Bricks Reading 170 Nonfiction - L3 - Grammar Sheet

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Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Transitive & Intransitive Verbs

transitive verb: need an object

intransitive verb: can’t have an object

A female butterfly lays many eggs on a leaf.

transitive verb direct object

After a short time, the egg hatches.

intransitive verb

A. Underline the verbs. Check if they are transitive or intransitive verbs.

transitive intransitive
1. A caterpillar started growing.

Mr. Lee started his car.

2. The tree grows fruit.

The caterpillar grows fully.

3. The turtle hides in its shell.

I hide my book under the bed.

4. The ants moved a leaf.

The trees are moving in the breeze.

B. Unscramble the sentences. Mark the sentences T (transitive) or

I (intransitive).
A butterfly changes a lot in its life
_____________________________________________. I
a lot / a butterfly / in its life / changes
its skin / the caterpillar / sheds
protects / the chrysalis / the caterpillar
in winter / trees / grow / hardly

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 1 Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

some vs. any

some, any + non-count nouns / plural nouns

Some insects are harmful to people. Do you know any other helpful insects?
in positive sentences & offers or requests in questions & negative sentences

A. Fill in the blanks with some or any.

1. This area doesn’t get ___________ sunlight.

2. Dung beetles make ____________ animals’ dung into balls.

3. Do you know ____________ famous landmarks?

4. There isn’t ____________ homework to do.

5. ____________ dogs can call 911.

B. Choose and fill in the blanks.

Some water
1. ____________________ flows down mountains and into streams.
some water / any water

2. Dice, ice blocks, and _____________________ are all cubes.

some boxes / any boxes

3. Does she have _______________________ to play with?

some friends / any friends

4. We bought some fruit, but we didn’t buy ____________________.

some meat / any meat

5. Would you like ______________________?

some bread / any breads

6. Can I have ___________________ in my salad, please?

some salt / any salts

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 2 Determiners

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Parallel Structure

Jumping rope and running are easy exercise to do.

-ing form -ing form

This blood carries oxygen and nutrients when you run.

noun noun

* He likes running and to walk. (x)

A. Underline the words that make the parallel structure.

1. -ing forms Many students spend a lot of time studying or playing games.

2. nouns They help your heart and lungs get stronger.

3. comparative adjectives Your stomach muscles will grow larger and thicker.

4. verbs Exercising reduces stress and gives you more energy.

B. Choose and fill in the blanks.

1. Push-ups, sit-ups, and ________________ are exercises you can do indoors.
squatting / squats

2. Muscles help you bend, stretch, push, and _______________.

pull / to pull

3. Music makes you feel energetic when you walk or _________________.

run / are running

4. Get up and _______________________ now!

you should move / move

C. Correct and rewrite the underlined parts.

1. I love hiking and to swim. swimming


2. You will grow taller and strong. ___________________

3. He enjoys reading more than to write. ___________________

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 3 Sentence Structure

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Question-Word Subjects

What are nutrients? Which nutrients are in your food?

subject subject

Some people eat bugs. → Who eats bugs?

subject subject
Iron makes blood cells. → What does iron make?
object object

A. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Which foods ( keep / does keep ) you healthy?

2. Who ( did buy / bought ) vegetables?

3. What ( does happen / happens ) to Heidi?

4. What ( did you make / made ) for dinner?

B. Make questions asking about the underlined parts.

1. Calcium makes your teeth strong.

→ what What does calcium make

____________________________ strong?

2. A prisoner is trapped in a cell.

→ who _____________________________ in a cell?

3. Your body uses fats as energy.

→ what _______________________________ as energy?

4. Bugs could be food in the future.

→ what ____________________________ in the future?

5. They studied about five main nutrients.

→ what _______________________________ about?

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 4 Questions

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

used to

used to + the base form of a verb: past habits or states

Watson used to be an army doctor.

( → Watson was an army doctor but not now.)

question Did Watson use to be an army doctor?

negative Watson didn’t use to be an army doctor.

A. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Mammoths ( use to / used to ) live on Earth.

2. Did he ( use to / used to ) be a magician?

3. He used to ( wear / wears ) a tweed hat.

4. I didn’t ( use to / used to ) have a car.

B. Complete the sentences with used to and the given verbs.

1. eat used to eat

Charlie __________________ meat, but now he is a vegetarian.

2. go I __________________ to school by bus, but now I walk.

3. live She __________________ in London, but now she lives in Paris.

4. study Emily ____________________ French when she was young.

C. Correct and rewrite the underlined parts.

1. Does she use to have long hair? Did she use to have

2. We used to going to the beach on Sundays. _______________________

3. Did he used to be a famous detective? _______________________

4. Where do you use to live before? _______________________

5. I didn’t used to play with dolls. _______________________

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 5 Modal Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

verb + object + to infinitive

Anne taught Helen to read Braille.

verb object to infinitive

advise, allow, ask, want,

+ somebody + to do something
teach, tell, expect, etc.

A. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Use to infinitive.

