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A burning streak
Make ofleave
tweaks, lightcomments
darting and
share the
with night sky can mean many
things. For some,
others to edit this
at thecould be considered an ill omen. For others, it might
same time.
be a sign from the gods of good things to come. To the astronomer, it may
be a fascinating event, deservingGET
APP study. However, to those aware
of what beings lurk in the feywild, it is something to be feared. The eye of a
namorrodor scours the land in search of prey. Almost panther-like in its
behaviour, this gaunt, sleek predator searches for unfortunate souls. Using
its ability to sense the waning life energy of those on death’s door, the
its ability to sense the waning life energy of those on death’s door, the
namorrodor hopes for an easy kill.

Meteor Spirits.
A namorrodor spends much of its time resting in the feywild. There it
remains, until the sun sets on the world of mortals. When the hour grows
dark, the namorrodor emerges from its home to hunt. These creatures are
often referred to as meteor spirits due to the fact that as they stalk the
night sky their glowing yellow eyes are often mistaken for the light of
distant stars or other bright objects seen in the heavens above.

Cautious Killers.
These fey have four eyes, one set that glows a sickly yellow, and another
that emanates a pale white light. This pair of white eyes allows them to
detect and examine the life energy of mortal beings. They use these eyes
to hunt prey that are easily taken down, and as a way of avoiding groups
of strong enemies. Often their targets are quite elderly or very young. For
this reason communities that exist nearby active openings to the feywild
know to safeguard their young and elderly during nightfall. The other
favourite hunting ground of the namorrodor is the battlefield after some
kind of great conflict. Often soldiers and mercenaries are not well versed in
the legends of the meteor spirits, making their wounded a prime target for
such creatures.

Lone Hunters.
Namorrodor hunt by themselves almost exclusively. It is exceedingly rare
to see more than one of these creatures hunting at the same time. The
only exception to this rule is when a pair of namorrodor have formed a
mating bond and are seeking to build a new nest to raise their young
before going their separate ways. In such instances, the pair will work
together to gather as much food as possible, and will act with aggression
unusual even for their kind.

Namorrodor (Meteor Spirit)

Medium fey, neutral evil
Armour Class - 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points - 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed - 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR - 14 +2
STR - 14 +2
DEX - 18 +4
CON - 16 +3
INT - 10 +0
WIS - 12 +1
CHA - 12 +1
Skills - stealth +8, perception +5
Damage Resistances - fire; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from
nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered.
Damage Immunities - cold
Condition Immunities - charmed
Senses - darkvision 120 ft., ethereal sight, passive Perception 15
Languages - Sylvan, Primordial
Challenge - 4 (1,100 XP)

Death Shriek.
When the namorrodor is reduced to 0 hit points, it lets out an agonizing
shriek as it melds back into the feywild. All creatures within 60 ft. of the
namorrodor that can hear are deafened for 1d4 minutes, and they each
take 9 (2d8) thunder damage, or half as much on a successful DC 13
Dexterity saving throw.
Keen Hearing and Smell.
The namorrodor has advantage on all Wisdom (perception) checks that
rely on hearing or smell.
Lifeforce Sense.
The namorrodor is able to sense creatures within five miles of its location
that are close to death (below 25% of their maximum HP), and it has
ethereal sight.

The namorrodor makes two attacks with its claws.
Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage. If the target hit by this attack has less
than half its hit point maximum, the attack is a critical hit.
Celestial Drift.
Celestial Drift.
As a bonus action, the namorrodor teleports up to 10 ft. to an unoccupied

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