Study Material 4th Year - Research - Sumbul Ansari Et Al

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Sport Sciences for Health


Impact of retrowalking on pain, range of motion, muscle fatigability,

and balance in collegiate athletes with chronic mechanical low back
Sumbul Ansari1 · Shahid Raza1 · Pooja Bhati1

Received: 25 February 2020 / Accepted: 25 July 2020

© Springer-Verlag Italia S.r.l., part of Springer Nature 2020

Background Low back pain (LBP) has been found to profoundly increase in athletes in the last decade. There are numerous
treatment options available for LBP of which retrowalking seems to be a promising option for these patients; however, its
potential utility in athletes is not known yet.
Aim To investigate the effect of addition of retrowalking to conventional exercises on pain, range of motion, muscle fatiga-
bility, and balance in collegiate athletes with chronic mechanical LBP.
Methods Subjects were screened using Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and those having mild-to-moderate disability were
included in the study. A sample of 30 athletes were randomly assigned into two groups, retrowalking + conventional exercise
(n = 15) and conventional exercise (n = 15). Pain, flexion range of motion, balance, and muscle fatigability were examined
before and after 4 weeks of the intervention. Retrowalking group performed retrowalk on a treadmill at self-paced speed for
15 min/day for 3 days per week for 4 weeks along with the conventional exercises for back pain, whereas participants in the
control group performed conventional exercises alone for the same duration.
Results Significant differences were observed in pain (p = 0.003) and balance (p = 0.003) between the groups after the inter-
vention period, signifying greater improvement in the retrowalking group. No significant group differences were observed
for flexion range of motion (p = 0.97) and muscle fatigability (p > 0.05).
Conclusions Main findings of the present study suggest that retrowalking when added to conventional exercises may be
helpful in reducing chronic mechanical LBP and improving dynamic balance. Whereas retrowalking when combined with
conventional exercises has no additional effect in improving the flexion range of motion and reducing muscle fatigability.

Keywords Mechanical low back pain · Balance · Fatigability · Range of motion

Abbreviations Introduction
ODI Oswestry disability index
LBP Low back pain Low back pain (LBP) is nowadays one of the most widely
NPRS Numeric pain rating scale experienced health-related problems. The symptoms of LBP
EMG Electromyography usually appear between the age of 30 and 50 in general popu-
lation; however, it has been recorded in athletes in as early
as initial twenties [1]. LBP, in athletes, is a common pain
syndrome that accounts for 28% of missed training days per
* Shahid Raza year, with a prevalence rate of 39% for 12 months and a lifetime prevalence of 60% depending on the sport [2]. The
Sumbul Ansari number of collegiate athletes who experience LBP ranges between 1% and more than 30% [3–5]. Plentiful radiographic
Pooja Bhati evidence has shown that degeneration of the vertebral disc was higher in athletes than in non-athletes [3–5], but these
1 studies [3–5] failed to establish the exact cause–effect rela-
Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia
Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi 110025, tionship. Higher rates of spondylolysis (defect or stress frac-
India ture in the pars interarticularis of the vertebral arch) have

