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We observed the class of ABM 12-Alder at 1pm in BCU Senior High School.

subject was Introduction to Philosophy. Ma’am Merline Ignas and her students greeted
each other. After that, the teacher told the class secretary to check the attendance and I
think some students are absent because of the empty seats. Next to the greetings and
attendance was the motivation in which Ma’am Ignas presented pictures and let the
students brainstorm their ideas. Then she started the discussion using a PowerPoint
presentation as her instructional material. She also let her students read and asked if
they have any questions. The students listened attentively and after the discussion,
Ma’am Ignas grouped the class for an activity. Afterwards, the students returned to their
proper seats and Ma’am Ignas announced that they will continue the activity and present
next meeting. Since the time was up, they said good bye and we left the classroom.

The video “Bukidnon’s Ingenious Educator for the Indigenous Peoples”

highlights the learners and teacher of Keupiyanan Te Balugo. Teacher Junmerth Jorta
taught there for many years but at first he was discouraged and alienated. There was
miscommunication because of language barrier and the long distance going to school
which even includes crossing a river. He even got sick every time he handled grades 1
to 6 with 104 learners by himself. Sir Junmerth started losing interest in teaching
indigenous learners but he was delighted and reminded that he had been praying to
God to make him a missionary teacher. He pursued teaching there because of his
passion to educate the young learners.

Their school environment is very simple yet clean. They have enough
classrooms to accommodate the students. The video shows the teacher using
instructional materials such as story books and manila papers. The students’ arm chairs
and teacher’s desk are in a good condition. They have chalk boards and cabinets. I can
say that they have fresh air and healthy environment because they are surrounded by
trees, mountains and rivers.

Teacher Junmerth Jorta let the students read books or lessons written on the
board and the students are reciting to answer the teacher’s question. However, he
stated in the video that most of his learners are usually absent. This worried Sir
Junmerth so he conducted home visitations and discovered that students are absent
because of lack of food and some students need to stay in the house because their
parents need to go work in the farm. As a solution, they implemented a feeding program
with the help of community organizations. This feeding program held on regularly for 6
years up to present which helped decrease dropouts and absenteeism. Sir Junmerth
also partnered with the tribal leaders, community leaders, DepEd peronnel, parents,
barangay, municipal LGU and other stakeholders which benefited the students to no
longer hike for a couple of hours just to go to school, the security of the students to
cross the river especially during floods and the adult students even the married ones
had the opportunity to go to school and learn.
•Accommodate Various Learning Styles
-Teaching to multiple learning styles increases the chances of all students
understanding the lesson. Present material using pictures and written words to help
visual learners, explain material orally for auditory learners, and include a hands-on
activity for tactile learners. For instance, a unit for young children teaching colors should
have pictures of objects with the different colors, the printed words, a discussion about
what the colors are and what objects have that color, and an activity such as creating a
collage of items for each color from items cut from magazines.

•Assess, Then Adapt

-Assessing student achievement is always important, but this is especially true in a
diverse classroom. In addition to regular testing, teachers should informally check
student understanding and progress through observation, open-ended questions,
single-question quizzes and demonstration in order to see what modifications to lessons
need to be made. If the classroom includes students with disabilities, implement
reasonable accommodations to encourage success. Allow oral tests for students with
visual or language disabilities or note takers for those with attention deficit disorder or
small motor difficulties.

•Peer Learning Aids Students of All Levels

-Students can help each other learn in diverse classrooms. Studies indicate group work
helps most students learn better. Teachers may place students in groups of differing
levels so each group works on a single task or, more appropriately, in heterogeneous
groups, mixing understanding and skill levels and assigning each student within the
group a task such as the leader, recorder and so on. Even high-level learners gain from
such structure. Advanced students will be motivated to study the material more closely
so that they can understand it well enough to teach it to their peers.

We observed the class of ABM 12-Alder at 1pm in BCU Senior High School. Their
subject was Introduction to Philosophy. Ma’am Merline Ignas and her students greeted each other.
After that, the teacher told the class secretary to check the attendance and I think some students
are absent because of the empty seats. Next to the greetings and attendance was the motivation in
which Ma’am Ignas presented pictures and let the students brainstorm their ideas. Then she started
the discussion using a PowerPoint presentation as her instructional material. She also let her
students read and asked if they have any questions. The students listened attentively and after the
discussion, Ma’am Ignas grouped the class for an activity. Afterwards, the students returned to their
proper seats and Ma’am Ignas announced that they will continue the activity and present next
meeting. Since the time was up, they said good bye and we left the classroom.
-Be honest and treat others
with respect at all times.
-Listen to the teacher when
s/he speaks.
-Ask for help when you need it.
-Be prepared every day with
required items.
-Do not steal
-Listen and follow directions.
-Raise your hand before
speaking or leaving your seat
-Do not cheat
-Maintain cleanliness





We observed the class of ABM 12-Alder. There are 8 boys and 22 girls, a total of
30 students. Their ages are 16 to 18 years old. Half of the class are Cordillerans and the
other half are low landers. There are no students who belong to the LGBTQ community.

During class:
1. There was an active interaction in the class of ABM 12-Alder. The students interact
with one another during the group activity and they interact with the teacher if they
have questions of if the teacher tell them to recite.

2. The learners seated at the front part of the room are more attentive during the
discussion while the learners seated at the back are listening but seem to be easily
distracted and chat with their seatmate.

3. The learners cooperate with each other, they seem to get along well. It is good that
no one is getting bullied or fighting against each other.

4. During our observation, Ma’am Merline Ignas made sure that all of the students
participate by reading the presentation and ask them for questions or clarifications.

5. Some students raise their hand during recitation to answer but if nobody recites
then Ma’am Ignas will call for a student to answer her question, if the student
cannot answer then Ma’am Ignas will tell him/her to give ideas and she will help the
student answer the question with the ideas given.

Outside class:
1. I think the students group themselves outside class by their circle of friends with
whom they feel the sense of belongingness excluding their age, gender, racial or
ethnic groups and interests.

2. The students who are alone and not interacting are busy with their cellphones and
some read books in the library. I cannot say that they are introverts maybe they just
feel comfortable by being alone.

•The teachers use these strategies to address the needs of diverse students:
- Promote Diversity and Multiculturalism
- Get to Know Your Students
- Maintain Consistent Communication
- Acknowledge and Respect Every Student
- Practice Cultural Sensitivity
- Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan
- Give Students Freedom and Flexibility
- Build rapport with the students

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