Basic Training - CGM Session 1 - Handout - 30 Nov 2022

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Basic Training
CGM session 1, 30 Nov 2022
Pulverized Coal
What is Coal

• Coal is a fossil fuel, formed from vegetation,

which has been consolidated between other
rock strata and altered by the combined effects
of pressure and heat over millions of years to
form coal seams.

• It contains mostly Carbon (C) but it also has H,

O, N, S as well as some inorganic constituents
(minerals) and water (H2O)
Coal Formation

The transformation of the vegetable debris to coal , take

place in 2 stages :

(a) Biochemical stage

• The plant materials were attacked by various

(b) Chemical stage

• The peat deposit buried under sedimentary deposit lose
moisture and volatile components under the effect of
high temperature and pressure
Coal Classification

• A precursor of coal
• Contains less than 40 % carbon

• The lowest rank of coal with little vegetable material remains

• Contains 40 - 55% carbon
• High moisture content (over 35%)

• 71 - 77% Carbon • 80 - 90% Carbon

• No traces of original vegetable material • Low moisture content (2 - 7%)
• Medium moisture content (10 - 20%)

• Highest quality of coal

• More than 90% Carbon (Highest amount of heat)
• Very low moisture content & volatile matter
• Ignites slowly = less loss of heat = highly efficient
Coal Classification
Standard Classification of Coals by Rank

• Fixed carbon
• Volatile matter
• Gross Calorific Value
• Agglomerating Character
Coal Analysis

The purpose for analysis of coal

• To decide price of coal.

• To determine the quality of coal.
• To calculate the theoretical calorific value of coal.
• To calculate air requirement for complete combustion of coal and design the furnace.
Coal Analysis
Type of analysis of coal
Analysis of coal

Proximate analysis Ultimate Analysis Heating Value

Determination of the presence Determination of different

of different compounds and chemical elements present in coal
their amounts in coal

Determination Composition of coal according Elemental composition of coal

to Moisture , Ash, Volatile,
Fixed Carbon
Accuracy LOW HIGH
Coal Analysis

Proximate Analysis

1. Moisture 2. Volatile Matter 3. Ash 4. Fixed Carbon

Surface Moisture

Inherent Moisture
Moisture content (Proximate Analysis)
Moisture content (Proximate Analysis)
Moisture content (Proximate Analysis)
As-received basis (ARB, AR) เป็ นค่าที่คานวณจากตัวอย่างที่มีความชืน้ ตามสภาพของตัวอย่างที่
Lab ได้รบั โดยไม่ผ่านขบวนการเตรียมตัวอย่างหรือขบวนการอื่นๆ

As-determined basis เป็ นค่าที่คานวณได้จากการวิเคราะห์ตวั อย่างที่ผ่านการเตรียมตัวอย่างและมี

ความชืน้ เหลืออยูเ่ ท่ากับขณะที่ทดสอบ

Dry basis (DB) เป็ นค่าที่คานวณได้จากตัวอย่างที่ปราศจากความชืน้ โดยการนาค่าความชืน้ ที่วิเคราะห์ตาม

ASTM D3173 มาแปลงค่าจาก As-determined basis ไปเป็ น Dry basis

Dry, ash-free basis (DAF) เป็ นค่าที่คานวณจากตัวอย่างที่ปราศจากความชืน้ และขีเ้ ถ้า โดยการนาค่า

ความชืน้ ที่วิเคราะห์ตาม ASTM D 3173 และเถ้าตาม ASTM D 3174 มาแปลงค่าจาก As-
determined basis ไปเป็ นสภาพ Dry, ash-free basis
Moisture content (Proximate Analysis)
Example Coal ar ad db daf
TM 11.0 - - -
IM - 2.0 - -
Ash 12.0 13.2 13.5 -
VM 30.0 33.0 33.7 38.9
FC 47.0 51.8 52.9 61.1

Coal ar ad db daf
TM 11.0 - - -
IM - 2.0 - -
Ash 12.0 13.2 13.5 -
VM 30.0 33.0 33.7 38.9
FC 47.0 51.8 52.9 61.1
Volatile Matter (Proximate Analysis)

Volatile matter is measured as the

weight percent of gas (emissions) from
a coal sample that is released during
heating to 950 C° in an oxygen-free
environment (ASTMD338).

Weight of preheated sample − Weight of sample after heating

Volatile Matter = Weight loss % of sample =
Weight of precombustion sample
Ash yield (Proximate Analysis) nalytical-services/coal-and-

Ash yield is measured to determine how much

material remains (called ash residue) after a coal
is combusted.

