DLL Examining Bias m6

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School Fortune High School Grade Level 8

Teacher Karina P. Urag Learning Area English

Teaching Dates & Time April 10-14, 2023/12:40-7:00PM Quarter 3RD

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of
exploring forces that human beings contend with; variuos reading styles vis –
à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of
meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and
delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative
speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIg-3.1.12: Examine biases (for or against) made by the author
Competencies/Objectives At the end of the lesson, the stud will be able to:
1. Define what bias is;
2. Recognize whether statements/paragraphs contain biases; and,
3. Determine whether the author is biased towards or against
someone/something in a text.
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages MODULE 6: Examining Biases
2. Learner's Materials pages Self-Learning Module 6
3. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource Portal
4. Other Learning Resources video-clips
 Say a prayer.
 Check Attendance.
INDICATOR 5: Manages Learner Behavior  Remind the students of the class rules.
Constructively by Applying Positive and
Non-violent discipline to ensure  Raise your hand to speak
Learning- focused environments.  Treat others with respect
 Listen attentively
 Participate actively
 Work collaboratively
 Speak English
 Do your best and Have Fun!
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Before we proceed with our lesson today, let’s first have a warm-up activity.
presenting a new lesson

I’m going to ask you questions and I would like you to choose between
the given options. Everyone will stand in front of the object according to
your own preference. (Once the students choose their answers, the teacher
will ask randomly one student from each option, why he or she preferred it.)

1. Where do you prefer to eat?

A. Jolibee B. Mc Donalds C. others
INDICATOR 4: Manages classroom 2. What sports do you prefer to play or watch?
structure to engage learners, individually A. basketball B. volleyball C. others
or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within
a range of physical and learning 3. Where would you like to go for a vacation?
environments. A. Boracay B. Baguio C. others
The teacher allows the students to choose
their preferences and share their own opinion
on things without judgement to encourage 4. Which online game would you like to play?
students to participate and express their ideas.
A. Roblox B. Mobile Legends C. others

5. Which noontime show do you prefer to watch?

A. Eat Bulaga B. It’s Showtime? C. others

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The activity we just did expressed your preferences on things which show
your biases. Being biased is not a good thing, but all of us have biases as
normal persons who have feelings, opinions, likes and dislikes. It is normal
for us to like foods, sports, movie or celebrity over others; it is normal for us
to dislike something and express it.

In our lesson for today we are going to Examine Biases.

B. Presenting examples/ instances Let’s watch the news about the recent issue on Jeepney Modernization.
of the new lesson
Afterwards I would like you to answer the following questions below.
INDICATOR 1: Applies knowledge of
content within and across curriculum 1. What was the video about?
teaching areas.
The teacher uses localized video to
establish meaningful connections within 2. What were the two sides of the discussion?
and across curriculum content.
 AP: Contemporary Issue
 ESP: Ang Kahalagahan at Gampanin 3. What were the arguments of each side?
ng Katarungang Panlipunan sa
 FILIPINO: Paglalahad ng Sariling
4. How about you? Are you in favor or against the jeepney phaseout?
ayas, Pag-uugnay ng Balita at Pag-
iisa-isa sa mga Negatibo at
Positibong Pahayag.
PRO Jeepney Modernization AGAINST Jeepney Modernization
INDICATOR 2: Use a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy
analyzing and evaluating g the meaning
of a text as it relates to global issues to
inform a critical stance, response and/or

INDICATOR 3: Applies a range of

teaching strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.

D. Discussing new concepts & practicing new WHAT IS BIAS?

A bias is a person’s personal opinion about another person, a group, a
thing, or an event that is usually unfair or not based on completely on the
truth or facts.
You are BIASED TOWARDS something or someone when you give too much
praise or only say what is positive about them.

On the other hand, BIASED AGAINST someone or something is the exact

opposite-what you say or write are all negative.

What is Bias in writing?

