BSBHRM527 Student Assessment V 2.0

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Course Name: BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management

Unit / Subject Name: BSBHRM527 - Coordinate human resource functions and processes

Trainer’s Name: Chin Yong Chung Assessment No: 1&2

o I fully understand the context and purpose of this assessment.

o I am fully aware of the competency standard/criteria against which I will be assessed.
I declare that: o I have been given fair notice of the date, time and venue for the assessment.
o I am aware of the resources I need and how the assessment will be conducted.
o I have had the appeals process and confidentiality explained to me.
o I agree that I am ready to be assessed and that all written work is my own.
o This assessment is my: o First submission o Re-submission (Attempt ___)
Student Name: Chin Yong Chung Student ID:

Student’s Signature: Chin Yong Chung Submission Date: 09/11/2023


Assessment 1: Short Questions
o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessment 2: Practical Assessment
o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
Feedback: Feedback is given to the student on each
Yes / No
Assessment task & final outcome of the unit


Assessor’s Date: / /


It is student’s responsibility to keep the assessment submission receipt as a proof of submission of assessment tasks.
Student Name: Chin Yong Chung Student ID:

Unit / Subject Code: BSBHRM527 Assessment No:

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Trainer Name & Date: 09/11/2023

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Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of
the assessment section are Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to
submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be recorded.
Student should be provided with an appropriate time frame in which to resubmit their work, according to the
RTO’s re-assessment policy and procedure.
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion.
Where a trainer/assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism,
cheating, and/or collusion, they should report this along with reasons for the allegation. Assessors should
refer to their RTO’s policy and procedures regarding training and assessment for further information.”

When all unit’s assessment tasks have been submitted and assessed (including resubmissions), print out a
copy of this unit’s Final Results Record, included as the last page of this document. Record the result for each
task and the final result for the unit as C (Competent) or NYC (Not Yet Competent). There is also space to
give the student some written feedback for the overall unit.
Sign and date the middle section and give the sheet to the student. After discussing their results with them,
the student must fill out and sign the final section of the Record, where they acknowledge the result that you
have given them.

When the student has filled out the final section of the Final Results Record, make a copy for them and retain
the original with the student’s records.
Reasonable Adjustment
TM supports individual differences in the learning environment and provides ‘reasonable adjustment’ in
training and assessment activities to support every learner. If you have any special needs that make it difficult
for you to complete your learning or assessments, you should discuss this with your assessor beforehand and
will be provided with reasonable alternatives to assist you to complete the required tasks such as completing
tests verbally or using an interpreter.
Resources required for this Assessment

▪ All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint

▪ Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment

▪ Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks

▪ Any additional material will be provided by Trainer

Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully

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▪ This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.

▪ Students are allowed to take this assessment home.

▪ Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be
improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due

▪ Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your
gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills
to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.

▪ If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your

▪ Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.

▪ Please provide required references of the sources, if you use any information from any sources (such
as: learner book, power point and online resources) to answer the assessment questions and make
the required changes to justify that it is your own work.

Re-submission opportunities
Please read the following instructions carefully

▪ Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate
if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

▪ If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.

▪ Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

▪ Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not
understand any part of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them
when attempting any part of the assessment.

▪ Please see Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Unit of Competency Guidelines v1.2
for more detail.


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Version 2.0 10/23
[The assessment activities and information in this booklet are based on and customised from the
‘BSBHRM527 - Coordinate human resource functions and processes’ assessment resources
provided by Precision Group Australia.]

Version Control & Document History

Date Summary of modifications Version
14/10/2023 Assessment information, format and structure is updated. 2.0

Learner Information

This Assessment is designed for you to complete the assessment for BSBHRM527 - Coordinate
human resource functions and processes (Release 1). It may refer to your own
workplace/organisation, or to a simulated business provided by your assessor.
The assessment tasks include Short Answer Questions where you need to demonstrate your
knowledge and understanding of the unit, and the Practical Assessment, where you need to
demonstrate your skills required in the unit. It is recommended that you complete the Practical
Assessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you don’t have access to a real workplace, you can
complete the assessment in a simulated environment where resources and conditions similar to a
workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior to commencing with the
Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject, have
thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirements and the
expectations of the industry to which the assessment is related.
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by your
assessor. Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a video
recording of the practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence.
The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulated environment,
or a mix of both, as instructed by your assessor.
Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult with your

Accessing Simulated Workplace Environment - Bounce Fitness

Throughout this workbook, you will be asked to access specific pages from the simulated business,
Bounce Fitness. The simulated business, Bounce Fitness, can be accessed by going to
Please use below username and password to Login to Bounce Fitness:
username: tmlearner
password: tm@123

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Assessment 1-Short Questions

Question 1
Complete the table below about key characteristics of human resource strategies and planning processes.
A. Human Resource Strategies
a. Outline at least two key characteristics of human resource strategies.
b. Briefly explain, in your own words, how each identified key characteristic of human resource strategies relates to an organisation’s business
c. Briefly explain, in your own words, how each identified key characteristic of human resource strategies relates to an organisation’s operational
How Each Key Characteristic of Human How Each Key Characteristic of Human
Key Characteristics of Human Resource
Resource Strategies Relates to an Resource Strategies Relates to an
Organisation’s Business Plan Organisation’s Operational Plans
i. Talent Acquisition and Retention: In relation to the organization's business plan, In terms of operational plans, talent acquisition
effective talent acquisition and retention help and retention are crucial for ensuring that the
Attracting and retaining top talent is a key ensure the company has the right people in place organization has the manpower necessary to
characteristic of HR strategies. This to achieve its strategic goals. It contributes to the execute day-to-day tasks and projects. HR
involves recruiting skilled individuals, development of a skilled and motivated workforce strategies, in this context, support the
providing competitive compensation and that can drive innovation, productivity, and organization's operational efficiency and
benefits, and creating a work environment competitiveness. effectiveness by addressing workforce needs.
that fosters employee satisfaction and

ii. Learning and Development: In relation to the organization's business plan, a Concerning operational plans, learning and
focus on learning and development enables the development programs enhance the workforce's
Learning and development initiatives are company to adapt to changing market demands, capabilities, making them more productive and
another key characteristic of HR
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strategies. This involves investing in stay competitive, and innovate. It ensures that adaptable in day-to-day operations. This
employee training, skill development, and employees have the skills and knowledge needed contributes to the organization's ability to meet
career growth opportunities to enhance to support the business's long-term goals. operational targets and maintain efficiency.
their capabilities and align them with the
organization's evolving needs.

B. Human Resource Planning Processes

a. Outline at least two key characteristics of human resource planning processes.
b. Briefly explain, in your own words, how each identified key characteristic of human resource planning processes relates to an organisation’s
business plan.
c. Briefly explain, in your own words, how each identified key characteristic of human resource planning processes relates to an organisation’s
operational plans.

How Each Key Characteristic of Human How Each Key Characteristic of Human
Key Characteristics of Human Resource
Resource Planning Processes Relates to an Resource Planning Processes Relates to an
Planning Processes
Organisation’s Business Plan Organisation’s Operational Plans
i. Workforce Forecasting: In relation to the organization's business plan, In terms of operational plans, workforce
workforce forecasting ensures that the company forecasting provides the foundation for workforce
Workforce forecasting is a critical aspect has the right number of employees with the management. It helps organizations allocate
of human resource planning. It involves necessary skills to meet long-term objectives. It resources effectively, determine recruitment and
predicting future staffing needs based on aligns the workforce with business growth or training requirements, and maintain staffing levels
the organization's strategic goals and contraction strategies. that support day-to-day operational needs.
external factors like market trends, and
demographic changes.

ii. Succession Planning: Regarding the organization's business plan, Concerning operational plans, succession
succession planning contributes to the continuity planning ensures that there is a pool of capable
Succession planning involves identifying of leadership and expertise necessary for employees ready to step into key roles, enhancing
and developing internal talent to fill key achieving long-term goals. It minimizes disruptions operational stability and reducing the risk of skill
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leadership and critical positions within the in leadership and ensures a smooth transition in gaps in the organization's day-to-day functions.
organization. It is a proactive approach to critical roles.
ensure a pipeline of qualified candidates
for key roles.

