MS Vetonit Masonry Mortar MS7-PP003-03-21

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Method Statement

Vetonit Masonry Mortar

Premixed cementitious masonry mortar

Ref: MS7-PP003-03-21
Date: 15 August 2021
Vetonit Masonry Mortar
III. Avoid application during the hottest time of the day, arrange
Section A: General Considerations temporary shading if necessary.

IV. Provide sufficient material and labourers to ensure a

continuous application process.
Tools and Equipment.
It is suggested that the following list of equipment is adopted as a Application - points of note.
minimum requirement.
Equipment SAVETO, operates a policy to encourage the use, where possible,
Equipment Description of approved or licensed applicators. This ensures that repairs are
Protective  Good quality clothes, gloves, and eye completed satisfactorily so that the long term performance of the

Clothing protection. materials is assured. For contractors who wish to apply the
 Suitable size mixing vessel. materials themselves SAVETO is also able to offer technical
Mixing assistance and training, either on-site or at its Training Centre in the
 Mechanical plaster mixer or low-speed
Equipment Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
electric drill fitted with a suitable paddle.
 Hand application trowel.
Section B: Application Instructions
High temperature working.
1.0 Surface Preparation.
In case the temperatures above 35 C, the following guidelines

should be adopted as a good working practice: 1.1 The block wall surface should be sound, clean, free from loose
material, grease, laitance, dirt curing compound, etc.
I. Store unmixed materials in a cool environment, avoid
exposure to direct sunlight. 1.2 Before Masonry Mortar’s application, wet the entire surface
with clean potable water, and the surface should look damp at
the time of Masonry Mortar’s application.
II. It is very important to keep the equipment in a cool condition.

Ref: MS7-PP003-03-21

Vetonit Masonry Mortar
2.0 Mixing. 4.0 Cleaning.

2.1 Add to the mixing container 8 - 10 liters of water for each 50Kg 4.1 Clean all tools immediately after finishing by water. Clean
bag of Masonry Mortar. hardened material mechanically.

2.2 Add the powder to the water and mix with a mechanical plaster
mixer or low-speed electric drill fitted with a suitable paddle for Section C: Approval and Variations
3-4 minutes until achieving a uniform, lump-free consistency.

2.3 Leave the mixed material to stand for 10 min and briefly remix This method statement is offered by SAVETO as a ‘standard
without the addition of water. proposal’ for the application of Vetonit Masonry Mortar. It remains
the responsibility of the Engineer to determine the correct method

2.4 Blend Masonry Mortar manually for small quantities and for any given application. Where alternative methods are to be
maintain the correct amount of powder to water. used, these must be submitted to SAVETO for approval prior to the
commencement of any work.
2.5 Mix for approximately 1-2 minutes, until achieving a SAVETO will not accept responsibility or liability for variations to the
homogeneous mix. above method statement under any other condition.

3.0 Application.

3.1 Neutralize the suction of the block surface with water before
applying mortar. Remove any excess water.
3.2 Spread Masonry mortar with a trowel on the surface and joints
where the blocks are mounted.
3.3 Fill joint in a similar way as conventional sand/cement mortar.
3.4 After stiffening, give the masonry mortar a final smoothing to
remove protrusions and eliminates undulations.

Ref: MS7-PP003-03-21

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