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Gladys L.


Focus: Investigating the Factors Contributing to Students’ Difficulty in


Research Gap
The research gap of Investigating the Factors Contributing to Students' Difficulty in
Mathematics is that there is still much to learn about the complex interplay of factors
that can contribute to students' difficulties in this subject. While research has identified a
number of factors, such as cognitive, academic, motivational, and environmental
factors, there is a need for more research to understand how these factors interact with
each other and influence students' learning.

Additionally, there is a need for more research on effective interventions for students
with mathematics difficulties. While there are a number of interventions available, it is
important to identify which interventions are most effective for different students and in
different contexts.
Title: Investigating Students’ Attitude towards Learning Mathematics
Research Objectives or Question
In line with the ABC model, our study focuses on investigating attitude aspects,
including: students’ self-confidence in their mathematics ability, mathematics anxiety,
mathematics enjoyment, perception about the usefulness of mathematics and intrinsic
motivation. Questions that guided the study are as follows:
1. What are the students’ attitudes towards learning mathematics?
2. Why students acquire a like or a dislike towards mathematics?
3. What is the relationship between each attitude aspects and students’ performance
4. What is the relationship between attitude and student grades?
Results and Findings
The respondents were asked about whether they liked or disliked mathematics. The
responses were categorized into two themes, notably yes and no. Response
frequencies were generated with the aid of Microsoft Excel, then presented by using a
bar chart. There were 869 respondents in the full sample of which 860 answered the
question while 9 did not answer the question. Of those who answered the question, 813
(94.5%) said Yes, and 47 (5.5%) said No
The study recommends that, teachers should appropriately adopt instructional
techniques that include learners’ diversities or barriers to learning, minimize fear,
enhance active interest, and enjoyment in what is being taught and learnt. They should
apply corrective measures that will reduce tension and provide support to their students
whenever they may require. This will foster mutual understanding in a non-threatening
teaching and learning environment. Furthermore, students should use their time wisely
so that they can have enough time to practice and internalize mathematical concepts
learned in classrooms. They should be taught to apply the appropriate strategies for
learning and taking mathematics examinations. Students should be assisted to enhance
their English language skills from primary schools. This may help them acquire
competencies, and thus improve their mathematics performance. The government
should provide teaching and learning resources. These should include enough qualified
teachers, books, computers, and other instructional materials for effective learning of
Title: Students' Lived Experience Of Factors Affecting Difficulties In Learning
Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study
Research Objectives or Question
The present study aimed to investigate students' lived experience of factors affecting
difficulties in learning mathematics.
Results and Findings
Analysis of data resulted in 3 main themes (individual factors, teacher-based factors,
and environmental factors) and 8 subthemes (math anxiety, students' previous poor
knowledge, students' inadequate practice, lack of parental support, teacher's negative
attitude toward mathematics, using inappropriate teaching methods, inconvenient
teaching-learning environment, family and social factors), which showed the
participants' experiences.
Table 1 summarized the main themes and subthemes identified in the study, each of
which were explained in detail in the following:
Main theme Subtheme
Individual factors Math anxiety
Poor previous knowledge
Inadequate practice lack of parental

Teacher-related factors Teacher's negative attitudes toward

mathematics Applying inappropriate
teaching methods
Environmental factors Inconvenient learning-teaching
environment Family and social factors

Generally, it can be concluded that the above-mentioned factors play roles in activities
related to learning math, which need to be seriously considered. Therefore, the
problems of individual, teacher-based and environmental factors should be resolved
rather than focusing on studying behavior for further achievement in math. It is
suggested to study different samples of both genders in order to gain a holistic view
toward factors affecting difficulties in learning mathematics.
Title: Factors Affecting Difficulties in Learning Mathematics by Mathematics Learners
Research Objectives or Question
main objective of this paper is to find out the factors
affecting difficulties in learning mathematics.
main objective of this paper is to find out the factors
affecting difficulties in learning mathematics.
The main objective of this paper is to find out the factors affecting difficulties in learning
Results and Findings
On the basis of analysis and interpretation of the data, the major findings of the study
are as follows:
 Mathematical anxiety, lack of interest and negative felling towards mathematics,
it makes difficult to learn mathematics.
 Lack of prior knowledge of the student creates problem to study mathematics.
 Lack of student’s labor in learning mathematics learning.
 Lack of parent’s awareness, interest of the subject matters affects their children
to study mathematics.
 Due to low economic condition of students, they have to engage their household
work to fulfill their daily needs. So students are not interest to study
 The students who did get support and inspiration from their parents students
result is better.
 Lack of motivation and counseling crates misunderstanding to study
It should be eradicate barriers factors influencing to learn mathematics and make
mathematics learning enjoyable in our context.
Title: Factors of Students' Difficulties in Mathematics in Elementary School

Research Objectives or Question:

 To identify the factors that contribute to students' difficulties in mathematics in

elementary school.
 To investigate the relationships between these factors and students' mathematics
 To develop recommendations for interventions to help students with mathematics
difficulties succeed in school.

