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Verbs with two objects

give, send, read, pass, bring, etc.

indirect direct object

I sent Amy a letter .

I sent a letter to Amy .

Mom reads us a story .

They give animals food and water .
Mom reads a story to us .

A. Choose and write.

1. We gave him an umbrella. him / to him

2. Mom brings a cup of tea . Dad / to Dad

3. Pass the salt, please. me / to me

4. Peter sent his present . her / to her

B. Unscramble and write the words in the correct order.

1. sent / James / some flowers / to his mom

► James sent some flowers to his mom.

2. gives / to a baby koala / Jenny / food and water

3. Prince Ricky / a silver necklace / brought / her

4. a storybook / reads / Grandma / me

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 1 Sentence Structure

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one, ones

one, ones: replace count nouns

She looks at the puppies in the box.

She sees a black-and-white one.
= a black-and-white puppy

A. Put in one or ones.

1. This bike is too old. I want to buy a new one .

2. I don’t like the blue shoes. I like the green ones .

3. There are two bags. The red is mine.

4. Don’t buy these boots. Buy those .

5. Which are Jack’s gloves? – The big are Jack’s.

B. Answer with one or ones.

1. There are puppies in the box. Which one does Amy take out of the box?

– black-and-white She takes the black-and-white one .

2. Would you like some cookies?

– chocolate Yes, I want .

3. There are two cars. Which car is yours?

– white is mine.

4. Do you have any oranges?

– fresh Sure. How about these ?

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 2 Pronouns & Possessives

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count / non-count nouns

Crack the eggs into another bowl.

Add the butter. a butter, butters (x)

Common non-count nouns:

food meat, cheese, butter, bread, etc.
liquid milk, water, oil, juice, etc.
material wood, paper, glass, etc.

A. Circle and write. count non-count

1. He is drinking ( a milk / milk ). milk

2. We will make 8 ( pancakes / pancake ).

3. Serve them with ( syrup / syrups ).

4. There is ( paper / papers ) on the desk.

B. Put in a, an or X.

1. I drink X milk every day. 2. She is teacher.

3. Is she riding bike? 4. He wants bread.

5. There is apple. 6. There is water in the glass.

C. Correct the underlined mistakes.

1. I bought some milks. I bought some milk.

2. He wants a water.

3. We need breads.

4. There are some egg.

5. I have two sister.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 3 Nouns & Articles

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I believe …

non-progressive verbs:
like, love, hate, need, want, believe, etc.

I believe good food fixes everything.

I am believing (x)

I like this weather. He wants tea.

I’m liking (x) He’s wanting (x)

A. Choose and write.

1. ( I want / I’m wanting ) to buy shoes. I want to buy shoes.

2. ( Are you needing / Do you need ) help? help?

3. ( Jason loves / Jason is loving ) pancakes. pancakes.

4. ( I’m not liking / I don’t like ) this music. this music.

B. Put in the correct forms.

jog / love
1. He’s in the park.

He loves to exercise.

2. chase / hate My cat is the dog.

Cats dogs.

3. rain / need It’s outside.

You an umbrella.

4. talk / know She’s to a boy.

Does she him?

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 4 Verbs

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by moving …

preposition + -ing

People communicate by moving their bodies,

hands, arms, and faces.

When we have preposition + verb, we must

use an -ing form. by move, by to move (x)

A. Complete the sentences.

1. without / say He left without saying goodbye.

2. about / go How for a walk?

3. after / finish What do you do school?

4. by / read You can improve your English more.

B. Choose and write.

before eating after working by helping

for inviting about going without stopping

before eating .
1. Wash your hands

2. Thank you us to your party.

3. She went shopping .

4. I earn my pocket money my family.

5. She spoke for an hour .

6. They are thinking _ to New York.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 5 Infinitives & -ing Forms

Grammar Sheet Class Name

yesterday, last week, etc.

simple past: for a finished action in the past

Yesterday, Mike, a new student,

joined our class.

time expressions
last week, yesterday, two days ago,
in 1920, on 4th June, etc.

A. Write the past form of the verb.

1. run ran 2. bring 3. go

4. come 5. drive 6. stop

7. ride 8. leave 9. hit

B. Choose and write. Use the simple past forms.

join arrive drink meet

1. Mike joined our class yesterday.

2. She a lot of coffee this morning.

3. Dad in Paris last Saturday.

4. I Brian in 2015.

C. Complete the sentences using the simple past.

1. die / in 1616 Shakespeare died in 1616 .

2. start / on 3rd May She the program .

3. call / an hour ago Mark you .

4. go / last night They to bed late _ .

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 6 Past

Grammar Sheet Class Name

want to, continue to

They wanted to sell fun ice cream.

Today, they continue to make
more and more flavors.

want, need, decide, hope, etc. + to infinitive

continue, like, love, etc. + to infinitive or -ing form

A. Choose and complete. Use to infinitive.

go worry see stay

1. I’m tired. I want to go to bed early.

2. It’s raining outside. We decided at home.

3. He hopes his family soon.

4. I’m just fine. You don’t need about me.

B. Complete the sentences using to infinitive.

1. want / watch We want to watch a movie tonight.