Question 2
Complete the table below.
a. Outline at least four key methods of performance management for service providers.
b. Outline at least four key methods of contract management for service providers.

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a. Key Methods of Performance Management
i. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish and track relevant KPIs to measure and
evaluate the performance of service providers.

ii. Customer Feedback: Collect customer feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct
communication to assess service quality and make improvements.

iii. Regular Audits and Inspections: Conduct periodic audits and inspections to ensure
compliance with service standards and contractual obligations.

iv. Performance Reviews: Hold regular performance reviews and discussions with service
providers to set expectations, provide feedback, and establish improvement plans.

b. Key Methods of Contract Management

i. Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Define specific service levels, response times, and
quality standards within the contract.

ii. Performance Metrics: Specify measurable performance criteria and metrics to assess
adherence to contract terms.

iii. Compliance Monitoring: Ensure that service providers adhere to legal, regulatory, and
contractual requirements throughout the contract's duration.

iv. Vendor Relationship Management: Establish effective communication and collaboration with
service providers, fostering a mutually beneficial partnership and resolving issues promptly.

Question 3
Explain, in your own words, how feedback can be used to modify the delivery of human resources in an

Feedback in human resources can be used to modify the delivery of services by providing insights
into what's working and what needs improvement. It helps HR teams identify strengths, weaknesses,
and areas for enhancement in processes, policies, and employee experiences. This data-driven
approach enables HR to make strategic adjustments, tailor solutions, and refine their practices to
better align with the organization's goals and meet the evolving needs of the workforce.

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Assessment 1-Short Questions Checklist

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Student’s name:
Did the student provide a sufficient and
successfully Comments
clear answer that addresses the
suggested answer for: Yes No
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ◻ Not Satisfactory ◻

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Assessment 2-Practical Assessment
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a Simulated Workplace-Bounce
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to
coordinate human resource functions and processes, integrating business ethics.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
1. Simulated Workplace Assessment
A series of tasks assessing the learner’s practical knowledge and skills relevant to the unit of
competency. This includes the learner completing workplace documents or similar as evidence
of competent performance.
2. Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant to the
unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by the
Your State/Territory

Some tasks in this Practical Assessment require you to refer to legislation and regulations relevant to
employee and industrial relations applicable to the state/territory where your workplace is based or
located in.
For your assessor’s reference, indicate below which state/territory your workplace/organisation is based
or located in by ticking the box that corresponds to your answer.
When completing these tasks, refer to the legislation and regulations relevant to employee and industrial
relations applicable to the state/territory you ticked below.
The state/territory where your workplace/organisation is based or located in.
Australian Capital Territory South Australia
🗹 New South Wales Tasmania
Northern Territory Victoria
Queensland Western Australia

Simulated Workplace Project Assessment

Assessment Overview
This workplace project assessment requires you to coordinate at least two human resource
functions and at least two human resource processes for your organisation or work area within
legislative, organisational and business ethical frameworks.
This assessment is divided into seven tasks:

▪ Task 1: Determine Human Resource Requirements

▪ Task 2: Human Resource Service Delivery Plan

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▪ Task 3: Negotiate Service Agreements for Human Resource Service Delivery

▪ Task 4: Communicate Details of Service Agreements to Stakeholders

▪ Task 5: Monitor Delivery of Human Resource Functions and Processes

▪ Task 6: Evaluate Human Resource Functions and Processes

▪ Task 7: Coordinate Integration of Business Ethics in Human Resource Practices

This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an environment
with conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being
observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation as evidence of task completion.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including instructions,
resources, and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.
You are required to:

▪ Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.

▪ Determine human resource requirements for the organisation/workplace.

▪ Develop a human resource service delivery plan.

▪ Negotiate service agreements with the human resource team, service providers and client

▪ Communicate details of service agreements to relevant stakeholders.

▪ Monitor delivery of human resource functions and processes.

▪ Evaluate human resource functions and processes and recommend changes.

▪ Ensure integration of expectations of code of conduct with human resource policies and

Resources Required for Assessment

Resources you need to access to complete the Simulated Environment assessment are outlined in
below and in the corresponding Assessor’s Checklist and/or Observation Form of each task.
Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task.

To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:

▪ Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browser
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▪ Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Excel

▪ A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:

o Relevant information, including:

● Printed and online sources relating to:

- Research on external business environment factors that can impact

human resource requirements.
- Options for delivery of human resource functions and processes.
- Quality assurance processes for human resource functions.

● Documents/resources to gather legal, compliance and ethical requirements for

human resource functions and processes, including:
- At least two federal and/or state/territory regulations.
- At least two codes of practice.
- At least two business ethical frameworks such as relevant industry code
of ethics.

● Performance data on relevant metrics/service level indicators to monitor delivery

of human resource functions.
o Workplace documentation, including:

● Business plan

● Operational plans for business units and functional areas.

● Organisational policies and procedures relevant to human resource functions

and processes.

● Organisational policies and procedures related to workforce diversity.

● Organisational documents to help identify information systems for human

resources, including:
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- At least one system for gathering information.
- At least one system for storing information.

● Organisational code of conduct.

● Organisational policies and procedures that outline handling of unethical


● At least two human resource policies and at least two standard operating
procedures for human resource practices, to be reviewed against expectations
of code of conduct.
o Workplace templates, provided on the appendix section at the end of this workbook
including or similar to the following:

● Human Resource Requirements

● Human Resource Service Delivery Plan

● Service Agreement

● Monitoring Report

● Code of Conduct Review Report

o People, including:

● At least two relevant stakeholders to consult and confirm human resource

requirements in Workplace Project Task 1, including

● At least one internal stakeholder

Individuals within the organisation such as colleagues, employee

relations representatives, supervisors, senior management,
recruitment managers, or training managers.

● At least one external stakeholder

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Individuals/entities external to the organisation such as trainers or

● At least one relevant stakeholder from each of the following stakeholder groups:

● The human resource team

● Service providers

● Client groups

They will be involved in the following:

● Negotiating respective service agreements in Workplace Project Task 3

● Providing approvals for variations in service delivery in Workplace

Project Task 6
o Opportunity to:

● Negotiate service agreements with stakeholders from the human resource team,
service providers and client groups in Workplace Project Task 3.

● Handle at least one case of unethical behaviour according to organisational

policies and procedures in Workplace Project Task 7.

Forms and Templates

Generic forms and templates are provided in the project tasks, unless otherwise specified. You can
access all forms & template from the Appendix section at the end of this assessment.

All forms/template/documents/information required for this unit, can be accessed as well from the
simulated environment, Bounce Fitness website from the following link:

BSBHRM527 Forms and Templates

Please use below username and password to Login to Bounce Fitness & above link:
username: tmlearner
password: tm@123

Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor first to ensure that the forms/templates you will use
cover all criteria required by each assessment task.
Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.
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Task 1: Determine Human Resource Requirements
This task will require you to determine requirements for the human resources department or team of
your organisation/workplace.
Use the Human Resource Requirements template provided on Appendix section at the end of this
assessment workbook.
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review the following:

o Organisational documents that will help determine human resource requirements,


▪ Business plan.

▪ Operational plans for business units and functional areas.

o Printed and/or online sources of secondary research to analyse likely impact of external
business environment factors on human resource requirements.
o Documents/resources that will help determine required conditions that delivery of
human resource requirements must adhere to, including:

● Organisational policies and procedures, including those:

- Relevant to human resource functions and processes.

Relevant organisational policies and procedures for human resource
functions and processes can include recruitment and selection, new
employee onboarding, employee benefits, employee performance
management etc.
- Relevant to workforce diversity.
Relevant organisational policies and procedures for workforce
diversity can include anti-discrimination and harassment policy,
diversity and inclusion policy, equal employment policy, etc.

● Relevant legal and compliance requirements for human resource functions and
processes from the following:
- Legislation
- At least two regulations
- At least two codes of practice

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● Printed and/or online sources on business ethical frameworks such as relevant
industry code of ethics.