1. Helen / speak Helen ________

Ann expected _________ to speak

2. Ann / teach Helen’ parents asked _________ ________ __________ Helen.

3. Helen / learn Ann wanted _________ ________ __________ words.

4. people / have She told _________ ________ __________ courage.

B. Choose and fill in the blanks with to infinitive.

go to the party play the piano call his brother take a rest

to go to the party
1. They allowed her daughter _____________________________.

2. My mother taught me _____________________________.

3. The doctor advised her _______________________________.

4. Brian asked me ______________________________.

C. Put the words in the correct order.

expect you to win

1. I _________________________ the game. ( to win / expect / you )

2. Can you _________________________ chess? ( teach / to play / me )

3. We _________________________ your vacation. ( you / to enjoy / want )

4. Mom _________________________ to bed early. ( me / told / to go )

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 6 Infinitives

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

have to, must

To see a rainbow, you don't have to wait until it rains.

have to for necessity

You have to wait. = You must wait.

You don’t have to wait. ≠ You must not wait.
= You don’t need to wait. = Don’t wait.

A. Choose and fill in the blanks.

1. have to / has to have to

We ____________ finish the work today.

2. have to / has to She ____________ wear a uniform.

3. have to / had to Mia ____________ study math last night.

4. have to / has to Does she ____________ work on Saturday?

5. have to / had to He didn’t ____________ worry about that.

B. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

has to get up had to walk doesn’t have to clean

must listen don’t have to go must not take

has to get up
1. Tom _________________________ early to play soccer in the morning.

2. You _________________________ to your teacher.

3. We _________________________ home after we missed our bus.

4. You _________________________ pictures here. It is not allowed.

5. Sarah _________________________ the floor. I already did it.

6. We _________________________ to school today. It’s Sunday.

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 7 Modal Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

may, might

may, might for possibilities

The rain you see might be the same rain that fell a million
years ago. might + the base form of a verb

negative may not / might not

A. Rewrite the sentences using may or might.

1. Maybe it snows. → might It might snow.


2. Perhaps she is sick. → might _____________________________

3. Perhaps you need help. → may ______________________________

4. Possibly they are at home. → may ______________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with might / might not + the given verbs.

1. rain might rain

It ___________________ tonight. Bring your umbrella.

2. might not be
be Let’s talk now. I ___________________ here tomorrow.

3. help Fred is busy. He _______________________ us.

4. come Let’s wait for him five more minutes. He ___________________.

5. finish I’m not feeling well. I ________________________ the work on time.

6. see Keep your eyes open at night. You _________________ a firefly glow.

C. Correct and rewrite the underlined parts.

1. He might goes to the movies. might go


2. She may not stays home tonight. _________________________

3. I not might invite her. _________________________

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 8 Modal Verbs

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Irregular Comparatives & Superlatives

At the top, there is less oxygen.

Thousands of people have climbed Mount Everest,
and more try every day!
many/much – more – most little – less - least
good – better – best bad – worse – worst

A. Write the comparative of the adjectives with the given words.

more people
1. many people __________________ 2. little oxygen __________________

3. good idea __________________ 4. bad news __________________

B. Write the superlative of the adjectives with the and the given words.

the best way

1. good way __________________ 2. bad place ___________________

3. little work __________________ 4. much water ___________________

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

the most
1. Africa has _________________ countries of all continents.
more / the most

2. Yesterday the weather was bad, but today it’s even __________________.
bad / worse

3. Get some sleep. You’ll feel _________________.

better / the best

4. The hotel is awful. It’s ___________________ hotel I have ever stayed in.
worse / the worst

5. Would you like some _________________ juice?

more / the most

6. Too much salt is bad for your body. Try to eat ________________ salt.
more / less

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 9 Adjectives

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Subject-Verb Agreement

each/every + singular noun + singular verb

all/some/many/most + plural noun + plural verb

Each zone is home to different animals.

Most animals in this zone have big eyes.

prepositional phrase

A. Underline the subjects and choose the correct verbs.

1. Many animals in this zone ( feed / feeds ) on plankton.

2. Some animals in the midnight zone ( produce / produces ) their own light.

3. Every animal in the ocean ( need / needs ) sunlight.

4. Each fish in the ocean ( have / has ) its own way of living.

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1. All puffer fish _______________ enough toxin to kill people.
has / have

2. Some insects, like termites, ______________ harmful.

is / are

3. Each _______________ in this group ______________ a different role.

person / people plays / play

4. Some ____________________ on Earth _____________ many countries.

continent / continents has / have

5. _______________ mysteries of ancient Egypt ________________.

Every / Many remains / remain

6. _______________ people in North America _______________ English.

Every / Most speaks / speak

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 10 Sentence Structure

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

Present Perfect

People have hunted to many pandas.


have / has + past participle

: used for something that started in the past
and continues in the present

A. Choose the correct words to make the sentences in the present

perfect tense.
1. Some people have ( destroy / destroyed ) many bamboo forests.
2. I have ( finishes / finished ) my homework.

3. The train ( has / have ) left at 5 o’clock.

4. We ( has / have ) been to Canada once.

5. I have ( lose / lost ) my backpack.

6. Have you ever ( gone / went ) to a concert?

B. Rewrite the sentences in the present perfect tense.

1. We watch that movie twice.

 We have watched that movie twice.