2. hope / live They in the city.

3. plan / buy Do you a new house?

4. decide / sell Did he his old car?

C. Rewrite the sentences using -ing form.

1. I like to walk along the river. → I

like walking along the river.

2. They continue to make new flavors. → They new flavors.

3. I hate to wait for the bus. → I for the bus.

4. Carl loves to play basketball. → Carl basketball.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 7 Infinitives & -ing Forms

Grammar Sheet Class Name

She is from …
simple present:
things that are always true / habits

Dawn is from Canada and she picked Halloween.

This holiday is on October 31.

He lives in London. The sun rises in the east.

She always gets up late on Sundays.

A. Write the simple present form of the verb.

1. read she reads 2. fly it

3. finish he 4. have Kevin

5. go Mom 6. teach Mike

B. Choose and write.

1. Kevin ( is / was ) from Japan.

► Kevin is from Japan.

2. Halloween ( is / was ) on October 31.

3. My parents ( speak / spoke ) French.

4. The Earth ( went / goes ) round the Sun.

5. He’s a teacher. He ( taught / teaches ) science at a high school.

► He’s a teacher.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 8 Present

Grammar Sheet Class Name

usually, sometimes, etc.

frequency adverbs: how often

Cirrus clouds are usually thin and white.

after the verb be

Alto clouds sometimes look gray.

before most verbs

A. Put in the adverbs.

1. They are white. usually They

are usually white .

2. Amy gets ill. often Amy .

3. Billy cries. never Billy .

4. The train is late. always The train .

B. Unscramble and write the words in the correct order.

1. always / Mom / is / smiling ►

Mom is always smiling.

2. goes / often / he / shopping ►

3. they / made of / usually / are / water droplets

4. Sam / plays football / on the weekend / sometimes

C. Answer the questions.

1. How often do you exercise? always I always exercise.

2. How often do they meet? sometimes

3. How often does he go fishing? never

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 9 Adjectives & Adverbs

Grammar Sheet Class Name

begin to cry, come down to help

to infinitive: two different uses

1. used as an object The son began to cry.

verb object

2. express the purpose They come down to help us.

A. Write and check. object purpose

1. go I want
to go to the cinema.

2. learn He went to Paris French.

3. buy Tina hopes a new car.

4. pass Amy tried hard the exam.

B. Choose and write.

to get some food to buy a house to watch the news

to catch the bus to stay healthy to see a concert

1. I went to the supermarket to get some food .

2. She exercises every day .

3. They are running _ .

4. I bought tickets .

5. He turned on the television .

6. They borrowed some money .

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 10 Infinitives & -ing Forms

Grammar Sheet Class Name

Koreans celebrate …

subject-verb agreement

Koreans celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Families visit their hometowns.

Be careful! Every country celebrates …

every + singular every countries (x)

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Families ( play / plays) fun games.

2. Children ( bow / bows ) to their elders.

3. The Kazakhstan New Year ( start / starts ) on March 22.

4. People ( eat / eats ) a meat dish.

B. Correct the underlined words.

1. How do other countries celebrates New Year’s Day?

► How do other countries celebrate New Year’s Day? _

2. My family often go camping.

3. Every child want to win this game.

4. Lisa and Kate speaks Korean fluently.

5. These races is very popular.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 11 Sentence Structure

Grammar Sheet Class Name

She will come

will + base form : talk about the future

My Vietnamese grandma will come.

Negative My Vietnamese grandma won’t come.
Question Will my Vietnamese grandma come?

will not - won’t, I will - I’ll, you will - you’ll, etc.

A. Write with will.

1. bow I will bow to my grandmas.

2. give They me pocket money.

3. play In the evening, we yutnori.

4. bring She some yummy mut.

B. Make negatives and questions.

1. finish I won’t finish my homework today.

When will you finish your homework?

2. be Mike here at nine.

When here?

3. come Kate to Vietnam for New Year’s.

When to Vietnam?

4. eat They a sandwich for lunch.

What for lunch?

5. go They to London this summer.

Where this summer?

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 12 Future

Grammar Sheet Class Name

The verb have

have: actions

He slept and had meals here. The king also

had tea with his brothers at Heejeongdang.

Common expressions with have

have a party/a meeting have a wash/a shower
have lunch/meals/tea/a drink
have a good time/a good trip/fun

A. Choose and write. Use have, has or had.

a party lunch a good time a shower

1. The children had a party last night.

2. Did you in Europe?

3. Yesterday, Tina and I at the restaurant.

4. He usually in the morning.

B. Make negatives using have.

didn’t have fun .

1. Liz went to Disneyland. But she
(not / fun)

2. I before I go to bed.
(not / coffee)

3. The bathroom was dirty. So I .

(not / a shower)

4. Dad got up late this morning. So he .

(not / breakfast)

5. The Joseon kings at Injeongjeon.

(not / meetings)

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 13 Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class Name


should: advice (a good thing to do)

Changdeokgung should have a great gate.

You should do something = It is good to do something.

You should eat fruit every day.
You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.