Sport Sciences for Health

shown to be associated with repetitive back hyperexten- decreased stride length than forward walking [21, 22].
sion movement such as diving, gymnastics, and wrestling Walking training could be incorporated in the rehabilita-
required in sports [3, 6]. Athletes suffer from LBP, which tion program of patients with LBP as the stability between
limits their physical performance and puts them at risk of lumbar sections is low and coordination between the low
early retirement from sports [2]. In various sports, LBP has back extensors is poor [22]. Walking programs are help-
been considered as the cause of limited play and practice ful in simultaneously stabilizing the trunk and controlling
[7]. Occurrence of LBP often leads to a shift in the athlete’s the movement of the limbs by strengthening the muscles of
focus from competition to rehabilitation [8]. LBP could be the waist and the muscles of the abdomen that support the
classified as acute or chronic depending on its duration; spine [9].
acute LBP is defined as the pain which persists for less than Use of both backward walking and backward running in
6 weeks [9], pain that lasts for 12 weeks or longer is consid- the training of long-distance runners is encouraged owing
ered as chronic LBP, and 5–10% of all acute LBP patients to increased activity of the knee extensors in these sports.
tend to develop chronic LBP [10]. Mechanical LBP can be It has been shown that backward walking or/and backward
defined as back pain that arises intrinsically from the spine, running has the potential to correct the imbalance between
intervertebral discs, or surrounding soft tissues [11]. Various the knee’s flexors and extensors, and also helps to adjust the
anatomical structures could represent potential pain genera- quadriceps to hamstring force ratio at an ideal value of 60/40
tors for LBP including bones, ligaments, joints, interverte- [23]. A significant difference between forward walking and
bral discs, muscles, and neural structure [12]. Predisposing backward walking joint kinematic pattern is the pre-stretch
factors that provoke the symptoms could be physical, such as of the hamstring muscle that occurs in backward walking
frequent lifting, vibration, heavy physical strain and postural prior to loading which potentially improves hamstring flex-
stress, or individual factors related to sex, age, posture body ibility [24]. Despite several studies done on retrowalking
height and weight, smoking, and heredity [13, 14]. to examine beneficial effects [8, 24, 25], there has been no
Individuals having LBP tend to restrict their movement thorough scientific analysis of backward walking in regard
and activity to avoid back pain and fear of causing injury with chronic mechanical LBP in athletes. To the best of our
or harm [15]. People with chronic LBP generally present knowledge, no study till date has investigated the effect of
with deconditioning of the extensor muscles identified as addition of retrowalking to the conventional exercises on
reduced lumbar extension strength/endurance, atrophy, and dynamic balance and muscle fatigability, although a few
excessive fatigability, and it has been recognised that these studies have been done to check its effect on pain and range
may be potential risk factors for low back injury and pain of motion [8, 24]; however, considering several limitations
[16]. Chronic LBP occurs in many people due to lumbar in these studies, it seemed that more scientific research needs
instability caused by weakness of muscles around the spine to be done to find out facts. Therefore, the purpose of this
and soft-tissue damage in the trunk. Moreover, decreased study was to investigate the effect of addition of retrowalking
strength, endurance, and flexibility of muscles of the lumbar to conventional exercises on pain, range of motion, balance,
region as well as limited range of motion of the joint cause and muscle fatigability in collegiate athletes suffering from
LBP to relapse [17]. chronic mechanical LBP. We hypothesized that addition of
Electromyographic spectral indices (such as median retrowalking for 4 weeks to the conventional exercise pro-
frequency) and their shift to lower frequencies have been gram will lead to significantly greater improvements in the
validated as tools to monitor the local lumbar back extensor outcome measures assessed in the present study as compared
fatigue in both healthy and LBP subjects [18]. Individuals to the conventional exercise program alone.
with chronic LBP tend to have impaired balance, mainly
during challenging balance conditions such as semi-tandem
and one-legged stance and balance assessment should be Materials and methods
considered in the rehabilitation programs for people having
chronic LBP for better clinical decision-making related to The present study was a two arm, parallel, randomized-
balance re-training [19]. controlled trial.
In the field of fitness and rehabilitation, retrowalking is
becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Retrowalking Participants
is emerging as a beneficial exercise for improving oxygen
intake, cardiopulmonary fitness, and muscle activity while The present study was approved by the Institutional Ethics
simultaneously reducing stress on the joint [20, 21]. Gait Committee, Jamia Millia Islamia, and was conducted in
characteristics of backward walking are different from for- accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964. All par-
ward walking and backward walking which has been found ticipants were informed about the procedures and potential
to be more strongly associated with increased cadence and risks and were asked to sign a written consent form to