2. I sent a letter to Ryan.

 ________________________________________________

3. Jill lives in this city all her life.

 ________________________________________________

4. The boy collects 200 comic books.

 ________________________________________________

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 11 Present Perfect

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

not only … but also

not only … but also (double conjunction)

used to show addition and emphasis

Dogs are not only good friends but also guardians.

noun noun

Their jobs are not only important but also amazing.

adjective adjective

A. Underline the two parts connected by not only … but also.

1. Emma speaks not only English but also French.

2. The man is not only rich but also famous.

3. We can play not only indoors but also outdoors.

4. They may not only help you but also comfort you.

B. Complete the sentences.

intelligent dogs the deaf pull

the deaf
1. Service dogs help not only the blind but also ________________.

2. The dogs are not only __________________ but also brave.

3. They cannot only call 911 but also ___________ the disabled in a wheelchair.

4. Not only _____________ but also cats can read your emotions.

C. Join the two sentences using not only … but also.

1. She likes singing. She likes dancing.

not only singing but also dancing

→ She likes ________________________________________________.

2. He is an artist. He is a scientist.

→ He is ____________________________________________________.

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 12 Conjunctions

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

between, among

From among all these planets, Jupiter is the largest.

refer to three or more things or people
The wind between the stripes blows very fast.
refer to two things or people

A. Fill in the blanks with between or among.

1. What is the difference _____________ a circle and a sphere?

2. We will measure the distance _____________ two planets.

3. Earth is only one planet _____________ many planets in space.

4. Antarctica is the coldest ______________ the seven continents on Earth.

B. Unscramble to complete the sentences.

1. between | mountains | a low area

a low area between mountains

→ A valley is _______________________________________________.

2. among | a house | the trees

→ They saw ________________________________________________.

3. standing | a group of people | among

→ She was _________________________________________________.

4. cities and farms | between | some differences

→ There are ________________________________________________.

5. among | the students | very popular

→ Sandy is _________________________________________________.

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 13 Prepositions

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

conjunctions: like, as

as a conjunction: like/as + subject + verb

It looks like the Sun moves, but the Sun does not move.
As Earth rotates, some parts of it get sunlight.
as a preposition: like/as + noun/pronoun
Earth’s rotation makes it look like that.
I work as a waiter.

A. Check the function of like. as a preposition as a conjunction

1. What makes it look like the Sun moves?

2. A puffer fish looks like a balloon.

3. Like the weather of Mexico, the food is also hot.

4. It looks like a storm is coming.

B. Group the sentences by the use of like and as.

Don’t act like you don’t know it. A rainbow looks like an arch.
I feel like I am a star. My sister looks like you.
Move your legs as I do. They are trained as service dogs.

1. as a conjunction

Don’t act like you don’t know it.




2. as a preposition

A rainbow looks like an arch.




Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 14 Conjunctions

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

not, no, none

3-D shapes are not flat.

not makes a verb negative
A cube has no flat face.
no modifies a noun

Does it have any flat faces? No, it has none. → no flat faces

A. Fill in the blanks with not, no, or none.

1. A sphere has __________ edges or vertices.

2. The surface of a pyramid is __________ round.

3. Do you have any plans for today? – No, I have __________.

4. There are __________ students in class.

B. Choose and fill in the blanks.

no pictures
1. There are ______________________ on the wall.
not pictures / no pictures

2. Jenny has ________________________ to eat breakfast.

no time / any time

3. I can’t find any bakeries. There are ______________ near here.

not / none

4. I did __________________ there was ____________________ today.

not know / no know no class / none class

C. Correct and rewrite the underlined parts.

1. They no have money. have no


2. You should no swim here. ___________________________

3. Any questions? - Not. ___________________________

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 15 Negatives

Grammar Sheet Class: Name:

It takes …

It takes + length of time + to infinitive

How long does it take to get to the Moon?
It takes about 1.3 seconds to get there.

It takes + something/someone + length of time + to infinitive

It takes Earth 24 hours to make a full rotation.

A. Complete the dialogue using the given words.

to fix
1. Q: How long does it take _______________ the car? (fix)

It takes two hours to fix the car.

A: ___________________________________________ (two hours)

2. Q: How long does it take _______________ lunch? (finish)

A: ___________________________________________ (20 minutes)

3. Q: How long does it take _______________ home? (get)

A: ___________________________________________ (half an hour)

4. Q: How long does it take _______________ a language? (learn)

A: ___________________________________________ (many years)

B. Fill in the blanks with the given words.

1. Leonardo / to / ten years / paint

Leonardo ten years to paint

It took ________________________________________ the Mona Lisa.

2. Neptune / 165 years / orbit / to

It takes ________________________________________ the Sun.

3. to / her / five minutes / walk

It took _________________________________________ home.

4. us / to / a lot of time / complete

It takes ________________________________________ the project.

Bricks Reading 170-3 Nonfiction Unit 16 Sentence Structure

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