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This PhD thesis aims to critically examine the performance and deliverance of the coalition
government in Pakistan from 2008 to 2013. The research focuses on analyzing the challenges
faced by the coalition government, its policy implementation, governance effectiveness, and the
impact of the coalition dynamics on the overall political landscape of Pakistan during the
specified period. The study begins by providing a comprehensive overview of the political
context leading to the formation of the coalition government in 2008. It explores the historical
background and the reasons behind the coalition's formation, including the general public
sentiment, the electoral landscape, and the role of major political parties involved.

The research then delves into an assessment of the coalition government's policy
implementation. It examines the key policy priorities of the government and evaluates the extent
to which these policies were effectively implemented. The analysis includes an examination of
economic policies, social sector reforms, governance initiatives, and foreign policy decisions
made during the coalition tenure.

Furthermore, this thesis evaluates the effectiveness of governance under the coalition
government. It examines the coalition's ability to provide stable governance, ensure the rule of
law, promote accountability and transparency, and address the socio-economic challenges faced
by the country. The research explores the role of coalition dynamics, power-sharing
arrangements, and decision-making processes in shaping the government's governance
performance. Additionally, the thesis investigates the impact of the coalition government on the
broader political landscape of Pakistan. It assesses the coalition's influence on the country's
political stability, democratic consolidation, and party dynamics. The research explores the
interaction between coalition partners, their conflicts, compromises, and the impact of these
dynamics on policy formulation and implementation.

Methodologically, this study employs a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and

quantitative techniques. It draws on primary sources, including government documents, policy
papers, and official reports, as well as secondary sources, such as scholarly articles, books, and
media reports. The research includes case studies, interviews with key stakeholders, and data
analysis to provide a comprehensive assessment of the coalition government's performance.

The findings of this study have significant implications for understanding coalition politics,
governance challenges, and policy implementation in Pakistan. By analyzing the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the coalition government, this research contributes to
the existing literature on coalition governments in developing democracies. It provides insights
into the complexities and dynamics of coalition politics and offers recommendations for future
coalition governments in Pakistan and similar contexts.

In conclusion, this PhD thesis seeks to provide an in-depth assessment of the coalition
government's deliverance in Pakistan from 2008 to 2013. By examining its policy
implementation, governance effectiveness, and impact on the political landscape, this research
contributes to a better understanding of coalition politics and governance in Pakistan, ultimately
aiming to inform and shape future coalition governments' strategies and decision-making

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