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PROBLEM 1 How does social media advertisements influence the preferences of the

respondents in buying products online?

The table shows how social media advertisements influence respondents, with three
statements (2, 8, and 9) having a mean score of 3.50 to 3.99, indicating general agreement.
Respondents tend to be cautious when buying products online and consider the opinions and
feedback of other consumers. Overall, respondents had a neutral stance on social media
advertisements, showing both skepticism and consideration for them. A study by Bashir (2013)
found that safety concerns and low levels of trust in online stores are significant issues in online
Problem 2: The graph in Figure 2 shows the frequency of monthly online shopping expenditure
of the respondents. The majority of respondents, with 51%, spend less than 250 Pesos per
month on online shopping. This means that most respondents have a limited budget for online
shopping, and only a smaller percentage of respondents are willing to spend more than that
amount. The results align on a study conducted by Delelis (2019),
Problem 3. What are the preferences of the respondents in buying products online?
Table 3 displays the mean scores for six statements regarding consumer online shopping
behavior and attitudes. Respondents are cautious about sharing personal and financial
information online, but they are more likely to purchase products online if offered at a
discounted price. A study by Khan et al. (2021) found that online promotions, particularly price
discounts and coupons, significantly influence consumer buying behavior.
Table 4 shows that participants moderately use the internet for product research and shopping,
indicating the importance of having a strong online presence. The mean scores for the two
statements “ were 3.25 and 3.43, respectively. According to Regan 2023. The results align with
recent statistics that show 75% of people shop online at least once a month.
The majority of consumers have a strong preference for purchasing apparel and accessories
online, followed by electronics and gadgets, and other categories. Recent studies by regan and
assique 2023 have shown a steady increase in online shopping for fashion and apparel products
over the past decade. Although clothing items are the most common purchase on online
platforms, respondents also buy various products that are not in the typical categories such as
food items, toys, drugstore, and healthcare products, among others.
The mean score for how often respondents purchase products online is presented in Table 5,
indicating that they infrequently buy these products online. The overall mean for the statement
“How often do you purchase the following types of products online?” is 2.43, suggesting that
respondents occasionally buy these types of products online due to tight allowances or budget.
The findings are consistent with Delelis (2019) and Masoud (2013), who found that perceived
risk and uncertainty associated with online shopping can impact purchase frequency.
Table 6 shows that online shoppers are somewhat satisfied with their shopping experience,
with a mean score of 3.49. Website design, ease of use, usefulness, and trust in online
platforms are crucial for consumer satisfaction and repeat business. Wilson et al. (2021) found
that perceived usefulness and ease-of-use are important factors that positively affect customer
satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in online shopping.

Table 7 indicates that online shoppers consider fast and reliable shipping to be moderately
important, but it may not be the most critical factor in their purchasing decisions. While
delivery speed positively influences customer satisfaction, other factors such as service quality,
product quality, price, promotion, and brand image may be more important to online shoppers
than shipping speed and reliability. A study by Vasić, Kilibarda, and Kaurin (2019) found that
delivery speed was positively associated with customer satisfaction.

PROBLEM 4: Does social media advertisements significantly influence the preferences of the
respondents in buying products online?
Table 8 shows a weak positive correlation (0.279) between social media ads and customer
preferences, indicating their significant influence. This finding aligns with previous studies, but
other factors like product quality and customer service can also impact consumer behavior. It’s
important to consider the target audience and advertised products when analyzing the effects
of social media ads. Previous studies by De Vries et al. (2012) and Malik et al. (2016) also
support this finding, showing that social media modestly but measurably affects consumer

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