Sound Experiment

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Template of Scientific Report

Title : Results of decibel in different length

Aim : Finding the decibels in different distances in 1000hz

Hypothesis : The volume of the sound heard will decrease as the distance increases

Table 1 : Table of Variables

Variable Manipulation

Independent The distance between the sound or and the

decibel/sound meter/ generator

Dependent The sound recorded by decibel meter (Hertz)

Control The pitch and frequency of the sound


Materials and Equipment

Table 2. Materials and equipment

Name Size/ Note Quantity

Measuring Tape 6.5 meters 1
Sound Generator 1000 Hz 1
Decibel Meter 1
1. First we need to take the measuring tape and pull the tape in any length
2. Then we need to put the measuring tape in a flat surface
3. After we have done this steps we can open the decibel meter and put it besides the tip of
the tape
4. Then we can use the sound generator in any distance you want and put it next to the
measuring tape.
5. After that we could play the sound generator and and measure the decibel
6. Then we could put the sound generator in a different distance then repeat.

Raw data or result

Table 3. : Table of experiment result

Hz Decibel Distance

1000 65 Db 30 Cm

1000 61 Db 60 Cm

1000 60 Db 70 Cm

1000 55 Db 80 Cm

1000 63 Db 90 Cm

Data Analysis and Discussion

Through all of the experiments the further away the sound generator from the decibel meter the
softer the volume is. However the 90cm distance one is higher than the 60cm distance one
therefor the experiment has an error
In conclusion The longer the distance is, it doesn't mean that it has a lower decibel count. As you
see in the graph in 70 cm it has about 60 Db but in 90cm it’s about 63 Db.

- Evaluation of the method (procedure
As we know, procedure is the most important part in this experiment. Without it we couldn't do
anything obviously. To make it better we need to be more precise but as we know it is
impossible to be perfect so we need to be in a quiet place. When I did the experiment I was in a
place where it's quite loud so it was hard to find the exact decibels. One more thing we need to
do is not make any mistakes like talking, etc. Because it could cause alot of decibels and could
mess up the decibel meter.

- Evaluation of the data (results)

For the data we need to do the results twice or thrice to remove any mistakes. If we don't then the
results of the experiment will not be exact and that could make a big difference in our research.

Record the decibel meter to get a more accurate result.
Do this experiment in a quiet space.
Be Careful with the measuring tape you have a 25%-70.5% chance of getting a cut

This is the result of our experiment in a google document thank you.

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