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LHB Cheat Sheet

Chairperson: Mayor

Facilitator: CHO

Running Sheet

I. Roll Call:

Chairperson/Facilitator: The Board Secretary shall now proceed with the roll call

Board Secretary: (Calling the names of the attendees)

Attendees: Seated…present

II. Call to Order:

Chairperson/Facilitator: The __st/nd/rd/th Regular Local Health Board Meeting is now called to
Order, this ___st/nd/rd/th day of _month_, 20__ at ___________________.

III. Proof of Due Notice and Declaration of Quorum:

Board Secretary: Notice of the Meeting had been sent & acknowledged, furthermore, I
affirmed the presence of a quorum.

IV. Reading and Approval of Agenda

Chairperson/Facilitator: Listed is the agenda, 1…, 2…, 3…, & other matters. Would we wish to
add further?

LHB member: I wish to add..

Attendee: I intend to include....

Chairperson/Facilitator: If no further inclusion, we shall move to approve the agenda listed,

would any member intend to sponsor a motion?

LHB member 1: I move for the approval of the listed agenda for the ___ st/nd/rd/th Regular
Local Health Board Meeting.

LHB member 2: And I second the motion

Chairperson/Facilitator: The motion was moved by LHB member _name_ & duly seconded by
LHB member _name_. There being no objection, the approval of the
agenda for the ___ st/nd/rd/th Regular Local Health Board Meeting is carried.

V. Consideration of the Previous Minutes of the Meeting

1. Reading of the Previous Minutes

Chairperson/Facilitator: The Rending of the ___ st/nd/rd/th (previous) Regular Local Health Board
Meeting Minutes shall be carried through by the Secretary.

A disperse

Board Secretary: (Reading the previous minutes of the LHB meeting)

2. Corrections in the

Chairperson/Facilitator: We shall now proceed with the corrections – starting from page 1.., 2..
so on..

3. Adoption

Chairperson/Facilitator: The adoption of the minutes along with the corrections of the _agenda
or LHB reso #_ is awaiting a motion from the floor...would anyone
intend to sponsor a motion?

LHB member 1: I move to adopt the minutes along with the corrections of the Minutes

LHB member 2: And I second the motion

Chairperson/Facilitator: The adoption of the _agenda or LHB reso #_Minutes along with the
corrections is moved by LHB member _name_ & duly seconded by LHB
member _name_, is there any objection? There being none...the motion
is carried.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

Chairperson: Line/page____

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