Sport Sciences for Health

participate in the study. The number of participants was Pain

determined by G Power Software version (Univer-
sity of Kiel, Kiel, Germany) using the data of changes in Pain was measured Numeric Pain rating scale (NPRS). The
pain before and after retrowalking intervention from a pre- 11-point numeric scale ranges from ‘0’ representing “no
vious study [8] with an effect size of 1.03, α level of .05, pain” to 10 representing “extreme pain/worst possible pain”
and power (1 − β) of 0.80. Based on these effect estimates [26, 27]. The respondents were made familiar what does ‘0’,
and adding 12% dropouts, a total sample of 30 participants ‘10’, etc. means on the scale and were given a sheet having
(15 participants in each group) were found to be necessary. the NPRS on it and they were asked to encircle the number
Subjects were included if they were of either gender, aged which indicates their pain during the past 24 h [28].
18–30 years, had no radicular symptoms such as radiating
pain below knee or loss of sensation, an ODI score rang- Range of motion
ing from 20 to 60%, mechanical LBP for > 12 weeks, and
it was thoroughly ensured by medical examination that The flexion range of motion was measured by modified
the participants did not experience any acute or chronic Schober’s test using a measuring tape. A pen was used
cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal problem (apart to mark the midpoint between the posterior superior iliac
from LBP). Subjects were not included in the study if they spines (PSIS). Thereafter, the measuring tape was utilized to
had any recent trauma leading to body pain and postural mark two important points: (1) 10 cm superior to the PSIS,
deformities, any previous surgery leading to body pain and (2) 5 cm inferior to the PSIS. The subject was asked to
and postural deformities, congenital postural deformities, flex the spine as far as possible and the distance between the
current pregnancy, nerve root compression (determined by superior and inferior marks was recorded [29, 30].
the presence of two or more of the symptoms-weakness of
myotomes, sensory loss of dermatomes, and hyporeflexia), Y‑balance test
sacroiliac joint dysfunction (determined by any three posi-
tives among distraction test, Gaenslen’s test, thigh thrust Y-balance test is a tool that evaluates dynamic balance. The
test, sacral thrust test, and compression test), or any meta- aim of YBT is to maintain a single leg balance while maxi-
bolic or vascular disease with a neurological component mizing reach by the contralateral leg. The YBT was per-
such as diabetes or atherosclerosis. Based on these criteria, formed following the standard procedures [31]. The Y-bal-
30 university athletes suffering from chronic mechanical ance test was explained and demonstrated to the participants
LBP [age 23.33 ± 3.13 years, height 170.88 ± 8.55 cm, and three trails on each leg in all directions were practiced
weight 65.46 ± 8.88 kg, (BMI) 22.34 ± 2.1 kg/m2, limb by the participants before the actual testing (Fig. 1). The
length 91.66 ± 6.46 cm] were recruited by convenience limb length was measured from the anterior superior iliac
sampling from the outpatient department of Centre for spine to the distal most point on the medial malleolus [32].
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia Millia Reaching distance was normalized to limb length for allow-
Islamia, New Delhi, India. ing comparison by dividing the reach distance by limb
length and then multiplying by 100. Composite reach dis-
tance was calculated by summing the distance of three reach
Experimental procedures directions and then dividing it by three times the limb length
and then multiplying by 100 [31–33].
All the experimental procedures were performed at the
Laboratory of Biomechanics, Centre for Physiotherapy Electromyography (EMG) and Sorensen’s test
and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia. After
recording the demographic measurements [age, height, Skin preparation and electrode placement were performed
weight, body mass index (BMI), and limb length], par- in accordance with the SENIAM guidelines [34]. Prior to
ticipants were subjected to baseline assessment of pain, the experimental phase, each subject was prepared for EMG
flexion range of motion, balance, and muscle fatigabil- recording as follows. Skin was prepared by shaving excess
ity measurements 1 day prior to the beginning of the hair and rubbing the skin with skin abrasive and alcohol
intervention program. Pain intensity was assessed using swabs to reduce impedance (typical ≤ 10 k Ω). Disposable
the Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS). Flexion range of Ag/AgCl surface electrodes were attached parallel to the
motion was measured using the modified Schober’s test. muscle fiber orientation bilaterally. EMG surface elec-
Balance was measured using the Y-balance test kit and trodes were placed on lumbar multifidus bilaterally, 2 cm
muscle fatigability (of the lumbar multifidus, bilaterally) lateral to the midline running through the L5 spinous pro-
was examined by EMG during the Sorensen’s test [median cess and aligned parallel to the muscle fiber [35] and refer-
frequency and its slope]. ence electrode was placed over the C7 spinous process [34].

