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‫االمتحانات الرسمية لشهادة االجازة الفنية‬ ‫الجمهورية اللبنانية‬

‫ الثانية‬2021 ‫لدورة عام‬ ‫وزارة التربية و التعليم العالي‬

‫المديرية العامة للتعليم المهني والتقني‬
)‫أ‬7109( ‫ العناية التمريضية‬: ‫االختصاص و الرمز‬
)8( : ‫المعدل‬ ‫ دراسة حالة‬: ‫المادة‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫ ال شيء‬: ‫المستندات المسموح بها‬
‫اإلجابات على ورقة األسئلة نفسها‬
Circle the correct answer: (1pt/correct answer)
1- Which of the following manifestations of digoxin therapy should the nurse monitor to detect digoxin toxicity?
a- Anorexia
b- Facial pain
c- Photophobia
d- Yellow color perception
2- The nurse is caring for a patient with terminal cancer. Which factor should the nurse consider when planning
opioid pain relief?
a- Not all pain is real.
b- Opioid analgesics are highly addictive.
c- Opioid analgesics can cause tachycardia.
d- Give around-the-clock
3- A patient is to receive 1800 ml of intravenous fluid daily. The IV set delivers 60 drops per ml. How many drops of
fluid per minute will the patient receive?
a- 15 drops/min
b- 72 drops/min
c- 75 drops/min
d- 150 drops/min
Jon, a twenty-year-old college student, had a crashing ski accident. He was transferred to the hospital
emergency and upon assessment it was determined that he was in shock with suspected internal bleeding and
spinal cord injury. His vital signs were BP=94/60 mmHg, P=120b/min., R=30r/min. His skin was cold,
clammy, and pale. He was unconscious. Questions 4–6 refer to this situation.
4- During the hospitalization of Jon, a physical therapy plan is followed to prevent muscle atrophy by providing the
patient with:
a- Passive range of motion
b- Active form of exercise
c- Splinting affected joints
d- Elastic stockings
5- The spinal cord injury at L 5 level left Jon paraplegic. Which diagnosis that should be highly considered upon
discharge home in Jon’s case?
a- Urinary retention related to neurogenic bladder
b- Ineffective breathing related to paralysis of respiratory muscles or diaphragm
c- Impaired physical mobility related to motor dysfunction
d- Pain related to injury
6- A crucial part of the patient education plan for Jon is to teach patient and family members how to:
a- Protect skin from pressure ulcer
b- Do chest physiotherapy
c- Monitor blood pressure
d- All the answers are not correct
Mr. Lee has had lobectomy for cancer of the left lower lobe of the lung. He is eighteen hours postop when you start
caring for him. Questions 7-10 refer to this situation.
7- Which of the following positions would be indicated for Mr. Lee?
a- Flat bed rest
b- Turn to inoperative site only
c- Turn to operative site only
d- Semi-Fowler’s position with turning to either side
8- Mr. Lee chest tubes in place, and while completing an assessment, you notice that fluid is fluctuating up and down
in the long tube of the water-seal bottle. What is the initial intervention?
a- Clamp the chest tube closest to the patient
b- Call the physician immediately
c- Look for leaks in the tubing
d- Do nothing because this fluctuation is normal
9- The doctor has ordered Mr. Lee’s chest tubes to be clamped for a chest X-ray. What do we observe during this
time period?
a- Signs of vasogenic shock
b- Signs of tension pneumothorax
c- If fluid is ascending into the chest cavity from the chest tubes
d- Air-leaks in the water-seal bottle
)‫أ‬7109( ‫ العناية التمريضية‬: ‫االختصاص و الرمز‬
‫ دراسة حالة‬: ‫المادة‬

10- Mr. Lee is given oxygen to increase tissue oxygenation. The availability of oxygen to the tissues:
a- Depends on adequate cardiac output and the oxygen content of the blood
b- Is enhanced in a febrile state
c- Remains unchanged with anemia
d- Is increased at high attitudes
11- Doctor orders for a patient, weighs 60 kg, Dobutamine 240cg/kg/hr. I.V. infusion. A bag of Dobutamine that reads
250mg/250ml was supplied. How many ml/hour will be administered?
a- 15 ml/hour
b- 14.4 ml/hour
c- 1.44 ml/hour
d- 144 ml/hour
12- Lumbar puncture is:
a- A removal of fluid from peritoneal cavity through abdominal wall
b- A needle inserted into subarachnoid space for cerebrospinal fluid
c- A noninvasive test used to detect infections within body cavities
d- A recording of the electrical activity of the brain
13- Preparation for cystoscopy:
a- Usually NPO after midnight, encourage fluid intake prior to procedure
b- Oxygen routinely given during the procedure
c- Clear liquid diet 24 hours prior to procedure
d- All answers are correct
14- A patient’s arterial blood gases (ABG's) results are as follows: pH= 7.16; PaCo2= 80mm Hg; PaO2= 46 mmHg;
HCO3ˉ= 24mEq/L; SaO2= 81%. This ABG's result represents which of the following conditions?
a- Metabolic acidosis
b- Metabolic alkalosis
c- Respiratory acidosis
d- Respiratory alkalosis
15- A nurse is caring for a patient who is admitted for pneumonia and sepsis. The nurse is reviewing orders and knows
to implement which of the following prior to hanging antibiotics?
a- Blood culture
b- Midodrine PO TID
c- Vancomycin trough
d- IV hydralazine 40 mg
16- A nurse is caring for a patient with respiratory distress because of ARDS. Which of the following conditions would
most likely be present?
a- Anuria
b- Lack of tissue perfusion
c- Thermoregulation problems
d- Self-confidence problems
17- The nurse is caring for a patient in status asthmaticus. Which of the following is a PRIORITY nursing action?
a- Provide emotional support
b- Administer aminophylline IV per doctor's order
c- Monitor the patient's respiratory status for signs of hypoxia
d- Give inhaled bronchodilator therapy per doctor's order
18- A nurse is caring for a patient who has angina. The nurse notes that the patient has a prescription for nitroglycerin
sublingual tablets. The nurse knows that this medication works by:
a- Dilating blood vessels and increasing venous return
b- Increasing blood pressure to improve cardiac contractility
c- Preventing blood clots in the lower extremities
d- Minimizing atherosclerotic plaques to improve blood flow
19- Mrs. Marcum has severe heart disease, which route would be contraindicated for taking her temperature?
a- Oral
b- Axillary
c- Rectal
d- Temperature/ patch
20- The nurse notes a reddened area over a patient coccyx, what is the probable cause of this:
a- Excessive body heat
b- Decreased body temperature
c- Tissue damage from a pressure ulcer
d- Poor nutrition

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