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A1 ICT for Today’s Businesses

2020 Online Assessment Question 1:

a) Explain the concept of ‘Information’ as it is used in information systems. What makes information resources
desirable or necessary for organisations?
b) How does information travel through an organisation and its information systems and grow in use and value?
Can there ever be too much information?

2019 Zone B Question 3:

Distinguish between the three concepts of ‘data’, ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’ as they are used in information
systems work. Explain how they are related.
Explain the ways that information systems might generate value from data, information and knowledge. Present
your answer as a short report for senior managers in an organisation about to make a big investment in new
enterprise information systems.

2017 Zone A Question 3:

a) Explain the distinction between data and information. Illustrate your answer using an example of a
transaction processing system (e.g. for processing customer orders).
b) Building on your answer to part (a) and using the same example, explain the use of data and information in
decision making and the concept of a decision support system.

2017 Zone B Question 3:

a) Explain the distinction between data and information. Illustrate your answer using an example of a decision
support system (e.g. to help a manager order raw materials for a factory).
b) Building on your answer to part (a) explain three distinct ways that a decision support system might help the
decision maker, be they an individual or a group.

2016 Zone B Question 5:

a) Describe the general characteristics of a ‘system’. What does it mean if a system is described as being an
‘open system’, or a ‘purposive system’?
b) Taking as an example an information system that you are familiar with show how it exhibits the
characteristics you have identified.

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