Sport Sciences for Health

Fig. 1  a Starting position of YBT, b subject performing anterior reach on YBT kit, c subject performing posteromedial reach on YBT kit, and d
subject performing posterolateral reach on YBT kit

Micropore tape was utilized to ensure adequate adherence were analogue band pass-filtered between 10 and 500 Hz,
of surface electrodes to the skin. An interelectrode distance amplified (common mode rejection ratio > 100 dB, over-
of 20 mm was maintained between the electrodes. EMG all gain 1000, noise < 1 lV RMS), having a sampling rate
was recorded during the Sorensen’s test; the procedure for of 1000 Hz [39]. Average median frequency and its slope
this test is as follows—the subject was made to lie prone on during the test were recorded as EMG variables of muscle
the examining table with the upper edge of the iliac crests fatigue during the Sorensen’s test. Each recorded EMG sig-
aligned with the edge of the table. Three straps attached the nal was divided in intervals of 1 s. The median frequency of
lower body to the table, located on the pelvis, knees, and the EMG power spectrum was calculated in each 1 − s inter-
ankles respectively [36]. With the arms folded across the val with fast Fourier transforms (FFT). Median frequency
chest, the patient was asked to isometrically maintain the can be defined as the value that divides the area of spectrum
upper body in a horizontal position. The subject was asked into two equal parts. Finally, linear regression analyses were
to hold the position for as long as he/she could hold, the performed on the calculated median frequencies as a func-
test was stopped if the subject could not hold the horizontal tion of time to obtain a slope value [37, 39].
position accurately. Also, if the subject exceeded 240 s, the
test was stopped [36]. The time as well as EMG activity Exercise protocol
were recorded during the period for which the subject kept
the upper body straight and horizontal [37]. The starting Subjects attended a supervised exercise program for 3 days
position of the test was a flexed trunk (upper body sloping per week for 4 weeks. Subjects in retrowalking + conven-
towards the floor), so that an extension movement (concen- tional exercise group underwent conventional exercises in
tric contraction of the trunk extensor) was initially required addition to retrowalking on a treadmill for 15 min in each
to reach a horizontal position [38]. For documenting the session. Retrowalking was performed on a motorized tread-
horizontal position of the upper body, a visual evaluation mill (JK EXER Treadmill, Cosco India Ltd, Gurugram,
was done. [39]. India) for 15 min per day for 3 days per week for 4 weeks
at self-paced speed. Before starting the actual retrowalk-
EMG signal processing and analysis ing, participants were familiarized with retrowalking on the
treadmill at self-paced speed. The actual exercise program
EMG signals were recorded using Lab Chart software ver- of retrowalking began once the subject was comfortable with
sion 7, AD instruments, New Zealand. All raw EMG signals the process of retrowalking. Participants in the conventional

