Copywriting Webinar

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It tells something about your brand

It allows your brand to engage with your audience

It increases audience retention about your brand.

Your blog is your voice

Website – location in the www , formal, its has pages, focuses on product and services

Blog – information and seeks to educate. Online publication, informal, focuses on products and services,
Issues of your target audience and industrt, updated,


1. Intro about your brand

2. The benefits you offer
3. The brand tagline
4. Your team’s value
5. The people behind the brand
6. Your mission and vision
7. The services you offer
8. Contact information (also blogs)


Informal because you communicate as human,


Short Attention Span of Audience

Show what your offer (be specific but keep it simple in accordance to your tone)


Informative and engaging

It can access anyone as well


Spell out acronyms

Web Content sells your brand

Blog Content Can show your brand’s expertise

Inverted Pyramid

Write the most important information on top.

2nd paragraph should contaung support details with the least important at he end part

START with WHY to know what you have to share

How to make Content Scannable – when customers are just interested in your content

1. Give an overview of what the content is about on the 1st paragraph

2. Use nu, bullet points, subheadings

Always considered the Audience’s reading experience

Writing Titles

1. Be specific
2. Keep it simple yet compelling
3. Consider sear terms
4. Odd no. attract more when writing top recommended features

Writing Article Description 160 characters only

Be specific

Keep it simple

Consider search terms

It should have CTA

Content Plan

ARTICLE 300-500 characters

Do not spam words in a blog content max na yung 5. Nakalagay sa ibag sentence.

When creating content make sure na interested ka to make

August 27, 2020



By: Jenny Jimenez

Its your voice to a more targeted audience

The one na nag like ng page mo ang one na interested say o.

SOCMED- bite size content (microblogging)

First 160 Characters must be enticing and compelling

Make them WOW

If we are a business na ang target crowd ay middle class and selling a pricey item. Yung content po ba is
need na pang classy yung copy?

If you have a blog or website , you can use the content there for your social media content just scan
select scatter

Is it okay to post irrelevant topics on our page like memes, breaking news, challenges etc. just to collect
engagement and likes from the audiences.

What are your top 3 soc med platform to use when selling items related to fashion?


How did you start your business?

What tips?

Post something that the audience can relate to

It takes time to gather lot of likes

Frequency of posting depends sa dami ng likers mo

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