Results and Findings:

The research on the factors of students' difficulties in mathematics in elementary school

has found that there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties, including:

 Cognitive factors: Working memory, processing speed, and spatial reasoning

 Academic factors: Prior mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy
 Motivational factors: Mathematics anxiety and mathematics attitudes
 Environmental factors: Socioeconomic status and parental involvement

The research has also found that these factors are interrelated, and that the effects of
one factor may be amplified by the effects of other factors. For example, students with
low working memory may be more likely to develop mathematics anxiety, which can
further hinder their mathematics learning.


The research on the factors of students' difficulties in mathematics in elementary school

has a number of important recommendations for practice. These recommendations can
be summarized into four main categories:

 Early identification and intervention: It is important to identify students with

mathematics difficulties early, so that they can receive the support they need to
succeed. Early intervention can help to prevent these difficulties from becoming
more severe over time.
 Comprehensive and individualized interventions: Interventions for students with
mathematics difficulties should be comprehensive and individualized, meaning
that they should address all of the factors that are contributing to the student's
difficulties. Interventions should also be tailored to the student's individual needs
and learning style.
 Teacher training and professional development: Teachers need to be trained on
how to identify and support students with mathematics difficulties. They also
need to be provided with professional development opportunities to learn about
effective teaching strategies for mathematics instruction.
 Parental involvement: Parents can play a vital role in supporting their child's
mathematics learning at home. Parents can provide their child with opportunities
to practice mathematics skills in a variety of contexts, and they can create a
positive attitude towards mathematics at home.

By implementing these recommendations, schools can help all students succeed in


In addition to the four main categories of recommendations listed above, here are some
specific recommendations for interventions that can be used to help students with
mathematics difficulties:

 Cognitive factors: Provide explicit instruction in cognitive skills such as working

memory and processing speed. Use teaching strategies that are designed to
support students with these cognitive skills, such as breaking down complex
tasks into smaller steps and providing students with opportunities to practice
skills in a variety of contexts.
 Academic factors: Provide students with extra help and support in areas where
they are struggling. Use differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all
learners. For example, provide more challenging tasks for students who are
ahead and more supportive tasks for students who are struggling.
 Motivational factors: Create a positive and supportive learning environment
where students feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. Praise
students for their efforts and accomplishments.
 Environmental factors: Work with parents and caregivers to identify and address
any environmental factors that may be impacting students' mathematics learning.
For example, provide students with access to food and other resources that they
need to be successful in school.

By implementing these recommendations, teachers, parents, and caregivers can help

all students succeed in mathematics.
Title: Math Anxiety, Working Memory, and Math Achievement in Early Elementary

Research Objectives or Question

 To investigate the relationship between math anxiety, working memory, and math
achievement in early elementary school.
 To determine whether math anxiety moderates the relationship between working
memory and math achievement.

Results and Findings

The study found that there was a significant negative relationship between math anxiety
and math achievement, even when controlling for working memory. This finding
suggests that math anxiety can have a negative impact on math achievement, even in
students with high working memory.

The study also found that math anxiety moderated the relationship between working
memory and math achievement. This means that the relationship between working
memory and math achievement was stronger for students with low math anxiety than for
students with high math anxiety. This finding suggests that math anxiety can interfere
with the ability of students to use their working memory effectively to solve math


The findings of this study suggest that it is important for teachers and parents to be
aware of the signs of math anxiety and to take steps to help students overcome it.
Some specific recommendations include:

 Creating a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel

comfortable asking questions and making mistakes.
 Providing explicit instruction in math concepts and skills.
 Giving students opportunities to practice math skills in a variety of contexts.
 Using teaching strategies that are designed to reduce anxiety, such as providing
students with breaks and giving them choices about how they learn.
 Working with parents to help them understand math anxiety and how to support
their child's learning at home.
By taking these steps, teachers and parents can help students with math anxiety
overcome their fears and succeed in mathematics.