▪ Analyse the workplace documents accessed to determine human resource requirements for
your organisation/workplace, including:
o At least two human resource functions.
Human resource functions are activities that ensure strategic management,
development and utilisation of employees.
o At least one human resource process corresponding to each human resource function.
Human resource functions have one or more corresponding processes which guide its
activities. For instance, the staffing function can include processes such as recruitment,
selection induction and onboarding.
o Number of personnel required to deliver each human resource function.
o Capability requirements of personnel required to deliver each human resource function.
Capability requirements refer to specific knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
perform the job such as qualifications, soft skills, specific certification/licenses.

▪ Confirm human resource requirements with at least two relevant stakeholders.

Relevant stakeholders are individuals or groups of individuals who can make an impact on, or
those who can get impacted by decisions relating to human resource functions and processes.
Stakeholders must include:
o At least one internal stakeholder
Individuals within the organisation such as colleagues, employee relations
representatives, supervisors, senior management, recruitment managers, or training
o At least one external stakeholder
Individuals/entities external to the organisation such as trainers or unions.

▪ Research information on each of the following external business environment factors that can
impact human resource requirements for the organisation:
o Competitive
o Demographic
o Economic
o Global

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o Legal
o Political
o Social
o Technological

▪ Document research.

Spreadsheets or word processing tools may be used to enter and organise information
collected on external business environment factors.

▪ Analyse the information gathered from research on external business environment factors to
determine likely impact on human resource requirements for the organisation.

▪ Outline human resource requirements based on the information above.

▪ Outline required conditions that delivery of human resource functions and processes must
adhere to, including:
o At least two business goals to which human resource requirements must be aligned.
o At least two legal requirements that apply to managing human resources, from
applicable legislation and regulations.
o At least two compliance requirements that apply to managing human resources, from
applicable codes of practice.
Legal requirements refer to legislative and regulatory obligations, while compliance
requirements refer to best practices that the organisation can follow to meet these
o At least two requirements from organisational policies and procedures relevant to
human resource functions and processes.
o At least two requirements for workforce diversity.
o At least two ethical requirements for human resources.

Review Workplace Project Task 1 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
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Review the template you will use to complete this task. Use the Human Resource Requirements
template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the human resource requirements document to your assessor. Include any supplementary
documents/sources used to create the human resource requirements document, such as:

▪ Organisational documents reviewed to determine human resource requirements, business

goals and workforce diversity requirements such as business strategy documents, operational
plans and organisational policies and procedures.

▪ Printed or online sources relevant to determine legal, compliance and ethical requirements for
human resource functions and processes, including legislation, regulations, codes of practice
and codes of ethics.

▪ Word documents and/or spreadsheets with documented research on external business

environment factors.
You must also submit evidence of confirmation of human resource requirements by at least two relevant
Evidence must be at least one of the following:

▪ Email correspondence

▪ Meeting minutes

▪ Video recording of the meeting conducted with the stakeholders.

When using this as evidence, ensure to inform the stakeholder of the purpose of the recording before
doing so.



Learner Name Chin Yong Chung

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness


Date Summary of Modifications Version

2023-01-01 Initial creation of the business plan 1.0

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2023-02-15 Added Marketing Plans section 1.1


Human Resource Function

Identify category of human resource practices for strategic management, development or utilisation of
1. Recruitment and Selection:
○ Identifying and attracting the right talent to join Bounce Fitness.
○ Using job analysis and competency assessments to ensure a good fit with the company's
culture and values.
○ Developing efficient recruitment processes to quickly fill positions.
2. Training and Development:
○ Providing ongoing training programs to enhance employees' skills, such as fitness training
and life coaching.
○ Offering opportunities for career development and advancement within the company.
○ Implementing mentorship and coaching programs to develop employees' leadership
3. Performance Management:
○ Setting clear performance expectations and goals for employees.
○ Conducting regular performance evaluations to provide feedback and identify areas for
○ Linking performance assessments to rewards and recognition.
4. Compensation and Benefits:
○ Designing competitive salary structures to attract and retain top talent.
○ Offering benefits packages, such as health insurance and wellness programs, to promote
employee well-being.
○ Implementing incentive schemes to reward exceptional performance.
5. Workforce Planning:
○ Forecasting future workforce needs based on business growth and expansion plans.
○ Identifying potential skill gaps and planning for employee training and development.
○ Balancing staffing levels with business demand to avoid overstaffing or understaffing.
6. Employee Engagement:
○ Creating a positive work environment to boost employee morale and motivation.
○ Implementing initiatives to foster a sense of belonging and teamwork among employees.
○ Conducting regular surveys and feedback mechanisms to gauge employee satisfaction.
7. Diversity and Inclusion:
○ Promoting diversity in the workplace by actively seeking employees from diverse
○ Implementing inclusive policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for all
○ Celebrating diversity through cultural events and awareness programs.
8. Health and Wellness:
○ Promoting a healthy lifestyle for both employees and clients.
○ Providing employee wellness programs, such as access to fitness facilities and health
○ Creating a work-life balance that allows employees to maintain their well-being.
9. Employee Relations:
○ Resolving conflicts and addressing workplace issues promptly and fairly.
○ Maintaining open lines of communication between management and employees.
○ Ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations.

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10. Knowledge Management:
○ Implementing systems and processes for knowledge sharing and retention, such as the
Bounce IT system.
○ Providing training and resources for employees to improve their skills and expertise.
○ Encouraging employees to contribute to the organization's knowledge base.
11. Succession Planning:
○ Identifying high-potential employees and grooming them for leadership roles.
○ Ensuring a smooth transition of key positions through a well-defined succession plan.
○ Identifying future leaders within the organization.
12. Talent Analytics:
○ Using data and analytics to make informed HR decisions, such as identifying turnover
trends or predicting future staffing needs.
○ Leveraging technology for HR analytics to drive strategic decision-making.

Human Resource Processes

Identify corresponding activities that must be included in the human resource function. Add more rows as

a. Recruitment and Selection:

● Job Posting and Advertising: Developing and posting job advertisements for vacant
positions, both internally and externally, to attract potential candidates.
● Resume Screening: Reviewing resumes and applications to shortlist qualified candidates
for further evaluation.
● Interviewing: Conducting job interviews to assess candidates' skills, qualifications, and
cultural fit with the organization.
● Reference Checking: Contacting provided references to verify candidates' work history
and qualifications.
● Offering and Onboarding: Extending job offers to selected candidates and managing the
onboarding process, including completing necessary paperwork and orientation.

b. Training and Development:

● Training Needs Assessment: Identifying skill gaps and training needs within the
organization through assessments and performance reviews.
● Training Program Design: Developing training programs, modules, or courses based on
identified needs.
● Training Delivery: Conducting training sessions, workshops, or seminars, either in-house
or through external providers.
● Performance Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of training programs through
feedback, evaluations, and performance metrics.
● Career Development Planning: Assisting employees in setting career goals, creating
development plans, and offering guidance on how to advance within the organization.

Number of Personnel Required

100-150 employees
Number of personnel required to perform the human resource function.

Capability of Personnel Required

Specify knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform the human resource function, as required. Enter
N/A if any column is not applicable. Add or delete rows as necessary.


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Version 2.0 10/23
a. Bachelor's Degree in Professional in Human Resources Effective Communication
Human Resources (PHR) or Senior Professional in
Management or Related Human Resources (SPHR)

b. Knowledge of Certified Compensation Empathy and Conflict Resolution

Employment Law Professional (CCP)

c. Competency in HR Certified Training and Problem-Solving and Decision-

Information Systems Development Professional Making

Repeat this section for each human resource function identified.


If Yes, Describe How the Impact has

External Does it Impact If Yes, Briefly Describe the
Been Incorporated in Human
Business Human Impact
Resource Requirements
Environment Resource For example, specialised skills
Factor Requirements? For example, by adjusting number or
needed for certain personnel
capability of personnel
In a highly competitive fitness
industry, Bounce Fitness
HR may focus on recruiting and
needs to attract and retain
retaining personnel with unique skill
top talent in areas like
Competitive YES sets and a strong competitive spirit
personal training, life
to ensure Bounce Fitness remains a
coaching, and health services
leading player.
to stay competitive.

