Third Quarter Test MAPEH

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B7Name: ____________________________________________________ Score: ___________

MUSIC Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. The structure of music is called _______________.
a. rhythm b. harmony c. form d. dynamics
_____ 2. The form of a song with two contrasting sections is _______________.
a. unitary b. binary c. ternary d. rondo
_____ 3. Which form may be represented by A B A?
a. rondo b. binary c. unitary d. ternary
_____ 4. The part that is repeated in a song in ternary form is the _______________.
a. first part b. second part c. third part d. last part
_____ 5. The contrasting parts provide _______________ to a song.
a. unity b. variety c. repetition d. separation
_____ 6. What does the phrase Da Capo al Fine suggest?
a. to repeat the entire song
b. to repeat from the beginning until the sign Fine
c. to repeat the last measure of the song
d. to repeat from the sign Fine
_____ 7. Fine means _______________
a. beginning b. middle c. end d. all
_____ 8. If a song has no repeat mark, on which measure will it end?
a. first measure b. last measure c. any measure d. middle measure
_____ 9. A choir will sing a song in ternary form. What do you expect from the song?
a. The first part will be repeated after the second part.
b. The song will end after the second part.
c. The first part and the second part will sound exactly the same.
d. The entire song will be repeated.
_____ 10. A composer wants the entire song to be sung twice. What repeat marks will he indicate in
the song?
a. Da Capo b. D. C. al fine c. Da Capo al Fine d. Dal Segno
_____ 11. It is the degree of loudness and softness of sound.
a. dynamics b. form c. timbre d. tempo
_____ 12. The Italian term fortissimo (ff) means _______________ .
a. very soft b. very loud c. moderately loud d. moderately soft
_____ 13. The gradual decrease in loudness is known as _______________
a. crescendo b. decrescendo c. ritardano d. acrescendo
_____ 14. What do crescendo and decrescendo have in common?
a. both suggest a change from soft to loud
b. both implies a sudden change in volume
c. both indicate a gradual change in the degree of volume
d. both implies no change in volume
_____ 15. The students could barely hear the sound of a violin as it was playing the second part of
the piece. The volume indicated in the piece is probably _______________ .
a. pianissimo ( pp) b. mezzo piano ( mp) c. forte (f) d. mezzo forte (mf )

_____ 16. Which element of art can be used by new artist to learn to draw?
a. Lines and Shapes b. Texture c. Color and tones d. Value
_____ 17. Which element of art can be used by artist to make drawings or paintings attractive and
a. Lines and Shapes b. Texture c. Color and tones d. Value
_____ 18. It is referred to as “drawing with light”.
a. Topography b. Photography c. Lithography d. Printing
_____ 19. The important tool in photography is the ________________.
a. photographer b. image c. background d. camera
_____ 20. It is a principle of photography which emphasizes differences using light and dark colors.
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Contrast d. Balance
_____ 21. What do you call the principle of art applied in photography that show a consistent,
orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts?
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Contrast d. Balance
_____ 22. The principle of art applied in photography where elements are arranged from one side to
the other to show equality is called _______________
a. Harmony b. Emphasis c. Pattern d. Balance
_____ 23. A principle of art that is taking the parts of a piece of art and unifying them into something
better as a whole is ______________
a. Unity b. Pattern c. Contrast d. Harmony
_____ 24. _______________ is another principle of art in which part of the work stand out, in order
to draw the viewer’s eye there first.
a. Balance b. Emphasis c. Unity d. Pattern
_____ 25. Why is photography important?
a. Pictures show us scene of important and historic events.
b. People learn events in the past with pictures.
c. People take delight in taking pictures of their family, friends, events and even “selfie”.
d. All of the above.
_____ 26. The part of a camera that is pressed to take picture is the _____________.
a. flash b. shutter Button c. battery chamber d. lens
_____ 27. A part of a camera that allows the taking of pictures in low light conditions is called as
a. flash b. battery chamber c. monitor screen d. lens
_____ 28. This part of the camera focuses the image seen at close or far ranges.
a. flash b. shutter Button c. monitor screen d. lens
_____ 29. I t houses the removable storage/memory card.
a. memory card slot b. shutter Button c. monitor screen d. flash
_____30. This is where you frame the image that you want to capture.
a. memory card slot b. shutter Button c. monitor screen d. lens
_____ 31. It is an activity where you move your body in time with the music.
a. dance b. play c. work d. opera

_____ 32.Which of the following is NOT a benefit that we get from dancing?
a. Immune system becomes stronger.
b. We get to be with our friends even late at night.
c. Confidence is developed.
d. Balance and posture improved.
_____ 33.The hand is with semi-opened palm and index finger
pointing upward. Wrist is turn in circular motion.
a. sarok (salok) b. hayon-hayon c. kumintang d. kewet (kalawit)
_____ 34. Your two arms are raised at sides and bent at elbows so that
the forearms are parallel to the head, palms facing inwards.
a. sarok (salok) b. reverse “T” c. kumintang d. lateral

______ 35. Your right arm is making a big circular motion in front
while the left arm is resting.

a. sarok (salok) b. reverse “T” c. kumintang d. kewet (kalawit)

