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NeuroQuantology | June 2012 | Volume 10 | Issue 2| Page 140-143 140

Tarlacı S., How physics is reflected in society and social life

E d i t o r i a l□

Physics, Mysticism, Postmodern Craze,

and the Latest Fashions
How Physics Is Reflected in Society and Social Life
Sultan Tarlacı, MD
NeuroQuantology 2012; 2: 140-143

A Few Words about Physics12 the very center of basic particle physics;
Physics today is divided into two fields, a although it is a perfect theory for explaining
separation which concerns size. The first is describing and explaining atoms and
classical physics – Newtonian mechanics or molecules correctly, it is seen by many as a
Newtonian physics. The foundations of rather unclear theory in which probabilities
Newtonian physics were laid in 1687. This kind and uncertainties hinder precise descriptions.
of physics examines matter macroscopically, But without quantum physics, we would be
and has been remarkably successful in unable to describe the structure and function
explaining macroscopic events and has even of DNA, the color of the stars, the stability of
attained an iconic status of reliability. What atoms, chemical bonds, diodes, LED TVs,
gave it that reliability was that if you knew the superconduction, or lasers.
causes and variables of an event, you could
predict the outcome with certainty. By using Classical Newtonian Physics and its
the predictive rules of classical Newtonian Effects
physics, we can exactly predict the dates of When we look at the history of science, physics
future eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, and affects our daily lives and understanding of
know the precise positions of galaxies, stars, life, whether we notice it or not. Let’s take
planets and satellites. classical Newtonian physics for example.
The situation in quantum physics, or Starting in 1687, this philosophy of physics
quantum mechanics, is very different, had a great effect in the background of social
however. This second branch of physics is life, other branches of science, and even on the
relatively new, dating from the beginning of economy. For example, an observer was placed
the 20th century, around two centuries after outside the events, observing what was
Newton. New research started because happening and in no way interfering with the
classical physics was unable to explain certain observed system. This had social and
events, and in this way quantum mechanics economic repercussions. In the world of work,
was born. Quantum physics is to be found at an attitude arose of making people work like
machines, seeing them as living automatons.
In social life, individuality came to the fore,
Corresponding author: Sultan Tarlacı, MD, Ass. Prof., Neurology
Address: Universal Özel Ege Sağlık Hastanesi, 1399. Sok No 25, and in art it inspired dadaism and cubism. In
Alsancak, İzmir, Turkey. religion, it gave rise to the perception that ‘God
Phone: + 90 463 77 00 - 352 is dead’, because in a deterministic universe
Fax: +90 463 03 71
where everything is fixed in advance, there is
eISSN 1303-5150 no need for a transcendental or organizing
concept such as God. This same Newtonian
NeuroQuantology | June 2012 | Volume 10 | Issue 2| Page 140-143 141
Tarlacı S., How physics is reflected in society and social life

physics produced, as a result of its close held sway, it was accepted that life was wholly
linking of cause and effect, the economic observable, measurable and quantifiable.
viewpoint on which Karl Marx based his
theories of class struggle, Adam Smith’s self- The Effects of Quantum Physics
regulating liberal economy, Charles Darwin’s With the birth of quantum mechanics at the
theory of evolution, and even Hitler’s beginning of the 20th century, science was
genocidal policies. affected by something that ran counter to all
It was the source of inspiration for that had gone before, and this was reflected in
Pavlov’s work on conditioned reflexes and the social life, art, the economy and religious
“Pavlov’s dog” experiment. Before the belief. We started to see the universe as an
experiment the side of the dog’s mouth was inseparable and indivisible whole. We
operated on so that the amount of saliva could accepted that when we measured things we
be measured easily. Then it was secured in a were part of the measurement, and that in
soundproofed laboratory and once it had been certain cases it was impossible to measure
accustomed to the situation the experiment with certainty. We began to believe that
was begun. In the experiment, a bell was borders between countries should be lifted.
sounded so that the dog could hear it, and a Inspired by this, associations were formed
few moments later meat was given to the dog. between countries. Behind the visible material
At first, when only the bell was sounded, the universe there was another, hidden, system;
dog showed no salivatory function, but when we believed more and more in the existence of
the meat was given to the dog it produced this hidden reality, and it seemed logical to us.
saliva normally. When this was repeated many We understood better that we had to work not
times, it was observed that when only the bell only for ourselves but for others, and that the
was sounded and no meat was given, the dog flap of a butterfly’s wing in another part of the
salivated just as if meat had been given to it. world could affect us, and even upset all of our
This cause and effect, which we know as calculations. Now we are living in a network
classical conditioning, is widely accepted as where economic or political upheavals in any
the clearest example of a causal relationship in country in the world can within ten minutes
psychology. affect other economies in the world, the stock
In a universe ruled by Newtonian markets, and even the price of the bread on
physics, we believed that we could measure our tables. We are no longer passive observers
everything, including human intelligence. of the universe and the world around us: we
Thus in 1912, IQ tests were developed and we have started to accept that we are part of it.
were persuaded that people could be Thus we have become more environmentally
categorized according to their IQ scores. This aware and in protecting the environment we
gave the concept of a master race and further have realized that we are living within it. The
scientific justification, and the age of genocide place of the conditioned reflexes of Pavlov’s
began. Supporting Hitler’s attempts to create a dog has been taken by Schrödinger’s quantum
master race or a pure race were the IQ tests cat, a cat which is not conditioned, and whose
which science had created. For this reason actions over an extended period cannot be
Hitler’s approach was not only derived from predicted with any certainty from previous
ideology and politics; it was an unfortunate data. This new physics has begun to affect
result of the understanding of science and the many fields in this way. Of course, the most
philosophy of the time. obvious effects began to show up in mysticism,
metaphysics and philosophy. Thanks to new
Even after 1945, states were divided scientific viewpoints like quantum physics and
from each other by clean lines drawn on the chaos theory, the place of the tangible material
map as if with a ruler. Many independent and universe was gradually taken by first waves,
famous companies came into being. Social and then by pure information.
events, the economy, supply and demand and
almost everything else, was understood in a We have entered a period of thought
reductionist way as the sum of its component where subjectivity has replaced objectivity,
parts. Then physics did the same with the processes have replaced objects, feelings have
atom, separating it into its sub-components of replaced logic, thoughts have replaced actions,
protons, neutrons and electrons. In the 400 and simple relationships have replaced
years or more in which Newtonian physics simplicity in an incredible complexity. Even
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Tarlacı S., How physics is reflected in society and social life

