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The Measles- Rubella OPV Supplemental Immunization plus Vitamin A Supplementation

Chikiting Ligtas 2023 campaign, seeks to vaccinate 95% of 0-59-month-olds against polio and 95% of
children aged 9-59 months against measles-rubella that will boost children's resistance to illnesses that
can be prevented by vaccines. The COVID-19 pandemic had a particular impact on people who missed
out on routine vaccinations or were unable to get their shots. To ensure the success of the Chikiting
Ligtas, a statewide supplemental vaccination campaign to vaccinate children against measles, rubella,
and polio, all local government units (LGUs) in the nation are expected to provide their full support to
the Department of Health (DOH).
The Municipality of San Agustin headed by Hon. Mayor Esteban S.F. Madrona Jr., through the
Rural Health Unit led by Dr. Deogracias S. Muleta MD, MDMG initiated the launching of Chikiting Ligtas
2023 campaign held at San Agustin Commercial Complex, Poblacion San Agustin Romblon on Monday
morning, May 22. This venture was participated by Barangay Poblacion Officials, BHWs, DOH-HRH, RHU
Staffs and parents/guardians with their children that belong to the target population. The said event was
also attended by the Provincial DOH Office of Romblon in the person of Dra. Cynthia B. Mayor DOH
Representative with Jomel Fillartos DOH Rep Designate.
At exactly 9:00 in the morning the program started with an opening prayer given by Ms. Ida M.
Moral RM followed by singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Afterwards, the welcome remarks
were given by Mr. Ernesto Solano, Poblacion Barangay Captain followed by special and encouraging
messages given by the Local chief Executive Hon, Municipal Mayor Esteban S.F. Madrona Jr., Hon. Vice
Mayor Norman Fatalla followed by Dra. Cynthia B. Mayor. Dra. Mayor and Mayor Madrona strongly
encouraged all Agustians to give their full support on this campaign since Measles can be fatal and
spread so fast and the only thing to prevent this is through vaccination.
Furthermore, the program host Mr. Jackey M. Tapao called the attention of every attendee and
recited the Pledge of Commitment then requested Hon. Esteban S.F. Madrona, Hon. Vice Mayor Norman
Fatalla, DOH Rep Dr. Mayor, Dr. Deogracias Muleta, Barangay Captain Ernesto Solano to sign the Pledge
of Commitment Board followed by other stakeholders. The activity was followed by ceremonial
vaccination initiated by Dr. Muleta with the RHU midwife Noemi M. Duero. Lastly, closing remarks and
appreciation message given by Hon. SB Zaldy G. Marin.

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