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Review Test

Science 6

Name: _____________________________________________________ Score _______________

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

_______1. The release of magma from the crater is called an earthquake.

_______2. Pyroclastic materials consist of lava, ashes, and rocks.

_______3. Volcanic eruptions may last for only a few minutes.

_______4. When magma flows on the surface, it is already called lava.

_______5. Taal volcano is found in Batangas.

_______6. When lava just flows out of the crater and gaps along the sides of the

volcano, it is an explosive eruption.

_______7. Geothermal energy can be harnessed to generate clean electricity

_______8. Volcanic eruptions can destroy properties and kill people.

_______9. Ashes emitted by the volcano can make the soil more fertile.

_______10. When a volcano erupts, it releases gases. These gases help improve

the quality of air in the atmosphere.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What layer of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates?

a. crust c. outer core

b. inner core d. mantle

2. This refers to the amount of energy released by the earthquake from its origin?

a. focus c. intensity

b. epicenter d. magnitude

3. Describe the Pacific Ring of Fire.

a. An area where crustal plates are hard.

b. An area where crustal plates are weak.

c. An area without crustal plates.

d. An area without earthquakes.

4. At what magnitude can an earthquake cause displacement of buildings and

cracks on the earth’s surface?

a. Magnitude 4 b. Magnitude 5

c. Magnitude 6 d. Magnitude 7

5. Where is an epicenter located?

a. directly above the focus c. directly above the magnitude

b. directly below the focus d. directly below the magnitude

6. Which of the following events causes an earthquake?

a. too much heat from the sun

b. changing temperatures

c. movement of crustal plates

d. mixture of crustal plates

7. Where does an earthquake originate?

a. epicenter b. focus c. intensity d. magnitude

8. What does PHILVOLCS mean?

a. Philippine Institute of Volcanology

b. Philippine Institute of Volcanologists

c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

d. Philippine Institute of Volcanologists and Seismologists

9. Which of the following refers to the ground above the focus?

a. epicenter b. focus c. seismology d. volcanology

10. What is the scale used by PHILVOLCS to measure the intensity of the earthquake?

a. Reichter Magnitude Scale b. Richter Magnitude Scale

c. Philippine Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) d. PHILVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the list below.

A. Observe disaster preparedness.

B. Wear masks for the nose and mouth.

C. If you are inside the building, go under a desk or table.

D. Stop and park the car away from buildings, electric wires or post.

E. To know the routes you will take to get out from the building in

case of an earthquake.

____1. Why is it important to familiarize yourself with your home and school?

___2. How do we keep ourselves safe when there is an earthquake?

___3. If you are in a moving car during an earthquake, what will you do?

___4. What should people leaving near a volcano do to lessen the destructive

effects of an eruption?

___5. What will you do during a volcanic eruption?

Directions: Underline DS if the effect is caused by dry season and WT if it is caused by wet season.

DS WT 1. Crops and other farmed products can be damaged by flood which may

result to increase prices of agricultural products.

DS WT 2. People are prone to heat stroke and dehydration.

DS WT 3. Sellers of souvenir items near resorts and beaches earn more.

DS WT 4. People may experience health problems like skin diseases, sunburn, and

sore eyes.

DS WT 5. Some infrastructures and livelihood of people can be damaged by strong

winds and heavy rains.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In what direction does the Earth rotate?

A. from east to west C. from south to north

B. from north to south D. from west to east

2. How long does it take for the Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis?

A. one day C. one week

B. one-month D. one year

3. At what angle does the Earth tilt on its axis?

A. 43 ½ degrees C. 33 ½ degrees

B. 23 ½ degrees D. 53 ½ degrees

4. What do you call an imaginary line than runs through the Earth?

A. axis C. orbit

B. taxis D. faxis

5. The movement of the globe as it spins and reaches the point from where it started is called?

A. revolution C. rotation

B. locomotion D. Position

Directions: Fill-in the blanks with the correct answer.

________________1. The turning of the earth on its axis.

________________2. The trip of the earth around the sun.

________________3. The number of hours it takes the earth to make one

complete turn on its own axis.

________________4. Angle of earth’s tilt on its axis.

________________5. It makes day and night unequal in length.

________________6. The earth’s movement which causes day and night.

________________7. The direction of the earth’s rotation.

________________8. The imaginary line connecting the North and South Poles.

_________________9. The imaginary path the earth follows as it revolves around the sun.

________________10. The direction of the earth’s rotation as seen above the North Pole.

1. It is the movement of the earth around the sun.

a. rotation b. revolution c. perihelion d. aphelion

2. What do call when the earth’s orbit is farthest from the sun around 152 million


a. perihelion b. aphelion c. rotation d. revolution

3. What do you call when the earth’s orbit is closest to the sun around 147

million kilometers?

a. perihelion b. aphelion c. rotation d. revolution

4. How many days does the earth take a complete turn around the sun?

a. 364 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds

b. 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds

c. 366 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds

d. 365 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds

5. How many seasons does the Philippines have?

a. 4 b.3 c. 2 d. 1

6. In what month does summer occur in southern hemisphere?

a. December b. March c. June d. September

7. What season in the Philippines where there is heavy rainfall?

a. Dry b. Spring c. Wet d. Winter

8. In what month does the sun shine directly on the northern hemisphere?
a. March b. December c. June d. September

9. Earth revolves around the sun as it rotates, or spins on its imaginary line called

a. Orbit b. axis c. prime meridian. D. equator

10.On every fourth year known as the _____, the earth revolves for 366 days.

a. Year b. leap year c. current year d. previous year

Pick up the word/s from the list that is being describe in the statement below.

Write your answers on the blank.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

__________1. The largest planet of the solar system.

__________2. The 7th planet of the solar system.

__________3. The hottest planet of the solar system.

__________4. The nearest planet from the sun.

__________5. The planet that supports life.

__________6. The 8th planet of the solar system.

__________7. The planet that has the largest volcano in the solar system.

__________8. The second largest planet in the solar system.

__________9. The planet that a has a complete rotation of 24 hours.

__________10. The coldest planet of the solar system.

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