Changes in the demographic

profile of Bounce Fitness's HR should monitor demographic
target customers may trends and adapt the workforce by
influence staffing needs. For hiring or training employees with
Demographic YES
instance, if there's an aging the skills and expertise to address
population, there might be a the changing needs of the customer
greater demand for services base.
catering to older adults.

Economic fluctuations can

affect Bounce Fitness's ability HR may need to be flexible in
to hire and retain personnel. managing staffing levels during
Economic YES Economic downturns may economic fluctuations, possibly
necessitate cost-cutting adjusting the number of personnel
measures, impacting HR or compensation packages.

As Bounce Fitness operates

primarily in Australia, global
Global NO
factors may not have a direct
impact on HR requirements.
Changes in labor laws, health
Legal YES HR must stay up-to-date with legal
and safety regulations, and
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other legal requirements can
impact HR. For example,
changes and ensure the workforce
changes in workplace safety
complies with all relevant
regulations may require
additional staff training.

Political factors, such as

government policies related
to the health and fitness
HR should align recruitment and
industry, can influence HR
training strategies to meet the
Political YES requirements. For instance,
demand generated by political
government initiatives
initiatives or policies.
promoting healthy living may
increase the demand for
fitness services.
Social trends and preferences,
such as a growing focus on
HR can adapt by hiring personnel
health and well-being, can
with the required expertise to cater
Social YES affect HR. It may lead to an
to evolving social trends and
increased need for specialized
trainers and health experts.

Advancements in fitness
technology, like wearable HR should ensure that staff
devices and online training members are technologically
Technological YES platforms, may require competent and capable of
personnel with technological integrating technological
expertise to stay competitive advancements into their services.
and offer innovative services.


Sources of Secondary Research

a. Industry Reports and Publications

b. Government and Regulatory Websites

Add rows as necessary.


Business Goals
Stated business goals of the organisation that human resource requirements must be aligned with. Add
more rows as necessary.

GOAL Organisational documents referenced
to identify the business goals.

a. To expand into new markets and open additional fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan, Page 2,
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centers in the next two years. where it mentions the plan to open
another center in Perth in the next two
Bounce Fitness Business Plan, Page 8,
b. To achieve a market share of 15% in each area.
where it outlines the goal of achieving a
15% market share in each area.

Legal Requirements
Legislative and regulatory obligations for managing human resources. Add more rows as necessary.

REQUIREMENT Legislation/Regulation referenced to
identify the requirement.

a. Compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) in Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - Australian
Australia, which includes adhering to regulations related federal legislation governing
to employment standards, minimum wage, working employment standards and industrial
conditions, and termination procedures. relations.

b. Privacy compliance under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) - Australian
particularly in handling employee and customer data legislation that regulates the handling
related to health and personal information. of personal information, including
employee and customer data, and
imposes obligations on data privacy and

Compliance Requirements
Best practices that can be adopted to meet legislative and regulatory obligations for managing human
resources. Add more rows as necessary.

REQUIREMENT Codes of practice referenced to identify
the requirement.

a. Implementing Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) best Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth)
practices to ensure the safety and well-being of and associated regulations, including
employees and clients. the "Model Work Health and Safety
Act" and relevant codes of practice for
the fitness industry.

b. Adhering to industry-specific codes of practice for Industry-specific codes of practice or

fitness centers, including guidelines for health and guidelines developed by industry
safety, customer relations, and service quality. associations and organizations, such as
the Fitness Australia Code of Practice
for Fitness Centres.

Requirements from Organisational Policies and Procedures

Requirements from organisational policies and procedures relevant to human resource functions and
processes. Add more rows as necessary.

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REQUIREMENT Policy and/or procedures referenced to
identify the requirement.

a. Adherence to the "Employee Code of Conduct" for all Bounce Fitness Employee Handbook,
employees, including guidelines on professional Section 3: Code of Conduct and Ethical
behavior, client interactions, and ethical standards. Standards.

b. Compliance with the "Recruitment and Selection Bounce Fitness HR Policies and
Policy," which outlines the procedures for hiring new Procedures Manual, Section 2.2:
personnel, including job posting, candidate evaluation, Recruitment and Selection Policy.
and onboarding.

Requirements for Workforce Diversity

Stated requirements for workforce diversity in relevant organisational policies such as anti-discrimination
and harassment, equal employment opportunity, and diversity and inclusion. Add more rows as necessary.

REQUIREMENT Organisational policy referenced to
identify the requirement.

a. Adherence to the "Diversity and Inclusion Policy," which Bounce Fitness Diversity and Inclusion
emphasizes the organization's commitment to fostering Policy, Section 2: Equal Employment
a diverse and inclusive workforce, promoting equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination.
opportunities, and preventing discrimination and

b. Compliance with the "Equal Employment Opportunity Bounce Fitness Equal Employment
(EEO) Plan," which outlines specific strategies and Opportunity (EEO) Plan, Section 3:
actions for promoting workforce diversity, ensuring Strategies for Workforce Diversity.
equal access to job opportunities, and addressing
potential barriers to diversity.

Ethical Requirements
Requirements from business ethical frameworks for managing human resources. Add more rows as

REQUIREMENT Codes of ethics referenced to identify
the requirement.

a. Compliance with the "Code of Ethics and Professional Bounce Fitness Code of Ethics and
Conduct" that emphasizes honesty, integrity, and Professional Conduct, Section 2: Ethical
ethical behavior in all HR practices, including Guidelines for HR Management.
recruitment, training, and employee relations.

b. Adherence to the "Customer Confidentiality and Data Bounce Fitness Customer

Privacy Code," which sets guidelines for the ethical Confidentiality and Data Privacy Code,
handling of customer and employee personal Section 3: Ethical Data Handling in HR.
information, emphasizing data privacy and

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Task 2: Human Resource Service Delivery Plan
This task will require you to write a human resource service delivery plan for your
organisation/workplace and obtain agreement on it from an authorised stakeholder.
Use the Human Resource Service Delivery Plan template provided on Appendix section at the end of
this assessment workbook.
Part A: Write a Human Resource Service Delivery Plan
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review documents/resources relating to human resource service delivery, including:

o Human resource requirements document created in Workplace Project Task 1.

o Organisational documents to help identify information systems relevant to human
o Printed and/or online sources to help identify options for delivery of human resource
functions and processes.

▪ Develop at least two options for delivery of human resource functions and processes identified
as part of human resource requirements in Workplace Project Task 1.
Human resource service delivery refers to methods for provision of human resource functions
and processes.
Options for delivery of human resource functions and processes include generalised service
provision, centres of excellence, on-demand self-service through technological systems,
outsourced service provision and multi-tiered service model.
Identified options must adhere to the required conditions outlined in Workplace Project Task 1
o Business goals
o Legal requirements
o Compliance requirements
o Requirements from organisational policies and procedures
o Workforce diversity requirements
o Ethical requirements

▪ Evaluate the identified options to formulate at least two strategies for delivery of human
resource functions and processes.

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▪ Develop a corresponding action plan for each strategy formulated, including:

o Specific activities to be undertaken for implementing the strategy for delivery of human
resource functions and processes.
o Responsibility for each activity assigned to specific personnel.
o Timelines for each activity.

▪ Outline roles and responsibilities for relevant stakeholder groups based on the action plans,
o Human resource team
o Line managers
o External contractors

▪ Identify information systems relevant to human resources in your organisational context,

o At least one system for gathering information as part of human resource service
o At least one system for storing information as part of human resource service delivery.

▪ Document the human resource service delivery plan based on the information outlined above.

▪ Obtain agreement/approval for the human resource service delivery plan from at least one
authorised stakeholder.

PART B: Communicate the Approved Human Resource Service Delivery Plan

To complete this part of the task, you must:

▪ Communicate the approved human resource service delivery plan to at least two relevant
stakeholders. Communication must include details of the strategies developed for delivery of
human resource functions and processes.
Stakeholders must include:
o At least one internal stakeholder.
o At least one external stakeholder.
Review Workplace Project Task 2 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

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▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Use the Human Resource Service Delivery
Plan template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
Submit the approved human resource service delivery plan to your assessor. Include any
supplementary documents/sources used to create the human resource service delivery plan, such as:

▪ Organisational documents to identify information systems relevant to human resources.

