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Passive voice

1. Present Simple Passive:

Subject + is/are + past participle
Example: The report is read by the manager.

2. Past Simple Passive:

Subject + was/were + past participle
Example: The letter was sent yesterday.

3. Present Continuous Passive:

Subject + is/are + being + past participle
Example: The project is being discussed right now.

4. Past Continuous Passive:

Subject + was/were + being + past participle
Example: The document was being reviewed when I arrived.

5. Present Perfect Passive:

Subject + has/have + been + past participle
Example: The books have been written by various authors.

6. Past Perfect Passive:

Subject + had + been + past participle
Example: All the cookies had been eaten by the time we got home.

7. Future Simple Passive:
Subject + will be + past participle
Example: The task will be completed by tomorrow.

8. Future Continuous Passive:

Subject + will be + being + past participle
Example: The meeting will be being held at this time next week.

9. Future Perfect Passive:

Subject + will have been + past participle
Example: By 5 PM, the project will have been finished.

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