In writing BIAS can be defined as:
 A prejudice against something an author is writing about.
 Favoritism for something an author is writing about.
 An author letting feelings or emotions clouds his or her objectivity
about something he/she is writing about.
In writing, bias can also be acceptable in editorials because the main
reason people write them is to express opinions about someone or
something. However, there must be no biases in paragraphs that give
information or facts (i. e. news, textbooks) because readers might believe
these biases to e 100% true. Also biases, should not be present in activities
where people need to give their judgement based on facts (ex. Judging a
competition, hiring employees at work, etc.). Biases are also unacceptable if
it insults others or hurt their feelings.

E. . Discussing new concepts & practicing new LET’S PRACTICE!

skills #2
Read the following short paragraphs and decide whether each contains
biases or not. Raise thumb up if it is Biased Towards or Thumb down if it is
INDICATOR 1: Applies knowledge of Biased Against.
content within and across curriculum
CONTENT WITHIN AND ACROSS 1. Baby Boomer are born between 1946 to 1964 and are now 56-74 years old.
 AP: Comparison & contrast across While Generation X are born between 1965 to 1980 are now 40-55 years old.
generations On the other hand, Generation y or millennials are born between 1981 to 1966
 ESP: Giving Personal Judgements and are now 24-39 years old. While, Generation z are born between 1997 to
2015 and are now 8-23 years old.
2. Baby Boomer a are very strict and old-fashioned. But I think they are the best
because they get to live in a very simple life.
3. Millennials are unique because they are committed to implementing Sustainable
Development Goals including equality, climate change, peace, justice, poverty
and prosperity. Their tastes and preferences support creating sustainability and
equality for all.
4. Generation Z is the best! We are all energetic and fun to be with. All of us are
creative and we always have new and fun ideas to share. On top of it all, we are
all very good in using the latest technology.
5. The young generation is really the worst! They sleep late at night and wake up
very late. They always listen to very loud music. Also, they do nothing, are lazy
and like to waste their time in front of their smartphones or tablets playing
online games or watching videos nonstop.


I will divide you into two groups. Each group must make a stand or
INDICATOR 1: Applies knowledge of
content within and across curriculum preference on the topic… “Which phone is better iphone or smartphone?”
teaching areas.
 MATH: Uses appropriate graph to
represent data GROUP 1 (REMEDIATION): Take a Stand!
 MUSIC: Create jingle Classify each statement if it is biased towards or against iphone or
 AP: Economics
____1. Android smartphones give you much more control over your phone
and its applications than Apple phones do.
____2. Apple makes nothing but luxury phones. There will never be a cheap
____3. When it comes to Google Assistant vs. Siri, there’s no question of the
winner: Google Assistant by a country mile.
____4. When it comes to software updates, on the other hand, that’s an
area where Apple beats Android hollow. When Apple releases a new update
or patch, all phones those that are still supported, anyway — get it. With
Android phones…, it’s a matter of praying and hoping for the best.
__5. Generally speaking, iPhones are inherently more secure. If, that is, you
think you can trust Apple
CRITERIA 10with your privacy.
points While Google gets3a lot of grief
5 Points
for not being trustworthy with personal data.

GROUP 2 (REINFORCEMENT): Think and Create

Time on Task Finished the Finished the output Did not finish
Make a survey among your group which brand does each member prefer
task before or but asked for a the task on
or like and discuss what factors do they consider when buying a phone.
within the little extension time
Then make a graph to show the result of your discussion.
given period

Completeness and Answered all 1 or 2 items left 3 or more

accuracy the items unanswered items left
completely unanswered
and accurately
IPhone Vivo Oppo Xiaomi Samsung
Delivery of the Clear and There is a little Unclear
concise Phones
confusion during IPHONE
delivery of the
Camera delivery delivery of the answer
Memory answer
Battery life & Charging

GROUP 3 (ENRICHMENT): Sing your Heart!

Look at the diagram then create a jingle to promote your preferred phone.



Be ready to present your work in class. Be guided with the rubric below.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Watch the news tonight then choose a current event and express your
& skills in daily living
opinion about it.

H. Making generalizations & abstractions A bias is a person’s personal opinion about another person, a group, a
about the lesson
thing, or an event that is usually unfair or not based on completely on the
truth or facts.