▪ Printed and/or online sources to identify options for delivery of human resource functions and
You must also submit evidence of communicating the approved human resource service delivery plan to
at least two relevant stakeholders. Evidence must be at least one of the following:

▪ Email correspondence

▪ Meeting minutes

▪ Video recording of the meeting conducted with the stakeholder.

When using this as evidence, ensure to inform the stakeholder of the purpose of the recording
before doing so.


Learner Name Chin Yong Chung

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness

Approval details:

Name of the authorised
stakeholder who
approved the plan.

Job role

Date approved

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Date Summary of Modifications Version

2023-01-01 Initial creation of the business plan 1.0

2023-02-15 Added Marketing Plans section 1.1


Option for Human Resource Service Delivery Source/Reference

Methods for provision of human resource Documents used to identify options for delivery of human
functions and processes. resource functions and processes.

a. In-house HR Department Bounce Fitness HR Policies and Procedures Manual,

Section 4: HR Department Structure and

b. Outsourced HR Services Bounce Fitness Business Plan, Page 11, which discusses
the possibility of outsourcing certain HR functions to
external HR service providers.

Add more rows as necessary.

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Repeat this section for each strategy formulated for human resource service delivery.

Strategy for Human Resource Service Delivery

Develop appropriate strategy based on options identified above.

Strategy 1: In-house HR Department

Action Plan
Specific actions to be taken to implement the strategy. Add more rows as necessary.

TIMELINES (dd/mm/yyyy)

a. Conduct a comprehensive HR HR Manager and 15/04/2023 30/04/2023

department assessment to Consultant
determine staffing needs and
skills gaps.

b. Recruit and hire additional HR HR Manager 01/05/2023 31/05/2023

personnel as needed, including
HR Generalists and Specialists.

Roles and Responsibilities

For each activity, mark R-Responsible, A-Accountable, C-Consulted and I-Informed for stakeholder groups as
appropriate. Add more rows as necessary.


a. Conduct a comprehensive HR R (Responsible) C (Consulted) C (Consulted)

department assessment

b. Determine staffing needs and R (Responsible) C (Consulted) C (Consulted)

skills gaps

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Systems for Gathering Information

a. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

b. Employee Information System

Systems for Storing Information

a. Document Management System

b. Database for Health and Fitness Records

Task 3: Negotiate Service Agreements for Human Resource Service Delivery

Your assessor will observe you as you negotiate service agreements for human resource service
delivery with authorised stakeholders from the human resource team, service providers and client
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

▪ Ask questions to gather information.

▪ Listen carefully to evaluate information.

▪ Use appropriate vocabulary in negotiations.

▪ Use appropriate tone in negotiations.

Use the Service Agreement template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review the approved human resource service delivery plan developed in Workplace
Project Task 2.

▪ Outline terms for service agreements for delivery of human resource functions and processes
for the following parties:
o The human resource team
o Service providers
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o Client groups
The terms of the service agreements must be based on the action plans and roles and
responsibilities of parties outlined in the approved human resource service delivery plan.
Service agreements for human resource team and external contractors must include:
o Description of the services to be provided.
o Performance standards or service level indicators for monitoring performance of
services provided.
o Timeframes within which the services must be provided.
o Any corrective actions or penalties to be borne if the agreed service levels are not
Service agreement for client groups must include:
o When to request for service delivery.
o Terms for termination of the agreement.

▪ Negotiate the terms of the service agreements with authorised stakeholders from each
concerned party, including:
o The human resource team
o Service providers
o Client groups
At least one authorised stakeholder for negotiating service agreements must be internal, and at
least one authorised stakeholder must be external to the organisation.

▪ Document the service agreements based on the outcomes of the negotiations.

Review the following before starting this task:

▪ Workplace Project Task 3 – Assessor’s Checklist

▪ Workplace Project Task 3 – Observation Form

These forms outline the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

▪ All the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
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Review the template you will use to complete this task. Use the Service Agreement template provided
at the Bounce Fitness site.
Submit the following service agreements for delivery of human resource functions and processes to
your assessor.

▪ Service agreement for the human resource team.

▪ Service agreement for service providers.

▪ Service agreement for client groups.



Learner Name Chin Yong Chung

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness


Date Summary of Modifications Version

2017 Version 1.0 published for Bounce Fitness 1.0

28 October 2021 ● Removed background image on first 1.1

● Minor formatting edits, i.e. paragraph
● Added procedure on ‘Consultation on
Work Relationship Issues’ under 2.
Communication of Implementation


Services to be provided
Human resource functions and processes to be delivered across the organisation.
a. Recruitment and Staffing Services:

Bounce Fitness's Human Resource team and service providers will handle the entire recruitment
and staffing process. This includes job posting, sourcing, screening, interviewing, and selecting
suitable candidates to fill vacant positions within the organization. They will also conduct
background checks, reference checks, and ensure a smooth onboarding process for new hires.

b. Training and Development Programs:

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Bounce Fitness recognizes the importance of employee development. HR will design, implement,
and manage training and development programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of
employees at all levels. These programs may include on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and
online learning resources to ensure that employees have the tools and skills necessary to excel in
their roles.
c. Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution:

Employee relations services involve creating a positive work environment and resolving any
conflicts or issues that may arise among employees. The HR team and service providers will play a
crucial role in maintaining positive employee relations, which includes addressing grievances,
disputes, and facilitating communication between staff and management. They will also work on
creating a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusivity.

Add or delete rows as necessary.


Performance Standard Timeframes

Service Service level indicator or desired Time period within which work
quality of service agreed with the output or service must be
service provider delivered by the service provider

a. Recruitment and The service provider must The service provider must
Staffing Services maintain a candidate selection complete the initial screening and
process that ensures a minimum present candidates to hiring
of 90% of qualified candidates are managers within 15 business days
presented to hiring managers for from the date of the job
all open positions. posting.

b. Training and Training and development Conduct regular training sessions

Development programs must result in a 10% throughout the year, with post-
Programs increase in employee skill training assessments.
proficiency and knowledge over Assessments should be
the course of one year. completed within 10 days after
each training session. By the end
of each year, evaluate the overall
increase in skill proficiency and
Add more rows as necessary.


Corrective actions to be taken or penalties to be borne if agreed performance standards and/or timeframes are
not met.
a. Performance Review and Feedback:

Step 1: When performance standards or timeframes are not met, the first step is to conduct a
performance review. This includes a thorough assessment of the specific areas where

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underperformance has occurred.

Step 2: Provide constructive feedback to the HR team or service provider, highlighting the areas
where they fell short and the expected performance standards. This feedback should be
documented for reference.

b. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):

Step 3: Develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in collaboration with the HR team or
service provider. This plan should outline specific actions, goals, and timelines for improving
performance. It may include additional training, support, or resources as needed.

Step 4: Set clear milestones and deadlines within the PIP. The HR team or service provider must
commit to achieving these milestones within the specified timeframes.
c. Escalation and Penalties:

Step 5: If the HR team or service provider fails to meet the expectations outlined in the PIP, it may
lead to escalation. This could involve a formal warning, a review of the contract or service
agreement, or the initiation of penalty clauses.

Step 6: Penalties may include financial deductions or penalties as specified in the service contract.
Additionally, if the underperformance continues and it is detrimental to Bounce Fitness, it may
result in contract termination.

Add or delete rows as necessary.


Terms and conditions in the span of control of client groups such as when to raise service delivery requests, and
terms for termination of the agreement.

Terms and Conditions

a. Service Delivery Requests:

Conditions for Request: Clients may raise service delivery requests when they require specific
services, support, or adjustments related to their membership or participation in fitness programs.
These requests should be communicated through designated channels, such as the customer
service department, email, or a dedicated online portal.

