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As always, safety should be one of the primary First, all of the lighting, electrical switches, and out-
concerns in the shop. Proper storage of paint and lets must meet not only the electrical code for the
chemical strippers, electrical outlets, personal building, but the insurance company requirements
protection, and fire safety are all major concerns for electrical equipment in a paint area. In addi-
when working with paint. In addition, proper tion, Occupational Safety and Health
knowledge of the equipment and tools available to Administration (OSHA) standards must also be
do the job will increase safety as well as ease the met for the safety of employees. For example, the
workload. The maintenance technician should spray room should provide for moving the air
become knowledgeable concerning the paint shop resulting in little more than a slight odor of the fin-
facility and its tools, and be familiar with the ishing material. If painting is being done in a cor-
equipment required to finish the job safely,
ner of the hangar that has been closed off with
quickly, and professionally.
polyethylene sheeting, install exhaust fans to rid
the area of fumes. Most of the fumes are heavier
PAINT ROOM than air, so place the fan near the floor. The fan
Businesses that do a large volume of aircraft paint- should be belt-driven with the motor located in an
ing normally have a paint hangar where nothing is area that is free of potentially explosive fumes.
done except painting and finishing aircraft. Ideally, Wear proper masks and breathing equipment while
these buildings are equipped with vapor-proof spraying the paint. Protect the skin from direct
lights and have their temperature and humidity contact with chemicals and paints.
controlled for the optimum spraying conditions.
However, a significant amount of aircraft finishing Store all of the finishing equipment in an area that
takes place under conditions that are far less elabo- is approved by the insurance carrier and by
rate. In any case, there are certain safety conditions Occupational Safety and Health Administration
that must be met wherever finishing material is (OSHA) inspectors. If it is stored outside the paint-
applied. [Figure 6-10] ing facility, bring the material inside with plenty of
time for it to come to room temperature before
using it.

One of the most important considerations in a
paint shop with conventional high-pressure spray
guns is the supply of compressed air. There must
be an adequate volume with sufficient pressure,
and the air must be free of oil and water. Most air-
craft maintenance shops have compressors capa-
ble of producing air pressure of about 150 psi. The
air is stored in an air tank called a receiver and
then piped to the paint shop. Before it is used, it
is filtered and regulated, typically with a wall-
mounted filter and regulator unit that contains a
water trap. Drain the filter unit and the air
Figure 6-10. If at all possible, use the paint shop for nothing receiver every day to keep all water out of the sys-
besides painting aircraft. tem. Some systems use a chemical desiccant as a
6-16 Aircraft Painting and Finishing
final filter to remove any humidity in the com- include the use of a high volume/low pressure spray
pressed air. Check the desiccant regularly and system, electrostatic paint spray systems, and
replace it when it becomes saturated. [Figure 6-11] finally, powder coating systems.


The High Volume/Low Pressure (HVLP) painting
system uses a relatively low pressure, resulting in
lower paint velocities. Essentially, the system atom-
izes paint with a high volume of air delivered at low
pressure. HVLP systems generally never exceed 10
psi of atomizing air while producing over 20 cubic
feet per minute through the paint nozzle. The more
common high-pressure systems are set at 45-60 psi
and produce 8 cubic feet per minute. In most cases,
the use of an HVLP system warrants holding the gun
slightly closer to the painting surface due to the
lower velocity. Since there is less force in the paint
stream, the ability to control the application is
much greater than using a high-pressure painting
system. In addition, these systems are more envi-
ronmentally friendly because they create less over-
spray and use less paint for the same application as
compared to high-pressure systems. [Figure 6-12]

Figure 6-11. A typical system with just one filtered air out-
let may look like this. It should provide an adequate supply
of clean compressed air essential for a successful paint job.
Check the filtering system prior to every operation to
assure clean, water-free air.