Sport Sciences for Health

exercise only group followed a conventional physiothera- limb length (Table 1). There was no significant difference
peutic exercise program which consisted of exercises such between the groups at baseline measurement of outcome
as prone leg extension, prone lying chest elevation, prone variables as well.
extension with alternate arm and leg lift, supine bridging,
bridging with one leg lift. 2 sets of 12 repetitions of each Pain
exercise, each exercise position maintained for 10 s, and a
rest of 1 min between the sets were performed. No external Though pain was found to be not statistically different
load/resistance was provided for the exercises, and the par- between the groups at baseline (p = 0.96), significant differ-
ticipants performed the exercise within their available range ences were observed between the groups after intervention
of motion [40]. period of 4 weeks (p = 0.003) with retrowalking + conven-
tional exercise group showing greater decline in pain than
Statistical analysis conventional exercise only group [retrowalking, pre-to-post:
5 (2–7) to 1 (0–6), Control, pre-to-post: 5 (2–7) to 3 (1-5)]
Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and median Moreover, both groups showed significant within group
(interquartile range) when required. All the data were ana- improvement in pain (Retrowalking, p = 0.001; Control,
lyzed using SPSS Software version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chi- p = 0.001).
cago, Illinois). The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to verify
the normality of quantitative data. Variables that demon- Flexion range of motion
strated non normal distribution were log transformed for
further analysis. Demographic characteristics (Table 1) and For the flexion range of motion, the results of mixed model
criterion measures at baseline were compared between the ANOVA showed significant main effect for time (p = 0.001),
two groups by an independent t test. To test the difference whereas main effect of group (p = 0.97) and group × time
between the groups after the intervention, mixed model anal- interaction (p = 0.93) were found to be insignificant indicat-
ysis of variance (ANOVA) with group (retrowalking + con- ing that flexion range of motion increased after both the
ventional exercise versus conventional exercise only), time interventions, but there was no statistically significant differ-
(baseline versus post-intervention), and interaction effect ences in flexion range of motion after addition of retrowalk-
(Group × Time) was employed. Level of significance was ing to conventional exercise program (Table 2).
set at p < 0.05. There was a loss of four participants from the
study, they missed some of the exercise sessions and did not Balance
come at the time of post-intervention outcome data measure-
ment. However, data were analyzed for all participants using For the normalized anterior reach distance, normalized pos-
the intention-to-treat principle [41]. terolateral reach distance, normalized posteromedial reach
distance, and normalized composite reach distance, the
results of mixed model ANOVA showed significant main
Results effect for time (p = 0.001) and group × time interaction for
these reach distance was also significant (p < 0.05), whereas
Demographic characteristics of participants main effect of group was found to be insignificant for these
variables (p > 0.05), indicating that these reach distances
At baseline, there were no significant differences between increased after the intervention, but there was no statisti-
the groups for demographic characteristics. Both the groups cally significant difference after addition of retrowalking to
were comparable in terms of age, height, weight, BMI, and conventional exercise program (Table 2).

Table 1  Comparison of Variable Retrowalking + conven- Conventional exercises T value p value

demographic data between tional exercises
retrowalking and conventional
exercise group Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Age (years) 22.3 (2.99) 23.3 (3.28) 0.87 0.39

Weight (kg) 66.4 (9.71) 64.4 (8.05) 0.68 0.50
Height (cm) 171.9 (8.85) 169.8 (8.26) 0.61 0.54
BMI (kg/m2) 22.3 (2.20) 22.3 (2.00) 0.09 0.92
Limb length (cm) 92.4 (6.78) 90.8 (6.15) 0.67 0.50

BMI: body mass index; data are presented as mean (SD); significant difference p < 0.05

Sport Sciences for Health

Table 2  Effect of retrowalking Variable Retrowalking + con- Conventional exercise p value

