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Brandon Alvarado

Professor Encinias

CAS 115

November 21, 2023

Graduation Day

It was not too long ago that I was roaming the halls of high school wondering what the

future would hold. As graduation approached I began to think about my early goings in High

School, freshman year and how every freshman believes that they have all the time in the world.

Wouldn’t you know it 4 years past and there I was on the doorstep of entering the second phase

of my educational journey. However first came what is supposed to be one of the greatest yet

hardest days of your life. The moment you say goodbye to your childhood, friends, that comfort

buddle that you have known for a good portion of your life and enter the real world. While the

weeks leading up to graduation were certainly one of the most difficult I have experienced, the

day of graduation went quite smoothly. I woke up like any other day, my clothes having been

already prepared the night before. However I was more impatient than usual, ask anyone when I

want to get something done, I want it done asap. My parents were taking a bit longer than I

would’ve liked. We got in the car and I was feeling a little anxious. I wanted this day to go as

smoothly as possible. Therefore when they said they needed to pick up a follower, I suggested

they go do that by themselves, in my mind, the clock was ticking. Then once everything settled

down I realized I left my tassel at home, lucky me, thankfully my friend had a spare that I could

use and the rest is history. I was also able to represent my roots and get my hands on the El

Salvadoran flag for my picture and now here I am. However looking back I was holding my

diploma backwards in almost all the photos, I can't win them all I suppose.

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