Response Time: Bounce Fitness commits to responding to service delivery requests within a
specified time frame, typically within 48 hours of receiving the request.

Scope of Service: The terms will outline the scope of services available and clarify which requests
can be accommodated within the standard service offering.

b. Billing and Payment Terms:

Payment Obligations: Clients are required to meet their payment obligations as per the agreed-
upon terms. This includes membership fees, program charges, and any additional services or

Late Payments: The terms will specify any late payment penalties, interest rates, and a grace
period for payments. Clients are responsible for settling outstanding dues promptly to maintain

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their membership or service access.

Termination for Non-Payment: If payments are consistently overdue, Bounce Fitness reserves the
right to suspend or terminate services as outlined in the agreement.

c. Termination of Agreement:

Notice Period: Clients and Bounce Fitness may terminate the agreement by providing written
notice with an agreed-upon notice period (e.g., 30 days' notice). The notice should include the
reason for termination.

Refund Policy: The terms and conditions should outline the refund policy in case of early
termination by clients, specifying any applicable fees or penalties.

Property Return: Clients may be required to return any Bounce Fitness property, such as access
cards or equipment, upon termination of the agreement, and the conditions for returning such
items should be specified.

Task 4: Communicate Details of Service Agreements to Stakeholders

This task will require you to communicate the details of service agreements negotiated and documented
in Workplace Project Task 3 to relevant stakeholders.
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review the service agreements developed in Workplace Project Task 3.

▪ Communicate the details of the service agreements to at least one authorised stakeholder from
each of the stakeholder groups below:
o The human resource team
o Service providers
o Client groups
Authorised stakeholders must be the same personnel as those in Workplace Project Task 3.
The following details must be communicated to each authorised stakeholder:
o Human resource requirements

● Human resource functions and processes, or services to be delivered.

● Number of personnel required for service delivery.

● Capability of personnel required for service delivery.

o Performance standards, or service level indicators negotiated.

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o Timeframes within which the service must be delivered.

▪ Identify training support needed by at least one stakeholder group.

▪ Arrange the identified training support.

Training support can be provided in one the following ways:

o Training that you facilitated.
o Instructions provided to the training provider.
o Schedule of the training opportunity that you planned.

Review Workplace Project Task 4 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Submit the following to your assessor:

▪ Evidence of communication of documented details of service agreements to at least one

authorised stakeholder each from human resource team, service contractors and client groups.

▪ Evidence of arranging training support.

Email 1

Subject: Confirmation of Service Agreement Details Communication

Dear Mr. Albert,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to confirm that we have effectively communicated the
documented details of our service agreements to authorized stakeholders, including our Human
Resource Team, Service Contractors, and Client Groups.

For our Human Resource Team, the pertinent service agreement details have been shared during
team meetings and via email. This includes performance standards, timeframes, and procedures
related to the services they are expected to provide to our organization. We have also discussed the
steps for taking corrective actions in case of underperformance and the associated penalties if
performance standards and timeframes are not met.

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With regards to our Service Contractors, we have provided them with a clear overview of the services
expected from them, performance standards, and timeframes. Additionally, we have documented the
steps for taking corrective actions in case of underperformance and the penalties or consequences
that may be applied if agreed performance standards and timeframes are not met.

Lastly, for our valued Client Groups, we have shared the terms and conditions governing the use of
our services, including guidelines for raising service delivery requests and terms for the termination of
the agreement. This information has been made available in our client agreements and
communicated through our customer service department.

We are committed to maintaining transparent and effective communication with our stakeholders to
ensure that all parties are well-informed and aligned with the expectations and responsibilities
outlined in our service agreements.

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding the details of our service
agreements, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist and provide any
necessary support.

Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation.

Best regards,

Chin Yong Chung

Email 2

Subject: Confirmation of Arranging Training Support

Dear Mr. Albert,

I trust this email finds you in good health. I am writing to provide confirmation that we have
successfully arranged training support for the upcoming program or initiative.

As part of our commitment to the professional development of our team and the success of our
projects, we have diligently coordinated the necessary training resources and support. This includes
the following key details:

Training Program: We have identified a relevant and tailored training program to address the specific
skills and knowledge required for the success of our project. This program is designed to enhance our
team's proficiency and ensure they are well-prepared for their roles.

Training Provider: We have partnered with a reputable training provider with a proven track record in
delivering high-quality educational content. They have a team of experienced trainers who will
facilitate the training sessions.

Training Schedule: The training sessions have been scheduled to align with our project timelines and
team availability. The dates and times of the training sessions have been finalized to ensure maximum
participation and minimal disruption to our ongoing operations.

Logistics and Materials: We have organized all logistical requirements, including training venues,
equipment, and materials, to ensure a smooth and productive training experience for our team. Any
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required course materials, such as handbooks or software, have been procured and will be distributed
as needed.

Monitoring and Feedback: We will implement a feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of
the training program. This will allow us to continuously improve our training initiatives and ensure
they meet our objectives.

Our goal is to equip our team with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles and
contribute to the success of our projects. We are confident that the training support we have
arranged will significantly benefit our team members and, ultimately, our organization.

If you have any questions or require further information regarding the training program or the
support arrangements, please feel free to reach out. We are committed to ensuring the success of this
training initiative and the overall achievement of our project goals.

Thank you for your support and collaboration in this endeavor.

Best regards,

Chin Yong Chung

Task 5: Monitor Delivery of Human Resource Functions and Processes
This task will require you to coordinate monitoring of at least two human resource functions using
agreed quality assurance processes. It also requires you to ensure that human resource functions and
processes are delivered by appropriate service providers at expected performance levels.
Use the Monitoring Report template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review documents/resources that will help monitor delivery of human resource
functions and processes, including:
o Organisational policies and procedures relevant to human resource functions and
processes analysed in Workplace Project Task 1.
o The service agreements developed in Workplace Project Task 3.
o Printed and/or online sources on relevant quality assurance processes for human
resource functions.

▪ Identify at least two quality assurance processes relevant for human resource functions in your

▪ Coordinate monitoring of delivery of at least two human resource functions using the agreed
quality assurance processes.
At least two instances of monitoring must be done against performance standards outlined in
the service agreements developed in Workplace Project Task 3.
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▪ Identify service delivery providers for each human resource function and its corresponding

▪ Ensure each identified human resource function and its corresponding processes are being
delivered by the service delivery provider in compliance with the relevant organisational policies
and procedures reviewed in Workplace Project Task 1.

▪ Identify underperformance of at least one of the service providers based on outcomes of

monitoring. Service providers can be one of the following types:
o Human resource team
o External contractors

▪ Write a human resource service delivery monitoring report outlining:

o Outcomes of monitoring of at least two human resource functions using the agreed
quality assurance processes.
o Outcomes of monitoring of delivery of identified human resource functions and
processes against organisational policies and procedures.

▪ Rectify identified underperformance of service delivery provider as per the steps outlined in the
service agreement.
Review Workplace Project Task 5 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Use the Monitoring Report template provided
on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
Submit the human resource service delivery monitoring report for human resource functions and
processes to your assessor. Include the data/information from at least two instances of monitoring
performance of human resource functions and their delivery, as supplementary evidence.
You must also submit evidence of rectifying underperformance of at least one service delivery provider,
as per the steps outlined in the corresponding service agreement.
Evidence can be one of the following:

▪ Improved performance data for the delivery of the human resource function after rectifying the
identified underperformance issue of service provider.
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▪ Improved client feedback.



Learner Name Chin Yong Chung

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness


Date Summary of Modifications Version

2017 Version 1.0 published for Bounce Fitness 1.0

28 October 2021 ● Removed background image on first 1.1

● Minor formatting edits, i.e. paragraph
● Added procedure on ‘Consultation on
Work Relationship Issues’ under 2.
Communication of Implementation


Quality Assurance Process Source/Reference

Processes for maintaining the desired level of quality Documents used to identify relevant quality
in delivery of human resource functions assurance processes.
Bounce Fitness Employee Relations Vision and
a. Process: Employee Relations Alignment with
Goals: This document outlines the company's vision
Strategic Direction Source/Reference
and goals related to employee relations,
emphasizing the importance of aligning employee
relations outcomes with the organization's strategic

Strategic Direction Documents: Various documents

outlining Bounce Fitness's strategic direction,
including mission statements, business plans, and
strategic goals. These documents provide the
reference for aligning employee relations with the
broader organizational strategy.