The important pressure for spray painting is not the

pressure at the compressor, or even at the regulator,
but at the gun itself. When a gun is connected to the
regulator with a long hose, or even a short length of
small-diameter hose, there will be an appreciable
pressure drop in the flexible line. Air pressure at the Figure 6-12. HVLP or High Volume/Low Pressure systems
gun will be considerably less than at the regulator. In are becoming more popular due to their efficiency and envi-
ronmental safety. These systems use a high volume of air at
order to get the proper pressure for the material being low pressure to atomize and apply paint.
sprayed, there should be a pressure gauge at the gun.
A temporary pressure gauge can be installed at the
gun to determine what primary regulator settings
achieve the desired pressure at the gun. Pressure ELECTROSTATIC SYSTEMS
required to spray the material will vary depending Electrostatic systems are used where overspray
upon the material and type of application. must be kept to an absolute minimum. Seldom
found in maintenance shops, this type of equipment
PAINTING AND SPRAY EQUIPMENT is generally reserved for larger shops and complex
There are several systems for spraying liquid or painting jobs. Electrostatic painting can be done
powder finishing materials. Popular systems use effectively on metal and some wood. Paint is
compressed air to atomize the liquid and spray it applied from a gun and attracted to an electrically
onto the surface and are used almost exclusively in grounded workpiece. Spray guns are available in
aircraft maintenance shops. Other methods are airless, air atomized, rotating discs and bells, and
becoming more popular because of new environ- HVLP. When the material leaves the gun, the nega-
mental laws and the need for increased efficiency in tively charged atomized paint is drawn electrostati-
paint application. Some of the newer methods cally to the surface of the substrate. This minimizes
Aircraft Painting and Finishing 6-17
overspray due to the attraction that the paint has to is used during application. Each spray gun manu-
the surface of the aircraft or part. Approximately facturer publishes air cap charts showing the opti-
75% of the paint transfers effectively to the surface, mal atomization setting for viscosity in conjunction
compared to 50 to 65 percent in the HVLP system. with the specific gun configuration. Making sure
However, its potential drawbacks can offset the these settings are made for each viscosity and tem-
increased efficiency. perature combination will help produce the desired
finish o
Unfortunately, when painting complex surfaces
using an electrostatic system, the Faraday cage There are basically two types of spray guns used for
effect can cause paint particles to deposit around aircraft finishing, suction feed guns and pressure
small cavities or complex curves in the metal. feed guns . The difference between the two is in the
Several problems are created due to excessive paint fluid tip and the air cap . [Figure 6-13]
buildup but it can be overcome by increasing the
spray pressure or particle charge. However, the SUCTION GUNS
result is slightly less efficiency and more overspray. The suction-feed gun normally has a one-quart cup
Another problem with electrostatic painting is that attached and is used for touch-up painting or other
plastic, rubber, ceramic and glass cannot be low-volume work. The fluid tip sticks out of the air
grounded and will not attract the electrically- cap just enough to produce a low pressure, or a suc-
charged atomized paint. tion, which pulls the material out of the cup. As
compressed air flows past the needle valve orifice
POWDER COATING SYSTEMS and out the spray tip, it creates a partial vacuum in
Powder coating is generally referred to as a "dry the paint tube. A small hole in the top of the paint
painting" process, which involves melting a dry container allows atmospheric pressure to push the
powdered paint onto the surface of ferrous material. paint up to the needle valve. Pressure-feed guns, on
Superior metal protection is achieved but it may not the other hand, use the direct force of compressed
always be as aesthetically pleasing. "Dry painting" air to push the paint up into the needle valve.
is typically reserved for parts of the airframe, like
engine mounts or landing gear struts, that will be PRESSURE GUNS
exposed to stresses, temperatures, and chemicals A pressure-feed gun is attached to either a pressure
that would normally reduce the life of conventional cup or to a pressure pot with the fluid tip flush with
"wet paints." the air cap. Airflow around the tip does not create a
low pressure since the fluid is delivered to the gun
SPRAY GUNS under a slight positive pressure from the air supply.
The type of spray gun used in aircraft painting When spraying a considerable volume of material,
needs to match the type of material and system that use a pressure-fed gun with a pressure pot. Pots are
Figure 6-13. A good quality spray gun is essential for an appealing finishing job. There are a variety of spray guns designed for use
with HVLP, High Pressure, or other types of paint application.
6-18 Aircraft Painting and Finishing
Figure 6-14. Smaller suction cups, front left, are often used for spraying the trim and for touch-up. A smaller two-quart pressure
pot or a larger pressure pot, shown in this figure, is used for priming and painting the base coats or for larger areas of accent color.
available in sizes that hold from two quarts to fif- will not filter out fumes. Removal of fumes and
teen gallons, with the five-gallon pot being a handy vapors depend upon adequate ventilation in the
size for finishing aircraft. These pots normally have paint room. [Figure 6-15]
an agitator to keep the material mixed while spray-
ing and may either be air driven or turned with a
crank. [Figure 6-14]

