME sector. are provided by the government to the
2. To offer advice on modifications or entrepreneurs to establish their industries
improvements for micro, small and medium there.
industries in the country.
3. To give credit to MSME units on liberal terms. Objectives of industrial estates
4. To facilitate co-ordination and linkage between 9. To provide infrastructure and accommodation
various agencies/departments.
facilities to the entrepreneurs.
10. To encourage development of small scale
Small Industrial Development Corporation
(SIDCO) industries in the country.
It is a government owned public sector 11. Establish common facility service centers.
corporation, was established in 1975 for the 12. To promote development of clusters.
development and promotion of small scale 13. To promote development of backward areas.
industries in Kerala. To promote balanced regional development

Functions / Activities of SIDCO

1. SIDCO supplies scarce raw materials Types/ Classification of industrial estates.
2. SIDCO provides marketing assistance 1. General purpose or composite industrial
3. SIDCO assists in bills discounting estates
4. SIDCO provides export marketing assistance These provide accommodation to a wide variety
5. SIDCO promotes women entrepreneurs and range of industrial concerns.
6. SIDCO promotes skill development centers 2. Special purpose industrial estates
MSME Institute These types of industrial estates constructed for
specific group of entrepreneurs.
 MSME is a national institute aimed to foster 3. Ancillary industrial estates
the progress of micro, small and medium This type of industrial estate produces parts and
enterprises in India under the Ministry of components for a large industrial unit. It set up
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. near the parent unit
 The Institute has been working in the areas of 4. Functional industrial estate
capacity building, research, skill upgradation, Same products are usually housed in these
industrial estates.
Specialized institutions Lead Bank Scheme (LBS)
Following are the special institutions commenced The Lead Bank Scheme is a program in India
for the purpose of MSME development: initiated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to
promote financial inclusion and rural development.
Technical Consultancy Organization (TCO)
Objectives of LBS
8. A technical consultancy organization is a
1. To help in removing regional imbalances
company or firm that provides specialized
through appropriate credit deployment
expertise and advice to businesses or
2. To extend banking facilities to unbanked areas
individuals in various technical fields.
3. To eliminate credit gaps in various sectors of an
9. These organizations typically have a team of
experts who offer guidance, problem-solving,
and solutions related to technology, State Level Bankers' Committees (SLBCs)
engineering, information technology, or other  They are forums in India that play a crucial role
technical areas. in coordinating and facilitating banking and
financial activities at the state level.
Functions of TCO  They are formed with the primary objective of
1. Industrial potential surveys promoting financial inclusion, rural
2. Preparation of profiles and feasibility studies development, and ensuring the effective
3. Evaluation of project implementation of various government-
4. Conduct of EDP sponsored schemes and programs.
5. Offering merchant banking services
6. Undertaking market research and surveys for Loans and Advances available for Entrepreneurs
specific products 1. Line-of-credit loans
2. Installment loans
3 Balloon loans
Kerala Industrial Technical Consultancy
4. Interim loans
Organization (KITCO)
5. Secured and unsecured loans
This is the first technical consultancy organization
6. Letter of credit
in India. It was established in 1972.
Schemes of Financial Institutions
Objective= meeting the technical consultancy 1. MSME Loans in 59 Minutes
need of the entrepreneurs in small, medium and Approval of the loan is provided in 59 minutes.
large scale industrial sectors. An amount of 1 lakh to 1 core is provided, interest
of 8% is charged.
Functions and Services of KITCO 2. SIDBI’s Working Capital Cash Credit
7. Provide industrial consultancy There is a need for working capital for day-to-day
8. Identification of project ideas and project running of the business. Considering this, SIDBI
reports. offers working capital cash credit.
9. Entrepreneurial guidance and development. 3. Raw Material Assistance Scheme from National
10. Consultation services like health and Small Industries Corporation.
industries sectors. This scheme aims at facilitating MSMEs by financing
11. Management consultancy in functional areas. of raw material purchases
12. Diagnostic study of sick units. 4. Stand-up India
13. Helps in infrastructural devolopment Startup India is an initiative launched by the
Indian government to promote and support
startups in the country
Start-ups 6) In curriculum, business school creates business
in house experience.
 A start-up simply means a business that has
7) Several universities now have a 'business park
just been started.
'or incubators'.
 A startup business refers to a newly
established company or entrepreneurial Role of NGOs in Entrepreneurship Development
venture that is typically in its early stages of Non-Governmental organizations also Play a
development. These businesses are often significant role in entrepreneurship development
characterized by innovative ideas, a focus on by providing various forms of support
growth, and a potential for rapid expansion.  Some NGOs mobilize their own resources, to
 Startup India is an initiative launched by the develop activities
Indian government to promote and support  NGOs like SEWA and AWAKE procure funds
startups in the country from various agencies, impart training, and
conduct workshops for target work force.
Features of Start-ups  Some NGOs conduct field activities by
1. Innovation establishing direct contact with the grass-root
2. Focus on technology needy people.
3. High Growth opportunity  NGOs are conducting EDPS and other training
4. Quick decision making programs for the target people
5. High failure rate  NGOS are providing counseling and
6. Risk-Taking consultancy services to the needy ones on
how to prepare a project, feasibility report,
Reasons for startup failures (Challenges of Startup)
1. Business Model Failure
Entrepreneurial Eco system in Kerala
2. Poor Management Team
 Kerala's entrepreneurial ecosystem is rapidly
3. Insufficient Funds evolving, characterized by a growing number of
4. Legal Challenges start-ups, incubators, and government support.
5. Lack of Market Demand  Kerala's unique focus on sectors like healthcare,
6. Ignoring Customers' Needs tourism, and agriculture, in addition to
7. Poor Marketing technology, has led to a diverse and innovative
entrepreneurial landscape, with start-ups
addressing a wide range of societal and
Role of Universities and Colleges in Developing economic challenges.
1) They provide various entrepreneurial
competencies through various courses, training
and development programs.
2) They provide motivational training, it leads
need for achievements.
3) Course structure is encouraged to become an
4) case study of various entrepreneurs can
identify the SWOT.
5) It encourages individual creativity and

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