Intimacy and Relationships

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Intimacy and relationships

Sooryayog Foundation

Love , Sex And devotion


What is it to be intimate? What is the need to be loved? Are we loving and loved? What is compassion? Are all human beings loving?

Intimacy Begins

The day we r born , we get intimate with our mother . Bf that we were one , now we are two and we can be intimate . To be separate is the beginning of intimacy. Must people want to be one , but they forget by separation only can intimacy be created. Yet intimacy is the first ladder

Intimate Journey

Our life as it is , is short on this planet , we cant stay here forever , there are many things one needs to do . As we are growing , we come across difficult situtations , stressful patterns emerge in our life , and one is forced to depend of other human beings . We need emotional support , care and love do develop into strong and divine human beings. Yet many are not able to reach this stage

Intimacy blocked

Most people only want and are unable to give back. Thats is due to lack of development of the higher centres in the human being of love and compassion. Most people go for demanding love , than being an abundant source of love for all beings . This leads to troubled relationships and societies . Everyone seems power hungry . They hurt each other and ultimately this being against the principle life force of mother nature - guilty.

Intimacy reopened

Heart chakra retraining excercises. Clean the aura . Put silver coin. Clear emotional blocks . Lotus mudra ,fill it beautiful golden light See the power of heart to transmute negative emotions

Remembering the One

Religions are the science of remembering our primordial state of oneness , from which life has originated . In human form we can get lost into the separatedness or dualness or life . So we are put into us by nature to be in need for relationships .

What is a Relationship?

Its is a ship of relations. A big mighty boat soaring thru the ocean of life , bringing people of soo many different natures together. Basically relationship is complex sharing of the same energy which created us . Only difference we kinda forget the essential togetherness . We are all born into familys , and build our first relationships with our mother , then father and then other relations

How is your relationship?

Write about ur relationship with ur mother ? Pass it to the person u are least interested in knowing in the class . Then come back and again write about ur relationship with ur mother , this time for the most interesting person in the class .

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