Another common spray gun uses a pump to deliver
the material under high pressure to the special spray
gun where it is released through a small nozzle.
Instead of pressurized air, the high fluid velocity
tears the material apart, or atomizes it. Paint particles
are generally larger when using this system, which
allows for a thick coating of paint. Airless spraying is
used where large areas must be covered in a short
period of time and is normally found only in shops
where a large volume of painting is done. No matter
what type of gun or system is used, utilize the proper
Figure 6-15. Dust respirators or respirator masks are not
protection from vapors and paint particles. designed to remove fumes from the air; they can only filter
out solids.
Many of the solvents and thinners used in modern
finishing systems are toxic, and some form of respi- If you must stay in a room that has a heavy concen-
rator or mask must be worn when spraying the tration of fumes, wear an airflow-type of mask that
material. Most dust respirators or filter-type masks is slightly pressurized with shop air from the feed
will remove solids from the air you breathe, but they line to the spray gun. This keeps fumes out of the
Aircraft Painting and Finishing 6-19
mask, shields the face and protects the eyes from brushes in these motors can easily ignite vapors that
potentially irritating vapors. [Figure 6-16] are stirred up.

After the paint is thoroughly mixed, measure its vis-

cosity. Many of the modern finishes are quite sensi-
tive with regard to their viscosity when they are
sprayed. Use a viscosity cup to duplicate the consis-
tency of the paint from one batch to the next. Paint
laboratories use Zahn or Ford cups, which are pre-
cision devices, but a small plastic cup is available at
paint supply houses that is entirely adequate.

Dip the viscosity cup into the thinned and mixed

paint. Time the flow from the cup until the first
break appears. Elapsed time is dependent upon the
viscosity of the material. By knowing the viscosity
that produces a good finish, each succeeding batch
can be mixed the same. [Figure 6-17]

Figure 6-16. Use airflow-type respirators if there are fumes

in the paint shop that cannot be removed. This is an exam-
pie of a visor/hood model that provides extra protection.
Other systems supply air only to a mask.

An organic vapor respirator can also be used to

remove some vapors and solids from the air.
Chemical absorption removes vapors from the
breathing air and a mask removes solids with a pre-
filter. They are ideally suited for surface preparation
such as sanding and paint removal.


If a shop does a considerable amount of finishing, a
mechanical shaker is a valuable piece of equipment
to have in the shop. A can of finishing material is
clamped into the machine that shakes, or agitates,
Figure 6-17. A viscosity cup will ensure consistency of vis-
the can for fifteen to twenty minutes, assuring a
cosity between batches of finishing material.
thorough mixture of paint. If a mechanical shaker is
not available, a good mixture of the pigments can be
obtained by using a hand agitator or an agitator dri-
ven by an air drill motor. An electric drill motor SPRAY GUN OPERATION
must never be used to drive the agitator since the There are many different spray gun manufacturers
vapors from many of the finishing materials in use and each gun is designed, built, and used differ-
are quite flammable. Electrical arcing from the ently. Since operating procedures are unique for
each gun, follow the directions provided by the
6-20 Aircraft Painting and Finishing
manufacturer closely. When the material is ready
and the tools have been chosen, the next step will
be to adjust the spray pattern of the gun. The proper
use of the spray gun makes the difference between a
truly fine finish and one that leaves something to be
desired. Understanding clearly the operation of the
paint gun permits the technician to accurately set
the various controls.

