Bhs Inggris School Activities

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In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

Asking and giving informa on about class schedule


Descrip ve text

Adverbs of frequency

Asking and Giving Informa on

Mainly this material started with asking and giving informa on, specifically about class schedule.

(In pokok dari materi ini dimulai dengan asking and giving informa on, terutama tentang jadwal

Previously we already learn about 5W 1H which contain WHAT and WHEN.

(Sebelumnya kita telah mempelajari 5W 1H yang didalamnya ada WHAT dan WHEN)

Here below the examples of WHAT and WHEN, also the response related to schedule.

(Berikut ini contoh penggunaan WHAT dan WHEN, serta jawaban terkait jadwal)

Maybe you realize in both ques on and response there contain HAVE and HAS.

(Mungkin kalian menyadari baik dalam pertanyaan maupun jawaban mengandung HAVE dan HAS)

Do you know how to use it?

(Tahukah kalian cara menggunakannya?)

We use HAVE if the subject : I, you, we, they.

(Kita gunakan HAVE jika subjeknya: I, you, we, they)

We use HAS if the subject : he, she, it.

(Kita gunakan HAS jika subjeknya : he, she, it)

We can also add nega ve with Do not have or Dont have.

(Kita juga bisa menambahkan nega ve dalam jawaban dengan Do not have atau Dont have.

First example

Tika: Do you have Math on Monday?

Nina: No, I dont have it on Monday, but I have it on Friday

Second example

Tata: I have English on Wednesday, how about you?

Mamat: I dont have English on Wednesday but I have it on Saturday


Some mes in the real life, we need to request other person to do something.

(Terkadang di kehidupan nyata, kita membutuhkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu)

In English term, we can use Could you … and Can you ….

(Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita bisa gunakan Could you… dan Can you…)

We use Could you… in a formal situa on, because this more polite.

(Kita gunakan Could you… dalam situasi formal, karena ini lebih sopan)

We use Can you… in a informal situa ons or more casual interac ons with friends.

(Kita gunakan Can you… dalam situasi yang dak formal atau santai seper ke ka berbicara dengan
teman sebaya)


Can you send the link?

Could you turn on the microphone?

Can I read your text?

Could you write your answer in the chat box?

Can you share the picture in our group?

Descrip ve Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like.

(Teks deskrip f adalah teks yang menjabarkan seseorang atau benda)

Its purpose is to describe and reveal a par cular person, place, or thing.

(Tujuannya adalah menjabarkan dan menunjukan bagian tertentu seseorang, tempat, atau benda)
Structure of descrip ve text:

(Struktur dari teks deskrip f: )

Iden fica on (Iden fikasi)

Descrip on (Deskripsi / penjabaran)

Descrip ve text uses simple present tense.

(Teks deskrip f menggunakan simple present tense)

Here below the example of descrip ve text with the structure detail:

Adverb of Frequency

When we talk about our ac vity, we some mes talk about the frequency.

(Ke ka kita membicarakan tentang ak fitas kita, kita kadang-kadang berbicara tentang frekuensi atau
seberapa sering)
For example: always, o en, some mes.

(Contohnya: always, o en, some mes)

They are called adverbs of frequency.

(Nah itu disebut dengan adverbs of frequency)

Here below the table for adverb of frequency:

(Dibawah ini tabel untuk adverb of frequency)

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