______ 36. Your one arm is bent in front at the waist level
and the other is bent behind at waist level.

a. sarok (salok) b. hayon-hayon c. kumintang d. “T” position

______ 37. Your both arms are raised at sides and bent at elbows
so that the upper arms are at your shoulder level.

a. sarok (salok) b. hayon-hayon c. kumintang d. “T” position

______ 38. Your arms are in “T” position with hands closed and
thumbs in “up” position. Turn wrist in circular motion.

a. sarok (salok) b. hayon-hayon c. kumintang d. “T” position

For items 39-45, recognize the popular folk dance being described.
_____39. Pair of dancers is hopping between bamboos poles stuck on the ground like a tikling in time
with music.
a. Itik-Itik b. Binasuan c. Singkil d. Tinikling
_____40. The dancers move like a duck wadding and swimming.
a. Itik-Itik b. Binasuan c. Kuratsa d. Tinikling
_____ 41. The dancers pretend to battle for the latik or coconut meat.
a. Tinikling b. Maglalatik c. Singkil d. Cariñosa
_____ 42. A dance originated form Mindoro where dancers put three oil lamps on the head and hands
while dancing.
a. Tinikling b. Pandanggo sa ilaw c. Kuratsa d. Cariñosa
_____ 43. A woman dancer shows affection by using handkerchief and a fan to hide her feelings from
the dancing suitors.
a. Tinikling b. Pandanggo sa ilaw c. Kuratsa d. Cariñosa
_____ 44. A glass filled with liquid is placed on the head of the performer.
a. Itik-Itik b. Binasuan c. Singkil d. Tinikling
_____ 45. A dance originated from Batangas where dancers perform dance moves on a bench.
a. Sayaw sa bangko b. Pandanggo sa ilaw c. Kuratsa d. Cariñosa


_____ 46.What is Urbanization?

a. It is when families from the urban area transfer to provinces.
b. When people from the cities go back to farming and other agricultural job.
c. It is when cities become larger and more people begin living in the urban area.
d. It happens when people take care of their environment.

_____ 47. Which disease can be directly caused by air pollutants such from vehicles and factories near
the communities?
a. Respiratory Disease b. Skin Disease c. Gastrointestinal Disease d. Cholera

For numbers 48-49. Read the passage below from the song Masdam Mo ang Kapaligiran:

Verse I
Hindi nga masama ang pag-unlad
At malayu-layo na rin ang ating narating
Ngunit masdan mo ang tubig sa dagat
Dati’y kulay asul ngayon naging itim.
Verse II
Ang mga duming ating ikinalat sa hangin
Sa langit ‘wag nating paabutin
Upang kung tayo’y pumanaw man
Sariwang hangin sa langit natin matitikman.

_____ 48. Based on the passage, what is the negative effect of development and urbanization?

a. The bodies of water are getting polluted.

b. The color of water in the sea changes because its high tides.
c. The bodies of water in our country are getting better.
d. Urbanization has no negative effect on the bodies of water.

_____ 49. What does the second verse suggest?

a. The pollution in our environment goes to heaven.

b. We should take care of our environment.
c. We can no longer help in making our environment clean.
d. The air in our environment is unclean.

_____ 50. Which of the following is NOT an environmental problem?

a. overpopulation b. improper waste disposal c. fish kill d. financial problem

_____ 51. It is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by many different viruses.
a. Respiratory Disease b. Gastrointestinal Disease c. Skin Disease d. Neurological Impairment

_____ 52. The opposite of constipation and is sometimes called “intestinal flu” or “stomach flu”.
What gastrointestinal disease is this?
a. dysentery b. diarrhea c. cholera d. appendicitis

_____ 53. It is an infection of the small intestine that may result to severe diarrhea or even death.
a. dysentery b. diarrhea c. cholera d. constipation

_____ 54.What is one of the causes of neurological impairment?

a. Drinking unclean water c. Mercury poisoning
b. Exposure to too much sunlight d. Malnutrition
_____ 55. How can we make sure that the water that we are drinking is safe and clean?
a. Get water from lakes and rivers.
c. Drink soft drinks instead. It’s no longer safe to drink water
b. Boil water for a few minutes.
d. Collect rain water during rainy season.

_____ 56. What type pollution is cause by unpleasant sound of vehicles, factories, construction work
and many other?
a. Air Pollution b. Water Contamination c. Noise Pollution d. Land pollution

_____ 57. Which of the following are examples of pests?

a. Flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and mice
b. Dogs, cats, birds and fish
c. Butterflies, dragonflies, moths and bees
d. Lion, tiger, bear and zebra

_____ 58. Which of the following can be done to treat water to ensure clean and safe drinking water?
a. boiling the water
b. treating it with chemicals to kill harmful bacteria
c. undergoes purifying or distilling processes
d. all of the above

_____ 59. Which of the following makes the air clean?

a. smoke belching
b. smoking
c. planting trees
d. burning of garbage

_____ 60. A good environmental sanitation keeps the people in the community healthy. What are the
signs of a environmental sanitation?
a. clean air and water
b. control of noise pollution
c. control of pests and rodents
d. all of the above

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