For this explanation, assume that the gun is a suc-

tion-feed gun and has a one-quart suction cup
screwed directly to the gun, as shown in figure 6-18.
Notice that the air line is attached to the fitting at
the bottom of the handle, and the material supply is
attached to the fitting at the front end of the guru

The vent hole in the lid of the suction cup must be

open and the gasket properly fit, sealing the lid to
the cup so that material will not spill out. Connect Figure 6-19. The amount that the air valve is open deter-
the air line to the gun and pull the trigger to open the mines the shape of the spray pattern. When there is no air-
air valve. Adjust the regulator to get the desired pres- flow through the wing ports, the pattern is round; and as
sure at the gun while the air is flowing. [Figure 6-19] the airflow increases, the pattern flattens out.
Figure 6-18. When the trigger is pulled, the air valve opens, sending atomizing air to the nozzle and the wing ports. Continued
pulling of the trigger lifts the fluid needle off its seat so the material can flow from the nozzle. The fluid adjustment determines
the amount of material allowed to flow, and the air valve controls the shape of the spray pattern.
Aircraft Painting and Finishing 6-21
Notice in figure 6-18 that pulling the trigger allows
air to flow out the center hole of the air cap, pro-
ducing a low pressure that will pull fluid from the
cup when the fluid adjustment valve is open.
Continuing to pull back on the trigger moves the
fluid needle back so that material from the cup can
be pulled up and sprayed out with the air. As the
liquid leaves the air cap, it is broken down into
extremely tiny droplets, or atomized. The spray pat-
tern from the gun in this condition should be round.

When the gun is putting out a round pattern of

spray, opening up the wing-port air valve allows air
to flow out of the holes in the wing ports of the air
cap. Air flowing from these holes blows against the
stream of atomized material, and determines the
shape of the spray pattern. A correctly adjusted
spray gun should produce a uniform, fan-shaped
spray, with the fan perpendicular to the wing ports. Figure 6-20. Spray gun problems or incorrect settings can
often be identified by the pattern of the spray.
If the paint pattern is heavy at either the top or the
bottom, material has built up on the air cap, or some
of the holes may be plugged up. To correct this, than flowing, it is an indication that the gun is being
remove the air cap, soak it in thinner, and probe the held too far from the work, or there is too much air
holes with a broom straw or toothpick. Do not use pressure supplied to the gun. It may also indicate an
any kind of wire, as wire can damage these preci- incorrect fluid tip size or a low fluid pressure for
sion holes. Afterward, blow dry the cap with com- HLVP systems. An orange peel surface clearly indi-
pressed air and reinstall it. cates that too much material is being applied.
[Figure 6-21]
If the pattern is too heavy in the center, even with
the spreader adjustment valve wide open, either too
much material is coming out or the material is too
thick. Closing the fluid valve a bit should improve
the shape of the pattern. If not, thinning the mater-
ial should help. If the spray pattern splits or is too
thin in the middle, too much air is coming through
the wing port holes and the spreader adjustment
should be shut down a little. Improper material vis-
cosity can also cause this. A jerky or intermittent
spray can be caused by air getting into the fluid line
from an air leak or by too little material in the cup.
A banana-shaped spray pattern is caused by the
wing-port hole being plugged on the convex side of
the pattern. Remove the air cap, soak it in thinner,
and blow out the holes with compressed air. Too Figure 6-21. Hold the spray gun about one hand span from
much overspray is caused by too much air pressure the surface; this is equal to about eight inches.
on the gun, and can be cut down at the regulator.
[Figure 6-20]
Runs and sags on the surface may be caused by To spray the surface, begin with the edges or the cor-
either the gun being held too close to the work or by ners and move the gun parallel with the surface
too much material being sprayed out for the speed about a hand span—about eight inches—
that the gun is being moved. It is also possible that away. Begin the stroke of the gun before reaching
the gun being held at an angle with respect to the the surface. Pull the trigger just before reaching the
surface or perhaps the material is too thin. If the surface and keep going until after passing the end.
material on the surface is too dry and is rough rather The fan-shaped spray is perpendicular to the
wing ports,

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