Definition of Communication

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Definition of Communication

Communication can broadly be defined as exchange of ideas, messages and information between two or
more persons, through a medium, in a manner that the sender and the receiver understand the message, I.E.,
develop common understanding of the message. The word communication is derived from the Latin word
‘communicare’, which means to share, impart, participate, exchange, transmit or to make common. It
emphasises on sharing common information, ideas and messages. It is not merely issuing orders and

“Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, with the information being
understood by the receiver”. — Koontz and Weihrich

Types of Communication:
People communicate with
each other in a number
of ways that depend upon the
message and its context in
which it is being sent.
Choice of communication
channel and your style of
communicating also affects
communication. So, there are
variety of types of
A. Types of
communication based on
the communication
channels used :
Verbal communication
Non-Verbal communication
Verbal Communication:
communication refers to the
form of communication
in which message is
transmitted verbally;
communication is done by
word of
mouth and a piece of writing.
Objective of every
communication is to have
people understand what we are
trying to convey. In verbal
remember the acronym
KISS(keep it short and
simple).When we talk to
we assume that others
understand what we are saying
because we know what
we are saying. But this is not
the case. usually people bring
their own attitude,
perception, emotions and
thoughts about the topic and
hence creates barrier in
delivering the right
Communication is further
divided into:
i . Oral Communication
In oral
communication, Spoken words
are used. It includes
face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic
conversation, video, radio,
television, voice over internet.
In oral communication,
communication is
influence by pitch, volume,
speed and clarity of speaking.
ii. Written Communication
In written
communication, written signs
or symbols are used to
communicate. A written
message may be printed or
hand written. In written
communication message can
be transmitted via email, letter,
report, memo etc.
Message, in written
communication, is influenced
by the vocabulary &
grammar used, writing style,
precision and clarity of the
language used.Written
Communication is most
common form of
communication being used in
business. So, it is considered
core among business skills.
communication is the sending
or receiving of wordless
messages. We can say that
communication other than oral
and written, such
as gesture, body language,
posture, tone of voice or facial
expressions, is called
nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is
all about the body
language of speaker.
Nonverbal communication
helps receiver in interpreting
the message received. Often,
nonverbal signals reflects the
situation more
accurately than verbal
messages. Sometimes
nonverbal response contradicts
verbal communication and
hence affect the effectiveness
of message.Nonverbal
communication have the
following three elements:
clothing, hairstyle, neatness,
use of cosmetics
room size, lighting,
decorations, furnishings
Body Language:
expressions, gestures, postures
Voice Tone,
Volume, Speech rate
Aesthetic communication:
creative expressions such as
dancing, painting,
and the like.
Space language: such as
paintings and landscapes
communicate social status
and taste.
Symbols: such as religious,
status, or ego-building
way something is said, rather
than what is actually
said, is an important
component of nonverbal
communication. This includes
voice quality, intonation,
pitch, stress, emotion, tone,
and style of speaking, and
communicates approval,
interest or the lack of it.
Research estimates that tone
of the voice accounts for 38
percent of all communications.
B. Types of
Communication Based on
Purpose and Style:
Based on style
and purpose, there are two
main categories of
communication and they both
bears their own characteristics.
types based on style and
purpose are:
Formal Communication:
formal communication, certain
rules, conventions and
principles are followed while
communicating message.
Formal communication
occurs in formal and official
style. Usually professional
settings, corporate
meetings, conferences
undergoes in formal pattern.In
formal communication,
use of slang and foul language
is avoided and correct
pronunciation is required.
Authority lines are needed to
be followed in formal
Informal communication:
Informal communication is
done using channels that are
in contrast with formal
communication channels. It’s
just a casual talk. It is
established for societal
affiliations of members in an
organization and face-to-
face discussions. It happens
among friends and family. In
communication use of slang
words, foul language is not
restricted. Usually.
informal communication is
done orally and using
communication, Unlike formal
communication, doesn’t
follow authority lines.
In an organization, it helps in
finding out staff grievances as
people express
more when talking
communication helps in
Types of Communication:
People communicate with
each other in a number
of ways that depend upon the
message and its context in
which it is being sent.
Choice of communication
channel and your style of
communicating also affects
communication. So, there are
variety of types of
A. Types of
communication based on
the communication
channels used :
Verbal communication
Non-Verbal communication
Verbal Communication:
communication refers to the
form of communication
in which message is
transmitted verbally;
communication is done by
word of
mouth and a piece of writing.
Objective of every
communication is to have
people understand what we are
trying to convey. In verbal
remember the acronym
KISS(keep it short and
simple).When we talk to
we assume that others
understand what we are saying
because we know what
we are saying. But this is not
the case. usually people bring
their own attitude,
perception, emotions and
thoughts about the topic and
hence creates barrier in
delivering the right
Communication is further
divided into:
i . Oral Communication
In oral
communication, Spoken words
are used. It includes
face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic
conversation, video, radio,
television, voice over internet.
In oral communication,
communication is
influence by pitch, volume,
speed and clarity of speaking.
ii. Written Communication
In written
communication, written signs
or symbols are used to
communicate. A written
message may be printed or
hand written. In written
communication message can
be transmitted via email, letter,
report, memo etc.
Message, in written
communication, is influenced
by the vocabulary &
grammar used, writing style,
precision and clarity of the
language used.Written
Communication is most
common form of
communication being used in
business. So, it is considered
core among business skills.
communication is the sending
or receiving of wordless
messages. We can say that
communication other than oral
and written, such