I. Evaluating Learning Read the paragraphs below then answer the question after each paragraph. Write
the letter only.
1. Cellphones nowadays are not built to last. These cellphones or smartphones are
usually made from cheap plastic that is slippery and glass that easily breaks
when dropped. The battery of these phones also gets broken after 1-2 years of
repeated use. The older generation will also not appreciate the complicated
apps present in all smartphones.
The author is biased against _________.
A. Cellphones in the past C. older generations
B. Smartphones D. plastic

2. Vegetarians are the healthiest people in the planet, and everyone must
consider being vegetarians. They do not eat meat and fat, so they do not have
unhealthy cholesterol inside their bodies. The fruits and vegetables that they
love to eat are full of nutrients and minerals good for the body.
Is there bias in the paragraph?
A. Yes, the author is bias against meat and fat.
B. Yes, the author is bias towards vegetarians.
C. No, the author is presenting 100% facts.
D. No, the author is presenting his own experiences.

3. Everybody must think of getting a credit card. When you have a credit card. You
do not need to bring cash to pay for the things you will buy. You can also buy a lot
of things without worrying. Also, people who pay using their credit cards look richer
and sophisticated than those who pay in cash.
What kind of bias is shown in this paragraph?
A. The author is biased towards people who use credit cards.
B. The author is biased against the use of credit cards.
C. The author is biased towards paying using cards.
D. The author is biased against rich and sophisticated people.

4. Basketball is the best sport around. It teaches you the value of teamwork and
cooperation. It also helps build the body become strong and more energetic.
Basketball players are the best athletes too. They are tall, strong, and athletic.
They are also very cool and manly.
What kind of bias is present in the paragraph?
A. bias for people who play basketball
B. bias against athletes
C. bias for the sport basketball
D. bias against playing sports

5. People who love to read books are intelligent people. They are full of ideas
that they can share to others around them. They know a lot of words. On top of it
all, they are also very calm and patient.
It is clear from the paragraph that the author is _________.
A. biased against reading books
B. biased towards people who are intelligent
C. biased against calm and patient persons
D. biased toward people who love reading
6. The Philippines is the best country in all South East Asia. It is a home to
hospitable and happy people-us Filipinos. It is also a place full of wonderful
beaches, underground rivers, historical places and even parks and malls. The
Filipino food is also very delicious.
It is very clear in the paragraph that the author is biased towards ____.
A. South East Asia countries C. the Philippines
B. Filipinos D. Filipino foods

7. During the celebration of Marikina City Day, Mayor Sara Cruz, who is loved and
respected y all citizens, announced her rilliant amd wonderful plans for the city
and its people. The beautiful mayor was welcomed by the loud applause and
cheer of the citizens and after her speech, the audience clapped happily and
In the sample news, the writer is ______.
A. biased against Marikina City
B. biased towards Mayor Sara Cruz
C. biased against the plan of the mayor
D. Biased towards Marikenos

8-10. Examine the paragraph for biases and answer the question below it.

The older generation may think that nothing good will come from
teenagers playing computer games all the time but that is not true. Playing
computer games is actually a good thing for us teenagers. Playing computer/video
games help us practice our skills in solving problems and making decisions. Many
computer games have dialogues and stories that we read or listen to. Also,
computer games can teach us how to e more patient, understanding and
cooperative to other people. Unlike physical games and outdoor activities, playing
computer games is a safer way. There are many risks and dangers involved when
playing outdoor games or doing outdoor activities. Your parents will not be worried
if you spend too much time inside the house.
Is there a bias in the paragraph? What are these?


J. Additional Activities for remediation Answer What’s More Activity 1 & 2 SLM pages 4 &5 and What I can Do page 6


A. % of Mastery (80% of the Evaluation)

B. No. of Learners who need remediation

C. Strategies/Methods that worked well

D. Difficulties encountered by the teacher

E. Innovations or localized materials used

which can be shared to other teachers
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Rowena L. Vista Michelle I. Podadera Tiburcio A. Aplacador

Teacher II Department Head HT III OIC-PRINCIPAL,T III

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