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Opsonization is an immune process which uses opsonins to tag foreign pathogens for

elimination by phagocytes. Without an opsonin, such as an antibody, the negatively-

charged cell walls of the pathogen and phagocyte repel each other. Opsonization is the
important process in host defense by which particles or complexes are made readily
ingestible for uptake by phagocytic cells. Specific serum proteins, known as opsonins,
coat particles and cause the particles to bind avidly to phagocytes and trigger ingestion.
Another mechanism by which antibodies can response to pathogens is known as
“opsonization.” By opsonization, antibodies enable phagocytes for ingesting and
destroying the extracellular bacterium. The phagocytes recognize the Fc region of the
antibodies coating the pathogen and foreign particles.

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