as gesture, body language,
posture, tone of voice or facial
expressions, is called
nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is
all about the body
language of speaker.
Nonverbal communication
helps receiver in interpreting
the message received. Often,
nonverbal signals reflects the
situation more
accurately than verbal
messages. Sometimes
nonverbal response contradicts
verbal communication and
hence affect the effectiveness
of message.Nonverbal
communication have the
following three elements:
clothing, hairstyle, neatness,
use of cosmetics
room size, lighting,
decorations, furnishings
Body Language:
expressions, gestures, postures
Voice Tone,
Volume, Speech rate
Aesthetic communication:
creative expressions such as
dancing, painting,
and the like.
Space language: such as
paintings and landscapes
communicate social status
and taste.
Symbols: such as religious,
status, or ego-building
way something is said, rather
than what is actually
said, is an important
component of nonverbal
communication. This includes
voice quality, intonation,
pitch, stress, emotion, tone,
and style of speaking, and
communicates approval,
interest or the lack of it.
Research estimates that tone
of the voice accounts for 38
percent of all communications.
B. Types of
Communication Based on
Purpose and Style:
Based on style
and purpose, there are two
main categories of
communication and they both
bears their own characteristics.
types based on style and
purpose are:
Formal Communication:
formal communication, certain
rules, conventions and
principles are followed while
communicating message.
Formal communication
occurs in formal and official
style. Usually professional
settings, corporate
meetings, conferences
undergoes in formal pattern.In
formal communication,
use of slang and foul language
is avoided and correct
pronunciation is required.
Authority lines are needed to
be followed in formal
Informal communication:
Informal communication is
done using channels that are
in contrast with formal
communication channels. It’s
just a casual talk. It is
established for societal
affiliations of members in an
organization and face-to-
face discussions. It happens
among friends and family. In
communication use of slang
words, foul language is not
restricted. Usually.
informal communication is
done orally and using
communication, Unlike formal
communication, doesn’t
follow authority lines.
In an organization, it helps in
finding out staff grievances as
people express
more when talking
communication helps in
Types of Communication:
People communicate with
each other in a number
of ways that depend upon the
message and its context in
which it is being sent.
Choice of communication
channel and your style of
communicating also affects
communication. So, there are
variety of types of
A. Types of
communication based on
the communication
channels used :
Verbal communication
Non-Verbal communication
Verbal Communication:
communication refers to the
form of communication
in which message is
transmitted verbally;
communication is done by
word of
mouth and a piece of writing.
Objective of every
communication is to have
people understand what we are
trying to convey. In verbal
remember the acronym
KISS(keep it short and
simple).When we talk to
we assume that others
understand what we are saying
because we know what
we are saying. But this is not
the case. usually people bring
their own attitude,
perception, emotions and
thoughts about the topic and
hence creates barrier in
delivering the right
Communication is further
divided into:
i . Oral Communication
In oral
communication, Spoken words
are used. It includes
face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic
conversation, video, radio,
television, voice over internet.
In oral communication,
communication is
influence by pitch, volume,
speed and clarity of speaking.
ii. Written Communication
In written
communication, written signs
or symbols are used to
communicate. A written
message may be printed or
hand written. In written
communication message can
be transmitted via email, letter,
report, memo etc.
Message, in written
communication, is influenced
by the vocabulary &
grammar used, writing style,
precision and clarity of the
language used.Written
Communication is most
common form of
communication being used in
business. So, it is considered
core among business skills.
communication is the sending
or receiving of wordless
messages. We can say that
communication other than oral
and written, such
as gesture, body language,
posture, tone of voice or facial
expressions, is called
nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is
all about the body
language of speaker.
Nonverbal communication
helps receiver in interpreting
the message received. Often,
nonverbal signals reflects the
situation more
accurately than verbal
messages. Sometimes
nonverbal response contradicts
verbal communication and
hence affect the effectiveness
of message.Nonverbal
communication have the
following three elements:
clothing, hairstyle, neatness,
use of cosmetics
room size, lighting,
decorations, furnishings
Body Language:
expressions, gestures, postures
Voice Tone,
Volume, Speech rate
Aesthetic communication:
creative expressions such as
dancing, painting,
and the like.
Space language: such as
paintings and landscapes
communicate social status
and taste.
Symbols: such as religious,
status, or ego-building
way something is said, rather
than what is actually
said, is an important
component of nonverbal
communication. This includes
voice quality, intonation,
pitch, stress, emotion, tone,
and style of speaking, and
communicates approval,
interest or the lack of it.
Research estimates that tone
of the voice accounts for 38
percent of all communications.
B. Types of
Communication Based on
Purpose and Style:
Based on style
and purpose, there are two
main categories of
communication and they both
bears their own characteristics.
types based on style and
purpose are:
Formal Communication:
formal communication, certain
rules, conventions and
principles are followed while
communicating message.
Formal communication
occurs in formal and official
style. Usually professional
settings, corporate
meetings, conferences
undergoes in formal pattern.In
formal communication,
use of slang and foul language
is avoided and correct
pronunciation is required.
Authority lines are needed to
be followed in formal
Informal communication:
Informal communication is
done using channels that are
in contrast with formal
communication channels. It’s
just a casual talk. It is
established for societal
affiliations of members in an
organization and face-to-
face discussions. It happens
among friends and family. In
communication use of slang
words, foul language is not
restricted. Usually.
informal communication is
done orally and using
communication, Unlike formal
communication, doesn’t
follow authority lines.
In an organization, it helps in
finding out staff grievances as
people express
more when talking
communication helps in
Types of Communication
People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in
which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affects
communication. So, there are variety of types of communication.