plus conventional exercise ventional exercise Mean (SD)
versus conventional exercise on Mean (SD) Time Time × group Group
outcome variables
FROM (cm)
Pre 19.6 (0.6) 19.6 (0.4) 0.001* 0.93 0.94
Post 20.8 (0.5) 20.3 (0.6)
ARDn (cm)
Pre 62.7 (8.8) 65.8 (3.7) 0.001* 0.004* 0.65
Post 68.5 (7.5) 66.5 (4.1)
PLRDn (cm)
Pre 87.2 (9.9) 92.1 (6.9) 0.001* 0.001* 0.38
Post 92.7 (10.3) 92.4 (6.4)
PMRDn (cm)
Pre 86.9 (8.8) 91.7 (6.5) 0.001* 0.001* 0.31
Post 92.0 (9.6) 92.6 (6.5)
Pre 78.9 (7.2) 83.2 (4.8) 0.001* 0.001* 0.32
Post 84.4 (8.0) 83.8 (4.6)
Pre 33.5 (1.1) 33.5 (0.8) 0.001* 0.29 0.47
Post 34.5 (0.5) 34.1 (0.5)
Pre 33.5 (0.7) 33.6 (0.6) 0.001* 0.33 0.64
Post 34.1 (0.5) 33.8 (0.6)
Sorensen’s time (s)
Pre 26.9 (14.4) 26.0 (8.9) 0.001* 0.53 0.88
Post 36.6 (14.4) 35.4 (10.2)
RT slope
Pre − 0.27 (0.12) − 0.30 (0.10) 0.001* 0.26 0.56
Post − 0.17 (0.07) − 0.17 (0.05)
LT slope
Pre − 0.29 (0.1) − 0.28 (0.1) 0.001* 0.82 0.86
Post − 0.18 (0.06) − 0.18 (0.04)

FROM flexion range of motion, ARDn normalized anterior reach distance, PLRDn normalized posterolat-
eral reach distance, PMRDn normalized posteromedial reach distance, CSn normalized composite score,
RTMF median frequency of the right multifidus during Sorensen’s test, LTMF median frequency of the
left multifidus during Sorensen’s test, Sorensen’s time hold time of the Sorensen’s test in seconds, RT slope
slope value of the right multifidus derived from the median frequency of each second of the Sorensen’s
test, LT slope slope value of the left multifidus derived from the median frequency of each second of the
Sorensen’s test
*denotes significant change

Muscle fatigability intervention, but there was no statistically significant differ-

ence after addition of retrowalking to conventional exercise
For the Sorensen’s test hold time, median frequency of the program (Table 2).
right multifidus during Sorensen’s test, median frequency
of the left multifidus during Sorensen’s test, slope value of
the right side, and slope value of the left side, the results Discussion
of mixed model ANOVA showed significant main effect
for time (p = 0.001), whereas main effect of group for these The present study was designed to investigate the effects of
variables was insignificant (p > 0.05) and the group × time addition of retrowalking to the conventional exercise pro-
interaction effect for these variables were insignificant gram on pain, flexion range of motion, muscle fatigability,
(p > 0.05), indicating that these variables improved following and dynamic balance in collegiate athletes suffering from