Employee Communications Strategy: This document

b. Process: Employee Communications and
outlines Bounce Fitness's strategy for employee
Consultation Source/Reference
communications, which includes mechanisms like

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team brief meetings, the intranet, newsletters, and
regular meetings with employees. It serves as a
reference for maintaining effective communication
with employees.

Bounce Fitness Employee Handbook or Policy

Manual: This document outlines the company's
policies and procedures, including those related to
employee relations, communication, and issue
resolution. It provides guidelines for HR and
management to follow when addressing workplace
issues and maintaining quality in employee

Add more rows as necessary.

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Human Resource Functions and Is the Service

Service Provider Being Remarks
Identify service provider Delivered
List human resource functions and According to
(human resource
their corresponding processes for Organisational Describe
team/external contractor) for
monitoring. Add more rows as Policies and issues in case
delivery of the human resource
necessary. Procedures? of non-
function and processes
In-House HR Team: Bounce
Job Posting and YES Legal
Fitness may have an internal
Candidate Consequences
HR team responsible for
Sourcing : Non-
managing various HR functions
and processes, including
with labor
recruitment, training,
laws and
employee relations, and
could result in
legal actions,
penalties, and
Recruitment Agencies: External
Recruitment Application YES Employee
recruitment agencies can be
and Selection Screening and Dissatisfaction
hired to assist with sourcing
Interviewing : When HR
and screening candidates for
job openings, especially for
related to
specialized or hard-to-fill
training, and
relations are
not followed
may become
Training and Development
Employee Training Needs YES Talent
Consultants: Bounce Fitness
Training and Assessment Attraction and
might engage external
Development Retention:
consultants or training firms to
design and deliver specialized
training programs, workshops,
and courses for employee
and selection
might deter
talent from
applying to
Employee Engagement Survey
Training Program YES Productivity
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Providers: To conduct
Delivery and
employee feedback and
engagement surveys, Bounce
Fitness can collaborate with
specialized survey providers
with training
who design, administer, and
analyze surveys to gauge
employee sentiment and
processes can
skills and
leading to
Legal and Compliance Experts:
Employee YES Reputation
To ensure adherence to labor
Feedback and Damage:
laws, industrial regulations,
Engagement Failure to
and compliance requirements,
Surveys resolve
Bounce Fitness may consult
with external legal and
issues and
compliance experts or law
conflicts fairly
can damage
both internally
and externally.
Delivery Conflict Resolution Mediators:
Issue Resolution YES Regulatory
In cases where conflict
and Conflict Penalties: Not
resolution is a specialized
Management adhering to
need, Bounce Fitness could
employ external conflict
processes for
resolution mediators or
consultants to facilitate
discussions and resolve
disputes among
and related
may lead to
penalties and

Add more rows as necessary.

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Date: Date:

Time: Time:
Employee Engagement Surveys and
QA process used: Feedback Analysis Recruitment and Selection

Employee engagement surveys,

● Job Application and
which are regularly conducted within
Candidate Database
Bounce Fitness to collect feedback
Source/link of performance data for human ● Interview Records
from employees regarding their job
resource function: ● HR Metrics and Analytics
satisfaction, work environment, and
overall engagement.

1. Time-to-Fill Metrics: Measure the

Measurement of delivery performance The performance standards or service
average time it takes to fill a job
against performance standards/service level level indicators in this case may
vacancy from the initial posting
indicators: include metrics related to employee
to the final selection. The
satisfaction, such as engagement
performance standard might be
scores, satisfaction rates, and
to fill positions within a specified
feedback from surveys. These can be
time frame, such as 45 days.
compared against established
2. Candidate Sourcing Quality:
benchmarks or industry
Evaluate the quality of
candidates sourced by tracking
the number of qualified
candidates for each job opening.
The standard may require a
certain percentage of qualified
candidates in the applicant pool.
3. Interview Effectiveness: Assess
the effectiveness of the interview
process by measuring the
consistency of interview

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questions, scoring criteria, and
interviewer feedback. The
standard may require that
interviews meet predefined
criteria for consistency and

● Reduced Time-to-Fill: If the

time-to-fill metrics consistently
meet or beat the established
performance standards, it
indicates an efficient
recruitment process, minimizing
operational disruptions due to
vacant positions.
Increased Employee Engagement: ● High-Quality Candidate Pool: A
Positive survey results and higher high percentage of qualified
engagement scores indicate that the candidates in the applicant pool
HR team is effectively managing suggests that the recruitment
Outcomes: employee engagement. Employees and sourcing methods are
are satisfied with their work, which effective in attracting the right
can lead to increased productivity, talent for the organization.
reduced turnover, and a more ● Consistent and Effective
positive working environment Interviews: When interviews
consistently adhere to the set
standards and show
effectiveness in identifying the
best candidates, it results in
better hiring decisions and
improved employee


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Steps to be Taken to Rectify
Service Providers Identified Underperformance
a. Recruitment ○ High turnover among newly hired
a. Review and Reassess Contracts:
Agencies employees sourced through external
Bounce Fitness should review its
(External) recruitment agencies.
contracts with external recruitment
○ Long lead times in filling job vacancies.
agencies, emphasizing the need for
○ Frequent mismatches between
candidates who better fit the
candidates' qualifications and job
company's culture and requirements.
Modify contracts as needed to align
b. Provide Clear Feedback: Regularly
provide feedback to recruitment
agencies regarding mismatches and
turnover issues. Discuss specific areas
of concern and collaboratively work
on solutions.
c. Diversify Sourcing Channels: Explore
alternative methods of sourcing
candidates, such as internal referrals,
to reduce dependency on external
agencies and improve the quality of
b. Training and
○ Low post-training performance a. Realign Training Content: Collaborate
improvement among employees. with training and development
○ Training programs not aligned with the consultants to realign training
company's strategic goals and values. programs with Bounce Fitness's
○ Lack of consistent and timely reporting strategic goals and values. Ensure that
on training outcomes and feedback. training addresses the skills and
knowledge needed to support the
company's objectives.
b. Monitor and Evaluate Training
Outcomes: Implement a system for
tracking post-training performance
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and collect feedback from employees.
Require consultants to report on the
effectiveness of training initiatives.
c. Seek New Partnerships: Consider
exploring new partnerships with
training and development providers
who specialize in the industry or
specific skills that align better with the
company's needs.
c. Employee ○ Declining employee engagement scores
a. Review Survey Methodology:
Engagement in recent surveys.
Collaborate with the survey provider
Survey Providers ○ Incomplete or inconsistent survey data
to review and enhance the survey
(External) collection.
methodology. Ensure that survey
○ Lack of actionable insights and
questions are relevant, and data
recommendations based on survey
collection methods are
b. Feedback and Recommendations:
Demand actionable insights and
recommendations based on survey
results from the provider. Work with
them to identify specific areas for
c. Internal Data Analysis: Complement
external survey data with internal
data analysis to identify trends and
areas of concern. Establish a
dedicated team to focus on
addressing employee engagement
issues and implementing changes as

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Task 6: Evaluate Human Resource Functions and Processes
This task will require you to evaluate human resource functions and processes and recommend
changes in service agreements. It also requires you to support change processes across the
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review the service agreements developed in Workplace Project Task 3.

▪ Develop a survey to determine level of satisfaction of clients with human resource service
delivery at your organisation/workplace.

▪ Coordinate distribution of the client satisfaction survey to at least two client groups.

▪ Collect client feedback from the survey.

▪ Review at least two human resource functions and their corresponding processes using:

o The client feedback collected from the client satisfaction survey.

o Human Resources Return on Investment (HR RoI) calculated using an appropriate
mathematical strategy.
Appropriate mathematical strategy refers to using the correct mathematical formula with the
correct interpretation and values of its components, to get a meaningful result for HR RoI.