the words we use have changed to conform of the new physics. This even coincides with
with this. In the time of classical physics, we belief in a transcendental creative force. The
talked about “this or that”, now we say “both”, idea that man, a work of God, should be able to
or “both this and that”. Now, instead of a understand completely the ways of God
“brain” or “mind” which merely observes and through the laws of physics runs counter to the
decides objectively, examining the outside absolute existence of God. In fact science
world with human thought and asking “what makes no claims on this topic; the basic job of
happened there?”, we are asking “what science is to understand the workings of the
happened to us, here?” The isolated observer, physical world. For this reason some scientists
looking at systems from a distance and characterize this kind of association as empty
expecting to discover all the laws independent words, false-pathological science, or humbug.
of him or herself, is no more. The mind and Physics is a branch of science, and God is a
consciousness are no longer passive but have matter of belief. Science has nothing to say
taken center stage. Some interpretations even about God, especially his existence or non-
have begun to discuss mind and consciousness existence. This “God” is not a scientific term,
by fitting reality to the level of a phenomenon but a human and deeper concept.
which can be brought into existence by way of
observation. What we have enumerated so far The Postmodern Craze: the Latest
are only some of the projections which may Fashions
not be new for humanity as a thought, but On the other hand, scientific charlatans have
which for a scientific world which had for appeared in this age as in any other. One
centuries been based on a deterministic noticeable feature of this is that some scientific
tradition were revolutionary concepts, and terms like “quantum” which have mysterious
which took a long time to assimilate. connotations in the public imagination have
become popular. So we have quantum drama,
Physics and Mysticism quantum feeling, quantum spirit therapy,
Comparison of the changes in thinking quantum life coaching, quantum hair removal,
brought about in fields we call new science, quantum collars, water bottles and bracelets,
especially quantum mechanics, is a way of quantum leaps, quantum psychoanalysis,
thinking totally based on metaphor. However, quantum life, quantum sex, quantum
even before quantum physics, classical physics improvement and quantum physiotherapy...
had an undeniable effect on the belief in God quantum cows and sheep, and other incredible
and the understanding of creation. In fact, it’s and sometimes amusing examples.
not surprising that people should have used Everywhere seems to be caught up in this
sometimes forced and sometimes explicit quantum craze.
metaphors to search for answers in their urge In addition to this, there are
to derive meaning from information for each innumerable other ideas related to quantum
situation and each piece of information. This physics. We come across strange things like
urge is a natural characteristic of the human Himalayan salt and salt room therapies,
mind. Most of the similarities between Kirlian and Chakra therapies, Pranic healing
quantum physics and mysticism are based on and Atma Namaste, energy therapy, touch
random analogies and metaphors. Physics therapy, automatic-charismatic therapies,
research about the world does not in fact make Cosmic-Quantum-Atomic therapies, stories of
many inferences about transcendental fields, screens in the brain, holographic brain
and most of the mystical ideas derived from techniques and therapies, and many more. In
physics are new, attractive analogies based on fact all of these are in tune with the spirit of
similarities. These similarities can probably the times, and must be seen as the natural by-
make new contributions to our ideas and products of a scientific concept with such
thought processes by making new connections. powerful repercussions. We are faced with a
Of course, as ideas advance, it is necessary for significant problem when people come up with
those who see God in physics, in the future as these kinds of claim to intervene in fields
at the beginning of the twentieth century, with which may have a direct bearing on human
the understanding of physics undergoing great health, and in particular when this door to
changes, to change their understanding of hope ends in frustration for people seeking
God, and take into account the fact that the solutions to health or other problems. Of
“old God” has been superseded by the arrival
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Tarlacı S., How physics is reflected in society and social life

course all possible measures must be taken to occasional developments that do take root. For
inform the people targeted and to save them this reason, these fields should be carefully
from exploitation. On the other hand it must examined, researched and tested by the
be remembered that in spite of all this scientific community rather than being
quantum talk, quantum physics and other new rejected out of hand. This is because quantum
fields of physics do indeed open up new physics itself is a science which appears to us
possibilities affecting our daily lives. This as counter-intuitive and goes against all the
concept and the inflation of expectation have laws of the universe that we have learned and
undesirable results in that they hide the become used to.

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