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% LAKSHYA ged Lan iP Lyy| i Byte ret) 1003 Pole] 1a ola clea ha Ce Real jose] Lele Laer 4 ) Topic: lectric Potential Energy | eeu 8 = J —. Miisctirenc.-o1 Vy No.- 01 By- Rajwant Singh Teday’s - Targets g L 1 f Definition of Electric Potential Energy B Important Points Of Calculating Potential Energy L 3 CE nreaaucc lea eae Coi (4 f es eA oe eC Mree El ee. 70,4. | @ > Ola=2aaal UCR Ce a ROM te metus It will be a total waste of time if you start canunn PME meets you can simultaneously cover the First Ca Tae ena Cee Comm CR aie Mee ier RSAC aM COCO ae There ain't no thing Like Tomorrow... SCE Ae Oe le 4g > ai i. @ > OF Cy | rd a HAL. ~~“ CS — 9 Electrostatic Potential Energy Electrostatic potential energy CRS he aa ae ens Se ae eae 9 ac Cee pee 4 other OS cc) Aas Sata force x 7 L v5 ea aelit sein 2) he eee) Pee kanan: ree ; i Sono Smadh Work dea> dw = Fs Grd bo Bereetn a ter eects) None ns =e ena Cnccs " Pema Oe Sis eee ae ca Ciera Repel CoO Nema ; ESLLaret Br H @ PUSS ee ae et ae PNP (OS | aay > PE H C!S 5 a ico ; i i a ‘ee aa =a 2 a x! - 2 Aeiga Weons * esr led can 5 s [aol eS eer 4 : Cee eee Bete; mal accu us at Bm cs ee) Seen eee, Important Points on Electrostatic Potential Energy Pee GCrorece ma Rm Roe cle Keira e » of-2nnn W SM OCA vena oikee aac ® Stabement , - [PE = meV) AS Caer rep) @® Mekement, + | PE = Wert 4 Co ar) ee phate SeaTac El bch (aioe Ronee eee aOnciee oe R@s race = Ass aelt aI ON rey eee, Sr "a dws rs Can) GO Dees = i aN i ESS Ts eS , ee Ee - Pa Ia CCI (iets 7 " i isd as Paes APNE a d ey LS Pe fey a2 Wet Kay eS " aU TN ney Sa ° x Fe Wheat Weg area Stutty ® aa Ke anes een ee Ato =V ee Cc) 9 Calculation of Interaction Energy/ PE of System ° Sersetation Energy for a system of charged particles CUO DB MOS. PO Oe eo uD) ney Tr fs y Vy. : Nes rE Sy 4 WE Ceca tery tn cain 14 Ay pe SS CRAY) A 7 ra Nd Rt ee oe SOK S2. Ge GD ee EY lll Important Points on Electrostat AMR eeee Mec Ros Mee ou Re mei et ooR CoC mCom nT Reis ACHE eRe M nicer ones rl) ATR RUC Me meee ea IU LOT hme em Ce R LTC) SSM CR CT ROM Re ENGR tReet Cie One Nane sn tecm tte rcs an UMMC oem ems ae M CS Tmo Ter mle final position only see) Pa ere co ate ae) es id} -Vi) PROP ACEC 1) a be (au) med aS yan) * ae Oz=> + Please revise complete todays lecture notes and think about the statements + Revise Chapter 1 from Electric field (except Dipole)

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