▪ Recommend at least two changes to the reviewed human resource functions and their

▪ Determine changes in service delivery based on the recommended changes for each reviewed
human resource function and its processes.

▪ Obtain approvals to changes in service delivery from relevant managers.

▪ Update the service agreements developed in Workplace Project Task 3 with the approved

▪ Support implementation of agreed change processes across the organisation, by modifying or

updating the corresponding organisational policies and procedures.
Review Workplace Project Task 6 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

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▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Submit the modified service agreements to your assessor. Include the following as supplementary

▪ The client survey that you distributed to determine level of satisfaction of clients.

▪ Spreadsheet with the collated survey responses.

▪ Spreadsheet with calculation of human resource return on investment (HR RoI).

You must also submit evidence of support provided for implementation of agreed change processes
across the organisation. Evidence can be the updated organisational policies and procedures relevant
to the human resource functions and processes being changed.
Client Satisfaction Survey

Dear Valued Clients,

We value your opinion and are committed to providing the best possible service. Your feedback is
essential to help us improve and tailor our services to your needs. Please take a few moments to
complete this survey. Your responses will remain confidential.

Client Group 1: Fitness Club Members

1. How satisfied are you with the services you have received from Bounce Fitness?

● Very Satisfied
● Satisfied
● Neutral
● Dissatisfied
● Very Dissatisfied

2. Please rate the following aspects of our services (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest
and 5 being the highest):

● Communication: 4
● Service Quality: 4
● Timeliness: 3
● Staff Courtesy: 5
● Value for Money: 4

3. What do you like most about our services?

● The friendly and knowledgeable staff.

● The variety of fitness classes offered.

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● Clean and well-maintained facilities.

4. What aspects of our services do you believe need improvement?

● More frequent cleaning during peak hours.

● Improved communication about schedule changes.
● More advanced fitness equipment.

5. Are there specific services or features you would like to see us offer in the future?

● Virtual fitness classes.

● Personalized workout plans.
● Nutritional counseling.

6. How likely are you to recommend Bounce Fitness to others?

● Very Likely

7. Is there anything else you'd like to share or any comments you have about your experience
with Bounce Fitness?

● Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the services. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us. We are
dedicated to continuous improvement and ensuring that your experience with Bounce Fitness is
Task 7: Coordinate Integration of Business Ethics in Human Resource Practices
This task will require you to coordinate integration of business ethics in human resource practices at
your organisation. It also requires you to ensure understanding of ethical behaviour by persons
responsible for human resource functions.
Use the Code of Conduct Review Report template provided on Appendix section at the end of this
assessment workbook.
To complete this task, you must:

▪ Access and review the following documents/resources:

o The code of conduct at your organisation/workplace.

o Organisational policies and procedures, including:

● Handling of unethical behaviour.

● Privacy policy, to determine applicable confidentiality requirements in dealing

with human resource information at your organisation/workplace.

● At least two policies and procedures with information on human resource

practices, for code of conduct review.

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o Workplace document outlining a case of unethical behaviour, such as a misconduct

▪ Verify that the requirements of the code of conduct are incorporated in at least two policies and
procedures with information on human resource practices.

▪ Identify at least two confidentiality requirements in dealing with all human resource information
at your organisation, by reviewing the privacy policy.

▪ Identify at least one case of unethical behaviour at your workplace by reviewing a misconduct

▪ Handle the identified case of unethical behaviour in accordance with organisation policies and

▪ Write a code of conduct review report outlining the above information.

▪ Communicate with at least two persons responsible for human resource functions to explain
requirements regarding their ethical behaviour.
Confirm understanding of above requirements by circulating meeting minutes and asking for a
written acknowledgement.

Review Workplace Project Task 7 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines
the following:

▪ Resources you are required to access to complete the task.

▪ All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.

Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Use the Code of Conduct Review Report
template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
Submit the code of conduct review report to your assessor. Include the following as supplementary

▪ Policies and procedures with information on human resource practices reviewed against the
code of conduct.

▪ Organisational privacy policy reviewed to determine applicable confidentiality requirements in

dealing with human resource information at the organisation/workplace.

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▪ Misconduct report with details on a case of unethical behaviour.

You must also submit evidence of ensuring understanding of at least two persons responsible
for human resource functions regarding their ethical behaviour. Evidence can be
acknowledgement of minutes of meeting by each participant, where the requirements for ethical
behaviour were communicated.


Learner Name Chin Yong Chung

Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness


Date Summary of Modifications Version

01 October 2020 Version 1 produced following assessment 1.0


11 March 2021 Updated font sizes and colours 1.1

Minor fixes to grammar and spelling


Human Resource Policies and Are Requirements of Code of

If No, Describe the Gap
Procedures Conduct Incorporated?

a. Recruitment and Selection YES N/A


b. Equal Employment YES N/A

Opportunity Policy

c. Employee Performance YES N/A

Evaluation Policy

d. Employee Code of Conduct YES N/A

and Ethics Policy

Add or delete rows as necessary.


Confidentiality Requirement Source/Reference

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Section from organisational privacy policy from
where the requirement was identified
1. Bounce Fitness Organisational Code of
a. Requirement: Human Resources Conduct - Section 1 (General Expectations
information, including employee records, for All Bounce Fitness Employees) and
performance evaluations, and personal Section 6 (Storing and Securing Confidential
details, must be kept confidential and Documents).
accessible only to authorized personnel on 2. Bounce Fitness Privacy Policy - Section on
a need-to-know basis. Data Privacy and Confidentiality.

1. Bounce Fitness Organisational Code of

b. Requirement: When handling employee
Conduct - Section 6 (Storing and Securing
complaints, grievances, or disciplinary
Confidential Documents) and Section 5
actions, Human Resources personnel must
(Updating Record Contents).
maintain the strictest confidentiality to
2. Bounce Fitness Human Resources Policies
protect the privacy and reputation of all
and Procedures - Section on Employee
parties involved.
Complaints and Grievances Handling.

Add more rows as necessary.


Description of the case of unethical behaviour

Identified from a misconduct report filed with human resources.

On 15/05/2023, a misconduct report was filed with Human Resources regarding an incident of unethical
behavior at Bounce Fitness. The case involved an employee (Employee A) who was observed making
inappropriate and derogatory comments towards a colleague during a team meeting. The comments were
offensive and violated the organization's Code of Conduct, specifically the section on "Interacting with

Corrective Actions Taken Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Outcome

a. Investigation: Upon receiving 15/05/2023 Employee A acknowledged their

the misconduct report, inappropriate behavior and expressed
Human Resources initiated an remorse
investigation into the
incident. This investigation
included interviewing the
individuals involved,
gathering witness statements,
and reviewing any available
evidence, such as meeting
b. Disciplinary Meeting: a A written warning was issued to
disciplinary meeting was held Employee A.
with Employee A to discuss
the incident. During the Employee A issued a written apology to
meeting, Employee A was the colleague affected by the
provided with an opportunity inappropriate comments.
to explain their actions and
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respond to the allegations. Employee A attended workplace ethics
The employee admitted to and professionalism training.
making the inappropriate
comments and expressed The colleague reported satisfaction with
remorse for their behavior. the apology and did not report any
further incidents of unethical behavior.

Assessment 2-Practical Assessment Checklist

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Student’s name:
Did the student: successfully Comments
Yes No
Task 1: Determine Human Resource Requirements
Task 2: Human Resource Service Delivery Plan
Task 3: Negotiate Service Agreements for Human
Resource Service Delivery
Task 4: Communicate Details of Service Agreements to
Task 5: Monitor Delivery of Human Resource Functions
and Processes
Task 6: Evaluate Human Resource Functions and
Task 7: Coordinate Integration of Business Ethics in
Human Resource Practices
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ◻ Not Satisfactory ◻

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Supplementary Oral Questions (optional) – for assessor

Student’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of assessment:

Learner answer:


Learner answer:


Learner answer:

Assessment judgement: Satisfactory ◻ Not Satisfactory ◻

Note: Trainer may include as many questions as they required to justify learner’s competency

Assessor's Checklist

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Observation Form


End of Document

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