Sport Sciences for Health

chronic mechanical LBP. The results of this study showed by health care providers by advising patients to avoid pain-
that there was a significant improvement with time in all inducing activities and movements [48]. Reversal of func-
variables in both the groups following the intervention, but tional impairments of the low back can be approached using
the reduction in NPRS score and improvement in balance established principles of exercise. These exercises certainly
score was significantly greater in the retrowalking plus con- help in alleviating pain and also help in further improvement
ventional exercise group as compared to the conventional of limited range of motion [49].
exercise group alone. There was a statistically significant difference with time
The present study found a significant difference in the in the Y-balance test reach scores in both the groups after
NPRS score between the two groups after the interven- both the interventions. Moreover, a significant group × time
tion period with greater reduction in pain in the retrow- interaction effect was also observed signifying greater
alking + conventional exercise group (Table 2). Although improvement in the retrowalking + conventional exercise
lesser than the retrowalking group, pain was significantly group than the conventional exercise group (Table 2). Bal-
reduced in the conventional exercise group, as well. These ance dysfunctions in LBP can be explained by altered pro-
findings are consistent with the findings of previous litera- prioceptive feedback from the lumbar spine [50] which may
ture, wherein a significant reduction in pain was observed be due to dysfunction of the central integration of proprio-
following a conventional exercise program in LBP patients ceptive information affecting mechanoreceptors [51]. People
[42–44]. Greater reduction in pain scores after retrowalk- anticipating pain perform activities less vigorously or may
ing could be attributed to retrowalking working on multi- avoid activity as a whole. In the sagittal plane, lumbar mul-
ple causative factors of LBP such as reduced core muscle tifidus contributes more than two-thirds of the lumbar stiff-
strength, disturbed pelvic alignment [3, 6] and hamstring ness and this muscle is primarily affected in patients with
muscle flexibility. Retrowalking has been known for expo- chronic LBP. The preemptive co-contraction of the transver-
nentially improving the flexibility of the hamstring muscle sus abdominis and multifidus before lower limb movement
[24]. During retrowalking, there occurs greater hip exten- helps to stabilize the trunk in anticipation of movement. This
sion and knee flexion as compared to forward walking which linkage reduces joint forces and abnormal movements in dis-
along with a concomitant extension of the lumbar spine tal segments [52]. In individuals with LBP, the protective
loads the facet joints and helps in opening up the disc space, response is insufficient due to delayed anticipatory activation
causing a reduction in compressive loads to the interverte- [53]. The inability to activate the trunk muscles may create
bral discs [25]. Moreover, heel strike associated with ground an unstable pelvic base and lead to altered lower extrem-
contact is eliminated during retrowalking as the toe first ity neuromuscular control, and hence injury. Both routine
comes in contact with the ground, this change in kinematics physiotherapy and the addition of stability exercise to the
manifests as a greater anterior alignment of the pelvis and conventional protocol seem to improve balance control and
this could potentially open up the facet joints and thus helps reduce pain intensity and disability in LBP patients [54].
to relieve pressure and reduces LBP [45]. Also, retrowalking The exact mechanism through which retrowalking causes
helps to improve strength of the muscles around the lumbar improvement in balance and motor control is yet to be fully
region which could also be attributed to greater pain reduc- elucidated. Retrowalking is more difficult and demanding
tion after addition of retrowalking to conventional exercise for the neuromuscular system than forward walking due to
program in the present study [46]. postural instability and absence of visual cue to progress
Flexion range of motion improved in both the groups which makes it potentially useful in the rehabilitation of
after the intervention period; however, no group differences LBP. Retrowalking has shown to cause greater activation of
were found (Table 2). People suffering from LBP frequently the multifidus and erector spinae muscles [40]. The possible
show movement control impairments of the lumbar spine explanation for increased muscle activity during retrowalk-
in the sagittal plane [47]. Limiting movement and activ- ing when compared to forward walking might be attributed
ity is largely voluntary, as people deliberately and uncon- to larger activations in the primary motor cortex, supple-
sciously limit or avoid back pain-inducing activities for fear mentary motor area, parietal cortex, thalamus, putamen but
of causing injury or harm [15]. It is reasonable to suggest less activation in the cerebellum, and brainstem [55]. This
that changes in afferent inputs due to perceived pain may suggests that retrowalking creates more stability challenge
result in reflex inhibition of multifidus muscle that might leading to a large number of motor unit recruitment which
occur through a long loop. In LBP, afferent stimuli from results in greater amount of skeletal muscle activation [23,
the multifidus area impair α motor neuron activation in the 56, 57]. Moreover, during retrowalking, the visual cue does
spinal cord’s anterior horn. Spinal segmental movement, not provide the individual with visual information necessary
therefore, decreases to protect structures against pathological to anticipate ground conditions; therefore, there is a need to
compromise. Inhibition of movements and activities usually organize and adapt the change in information from visual,
begins early in the course of back pain and can be reinforced vestibular senses, and cutaneous and proprioceptive senses,