In addition to the above recommendations, it is also important to develop interventions

that are specifically designed to reduce math anxiety. These interventions should be
tailored to the individual needs of the student and should be implemented in a way that
is positive and supportive.
Title: Attitudes Towards Mathematics, Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Problem-Solving, and
Achievement in Problem-Solving in Fifth-Grade Students

Research Objectives or Question

The research objectives of the study were to:

 Explore the relationships between students' attitudes towards mathematics, self-

efficacy beliefs in problem-solving, and achievement in problem-solving.
 Examine the possibility of attitudes and self-efficacy to predict problem-solving

Results and Findings

The study found the following significant relationships between students' attitudes
towards mathematics, self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving, and achievement in

 There was a significant positive relationship between attitudes towards

mathematics and achievement in problem-solving.
 There was a stronger significant positive relationship between self-efficacy
beliefs in problem-solving and achievement in problem-solving.
 Attitudes towards mathematics and self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving were
 Both attitudes towards mathematics and self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving
predicted achievement in problem-solving.
 However, self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving were a more powerful predictor
of achievement in problem-solving than attitudes towards mathematics.
 No gender difference was found in any of the examined variables.


The findings of this study have several implications for education. First, the results
suggest that it is important to promote positive attitudes towards mathematics and high
self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving in students. Teachers can do this by creating a
positive and supportive learning environment, providing students with opportunities to
experience success, and encouraging students to persevere in the face of challenges.

Second, the results suggest that self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving may be a more
important factor than attitudes towards mathematics in predicting achievement in
problem-solving. This suggests that teachers should focus on helping students to
develop their self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving. This can be done by providing
students with opportunities to experience success, helping students to develop problem-
solving strategies, and providing students with feedback.

Overall, the findings of this study suggest that attitudes towards mathematics, self-
efficacy beliefs in problem-solving, and achievement in problem-solving are all important
factors to consider in education. Teachers can play a role in promoting positive attitudes
towards mathematics and high self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving in students, which
can lead to higher achievement in problem-solving.

In addition to the above recommendations, teachers can also:

 Use a variety of teaching methods and activities to engage students and help
them experience success in mathematics.
 Provide students with opportunities to work collaboratively on problem-solving
 Encourage students to reflect on their learning and to develop their own problem-
solving strategies.
 Create a classroom culture where students feel comfortable asking questions
and making mistakes.

By following these recommendations, teachers can help students to develop positive

attitudes towards mathematics, high self-efficacy beliefs in problem-solving, and strong
problem-solving skills.
Title: Students’ Learning Difficulties in Mathematics: How Do Teachers Diagnose and
How Do Teachers Solve Them?

Research Objectives or Question

This study aims to find out how teachers diagnose to determine students’ learning
difficulties, especially in Mathematics in Elementary Schools.

Results and Findings

Learning difficulties in Mathematics experienced by students certainly have involvement

with various parties. The teachers explained that there were three parties involved
to overcome the students’ learning difficulties in Mathematics, consisting of parents,
headmasters and teachers. A number of 8 teachers mentioned that parents had
the most involvement in overcoming student learning difficulties.


This study concludes that to overcome students’ learning difficulties in Mathematics,

there are many ways teachers can carry out. Before knowing what steps will be taken to
overcome them, the teachers should first make a diagnosis of the difficulties
experienced by students. Diagnosing difficulties can be carried out in three ways,
including tests, observation and interviews. Then, once the teacher obtains the
diagnosis results, they can determine or design what steps can be used to overcome
students’ difficulties. The methods used by teachers to overcome the learning difficulties
in Mathematics and have been effectively done are remedial, individual tutoring,
providing additional learning hours, and involving students in learning. The most
important thing is in teaching Mathematics material, teachers must put more
emphasis on both conceptual understanding and procedural skills, not only
procedural skills
Title: Mathematics Difficulties Among Primary School Students

Research Objectives or Question

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of intervention on the improvement of
numeracy and mathematics achievement among primary one students with
mathematics difficulties.

Results and Findings

There were five primary one students who achieved TEMI-PM scores in the range of 87
to 97 marks selected to join the intervention program. The intervention was conducted
in a small group for 30 minutes for ten weeks. Student was given Easy CBM
assessment set every week to measure their progress. The scope of mathematics in
this intervention was limited to numbers 1 to 100. The list of learning objectives
consisted of 22 main learning objectives.


