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8) uain lnagagilauad doa @umay) | THAHRUrES APTITUDE TEST. Tisndinsaihion ‘Haownnmeon A nqaned Gailey mformnenfedonratag unnmarow 2/deudo unzuaurga tum lne uaemysanqy avlunssarwiinoy 3. pnnanmn (X) aiuto noun’ gnAosiignifiostmoumoaluuinertato ihotosnas tifteuria¥olva! inal ntationhfafurlow ukaSon nvm Hunton! 4 ilfhifemsfigqurenion iu Sututh, ugath, wun, duadladerou Scuuunenouniveondthi 3 PART PARI 126 to Irom 1010 @iviuaferlournnn odwh PARTI uuntgqumousswon) paRLt f40 40 Wiram 20 i PARTI 20 G0 Tilom 20% 6. hiring PART voligatsnushodne Widhlsiduron sbidilefenugurould n ulin Tnoqagiiound dae qan7eu) 2811 nina ar wre yD c¥MMTHOMKN gH 0360 —— uid ‘Tnageqaums dnfia (uwidu) THAIRUNG APTITUDE TEST INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART I ‘The numbers in each series below follow a certain mule. For each series of numbers you are to find the correct rule and complete the series, One of the numbers at the right side of the page is the correct answer. w. fore, to complete the series, choice (c) has been indicated on the answer sheet because numb: x. the correct answer is 8, choice (b), which has been indicated on the answer sheet. ® ® © © © 3 6 9 2 15) 18 19) 200 2 RB In example W above, each number is three larger than the preceding number. There er 21 is the next number in the series. ® ®o © @®@ @ 2 WW 6 14 12 10 8 10 12014 In series X above, each number is two less than the preceding number. Accordingly Now do example Y below and indicate the correct answer on your answer sheet. ®@ ©» © @ © 1 iW 1. 14 16 17) «18 619 20 the correct answer is 19, choice (by. In example Y, the correct rule is add 1 then add 2, add 1 then add 2, etc. Therefore, Now do example Z and indicate your answer on the answer sheet. »-®@ ® © @ © 4 6 9 13 18 24° 27 28 29 30 31 ‘The rule is add 2, then add 3, then add 4, etc. Therefore, the correct answer is 31, choice(e). ‘When you are told to begin, turn the page immediately and begin to work ‘When you finish the first page go on to the second page. You will be allowed 10 minutes, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN viiin Tnojaydlowerd fifa one 2006 314 inomima ey aeaanivesmian rumours ngsinn T0160 HAIRUNG ae oa deainck Gott uidn Imageguiauars dria (immu) APTITUDE TEST PARTI. Fine the rule in each series and indicate the choice which completes the series qa 19 @Q 3 @) 33 @ ou © 2B © 27 Mm 4 @ 7 * 6) 13 (10) 36. ql) 33 ‘ az a3) 12 * 23 58 27 54 @ 310035039 aa @® ® Sees eat @ ©) 59 55 60 S556 @ — ) 3 2 36 42 43 @ w 2 Ww 8 10 @) (b) 28 2 «025 20d @ 0) 19 26 31 «3334 @ &) 28°37 434950 @ ) ao eteiae eeeioeeerlg tee. see ® © PAL eee tee I6 x @) — ) oz 67° 69 «7071 (@)—(b) 8 4 6 4 8 beer @ &) 26 28> 3303738 iin nofuptiournd da ane (©) 43 () 4 © 37 © 44 © 16 ©) 29 (©) 35 © 51 © 16 © 24 ©) 2 (©) i2 © 39 @ 44 @ 5 @® 64 @ 45 @ 7 @ 30 @ 36 @ 52 @ 7 @ 32 (@) B @ 32 (@) 40 © 45 @ 6 @ 65 © 46 © 26 @ 31 @ 38 © 53 @ 22 () 48 (@) 74 © 64 © 41 280 5.1 dunn ar uvaemuoetone rymvO MUN oganM 70160 uiin Inagegiiauard dria Gamay) THAUNG APTITUDE TEST PART I (Cont'd) @® ®© © @ © (4) so 25 300 «1S 20 5S S285 : @® ®© © @ @ (is) 21° 19° 16° 20 725 19 1238 68 4 @® © © @ © (6) 15 12 9 is 15 12 6 1S 18 24 36 . ‘ @ © © @ & () 6 0 7 14 14 18 14 IS 16° 18 at x 4 4 ®@ ®© © @®@ © (8) 62° 64 67 Tl «67 62 O56 ST SBC. @® ®© © @ © (9) 80 400 4402228 14 OL 2B . ® ®» © @ © (a0) HOH es EGE eear Hea ee RE Pees tere tery ee HO -HH40. ® ®» © @™@ © @ys 5s 8% Ww 6 3 0 t 3 6 9 ®@ ®» © @ © (2) 18 ‘17 2 15 14 17 12 14 16 20 22 ®@ © © @ & as) Hate rE Ea Eee reed EEE EE Ee tea atts HHH, ® ©» © @ © Q) 6 5 7 4 2 6-0 2 4 8 10 @ ®© © @ © (5) 18 18 36 12 3 15 30 45 60 75 90 @ ®» © @ & @6) 2 3 3 5S 0 13 13 6 17 2% 39 uit Tnedagdiomé dra anes es inno OMA UMN UOAIAL MEAN 10:60 Ce ian Tmagegeuat dyia (way) i ed APTITUDE TEST INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART I On the next four pages you will be given some problems like those on this page. Each row is a problem in which A is related to B in some way. You are to find the rule by which Ais changed to make B. Then use the same rule to find how C should be changed, One of the numbered figures at the right side of the page is the correct answer. O@e aA a c a 2 2 4 5 In Example W above, A is a small black square and when it is changed by the rule “make it larger” we have B. Now look at C, It is a small black circle and when it is changed’ by the rule “make it larger” the correct answer is Figure 2,which is indicated on your answer sheet. ef Todt otek Pb th A a c eee eee In Example X, the rule is “turn A upside down to make B.” Now look at C. If you change it by the same rule it will look like 4, which has been marked as the correct answer, o@ o%8 Og In Example ¥ above, the rule has two parts, “make A smaller and the opposite color.” Apply the rule to C and indicate the correct answer on your answer sheet. Now do Example Z below and indicate your answer on the answer sheet. A AVS ‘When you are told to begin, tum the page immediately end begin to work. When you finish one page, go on to the next. You will be allowed 20 minutes. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN viiin Inedigdioumd da anny 2000341 mnsinya 8 uosR NA NMMHeSI Ags 10180 uidn Insdegileuadd data Gena) THARUNG APTITUDE TEST PART IL - | A ala A a _€ 2 3. 4 5. 6. a 8. a A B. ft » | Fp css se EE A B Ls vin Inojsysoumd fa ann 2003.1 enim y weaNMORaNgD rUMMD NINN TOTO uth Inagegaums drin Gia) raion APTITUDE TEST PART Il (Cont'd) ee . oo ° ° ML. ° 8 88 8 ° A 1 2 3 4 12. 13, 14, 1s. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. visi hnujaysiowmd bia arn 2206311 prima 8 rvIeHUONRSR FRITS NSIT 10180 Ca ui Imagogiilauan? dain (away) oe APTITUDE TEST 28. 28, 30. PART II (Cont'd) ie na oe He 7 Doe AALS OOO GUOLG pee ee SS = bade A 8 c bos 92 Ok ASIEHe c E : A ae x * AB ¢ eH eee viiin tofoyitounnd Sa aia Zo ein 0xwavo ga run a an 70160 ulin Wmegegilauard dain Guwiatu) vHaIRUNG APTITUDE TEST PART Il (Cont'd) 31. 32, 33. 34. vs A £ 35. < > > > A JB c 36, c 37, c 38, A A ° A Bo is C q 2. BAL A “8B Cc «| CrOLJ THEA. Bt c ulin Tnugaydioumd bia any 20831 Engsinul gs uvaeinio

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