A. Choose and write with should.

go read buy wear clean

1. You look tired. You should go to bed early.

2. Maria’s room is a mess. She it.

3. It’s sunny. You sunglasses.

4. It’s a very good book. You it.

5. His bike is too old. He a new one.

B. Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t.

You drive so fast. (be) You should be careful.

It’s raining. (drive) You shouldn’t drive fast.

1. He has a meeting. (wear) → He a tie.

2. You need a good chair. (be) → It too soft or hard.

3. Nancy’s hair is very long. (get) → She a haircut.

4. Frank got fat. (take) → He more exercise.

5. The coat is too big for you. (buy) → You it.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 14 Modal Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class Name

to call, for calling

to infinitive(purpose) = for + noun / -ing

Long ago, African villagers used it to call

people to meetings.
► They used it for calling people to meetings.

I’m going out to have dinner.

► I’m going out for dinner.

A. Write to or for.

1. He went to Spain to learn Spanish.

2. I went to the store some milk.

3. She has to wear glasses reading.

4. We need to study hard pass the exam.

B. Rewrite the sentences using to infinitive.

1. People used it for cheering soccer players.

► People used it
to cheer soccer players .

2. Do you use this brush for washing the dishes?

► Do you use this brush ?

3. We went to a restaurant for lunch.

► We went to a restaurant . (have)

4. I borrowed some money for a new car.

► I borrowed some money . (buy)

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 15 Infinitives & -ing Forms

Grammar Sheet Class Name

no, never

negatives with no, never

The thief never came back.

didn’t never come back (x)

There were no people. There weren’t no people. (x)

= There weren’t any people.

A. Choose and write with never.

drive eat forget get up

1. Dad never drives fast. 2. He my birthday.

3. You early. 4. Andy steak.

B. Rewrite the sentences with any.

wasn’t any
1. There was no sound. There sound.

2. We have no money. We have money.

3. There is no bread. There bread.

4. No plans were made. There plans made.

C. Make the sentences negative.

He drinks coffee. not He doesn’t drink coffee.

never He never drinks coffee.

1. The thief came back. not


2. She blows the vuvuzela. not


Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 16 Questions & Negatives

Grammar Sheet Class Name

The verb help

help + object + base form

The giraffe’s long neck helps it look for lions.

object base form

This helps the owl go near the animals.

object base form

A. Complete the sentences.

1. you / clean I can help you clean the floor.

2. me / find Can you help the key?

3. a giraffe / get It helps food.

4. the owl / hunt This helps animals.

B. Unscramble and write the words in the correct order.

1. help / the fox / escape / let’s

► Let’s help the fox escape.

2. must / him / you / help / exercise

3. Steve / fix the computer / me / helped

4. helps / it / enjoy cartoons / deaf children

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 17 Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class Name

so, such

so + adjective (without a noun)

such with a noun

Can it hear well with such small ears?

But why are its ears so small?

so kind such kind people

so big such a big mess

A. Write so or such.

1. so sweet 2. big news

3. fast 4. cold

5. a nice day 6. hot weather

B. Write with so or such (a/an).

1. heavy This bag is

so heavy .

2. easy The test was .

3. day / lovely It’s .

4. big / mistakes I made .

C. Choose and write with so or such (a/an).

beautiful delicious exciting high

1. She has such beautiful eyes.

2. The movie was .

3. The mountain is .

4. This bakery sells pies.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 18 Determiners

Grammar Sheet Class Name

keep looking, enjoy walking

-ing forms(gerund) as objects

Keep looking straight ahead.

Do you enjoy walking?

keep, enjoy, mind, finish, etc. + -ing form

like, love, hate, prefer, etc. + -ing form or to infinitive

A. Choose and complete. Use -ing form.

cook open read play

1. She doesn’t enjoy cooking .

2. He finished the book.

3. She keeps the violin.

4. Do you mind the window?

B. Complete the sentences.

1. enjoy / play We enjoy playing tennis.

2. finish / study I’ll in June.

3. keep / practice You should .

4. mind / wait I don’t for a moment.

C. Rewrite the sentences using -ing form.

1. I like to go out with friends. → I like going out with friends.

2. Mom hates to cook. → Mom .

3. I love to listen to pop music. → I pop music.

4. Cindy prefers to read comics. → Cindy comics.

Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 19 Infinitives & -ing Forms

Grammar Sheet Class Name

and, but

and, but: join two sentences

They played against Kit’s old team and he scored

the winning goal.
He is tall and strong but he was not always like this.
Also join single words

He joined a gym and (he) started to exercise.

A. Write and or but.

1. You will grow taller and your body will be stronger.

2. He had a problem, he could not solve it.

3. She blew the vuvuzela, no sound came out.

4. At home at school, he checked his posture many times.

5. They ate dinner talked for a long time.

B. Match. Then join the sentences.

1. I stayed at home. ● ● I looked out.

2. I want to help you. ● and ● I’m too busy.

3. I went to the window. ● but ● I didn’t read it.

4. I bought a book. ● ● I watched TV.

1. I stayed at home and (I) watched TV.




Bricks Reading 200 Level 1 Unit 20 Conjunctions

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