Educators should encourage the process of screening learning problems and providing
remedial to help students with difficulties in mathematics to improve their numeracy
level and mathematics achievement.
Title: Factors Causing Difficulty in Learning Mathematics for Elementary School

Research Objectives or Question

This study aims to analyze the factors that cause difficulties in learning mathematics in
fifth-grade elementary school students

Results and Findings

Observations were made on teaching and learning activities in fifth grade in

mathematics. In fifth grade, mathematics learning is not included in thematic learning
and is separated from other subjects. The teacher begins the mathematics learning
activity by greeting, giving advice, and motivating the students to participate in
mathematics learning. Based on the results of my observations, I found that students
who had difficulty solving story problems happened because of a lack of interest and
lack of effort by these students in clearly understanding the material presented by the
teacher. I also found that some students still lacked numeracy skills based on my
observations. Not being able to operate multiplication and division arithmetic operations
correctly is because there are still students who have not mastered and
memorized multiplication. Based on my observations, it is known that the factors
that cause difficulties in learning mathematics include students' attitudes towards
mathematics, which tend to be negative. It can be seen that there are still students
who are just silent when the teacher explains the material. Some students are sleepy
during the learning process. Itis because the students' interest in mathematics is still
low. The low interest of students in learning mathematics is because the teacher only
uses the lecture method of learning and asking questions to students, which makes
students bored and afraid when they answer questions given by the teacher. Teachers
have tried to overcome difficulties in learning mathematics by always motivating
students to be enthusiastic when participating in mathematics learning and paying
special attention to students who need to be nurtured.


Learning difficulties experienced by fifth-grade students at SD Nigeria 94

Pekanbaru in learning mathematics include difficulties when using arithmetic
operations correctly, difficulties in understanding the language of questions, and
difficulties when solving problems that have many formulas. The difficulties experienced
by students are based on evidence obtained through interviews with teachers
and students, observations and documentation that has been done. Factors that cause
students to have difficulty learning mathematics come from internal (internal) and
external (external) factors. Internal factors come from within the students themselves,
including student attitudes while studying, student learning motivation is still low, and
student body health. While external factors come from outside the students, including
the lack of variety in the way teachers teach, the use of learning media that is not
maximally used, and the family environment.
Title: Factors the Cause Students to Develop Math Anxiety and Strategies to Diminish

Research Objectives or Question

This research aimed to determine the factors that cause elementary school students to
feel fear and anxiety about mathematics and to identify the strategies that the teachers
can use to reduce and eliminate these factors.

Results and Findings

The questionnaire was finalized in line with the literature search, feedback from the field
experts and the pilot study to ensure the reliability of the study. In the first part of the
questionnaire, there are questions to determine the demographic features of the
participants. In the second part, there are questions to determine the opinions of the
teachers about the factors that may cause students to develop 'fear and anxiety towards
mathematics (student, teacher, parent, and other factors). The third part of the
questionnaire comprises a question to identify the strategies that the teachers use to
reduce and eliminate the factors that cause anxiety development towards Mathematics.


The study is thought to contribute to the classroom teachers and the literature as
it is a research aimed at identifying the factors that prevent effective mathematics
teaching and the data will help teachers rethink and redesign the math courses based
on data obtained. Designing teacher training programs about effective math teaching
strategies to primary school teachers as in-service training and evaluation of the
outcomes of such programmers are highly suggested by the researchers.
Title: Factors Affecting the Mathematics Problem Solving Skills of Filipino Pupils

Research Objectives or Question

The study sought to answer the following questions

1. What is the demographic profile of pupils in terms of:

1.1. Basic Skills Test: and,

1.2. Attitude Scale Test?

2. What is the demographic profile of the parents in terms of Parental Involvement in the
pupil learning?

3. What is the extent of the pupils' problem solving skills?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the pupils' problem solving skills and the
pupil faders when analyzed according to:

4.1. Basic skills; and.

4.2. Attitude?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the pupils' problem solving skills and the
parent factor when analyzed according to Parental Involvement?

Results and Findings

The following are the findings based on the data gathered and presented in this study.

The overall mean score of the respondents in Basic Skills was 21.84 which classified as
Nearly-Mastered Level and Proficiency of 55 percent. The Chi-square test disclosed a
significant relationship between the pupils' mastery of basic skills and their problem
solving skills. The null hypothesis is rejected; there is a significant relationship between
the problem solving skills of pupils and mastery of mathematics basic skills.

The mean score of pupils' attitude was 3.15 which classified as Fair. The finding of the
study showed that the attitude of pupils towards the subject mathematics had a
significant relationship with their problem solving skills. This means that positive attitude
will result in better problem solving skills.
H02, which states that there is no significant relationship between the problem solving
skills and the attitude of pupils towards mathematics, was rejected. Positive attitude
towards mathematics was necessary to increase the level of performance of the pupils
in problem solving.