For this test, a coal sample is ground to a set size

(-60 mesh, less than or equal to 250-micron
particle size), weighed, and then combusted at
temperatures between 500 and 750°C for 1 hour.
The weight of the material that remains after Weight of ash remaining
Ash yield weight % = x 100 Weight%
combustion is then compared to the original Weight of precombustion sample
weight of the sample to measure the percent
ash yield (ASTM D3174)
Ash fusibility
Fixed Carbon (Proximate Analysis)
Coal Analysis

Ultimate Analysis

1. Carbon &
2. Nitrogen 3. Sulfur 4. Oxygen
Carbon and Hydrogen (Ultimate Analysis)

Carbon and Hydrogen : Air dry coal sample is

burnt in a combustion chamber in presence of
pure and dry oxygen. Carbon and Hydrogen in
coal will form CO2 and H2O respectively and
allowed to pass U-tube containing anhydrous
CaCl2 solution (absorbing H2O Vapor) and
then through U-tube containing KOH solution
(absorbing CO2).

Carbon and Hydrogen can be determined by

increase in weight of each U-tube.
Nitrogen (Ultimate Analysis)

The Kjeldahl method is used to determine the

nitrogen content in organic and inorganic samples.
Sulfur (Ultimate Analysis)

The procedures comprise the Eschka Method and the Bomb Washing Method. Both methods rely
on the amount of barium sulfate precipitated after the addition of barium chloride.
Oxygen (Ultimate Analysis)

Total oxygen: The total oxygen content of a coal cannot be measured analytically, so it is
determined through a calculation (ASTM D3176)

Total oxygen weight % = 100 – (total carbon weight % + total hydrogen weight %
+ total nitrogen weight % + total sulfur weight % + total ash weight%)
Coal Analysis
Heating Value
Coal Analysis
Heating Value

Qp (net)ar = Qv (gross)ar - 5.72 (Har x 9)

Qp (net)ar = ค่าความร้อนที่ความดันคงที่ cal/gm / NCV, LHV

Qv (gross)ar = ค่าความร้อนที่ปริ มาตรคงที่ cal/gm / GCV, HHV

Har = ปริ มาณไฮโดรเจนทั้งหมดที่อยูใ่ นสภาวะ as-received basis

(รวมปริ มาณไฮโดรเจนจากความชื้นของตัวอย่างด้วย)
Coal Analysis
Calc NAR Indonesia Indonesia Australia Indonesia Russia
AR gm 1 1 1 1 1
GAR - AR 6,106 4,740 5,649 4,189 6,136
NAR - AR 5,838 4,386 5,416 3,850 5,851
TM - AR 10.45% 29.45% 10.40% 35.46% 9.16%
Ash - AD 13.48% 1.81% 22.60% 4.70% 15.45%
Hydrogen - DAF 5.55% 5.19%
Hydrogen - DB 4.71% 5.06% 4.00% 4.44% 4.99%

Hydrogen - DB 4.71% 5.06% 4.00% 4.44% 4.99%

Water from H2 in coal 38.00% 32.11% 32.26% 25.79% 40.80%
H2 from TM 1.16% 3.27% 1.16% 3.94% 1.02%
Water from TM 10.45% 29.45% 10.40% 35.46% 9.16%
Total water 48.45% 61.56% 42.66% 61.25% 49.96%
Latent heat 540 540 540 540 540
Heat to vaporize water 262 332 230 331 270
GAR - NAR (COA) 268 354 233 339 285
NAR Calc 5,844 4,408 5,419 3,858 5,866
diff NAR (COA VS Calc) (6) (22) (3) (8) (15)
Coal Analysis
Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)
• The Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) is a measure of
coal’s resistance to crushing.
• Grinding studies, and the resulting HGI, allow many
different types of coal users to evaluate how coals will
perform in their mills, allowing them to estimate grinding
power requirements and throughput capacities.

• HGI of coal depends on the coal composition.

• Usually, softer coals have higher HGI
Test parameters – Conversion Factor

Unit (Energy) Name Conversion

J Joule 1 000 J = 1 000 Ws = 1 kJ
cal Calorie 1 000 cal = 1 kcal = 4,186 kJ
Wh Watt hour 1 Wh = 3,6 kJ
BTU British thermal unit 1 BTU = 0.000293071 kWh = 1.05506 kJ
-19 -22
eV Electron volt 1 eV = 1.60217733·10 J = 1.60217733·10 kJ
Test parameters – Conversion Factor

Unit (Temperature) Name Unit (Mass) Conversion

°C Celsius 1 ppm 1 mg/kg or 1 mg/L
°F Fahrenheit 1 ppb 1 ug/kg or 1 ug/L
R Rømer 1 ppm 1 ug/g
K Kelvin 1 ppb 1 nanogram/g
1 ppt 1 picogram/g
Test parameters – Conversion Factor
COA ( Full & Commercial Spec )
Full Specification Typical / Commercial Specification

• สมมุติ Coal raw mat 1,000 gm

• GAR 4,600, TM 27%, IM 14% นาไปบดเป็ นถ่านผง ต้องการให้ความชืน้ คงเหลือ 14%

• จะได้ Pulverized coal นา้ หนักเท่าไร

• มี CV เท่าไร และ ความชืน้ ใน Coal raw mat จะถูกไล่ออกกี่กรัม

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