Essay On Learning To Be A Better Student

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Garcia, Justin Ram A.

Understanding the Self – CS1B

20181128347 April 20, 2021

Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and Ways of Coping

According to the Internet, learning is defined as “a process that leads to change,

which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved
performance and future learning”. Although it is associated with the words like studying
and memorizing, there is much more to than that. We all learn throughout our lives. Deep
learning involves understanding, using, and relating ideas and making connections
between them to improve oneself. This process is very essential to the survival of our
species since it enables us to be knowledgeable and use this knowledge to improve our
way of living.

To better understand this, we need to take a look at one of the most important
organs in our body, the brain. Basically, the brain can be divided into four separate lobes:
the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, and occipital lobe. Each of these lobes
serves its own function. The frontal lobe is where the primary motor area is located. The
temporal lobe contains the primary auditory area. The parietal lobe is where the primary
somatosensory area is located which processes sensory signals. And last but not the
least, the occipital lobe is the location of the primary visual area. The structure of the
human brain influences our perception, cognition, behavior, and ultimately, learning.

The philosophical question “Who am I?” has piqued the curiosity of people for such
a long time. One of the key areas in self-development is the process of knowing oneself.
By reflecting on one’s life experiences and the events that happened by chance in one’s
life. The learning process never ends for as long as a person lives. It may sound simple,
but in order to understand other aspects of one’s life, one must first get to know who
he/she truly is. Learning about one’s strengths, weaknesses, and limitations is one of the
most effective ways of knowing oneself. The knowledge of one’s own flaws, weaknesses,
strengths, and qualities are very important.

All of these learning outcomes affect ourselves and our actions. There are also
elements to be considered to know what learning is. First, we should know that change
must be relatively permanent. This means that after the learning process, our behavior
Garcia, Justin Ram A. Understanding the Self – CS1B
20181128347 April 20, 2021

must be different. It could be either worse or better as compared to our behavior prior to
this learning experience. Second, this change must also occur due to some kind of
experience or practice. The learning process is not caused by biological maturation. And
these learning outcomes can be applied to different aspects of our lives, either
consciously or subconsciously. This can include training, development, discipline, self-
management, and even our social behavior.

With all of the aforementioned statements, we can now see how important learning
is. Learning can help us know ourselves and develop. We can also use these learning
outcomes to learn and adapt to the world. These changes brought to us by the learning
experiences in our lives mold us into who we are and the actions we made. As a result,
learning can greatly affect our overall personality and we should use it in a positive way
to guide our plans, goals, and behavior.

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