A. Types of communication based on the communication channels used :

Verbal communication

Non-Verbal communication

Verbal Communication:

Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally;
communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to
have people understand what we are trying to convey. In verbal communication remember the acronym
KISS(keep it short and simple).When we talk to others, we assume that others understand what we are
saying because we know what we are saying. But this is not the case. usually people bring their own attitude,
perception, emotions and thoughts about the topic and hence creates barrier in delivering the right
meaning.Verbal Communication is further divided into

i . Oral Communication
In oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic
conversation, video, radio, television, voice over internet. In oral communication, communication is
influence by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking.

ii. Written Communication

In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written message may be
printed or hand written. In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report,
memo etc. Message, in written communication, is influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing
style, precision and clarity of the language used.Written Communication is most common form of
communication being used in business. So, it is considered core among business skills.

Non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can say that
communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial
expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language
of speaker. Nonverbal communication helps receiver in interpreting the message received. Often, nonverbal
signals reflects the situation more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes nonverbal response
contradicts verbal communication and hence affect the effectiveness of message.Nonverbal communication
have the following three elements


Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics

Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings

Body Language:

facial expressions, gestures, postures


Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate

Aesthetic communication:

creative expressions such as dancing, painting, and the like.

Space language:

such as paintings and landscapes communicate social status and taste.


such as religious, status, or ego-building symbols.