Sport Sciences for Health

and then improve the movement control to maintain dynamic may have contributed to our performance measure (i.e.,
balance [54, 58, 59]. time). Median frequency measurements obtained from
There was a statistically significant change in the mus- more muscles would have provided with more sensitive
cle fatigability parameters with time in both the groups, but slope measurements. Use of surface electrodes for EMG
there was no significant group and group × time interac- recording might have taken noises from other nearby mus-
tion effect. The mean Sorensen’s test hold time increased cles also. During the Sorensen’s test, only visual analysis
by 9.6 s and 9.4 s in the retrowalking + conventional exer- of the horizontal position was done, and no equipments
cise and the conventional exercise only group, respectively, were used to measure the degree of trunk sways. Another
post-intervention (Table 2). There was a slight increase in limitation is absence of follow-up and absolute control
the median frequency and a less steep slope of the decline in the present study. Studies in future can be designed to
in median frequency post-intervention in both the groups examine EMG activity of other important muscles such
signifying a decrease in the fatigability of the muscles post- as glutei, erector spinae, hamstring, etc. in these patients.
intervention, which is consistent with the findings of previ- Retrowalking at different speed and inclinations of tread-
ous studies [60–62]. Findings of the present study suggest mill can be done to investigate the effect of speed and
that retrowalking did not seem to provide any additional inclination of treadmill on clinical outcomes in LBP
effect in reducing the muscle fatigability. patients.
The decrease in median frequency during a fatiguing con-
traction is regarded as an objective measure of the fatigue
process, and in particular the slope of the regression line
of the median frequency on time is commonly used as an Conclusion
indicator of muscle fatigability [18]. Slopes which are sig-
nificantly negative can be referred to as fatigue and slopes Results of the present study suggests that retrowalking has
not significantly negative as no fatigue or lesser fatigue [63]. an additional effect in pain reduction and balance improve-
The steeper the slope, the more fatigability and vice versa. ment when combined with the conventional physiotherapy
The assessment of paraspinal muscle fatigability is com- in athletes suffering from chronic mechanical LBP. How-
monly based on the measurements of the maximum back ever, it has no additional effects in decreasing fatigability
extension endurance [37]. Shift of the EMG frequency of the back muscles and in increasing range of motion
towards the lower frequencies during fatigue is related to of low back in athletes with chronic mechanical LBP. In
biochemical by product accumulation (H+ and lactic acid) summary, it could be inferred that addition of retrowalk-
in the muscle, which tends to change the action potential ing to the conventional rehabilitation program could be
conduction velocity. Also, other factors such as rate of firing considered in athletes with LBP considering that it has
of the motor units, motor unit synchronization, additional some potential benefits over conventional exercises in LBP
recruitment of motor units, and temperature influence the patients.
changes in frequency [18]. This “myoelectric manifestations
of fatigue” is typically measured during a contraction as a Acknowledgements We would like to admit to a sincere thanks to
Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University) for providing logistic
decrease in the median frequency of the electromyographic help during the course of this study, and a sincere thanks to all the
signal. Individuals with better endurance would exhibit a participants of this study for showing their immense patience and co-
less precipitous decay rate of the median frequency [64]. In operation during the entire process.
the present study, the change in the median frequency slope
(less steep slope) after intervention represents a physiologi- Funding The present study was not funded by any external funding
cal adaptation in the neuromuscular system. Some of the
more common adaptive processes associated with exercise,
such as muscle hypertrophy and change in muscle bioener-
Compliance with ethical standards
getics, have been associated with median frequency [61]. Conflict of interest Authors declare no conflict of interest pertaining
Exercise progression through loading can decrease fatigabil- to this manuscript.
ity of the back extensors, as measured by the Sorensen’s test.
Endurance is the time for sustaining a nonstationary activ- Ethical approval All procedures performed in the study were in accord-
ance with the ethical standards of the institutional/or national research
ity, and increased endurance is supposed to develop through committee (Institutional Ethics Committee, Jamia Millia Islamia,
light, repetitive loading [62]. Therefore, it is reasonable to (Proposal No. 31/10/191/JMI/IEC/2018) and with the 1964 Helsinki
strive increased endurance through exercises, as observed declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
in the present study.
Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
We did not measure median frequency changes of the participants included in the study.
hamstring or the gluteus muscles or of other extensors that

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