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Aquatics Manager Evaluation: 2022

Name: Trever Bills

Date: 11/25/2022

Make sure to answer all of the following questions. Please allocate 15-20 minutes
to complete this self-evaluation form.

1. Describe three accomplishments/successes related to your job that you are the
most proud of over the last year.
A. Developing all the new leads in Irvine and watching them grow as leaders. I love
to see how far they have come in there development. All the leads I also trained
when they come in as intructors as training.
B. Being able to help develop Lyndie in CB and be able to see her start to work with
her staff out there to improve staff and training. Lyndie was very unsure how to
cut somone from training when I first went out there and they had only let go of
one trainee all summer. In the past month she has had me help cut mutiple
trainees who where not a good fit.
C. Developing the layers in irvine and helping out with the other facilities.

2. Identify and elaborate on areas as a manager that you would like to continue to
improve upon over the coming year.
I would like to be able to develop the layers in irvine more and develop more of the staff
to get ready for next summer in order to free me up to supore the team more during our
busyer time of year.

3. How do you feel Irvine performed with regards to lessons counts for 2022? Due
to everything I think it did okay but we can do better.
a. What ideas/suggestions do you have to increase lessons counts for 2023?
Free up leads to give more hands on training to the trainees. Work with the
leads to make sure we are bring on A players. I will also make it more of a
point to go over how preforamce is graded and hold trainees accountible right
from the beging for there ranking report.

4. How do you feel about the quality of training out of the Irvine facility? What
suggestions/changes would you like to make to improve the training? I have a
few. 1. I would change how we promote how much instructors can make coming
on. 2. Go over how pay is a lot more in the beining of training. 3.Get leads more
hands on time with trainees and not teaching. Figure out how to get people set
up on the right training track before there first day not after (This is taking up
extra day and waisting training time.) 4. Give more time this year to develop new
leads so we are not last minute pushing LT thrugh training to get bodies in the
water. 5. I would like to know sooner when opening new facilities that I will be
training intructors for.
5. How do you plan to improve the trainer’s ability to train in 2023? By sending more
time with them in the water to develop them in the positons they are in. I need
more time at peek times in order to do this.

6. How do you feel on the impact you made on the Level Advancement Report in
2022? Once training slowed down it has gottan a lot better. What are you going
to differently in 2023? With Having Katryna and LT we we should be able to
manage this better. Along with managing the staff and holding them accountible.

7. How do you feel about the overall quality of lessons in Irvine? What are you
going to differently in 2023 to improve the quality? By getting leads more time to
work with the staff and freeing myself more in order to work with the staff more.
Also use ranking report more to hold them accountible. I would like if we had
facility goals sent out again like we use too.

8. What areas outside/beyond your current job duties would you like to learn and
expand upon in the coming year? Would like to be involved more on the
highering side during interviews. Would also like to deveop more staff not just in

9. We would like to ask what you feel is fair with regards to a potential outcome for
your year-end review. Please take into account all factors that we are reviewing
you on. Why do you feel this outcome is warranted? I feel a 7% raise due to
taking on more and working with training and developiong management and
taking time to do things out of my typical job duities at peek times and still being
able to check in on training, staff and devepment of middle managemnt.

Additional Comments:
Inflation is also up 9.1% this year alone.

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