The way something is said, rather than what is actually said, is an important component of nonverbal
communication. This includes voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone, and style of speaking,
and communicates approval, interest or the lack of it. Research estimates that tone of the voice accounts for
38 percent of all communications.
B. Types of Communication Based on Purpose and Style:
Based on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication and they both bears their own
characteristics. Communication types based on style and purpose are

Formal Communication:

In formal communication, certain rules, conventions andprinciples are followed while communicating
message. Formal communication occurs in formal and official style. Usually professional settings, corporate
meetings, conferences undergoes in formal pattern.In formal communication, use of slang and foul language
is avoided and correct pronunciation is required. Authority lines are needed to be followed in formal

Informal communication:

Informal communication is done using channels that arein contrast with formal communication channels.
It’s just a casual talk. It is established for societal affiliations of members in an organization and face-to-face
discussions. It happens among friends and family. In informal communication use of slang words, foul
language is not restricted. Usually. informal communication is done orally and using gestures.Informal
communication, Unlike formal communication, doesn’t follow authority lines. In an organization, it helps in
finding out staff grievances as people express more when talking informally.Informal communication helps
in building relationships.

Barriers of Communication
Communication is defined as the act of expressing our views to others through the use of signs, expressions,
symbols, spoken words, or any activity to reach a common understanding. We can communicate with a
person or a group of persons.

But, barriers can affect the message quality reaching the receiver. Sometimes the message sent may not be
interpreted correctly by the receiver. Here, we will also discuss the steps to overcome the barriers of

 Physical Barriers
The physical barriers affect both verbal and non-verbal communication. These barriers are
present around us in the environment, such as noise, technical problems, design problems, etc.
 Attitude Barriers
The attitude barriers can arise due to overconfidence, poor management, lack of motivation, and
behaviour. Attitude barriers prevent people from communicating effectively with others. Such
types of persons are less likeable. These barriers arise due to a lack of understanding that can
cause a person to misjudge and ignore another person.
Respectful, polite, and pleasant behaviour helps us move upward in the workspace with increased
sales and productivity.
 Emotional Barriers
The emotions in a person determine the ease and comfort in which he/she can communicate. It
arises due to a lack of emotional intelligence. A better understanding of inner emotions will help
us to respect the emotions of other people. Overcoming emotional barriers is an essential skill for
effective communication.
 Cultural Barriers
Cultural barriers usually exit between countries, religions, caste, colour, etc. at any level in
society or an organization. Different people have different values, body language, gestures,
beliefs, and behaviour. We should not underestimate any culture or religion.
 Language Barriers
Language barriers are also known as linguistic barriers. A small variation in language can lead to
colossal misunderstanding between people. It is recommended to use simple language and words
while communicating.
 Gender Barriers
Gender barriers signify how men and women behave; such barriers include different choices,
styles of decision-making, etc. Women prefer to discuss the problems verbally. Overcoming
gender barriers are essential to maintain equality in the workspace.
 Lack of focus and eye contact
Lack of focus and eye contact may lose the interest of listeners or audience. Lack of focus can be
due to any reason, such as improper sleep, overworking hours, alcohol, stress, etc.
 Fear of mistakes
Mistakes are a part of the communication process. The practice is the best key to reduce our
mistakes; We can practice exercises to improve our communication skills. Always try to learn
from the mistakes.
For example,
We sent an email to someone with some mistakes. Do not fear. Instead, again write an email with
the text, "Sorry for the mistake. Please, ignore that email and consider the below email."
In the above example, we can rewrite the email.
 Psychological Barriers
The psychological state of a person can be a barrier in communication, such as opinion,
consciousness, emotions, attitude, and behaviour. It distracts the user form paying attention while
For example, a person will low confidence or self-esteem may not respond appropriately while
talking to the superior.
 Perceptual Barriers
Perceptual barriers are the barriers that prevent a person from correct predictions about others,
such as expectations. It depends on how we analyze the things around us to recognize any
information. The best way to overcome such barriers is to find a positive solution.
 Feedback Issues
Feedback ensures that the receiver has correctly interpreted the message from the speaker/sender.

In conclusion, communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction that facilitates understanding,
connection, and collaboration. It requires active participation, effective listening, and clear expression. By
continuously improving our communication skills and adapting to the evolving communication landscape,
we can enhance our relationships, productivity, and overall quality of life.


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