The finding shows that the level of parental involvement in the pupils' learning was Fair.
Chi-square test disclosed that the problem solving skills of the pupils were not
significantly affected by the parents’ factor when analyzed according to parental
involvement; H03 was rejected.


On the light of the findings established, the following are the conclusions formulated:

1. The proficiency level of the pupils in terms mastery of basic skills was on the Nearly-
Mastered Level.

2. The attitude level of the pupils towards mathematics was Fair.

3. The parents' profile in terms or parental involvement was Fair.

4. The pupils' problem solving skills was on the Nearly-Mastered Level.

5. There was a significant relationship between the pupils' mastery of basic skills and
their problem solving skills.

6. There was a significant relationship between the pupils' attitude towards mathematics
and their problem solving skills.

7. There was a significant relationship between parental involvement and the pupils'
problem solving skills.
Title: Exploring the elementary students learning difficulties risks on mathematics based
on students mathematic anxiety, mathematics self-efficacy and value beliefs using
rasch measurement

Research Objectives or Question

This study examines the compromise of learning difficulties in mathematics in terms of

several aspects that can trigger it, which are mathematical anxiety, self-efficacy
mathematics, and value beliefs.

Results and Findings

The result of this study shows that students are more dominant to experience cognitive
anxiety towards mathematics, especially when working on issues with high difficulty
levels. In addition, students are at compromise of learning disabilities if they have low
self-efficacy levels, especially if it concerns to the circumstantial use of mathematics.
The risk of learning difficulties is also dominant experienced by students who do not
spend time effectively in learning mathematics. The attention of the learning difficulties
risks on mathematics is essential to ward off the failure of students to optimize their
potential in the learning process.


Full attention to the risk of learning difficulties need to be done by the teacher in order to
optimize the learning process in school while still paying attention to the rhythm, and
individual differences in learning.
Title: Analysis of Difficulties in Mathematics Learning In Second Grade Of Elementary
Schools (Case Study in One of South Jakarta Elementary Schools)

Research Objectives or Question

This study aims to analyze students' learning difficulties in terms of mathematical

problem-solving abilities in grade III elementary school fractions.

Results and Findings

From the data above, it is known that students have a score on the aspect of
understanding the problem as much as 50 (33.3%), which fall into the category of
moderate difficulty, making plans has a score of 34 (22.60%) and is in the category of
great difficulty, implementing plans has a score of 95 (63.30%) in the low difficulty
category and re-checking has a score of 98 (65.30) which is in the low difficulty


The difficulty is due to the lack of understanding of the questions, errors in

determining the correct strategy to solve the problems and difficulties in the calculation
process, and the child's low grasping power.
Title: An Analysis of Learning Difficulties on Mathematic at Elementary School

Research Objectives or Question

This article aims at finding out the factors of Mathematic learning the
difficulty of class V at Elementary School in Melati cluster kerumut village
academic year 2020/2021

Results and Findings

Based on the results of the analysis of interviews conducted by researchers

to 18 respondents who were people who were seen in a learning activity, it
showed that several factors caused the difficulty of learning mathematics in grade
V elementary school in the complex village jasmine cluster in the 2020/2021
school year, namely because it was influenced by internal factors and external factors.


Parents should pay attention to student learning activities, help students complete
their homework, and students should be included in math lessons.
Title: Identification of Student Learning Difficulties Based on Self, Environment, and
Family Aspects in Learning Mathematics at the Elementary School Level

Research Objectives or Question

This study aims to identify students learning difficulties based on self, environment, and
family aspects in learning Mathematics.

Results and Findings

Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that aspects of the child's self and family
aspects have almost the same average percentage, with values of 66% and 65%.
Environmental aspects get a higher average percentage, which is equal to 75%. There
needs to be cooperation between schools, families, and the surrounding environment in
creating a conducive and effective learning environment for students.


It is necessary to have cooperation between schools, families and the surrounding

environment in creating a conducive and effective learning environment for students.
Title: Challenges Faced by Slow Learners in Mathematics at Primary Level of

Research Objectives or Question

The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which the limitations of
cognitive abilities of slow learner student and learning and teaching environment
contributes to the low performance of slow learners in Mathematics.

Results and Findings

The findings revealed that ignorance of individual difference and traditional teaching
methods followed by teachers along with the cognitive limitations of slow learner
students’ are responsible for the challenges faced by them in mathematics.


Educators need to look for remedial strategies which may be incorporated within the
traditional teaching methods or the remedial strategies that may be used alone.

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